View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. When/why do you have to reconstitute IGF1-LR3
  2. GH help!!
  3. HGH to IGF-1 switch
  4. What does carpal tunnel feel like
  5. injecting into the abs
  6. Does injecting IGF suppose to hurt like hell?
  7. few gh questions
  8. Bacteriostatic Water Help
  9. Bacteriostatic Water Help
  10. cycle question
  11. Am I asking for trouble here?
  12. that last little bit that's left in the vial?
  13. slin results
  14. human growth complex
  15. woulkd grwoth help me recover faster while palying soccer?
  16. GH, T3 and clen?????
  17. Intraarticular (joint) GH?!?!
  18. hgh and finger numbness/hand swelling?
  19. GH Bridge, PCT
  20. trouble sleeping
  21. Mininum Time to run GH for permanent results???
  22. jumping back on slin
  23. I need PNP's url
  24. aking my oral anavar i just made
  25. why slin
  26. Oratropin: Any Updates
  27. Where And When To Do Slin____?
  28. Igf-1 Plus Insulin Advice Please
  29. is it ok to preload syringes with GH?
  30. i need advise
  31. **** for sure?
  32. Jintropin? need some help please
  33. IGF-1 advise and protocol
  34. Slin beginner dose?...
  35. hg info
  36. i need to set up a cycle
  37. humalog
  38. before mixing powder, it is necessary to store vials in the fridge?
  39. Which GH to run?
  40. hypothetical question
  41. help on dosage and length
  42. Fitropin pricing
  43. Good HGH sides
  44. HGH reconstitution with saline sodium chloride injection USP
  45. how about using b-12 inj. as a dilutent for O****'s Igf-1Lr3
  46. Help: I need to buy some IGF-1
  47. Need some advice before starting GH
  48. Slin Sides, Any Advice????
  49. O***T Labs IGF1?
  50. BW with MR or O***a
  51. slin in fridge?
  52. Some IGF questions..
  53. Has anyone noticed a down regulation on IGF-1LR3
  54. HGH: Good idea or bad?
  55. Splitting Hgh Shots
  56. Injury
  57. New Course... Any Input???
  58. IGF-1 brand
  59. test&hgh only
  60. HGH conversion... Need Help!!!
  61. Slin measurement???
  62. AM GH injections
  63. oratropin vs. injectable IGF
  64. b-12 dosage
  65. Just did first shot, a few questions
  66. GH help please!!
  67. fitropin or jintropin
  68. Running Jin kits and dosage questions?
  69. HGH causing little white pimples ?
  70. saizen vs. jin emphrical data please
  71. is injectible b12 worth using?
  72. omega or mr
  73. Slin questions...
  74. Sooo, whats the point to HGH?
  75. GH?IGF help with a slow post test libido?
  76. omega and sales?
  77. bodybuilder-friendly bloodwork... IGF, Free Test, etc.
  78. 120mcg igf1-lr3/eod + 10iu slin PWO
  79. My Jintro cycle.....i need to substitute my test ...?
  81. Red Welts = 192?
  82. Anything to help GH bloat!
  83. morning foot pain on gh
  84. Any noticable gains from just growth alone?
  85. What can I expect...
  86. hgh inj
  87. heres a tip: inject b12 IM immediatly AFTER injecting insulin
  88. cycle length/and method of igf1lr3 - educated opinons needed
  89. IGF vs Humalog
  90. GH & T3
  91. Free Dextrose.....
  92. Running GH 4wks on/2wks off???
  93. GH and sex drive
  94. B-12?
  95. Human Growth Question
  96. where is a what they do for IGF, GH, and INSULIN
  97. GH & Adequan
  98. info
  99. again about slin
  100. IDEAL reconstituting solution?
  101. IGF-1 users results please
  102. GenSci
  103. T3 and HGH
  104. Accelerated hair growth?
  105. Accelerated hair growth?
  106. 25 days of Omega's IGF -1
  107. Need Info On Hgh Urgent!!!!!!!
  108. quick question
  109. ifg-lr3...split it up?
  110. igf and air????
  111. Why does rHGH cause swelling/bloating?
  112. elramoz IGF-1
  113. Slin....
  114. what is ur biggest hgh dose
  115. R3 IGF-1 Post shot nutrition
  116. basic question
  117. igf
  118. humalog
  119. Oasis
  120. BG level
  121. Oratropin-1
  122. Message from Gropep
  123. Numb hands!!!...
  124. BG level???
  125. GH related water retention
  126. Preloading pins with IGF
  127. slin question
  128. Is 57 degrees cold enough to store IGF-1 ?
  129. GH vs IGF-1
  130. Ansamone vs Jino vs Kexing.
  131. Slin PWO
  132. Igf quick question
  133. LR3 igf-1 and oral aas
  134. running a cycle helppppppppp
  135. JOURNAL: My 1st run with IGF
  136. Hg Gains????
  137. GH with anavar
  139. gh mini quick question
  140. hgh cycle
  141. slin use
  142. Any US labs for gh test
  143. doubts about my GH cycle
  144. IGF - drawing and shooting with the same pin....
  145. humapen or BD pen for slin???
  146. keeping fat away while on slin
  147. length of insulin cycles
  148. gh for how long ONLY FOR FAT LOSS?
  149. what causes fluid retention from LR3IGF-!?
  150. whey + glutamine
  151. expert advice needed:: IGF1 LR3 and INSULIN to make IGF1BP3
  152. IGF-1 cycle length
  153. newbie insulin questions
  154. igf - at the end of an AAS cycle, or post cycle therapy?
  155. GH- Red spot at injection site??
  156. Gentropin Questions Please help Vets!!
  157. dont pre dilute your igf without fixing the ph
  158. LR3 = Site Growth?
  159. BA Neccessary?
  160. To clear 1 thing up about igf-1 LR3
  161. malto compared to dex
  162. IGF Pain
  163. Thinking about HGH...
  164. gh first cycle
  165. Igf
  166. GH acromegaly
  167. Need input fellas
  168. How big of a difference will IGF-1 help during PCT?
  169. slin usage: only PWO
  170. does age effect igf1lr3 gains?
  171. age for LR3-IGF1
  172. Some IGF1 questions...
  173. Splitting GH doses
  174. Recomended Dosage
  175. IGF-1 Threads
  176. IGF Recon...
  177. hgh
  178. Can IGF/GH be used together....
  179. IGF and diet
  180. igf and dick injections
  181. Just started HGH and Test
  182. IGF...Bilaterally or just PWO
  183. GH split shot questions
  184. 1st Slin Run...
  185. need a little help please
  186. igf-1 lr3 & diseases
  187. Jintropin 10 IU's 2 kits
  188. pgf2a and tumor growth
  189. IGF and blood tests
  190. danger too much carbs
  191. Somatropin dosages
  192. Is oratropin shipped cold?
  193. Type of bacterial water?
  194. What does GH gut look like?
  195. HGH odsage for women
  196. pgf2a - HELP!!!!!!!!!
  197. Reconstituting IGF1-lr3
  198. IGF Injecting
  199. OTC Humalog
  200. Anavar & Hgh
  201. medium grade vs. receptor grade IGF
  202. IGF-1...How much do u Pay?
  203. Shooting ***** IGF-LR3 ?
  204. damn air bubblezz Help plz plz
  205. HGH fat loss compared to clen or ephedra or T3 etc. etc.??
  206. Gear duration
  207. IGF-1, GH and liver damage
  208. Can I get fat on HGH?
  209. Best time to run igf-1 PCT?
  210. Ending cycle want to start igf...
  211. Elramoz IGF-1
  212. Is my humalog still good?
  213. Making sure I'm injecting GH right with belly...
  214. GH/Deca/DepoTest
  215. Why is 10 iu's of slin better than 8 iu's?
  216. HGH/Test e
  217. MG's per IU?
  218. side effects...
  219. where should i put insulin in this AAS cycle?
  220. igf1lr3 used for PCT on a 21 yr old
  221. sterile water and baterialstatic water question +gh timing
  222. B12?
  223. Cell Science
  224. what time to take gh help
  225. Insulin Question
  226. hgh info
  227. gh help
  228. HGH is amazing!
  229. BW and sterile water
  230. why wait an hour PWO to take protein when using insulin?
  231. negative feedback inhibition and IGF-1
  232. hgh signature
  233. Insulin How Long????
  234. how 2 take slin
  235. can slin be used with test?
  236. Hgh Acne
  237. Oral IGF alone for cutting?
  238. Genotropin Miniquicks 0.2 mg
  240. how does insulin compare to steroids?
  241. can HGH help thining hair??????
  242. hgh/sust/deca
  243. Hgh/igf
  244. Question about BF and the use of HGH
  245. views on insulin?
  246. Jintropin-no sides... anybody else ever had this?
  247. HGF---fitropin or jintropin
  248. Anyone Used Bio Tropin ?
  249. Hgh/accutane
  250. nolva/anstrozole
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