- engagement ring=?????
- The Hell With Fry's!
- Ever see this happen at the gym?
- Ripping one while squatting/leg pressing
- Anyone from or near Port Aransas Texas???
- This hot blonde I see at the gym all the time approached me at the bar tonight
- anyone watch kids in the hall?
- just for laughs
- Catch you guys in a few days..
- Thought for the Day......
- D*mn curveball..
- Whats up everyone!?!
- Lead singer of Metallica is gay..
- piss test
- My violin is up for sale check it out!!
- Waching COPS today while posting.....
- How much would you pay for arnies cough drop?
- LordBlitz tries out for MTV's RealWorld!
- Vulgar as hell, yet funny (southpark)
- Profiling Right or Wrong? You decide...
- Who else besides me knows that Craig Kilborn is gay?
- Richard Simmons is gay!!!
- Anyone use the Netflix service? If so, tell about your experience....
- Check Out this......
- Questions for those of you who work as bouncers
- Bye guys!
- he is the greatest
- An article by U.S. Army Brigadier-General (R) JAMES J. DAVID-3-1-2003
- Women are really confusing!
- Intercambio !!!! Brasil !!!!
- Avatar hijacked!$#%#$
- dating question
- How bad is caffeine or ECA stack on the Atkins/Keto diet?
- Famous quotes
- Dictionary For Women's Personal Ads:
- Man sues Atkins over heart problems
- I nominate LOZGODs Avitar as BEST for MAY
- mandy moore distracted me
- Why won't she love me?
- I was in a bad mood today
- Interesting Legal/Moral/Philosophical question
- Fake?????
- living alone sucks
- Gotta Stir it up - GO TAMPA
- Is $50,000-$60,000 enough..
- Anyone work in the financial services industry? Advice!
- You like your City?
- For all of you who don't like George Bush... Look at him from a different Stand point
- The Politics . . . er, profit of steroids
- Click here if you think we spend too much money of foreing aid
- Pic Of The Day
- I got about 20 lbs clean muscules mass!
- Follow up to the beheading of an American.
- Joke
- Willow
- My Trips !!!
- ur thoughts on being the "other guy"
- Check out the ordinance in my town.
- Computer Problem!
- New Slypknot CD
- Do you consider USA to be an Empire?
- Ya gotta love the marines..
- Paging 956Vette...
- Anyone ever have this experience with an "ex"?
- Animals Need Love Too!
- Anyone else get this
- Ha
- Drunken police raid US students
- U guys will have FUN with this!
- whats the deal with...
- Car Audio Question
- I amaze myself sometimes
- how do you show off (without looking like a show off)
- Imagine if- injecting peanut oil- alergic to
- My parents have this amazing herb that is in every way possible for medical purposes
- they turned pink???
- i hit 1000
- Arnie playin with dolls?
- I had a good night
- hello from princess
- Reality check
- never ending hardon!!!
- Bad Day
- Zone Pro blocking pics?
- cool toy i made this winter!!!
- I'm moving
- Fake or Real Female Members
- Is anyone an avid hiker/backpacker?
- what inspires/motivates you?
- If you liked Shreks CG work check this out!!!
- Vegas is GNARLY!!!
- Funny AR Quotes
- Viva La Bam Sucks Balls...
- How many white guys pretend to be black?
- Trailer Park Boys season 4 finale!
- There was an intruder in my house last night...
- And they say Islam is a peaceful religion.....YEAH RIGHT!!!!
- alternatives to paypal
- my turn to kick shawn's ass!!!
- switched up the avatar.....
- how do you fit pictures in the avatar
- Gym closed today for memorial day???!!!
- Have a good memorial day
- Avatar help
- Did you ever wonder....
- Funniest post ever READ!!
- I just love newbies bashing on newbies
- Aren't implants an amazing thing!
- Who do i need to talk to?
- Take a moment to remember...
- LOL, what an idiot.
- Need help ASAP
- Anyone go down the shore ?
- Is she really pregnant?? Help MEEEE
- Shopping spreeeeee
- Lifting Music continued, new mix
- Who has a sport bike?
- my apoligies to herc..
- Why do men die first?????
- EMachines
- burning pain on my scrotum...
- Chances of her getting pregnant ????
- Waking up an hour early for NADA
- I offically met my Soul Mate!!!!!
- WOW!!! - Mother Delivers Baby By Self C-Section
- Best SPAM Subject Lines
- Too sexy for my cloths
- 3 word story
- Anyone know about computers?
- Every train legs so hard....
- Cialis
- Check this out!
- Make her respect you..
- Chris Cook on TV
- Something Important.....
- After gym straight to bed without shower
- Where has bdtr been?
- Testosterone Total and Bitch Tits related?
- John Ritter's death most commonly found in weight lifters.
- My urine smells weird.
- Whats a good hear rate monitor to get?
- Number of posts.
- Uncomfortable Staring
- Top Gun, eat your heart out
- Clomid...a glimps into the womans world??
- getting wisdom teeth pulled while on a cycle......
- always wear protection!!
- Division Three Football
- Hey, Im talking to you!!!
- AllSportsNutrition.com has lowered their prices!!
- 1,000th post...
- Anti-virus
- Certified personal trainer
- New lifting shirt
- Mr. Show
- Well guys.... Saturday is the day! Getting Married
- A not so smart way to increase your HR
- Alternate Cardio?
- what about ...
- erections + alcohol!!!! !!!!
- Joke "Red ring"
- what should i do?
- Stupid Karmic Retribution!!!
- loss of dedication
- New Avatar
- What are some good workout songs
- casette, mp3 or cd player
- YOooooooooooooooooooooo
- bordom
- ok heres a new thread
- We knew it was coming - House votes to ban sales of andro, other pre-steroids
- Sayin hello again
- i wanna get certified, plz read.
- Anyone have experience with councilling?..
- Electronic Body Fat Caliper question
- gotta say 1 thing
- Whats the link to Big Dog bb
- FWD Import = Owned
- This is just wrong.......Dirty Diaper eating
- 8 Reasons Not To Get Drunk
- funny cock block
- True Calgary Flames Fans
- Guy at gym with long nipples! WTF
- i hate buying needles.funny
- hollywood star gets dirty sanchezed!
- training with shawn starts today.
- mile high club
- Anyone tell you, you should work out?
- Poor kid
- signing for
- some people piss me off....
- yummy treat!!!
- hey nathan, guess what i just got!!!
- What would Jesus do...
- ****ty women!!
- Nero 6
- avatar pics
- I'm so pissed... son of a B*TCH!!!
- Do U Believe In God And The Day Of Judgement ?
- Does this happen at ur gym?
- Are you average?
- haha girls girls and girls
- talkin about cheap beer...
- Question about All Sports Nutrition
- Quick Gas/Milage Question
- Tonight is the wrong night for me to get drunk?..
- oh man oh man
- These Gas Prices
- - - > Do you guys think being muscular gets you laid more?
- Ever felt like this at your local govt ?
- 147mph
- Cabin Fever
- You guys watch MTV's real world?
- i am a wreck.........
- Ever been to obsessed?
- Schindler's List
- Cops paid me a visit at the gym yesterday!
- european eurail riders
- More great advice from the clowns @ GNC...
- Honrable Ronald Reagon - DIED @ 93yo
- Distracting?
- Can Smarty Jones do it???
- Hey, Buff dumped the fat (err.. big boned) chick
- Smarty Jones - Typical Philly Sports Story
- WTF - where's your mother?
- I never realized...
- Goin down to good ole' Mexico....
- deLaHoya going down???
- blah blah blah
- D-Day
- Guys what do you indulge in on a cheat day?
- Pop up blocker
- went to the bar last night...
- Meet Jay and Ronnie last night
- Speaking of Cheat Days....
- I won my competition !
- Back in the game
- Have you ever Slump-BUSTED?
- Family/Relationship Problems - caused by AAS?
- Saving Silverman
- Baby FINALLY here!!!!
- Asshole Drivers...
- The Wiggles
- Last Sopranos...Whatya think?
- No Lie. David Hasselhoff is a Rapper now.
- Cool Looking New Movie
- Not so distracting anymore???
- ahhhhhhhhh back to the old
- Distracting Parents
- Detroit What!!!!!!!!!!1