View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. injecting insulin???
  2. need Some Answers
  3. no carbs 1hr b4 or after HGH shot?
  4. Jin - Yellow top v Green top?
  5. Recommended HGH Dosage?
  6. MGF question
  7. Internal organs
  8. Why the hating?
  9. GHRP-6 need some help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
  10. mgf
  11. HGH Negative Feedback
  12. reconstituting IGF???
  13. HGH question
  14. please help .. need a quick response.. long igf 1 question
  15. Storing IGF
  16. Hexarelin
  17. HGH and gray hair - reverses color to normal???
  18. mixing igf
  19. Football Season HGH Run? (college)
  20. Mixing 191aa and 192aa HGH
  21. 1st cycle question
  22. Insulin timing
  23. New stuff
  24. IGF-1 LR3 anyone ever use it.
  25. igf log
  26. Receiving Already Reconstituted IGF-LR3...
  27. ghrp6 warning
  28. I AM RETARDED -Forgive my ignorance
  29. IGF-1 LR3 Side Effects
  30. IGF-1 and MGF Q's
  31. Genotropin
  32. HGH 191aa powder from china?
  33. hgh cream???
  34. HGH Gains Alone?
  35. anyone have exp with using Somatorm brand HGH?
  36. "acid water"
  37. MGF (clarification)
  38. HGH/Insulin help
  39. Need your help with HGH
  40. Whats up on IGF?
  41. HGH Question
  42. Heard of this HGH?
  43. IGF-1 LR3 question
  44. First Igf-1 Lr3 And Mgf Cycle
  45. HGH question
  46. Basic MGF
  47. hgh injection
  48. hgh,raised prolactin puffy nipples??
  49. Need help with HGH, T4 and etc..
  50. How to lower HGH and IGF1 levels
  51. HGH in the summer heat?
  52. ..."Low Dosage HGH....Any benifits"
  53. Simple carbs+Slin
  54. Acetic Acid
  55. Kefei
  56. IGF during cycle or PCT? what is best?
  57. How long until I can start IGF again?
  58. HGH vs Juice gains and effects??
  59. IU question?
  60. Growth hormone
  61. Taking a week or two off from HGH
  62. quick ques
  63. Anybody try IGF at this dose?
  64. Hgh Heart Attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh
  65. LR3 and clen
  66. mixing GH with BW
  67. MGF measuring ????
  68. help with 3cc syringe
  69. jintropin after a year?
  70. PGF2a...what guage pin? INPUT??
  71. melatonin & hgh
  72. Igf-1 Lr3 In Uk
  73. LR3 IGF recontructing kit.
  74. IGF question ?
  75. gh timing with football camp
  76. 2 IGF Questions ???
  77. Ghrp-6
  78. The Fountain of Youth...???
  79. Powder IGF from China?
  80. LR3 IGF injection
  81. Insulin plus ptw Supplements
  82. question for the lady
  83. Does insulin makes u hungry?
  84. insulin question
  85. Best way to take igf ?
  86. GH, doping yes/no?
  87. My great Jintropin experience
  88. My take on IGF-1
  89. igf-1 protocal
  90. can IGF-1 use surpress natural GH ?
  91. Hgh?
  92. Igf Lr3 Not In Powder Form????
  93. What Should I do?
  94. Numb feeling in left foot...is this normal?
  95. lr3 igf1 life after opening ?
  96. generic blue top reconstitute
  97. The fountain of youth gh -does it work?
  98. Hgh
  99. hgh
  100. Steroid Peptides...Need Input??
  101. HGH and antidepressants
  102. hgh making me tired. can i do anything
  103. Peptides - The Next Frontier in Hypertrophy
  104. Best type of GH
  105. TARGEX works
  106. Younger Guys (21-16) - IGF-1...Anyone with Experiance or Success
  107. Younger Guys (21-16) - IGF-1...Anyone with Experiance or Success
  108. IGF-1 Side Effects...Is There Any if so WHAT are they ?
  109. Oasis Hgh
  110. After IGF-1 cycle... GHRP-6 or HEXARELIN
  111. Using T4 along with HGH as Anthony Roberts Suggests
  112. HGH cycle
  113. Igtropin: Just so you guyz know
  114. Does IGF-1 WORK for Everyone... ?
  115. Did you see any WEIGHT/MASS gains from IGF-1 alone ?
  116. drug testing on jinatropin
  117. Did MGF work for YOU in LOCALISED growth ?
  118. How good is IGF in PCT for KEEPING gains ?
  119. IGF-1 and "PERMA-GUT"
  120. Opinions On Serostim..
  121. Alcohol and HGH
  122. After reading the New A. Roberts Peptide article....
  123. Link to help a member in this thread.
  124. Lr3 igf-1 or HGH ??
  125. IGF needle size
  126. IGF1 compared to HGH
  127. Just now getting sides from GH after 3 months?
  128. Clen Vs ECA!!!!
  129. please explain blue vs. brown tops
  130. PWO Humalog use
  131. PWO Insulin?
  132. can u please tell me
  133. Sides are killing me !!
  134. Units/IUs
  135. Cycle Questions
  136. Jintropin or hygetroin
  137. Who has tried the MGF & IGF-1 LR3 combo?
  138. S-P it's okay if you delete all my posts, this isn't the only board I post at
  139. The answer to all my S-P question are being deleted, I wonder why?
  140. The lies continue, I'm no rep for anyone
  141. A suggestion for steroid peptides
  142. Another Insulin Post And Gh Too
  143. Bumping HGH dosage?
  144. From my PHD buddy, what do you all think?
  145. Saizen or Serostim??
  146. Peptide advice
  147. Important Myostatin question.....
  148. Igf-1
  149. ansomone hgh 191a.a!
  150. MGF andIGF-1 - How well do they work TOGETHER... as opposed to ALONE
  151. can i run igf-1 like hgh
  152. Injecting ?
  153. Why run IGF-1 for 4 or 5 weeks
  154. OK, LR3 prior to AAS thread. And I'm old.
  155. Numbness at injection site
  156. advice please
  157. PGF2a(lutalyse) and Interleukin(IL-15)??? Help Please
  158. Insulin for pct???
  159. gh/igf a must in PCT?!
  160. insulin - worth it for growth
  161. Hgh And Tendo Remolding
  162. X-Treme Growth & Pain?
  163. how to inject my self with hgh
  164. Blood Igf Levels
  165. Doses for women
  166. Has anyone used Hexarelin?
  167. oral somtropin
  168. The Brits are getting in on it!!
  169. FYI ~ explanation on my extreme fatigue upon starting gh
  170. igf and join question
  171. Lr3 possibly in extreme heat
  172. which peptides go in fridge?
  173. How much T4 to use with GH according to A.Roberts
  174. Depleting natural HGH levels
  175. No wafer in compounded hgh?
  176. there is 1000iu hgh in my fridge wtf?
  177. how long in fridge generic blue tops
  178. MGF (from S-P) delivery woes... toss it?
  180. Adequan OFF TOPIC
  181. 100iu gh bottles form Hyge(n)tropin
  182. HGH questions.
  183. HGH,insulin and igf 1 for strength?
  184. Somatorm or Jintropin
  185. a couple more insulin questions
  186. S-P doesnt ship to canada?
  187. HGH Moron
  188. *RUDE and BINO: First LR3 IGF-1 LOG*
  189. 29g for IGF?
  190. HCG and GH in same Syringe?
  191. mgf pre or post?
  192. jintropin or igtropin
  193. targex
  194. Read on high igf-1 levels in the body...
  195. Need quick answers, How long ready Jintropin solution stay good??
  196. Can you help
  197. question bout steroid-peptides.com
  198. Is this possible, EPO peptide ?
  199. insulin precontest????
  200. When can you nap after humilin R
  201. hypo today
  202. Somato Organ: does this help promote GH??? Any One know
  203. Age related risks of using gh at 17 years old?
  204. Smallest Slin needles
  205. 1st week of slin notes
  206. too early for HGH?
  207. Im Looking At Doing A Cycle Of Growth Hormone
  208. Humulin R frooze
  209. Summary of my IGF-1 PCT so far
  210. Slin resistent---> Diabetes
  211. IGF and heart disease
  212. IGF-1 40mcg for 25 days or 50mcg for 20 days???
  213. high dose hgh+igf-1 4 days a week
  214. Steroid-Peptides hasn't been active lately...Here's why
  215. Did MGF work for you for Localized growth
  216. What do youtThink
  217. Captain D's IGF Log Round II
  218. Bye Bye
  219. MGF - Taking it from REFRIDGERATED state to ROOM TEMP
  220. Energy boost and advanced healing from HGH
  221. Red Barons HGH guide
  222. HGH and localized fat loss
  223. Why does IGF sub-Q improve fat loss
  224. eatting after slin
  225. Review on Targex Unbiased
  226. Contest time! --FREE--FREE--FREE !
  227. Water Retention w/ GH
  228. Igf-1
  229. HGH + IGF-1 precontest, when should i stop using Igf1!?
  230. Acr*****lic iu???
  231. hgh
  232. HGH, without working out
  233. Measuring HGH
  234. HGH Confusion
  235. IGF LR3 on the Anabolic Diet?
  236. What would you use,HGH or IGF?
  237. glucose reading meter
  238. one very important guestion conserning GH use without slin
  239. igf-1
  240. IGF in cycle
  241. MGF for abs?
  242. Insulin: Exogenous versus Endogneous
  243. quick ques
  244. GH 4iu vs. 6iu??
  245. T4 dosages
  246. Reconstituting HGH with B12?
  247. Drug Testing
  248. HGH 18iu blue caps
  249. advice
  250. first run on GH
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