View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Some questions about RedBaron's Sticky...
  2. Should I avoid simple sugars while doing IGF-Lr3?
  3. IGF-lr3 reconstitution question
  4. newb questions
  5. Insulin Help
  6. Peg MGF Dosage
  7. Good HGH like throwing darts
  8. Need some advice on HGH use???
  9. Hgh Fragment progress pics
  10. Aussies BEWARE!
  11. 2mg of igf-1 here, little help
  12. igf only cycle? is it worth it?
  13. HGH Fragment & little R&D
  14. What Kind of pin
  15. please advice on IGF1
  16. IGF-1R3 and progest gyno??
  17. Correct my ignorance
  18. How far into HGH should AAS come in?
  19. HGH levels and time
  20. Insulin Critique
  21. Igf-1 Questions
  22. Will insulin make you stronger?
  23. igf1 injection Q
  24. Always wanting to sleep on GH! HELP!
  25. Has anyone reconstituted HGH like this...
  26. igf1 better sub q or IM and also....
  27. How long time can i use PEG MGF?
  28. Generic vs Brand Hgh...bloating like AAS?
  29. 80 Upped to 100mcgs IGF
  30. IGF cycle cut short, what now?
  31. first time user please help
  32. Ban on HGH raw materials?
  33. What can I recons. my last vial of Jin with
  34. Physical apperances of IGF and MGF
  35. my kefie pics
  36. female's joints on hgh
  37. females joints on hgh
  38. hgh and amidrex
  39. Insulin Pre and Post Workout!
  40. Does Tren upregulate igf-1 receptors?
  41. Can you use HGH if you are a type II Diabetic?
  42. hgh and eating before and after shot?
  43. Post slin & GH nutrition...
  44. Hypothyroidism & HGH
  45. HGH/IGF Cycle idea
  46. Some one please help! Just got my IGF-1lr3
  47. HGH for comp
  48. Igf & Hypothyroidism
  49. SUPER IMPORTANT Acetic Acid Question.
  50. hgh fragment
  51. How to Inject
  52. Need some feedback on Getropin
  53. IGF 1 with HGH
  54. Bubbles in my IGF vial after reconstutution??
  55. Busted?
  57. Difference between jin and generic blue tops?
  58. Insulin-- HGH --and thyroid hormones
  59. Igf Stacking Help
  60. insulin
  61. Seizen 240iu kit
  62. IGF injecting
  63. does lion nutritions IGF lr3 kit have everything i need to be ready
  64. hgh and aas
  65. insulin question
  66. HGH question from noob
  67. how to inject subcutaneously
  68. Pain from HGH injection
  69. nutrition and GH
  70. Hexrelin and Cortisol
  71. One measurement question?
  73. Syringes used for hgh?
  74. (DLys3) GHRP-6
  75. Poll: Is Slin Worth It?
  76. igf and gyno
  77. Need to make sure I'm safe/ IGF and its hypoglycemic effect(on me)
  78. Gh doses for women
  79. GH spending now over 5bills/mo
  80. grey tops?
  81. reconstituting still confused
  82. Blood glucose at 5.2. Cause for concern?
  83. Nutropin profile: part1
  84. Nutropin HGH injection Pen
  85. Blood work time
  86. Is My GH *ucked UP??????????
  87. the truth about hyge? i need to know!
  88. Mixing HGH with Oil based Test and shooting IM
  89. first slin shot
  90. chest tightness on hgh
  91. igf measurment q
  92. Insulin effectiveness/timing.
  93. IGF has anyone taken it? And was it worth it?
  94. HGH and what legal gear?
  95. girlfriend wants to take GH need help
  96. How long before you noticed GH was working
  97. Best Time To Take Hgh?
  98. peptides
  99. hgh/t4
  100. ********** Ever Tested?
  101. Effects of GH while "underage"?
  102. igf how do u mix it store it and shoot it?
  103. can u dilute igf with bw water?and how do u inject in the chest where is the safest p
  104. Thyroid Anti-bodies Update
  105. Igf-1
  106. Stubborn Tendon Injury
  107. GHG after Test E?
  108. when you noticed any effect
  109. way for female to take hgh?
  110. Any of you guys getting your GH through a pharmacy
  111. Painful Injection w/ GH
  112. Best HGH?
  113. newbie: testing if GH is fake
  114. hgh questions?
  115. Blue caps
  116. HGH/IGF-1 and joint and tendon pain
  117. Study: GH for PCT!
  118. 200 i.u. Jintropin kits?
  119. hgh from china
  120. !hgh<><>insurance!
  121. Left my IgF-1 out of fridge oops
  122. IGF-1R3 Localized growth = False ??
  123. GH at 3 IU a day, no sides?
  124. Peg Mgf/ epistane
  125. 2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's
  126. maximum time?
  127. New formula somatorm
  128. BW IU conversion confusion
  129. MGF,IGF water, AA,..mixing ???
  130. Expert advice needed GH and Thyroid
  131. gh and anti e
  132. Insulin and pre-contest
  133. HGH/ II Diabetes
  134. IGF for PCT
  135. how long can igf stay reconstituted?
  136. stallone and HGH
  137. hgh//hgh booster at 18 ?
  138. Cjc 1295
  139. IGF dosey dose
  140. Makes you wonder....
  141. hgh injection time?
  142. best hgh in tablet form
  143. When do you FEEL GH
  144. storing BA water
  145. Igf-1
  146. gh
  147. Jin Causing Dark Circles Under Eyes
  148. AA sprayed in during reconstitution
  149. IGF-1r3 pre-load storage
  150. Thanktropin hgh exposed to near room temps..?
  151. I'm using IGF1-LR3 from IGTROPIN >>Please Advice
  152. HGH Peculiarity Purity 98-99% 10iu in a vial ( yellow tops )
  153. where should i shoot
  154. PCT while on GH
  155. IGF-1 and injury
  156. pegmgf measurment q
  157. back again-need a little help
  158. 1st GH cycle..opinions
  159. H-Tropin HGH
  160. help please
  161. Real or Psycholical effects
  162. hgh question... when? confused?
  163. Need opinions and advice on timing for GH, insulin and T4 use
  164. would igf-1 help
  165. HGH bloat???
  166. IGF-1 "sides"
  167. How to store IGF powder!!?? What if frozen?? HELP!
  168. time of day ?
  169. My diet for IGF PCT
  170. cant sleep numbness and pain
  171. Peg MGF life
  172. igf-1 pre contest?
  173. Testing GH
  174. Hgh, ????
  175. HGH and BP
  176. My Personal Hgh Test System
  177. HGH and Tennis Elbow Surgery
  178. Best time to take T4?
  179. I'm back
  180. HGH help
  181. My hgh log
  182. Igf1-lr3
  183. Metformin and T3 Help...
  184. HGH Prescription
  185. Nolvadex and HGH?
  186. Anyone have any experience with GHRP-6
  187. For those of you that have bridged cycles on IGF and/or HGH?
  188. Long IGF-1 R3 ?
  189. Need Help On My 1st Cycle
  190. My cycle with GH and IGF
  191. confused..gh for size
  192. Lutalyse or Cloprostenol?
  193. first igf-1 cycle
  194. How long will it take IGF-1LR3 to give u full results.
  195. HGH cycle questions (hgh gut, cycle benefit, ect)
  196. Blue Top generic gh
  197. Insulin and strength
  198. Dumb Questions, But Need Help
  199. Hgh Gyno
  200. Hyg Working Great!!!
  201. HGH Question
  202. Dissapointed after blue tops IGF-1
  203. Post IGF1-lr3 cycles, what were gains like on cycle, after IGF
  204. HGH and Prozac eventual incopatibility?
  205. making sure i've got this igf right
  206. t4???
  207. New Proposed Legislature on hGH...
  208. How many do you keep reconstituted
  209. this is for those who are trying to get HGH and testoterones from their Doc.
  210. GH Advise
  211. hgh/ somatorm
  212. jintropin????
  213. A bunch of insulin.....
  214. What and how do you check up with a doc before using GH ?
  215. sub q help
  216. GH sides/Sowlen Ankles???
  217. how much Carb/protein while on IGF1Lr3
  218. jin aq
  219. Insulin question
  220. HGH Please Help!? need honest advice.
  221. HGH, Cytomel and Insulin for women
  222. GH and IGF 1 LR3 together or ?
  223. The never ending story -reconstituting.....
  224. Where to inject HGH & INSULIN?
  225. Where to inject HGH & INSULIN?
  226. GH with Bacteriostatic or saline water?
  227. HGH use under 25
  228. 1st HGH cycle
  229. GH without vacuum seal
  230. Wasnt prepared for this side effect
  231. 1st hgh cycle need advice plz!
  232. Red Welts?
  233. HGH at room temperature for 6 months? any good?
  234. Jin vs Hyge....
  235. When to start t4
  236. Hgh
  237. No More Syringes
  238. keep all gains from hgh?
  239. IGF 1 question
  240. tired as hell on igf-1
  241. My take on Insulin
  242. Bacteriostatic water
  243. Ghrp6
  244. water retention hgh?
  245. Slin Needles
  246. IGF reconstituting
  247. Did I F@#k up my IGF?
  248. New to the board. Fragmented hgh
  249. what would be better
  250. HGH and Anti-Depressants
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