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  1. here is a convo i had with my friends
  2. I'm Stuck!!!
  3. Got Laid, Got Jumped, One ****ed Up Night!
  4. THE LAW and how to avoid the Coppers! and other ranting
  5. A Good Story From Tai!TRUE BAR FITE!
  7. here tai, the real truth
  8. Going Out!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i want a used handgun for about $300. anyone got any suggestions?
  10. spring forward
  11. Booze......!!!!!
  12. Arrange Marraige
  13. Gorillas doing what they do best
  14. Real Life Hadooken!!!
  15. "You scream like a girl!"
  16. Digital Camera, with Night Vision
  17. I'm BAAAAaaaaaacccccckkkkkkk!!!!
  18. being on Cycle makes u fall in love easier?
  19. quantity or quality?
  20. Who has their own supplements website?
  21. sprint A900 cell phone
  22. alienware
  23. photo shoped
  24. who is the bigest on AR
  25. Chuck Norris showdown
  26. photo shoping for fun
  27. Name classic albums y'all
  28. girl i met
  29. fighters joe stevenson and rashad evans
  30. Who would have thunk it
  31. Favorite Cover????
  32. How many hours do you spend on AR?
  33. how to pick up a chick that works in a girl clothing only store ???
  34. Fish Tank
  35. Dont you just love these endless re runs of COPS on court TV?
  36. "I love steroids" song videoclip
  37. Stomach Help immediately please!
  38. my dog on the juice
  39. Greg Valentino strikes again.
  40. How much of a thread do you actually read??
  41. a-r, neteller
  42. **sigh** Synthol Arms (not Valentino) - pics inside
  43. what up??
  44. I Love "Animal P." quotes!
  45. "Man flogs wife's box on eBay"
  46. Today myself or my trusty sidekick are going to do something terrible..
  47. GAH!!! My Eyebrow ring!!!!
  48. Basic instinct 2 clip
  49. iTunes question real quick.
  50. Super Powers
  51. no money, to much debt, slow business! Cant take it anymore!!
  52. What's your number up to
  53. Ode to the people you've sacked
  54. thanks to all members
  55. Take A Look.. Is This Ok..
  56. my first major league baseball game-Bonds
  57. i'm curious why the dark chocolate is better than the normal chocolate??:
  58. Teabaggers
  59. Is this a Greg Valentino Poser?
  60. Im So Cool..
  61. Who is NATTY?
  62. going to egypt?
  63. Call to greatness....
  64. Technical question.....
  65. I was hugeee
  66. drug tests
  67. I just cant help it, Im not a 'nice guy' anymore. Im too Jelious(relationships)
  68. Day 1 of cutting
  69. Just got some dymatize
  70. I saw Phil Heath today...........
  71. B12 Shots..CoA?
  72. Decided to go Natty
  73. Expat - that's a sweet bronco in your avatar
  74. Poppey aint got sheeeet on me
  75. Sick Basketball Self-assist
  76. why diet you can
  77. orkut
  78. Mooooooooooooooo vs Tai.........skinny version
  79. i got to get these rims
  80. Has anyone had pec implants?
  81. Who needs tickets to the Gun Show?
  82. SEX FOR FREE ROOM...read story
  83. benedryl ROCKS
  84. Jb cold weld
  85. massages
  86. Bat Day
  87. You ever get slandered?
  88. Does anyone agree with me?
  89. AOL is fu_king evil
  90. gonna kill something tomorrow!!!
  91. how long as AR been running
  92. New Steroid Suppliers Banner:
  93. Did Ronnie Coleman really retire or was that BS?
  94. Best Vacations
  95. 23,000............
  96. Alienware m7700 setup... Which type of raid hd???
  97. Rules
  98. Where is Taiboxa???
  99. help with laptop setup
  100. Tai's own video...
  101. I have too say something very important !!!
  102. Some funny stuff :)
  103. Sirius Radio
  104. Swole How Many Cals Do You Think Playing Ball Uses?
  105. OMG please help me out!!!
  106. Sex problem
  107. My Thread
  108. whats that song called by korn
  109. south park vs. family guy, part II
  110. 30 days to cut????
  111. ****ed
  112. sick :(
  113. All right...
  114. Things People actually said in court
  115. Happy B-Day Streaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  116. really random question
  117. Sorry SwoleCat, you are the KING BRUTHA!!!
  118. moving to greenville, sc
  119. Screwed by ***
  120. Wtf........
  121. Inside Man!
  122. Hey!!!!!
  123. Urban Ninja vid
  124. i think God wired me backwards
  125. Anyone ever get Lipo or Tummy Tuck?
  126. Tai's Predictiment
  127. pushing 700kgs racks
  128. Trouble at the DMV, starring Rassis
  129. paying for pins
  130. suppliers list??
  131. Could you guys critique....
  132. Pictures of the Gym i manage.
  133. the hip adductor/abductor machine
  134. Tank2005
  135. hey!
  136. Hey all you fruity ****ers, Brokeback Mountain came out on DVD today!!
  137. [VID]Tom Arnold fights Michael Strahan
  138. what happend to my mouse?
  139. South Park episode tonight (Family Guy)
  140. No kitchen for a week
  141. Vanity Insanity
  142. What kind of music do u listen to?
  143. What kind of music u listen to
  144. The OC Series
  145. My new tatoo so what u guys think?
  146. urgent, need a quick answer please
  147. this banner is gonna get me banned
  148. Someone STOLE my iPod!!! ****!!!
  149. LOOOOL this is the funniest ever
  150. SWOLECAT ...I'm a C U N T!
  151. TaiTai!
  152. i found someone's i-pod
  153. !!Synthol RANT!! (this ones different)
  154. Greg valentino, THe man The mYth
  155. Supersize she !!
  156. funniest thing ever!!!
  157. insane BMX clip
  158. i just noticed something bout mizfit
  159. I need a DURABLE BATTLE'AXE!!
  160. Whats this tune?.
  161. Does anyone know the name of this song?
  162. Ceremonial first syringe (baseball)
  163. My iPod is pooched...
  164. I feel like an ass... Got mad at the girlfriend... What are your thoughts?
  165. Helpppp ...aim!
  166. What not to say to a naked man...
  167. need to free up memory what processes can i close?....pic
  168. American Idol
  169. Alice In Chains Find New Vocalist
  170. The Mets Suck!!
  171. why doesn't alot of people hang out in the pct area?
  172. People at the gym....... and how retarded they must be.
  173. Greatest Commercial Ever Made (May not be work safe - Swearing)
  174. check this out... you like?
  175. SC I ate for you!
  176. any parties this weekend?
  177. What not to say to a naked girl
  178. OK.....need some help
  179. u gotta love new york
  180. the funniest wind up ever
  181. home set up ...
  182. New Weight Training site -check it out!
  183. personal best!
  184. Yo Mamma!
  185. got pulled over
  186. Man sells wife's box on ebay
  187. Ronnie repping out 400lbs
  188. XM opie and anthony vs serius howard stern
  189. Who's rob, me him you?
  190. New Animal Stak Ad!! It Rulez ><
  191. Whats the stupidest thing you've done when ur drunk??
  192. yea im pumped!!!
  193. hot brazilian
  194. other fotos
  195. What's the Funnies thing anyone had experience duing SEX?
  196. My chica
  197. god hates me this week.
  198. Wives/Girl Friend Pics Thread
  199. Anyone from NY, CT, or JerZz
  200. Crazy Experiences with M.I.L.F.?
  201. Friday Night Party Starts Here!!
  202. has any one recorded them selves while having sex?
  203. The Guys' Rules
  204. Webshops with t-shirts,jerseys and traininggear?
  205. Dumbass advice and things you see at the gym
  206. LL cool j
  207. New whip.. what you think
  208. Coldplay
  209. I am mad at Narkissos
  210. Anti Spyware Help!!
  211. Who all on here from MIAMI
  212. V
  213. Finally
  214. Pants
  215. dog that walks (regularly) on 2 legs? (video)
  216. Just got dumped, lol
  217. "so How Much Can You Bench Man?"
  218. car stereo
  219. 24hr pass
  220. Who is this guy in everyones avatar?!
  221. Rofl @ Rob!~
  222. WoW PIZZA is $$
  223. Visa Gift Cards?
  224. How big do you wanna be?
  225. for a great time...pm me here
  226. whats the easiest foreign language to learn
  227. Damn the apartment life to hell!!!
  228. Computer problem....
  229. Whites To Be A Minority in the U.S. in decades.
  230. My girl friend sucks :(
  231. are there any single women in the ATL area?
  232. Me
  233. Need help doing something cute.
  234. cant sleep = Message Board Raiding!!!
  235. Can you really beat anyone up?
  236. Lieing for sex: Have you ever done it? You did!
  237. Me and 5 friends took on a frat last night
  238. Cool Tyson vid, anyone know the song thats playing??
  239. Car Financing Question.
  240. I hate lifting in the rain
  241. My new Shirts
  242. not another thread about sex....
  243. Jeans
  244. hp lightscriber ques....!
  245. hp lightscriber ques.......!
  246. Today at Taco Bell!
  247. best thread
  248. ive heard a few people talk about signatures lately
  249. Depressed
  250. I DID IT!! i ninja'd da speedlimit signs and WON!!
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