View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Waxy maize starch and Vitargo
  2. *** Edited ***
  3. Question Regarding HGH
  4. I have .25% acetic acid is this enough for IGF-1L3?
  5. How many injections per day?
  6. GH Question
  7. Any word on GenSci
  8. Am i still in good timing?
  9. water weight with gh?
  10. HGH vs HGH
  11. IGF-1LR3 vs. IGF MGF
  12. hgh for injuries
  13. HGH Only Cycle. What should I expect?
  14. Might have pierced a vein, should I worry?
  15. how fragile is HGH and IGF?
  16. When is it safe to use GH?
  17. Hgh Advice!
  18. Got a 2 part question on HGH
  19. Question about starting a GH cycle after an IGF cycle?
  20. is this real gh?
  21. Thyroid removed:
  22. is my gh real or fake??????
  23. Ring size?
  24. Insulin/HGH site growth
  25. PGF2a + IGF-1 cycle
  26. HGH Purity vs. Strength
  27. HGH and women
  29. Electrical Stimulation/Peptides
  30. hgh for fat loss
  31. is gensci GH can stand in regular room temparture (30 celius)?
  32. L-Arginine for gh
  33. Hgh Injection
  34. What do you think?
  35. IGF1 usage??
  36. peg-hgh?!
  37. Serostim Question
  38. Slin timing question?
  39. HGH & thyroid
  40. Increased AST & ALT
  41. 6 IU GH each day, feeling nothing, not even side effects.
  42. Hgh fragment and AA reconstitution
  43. first bout ever w/ GH and IGF...
  44. first run w/ igf1-lr3
  45. If you could run GH any way...how?
  46. Looking to add T4 to HGH cycle. need dosage help.
  47. Hop on the IGF-1 train
  48. gh + winstrol + andriol!!!!!! help please
  49. *** Edited ***
  50. GH and natural test levels
  51. Jintropin
  52. TREN and IGF-1 LR3
  53. My GH cycle Log
  54. How many of you.......
  55. Is it True.......????
  56. Jintropin or Serostem?
  57. IGF-1 for tendon recuperation...
  58. AndroGel...few questions
  59. studies on dosing HGH
  60. Gh & Igf
  61. HGH vs IGF-1 Major differences?
  62. Clen & T3 Sample Cycle
  63. Insulin Experts
  64. Thanktropin
  65. Stupid question but I need help
  66. IGF Reconstitution Help Desperately Needed!
  67. Dissapointed with HGH
  68. dosage advice with hgh
  69. Is this true?
  70. Is it worth it?
  71. Numbness
  72. How long will it last without refrigeration???
  73. FAO Anthony Roberts... IGF/Superhumanradio
  74. hcg lepori 2500
  75. Insulin necessary with HGH?
  76. MGF (IGF-1 Ec)
  77. Hgh
  78. I've been on for about 8 months. Jeopardizing my health?
  79. Study...another reason to use GH (or IGF) for PCT...
  80. Experienced Advice On Hgh Dosages
  81. Gh
  82. IGF1 Real or fake??
  83. Figuring out dosage with Serostim HELP??
  84. gh - sleepy, fatigue and hard to fall into sleep
  85. about to start my hgh cycle......Q's....
  86. Is this GH legit?
  87. couple questions
  88. HGH night sweats
  89. first run with HGH opinions on what dosage should be like
  90. Slin Question
  91. jintropin, sterile water or bacteriostatic water?
  92. Couple of Qs on using IGF please....
  93. Growth Hormone
  94. 200 IUs of GH, How would you run it?
  95. GH bloating
  96. Done my first HGH shot - sound OK?.....
  97. is anasome ok.
  98. Best time 4 hgh
  99. Just done 1st IGF injection - can you let me know its right?
  100. reconstituting igf-3 1000mcg bottle?
  101. Tired as hell on HGH
  102. Hyperglycemia
  103. how much growth hormone is effective
  104. GH and kids
  105. 2 simple IGF-1 Questions
  106. How to run 2mg of PEG-MGF
  107. Ummmm OUCH!
  108. b/fat%
  109. No Vacuum
  110. Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 6 (GHRP-6)
  111. expiration question
  112. 5 days on/ 2 days off
  113. Opening Amps that come with Ansomone
  114. G.H times and dosing
  115. IGF-1 LR3 Question
  116. People who have actually taken GH
  117. Bilatteral Injections
  118. IGF-1 LR3 NaCL reconstitution
  119. norditropin pics
  120. norditropin help me out
  121. Jintrophin!
  122. Fertility Question
  123. Pins and needles
  124. IGF reconstitution & dosage question
  125. Dosage and reconstituing IGF-1?
  126. unlabled YELLOW TOPS
  127. I'm on jin hgh.....wow!!!!
  128. IGF vs HGH
  129. Quick probably dumb questio n
  130. numb hands on jins!
  131. Tricks for GH Bloat?
  132. Is this bad?
  133. Do you worry?
  134. eastropin???
  135. Taking .375mg Daily, in the Ad**omen? Intramuscular?
  136. IGF right after cycle?
  137. Pwo Insulin For Leaning Out And Staying Full
  138. hgh from china,is it arrive safely?
  139. IGF with my ass or inbetween cycles?
  140. Clen/IGFLR3 together?
  141. Mgf
  142. First Time Using IFG Dosage help please?
  143. HGH and Memory
  144. Hgh And Igf Need Some Help
  145. Gensci Not Shipping Anywhere Outside of China?
  146. Gh Pwo
  147. how much water
  148. Igf-lr3 Reconsitution (acedic acid)
  149. Highest dosage of IGF-LR3
  150. Results from Igf-1 Lr3
  151. Started HGH - results so far and sum Q's
  152. JIN + OX or NANDROLONE???
  153. insulin
  154. IGF-1 and Low carb diet...
  155. Syringe,needles and HGH
  156. How long to wait before starting HGH???
  157. syntrom
  158. HGH targetted fat loss
  159. Possible MGF cycle
  160. What are the side Effects of IGF-1?
  161. HGH Cycle ED; or EOD
  162. Death wish diet?
  163. End of my GH cycle
  164. Mechano Growth Factor ( MGF)
  165. Help with dosage on my first stack...
  166. Best way to run IGF-1 LR3, with or without GH etc.
  167. Blue tops???????
  168. Scitropin HGH - Thoughts/reviews Please
  169. Ansomone
  170. IGF 50mcg ed 2 cycles or 100mcg 1 cycle?
  171. Crazy HGH results on a friend over 3 Year Period
  172. A1c test shows 6.5%
  173. Whats the highest GH dose you've run and what were the results?
  174. NEED PROFFESIONAL INFO ON (MGF) how does it compare to HGH or IGF-1
  175. Were are the lab studies on MGF
  176. Combatting Insulin resistance on GH
  177. IGF How Long
  178. Igf-1 Lr3
  179. whats best for post cycle?
  180. igf lr3 + hgh for rehab
  181. Jin vs. PP Blues
  182. 1st time gh
  183. how to avoid red bumps
  184. Hyge-tropin so much better than Jino-tropin
  185. gh and gyno ?
  186. Long VS Short Acting Insulin
  187. Minimum IGF-1
  188. Latest opinions about **********
  189. ran out of bacteriostatic water, what to use in a pinch
  190. 1mg IGF-1 Ec (True Mechano Growth Factor)
  191. How does igf1 comes in a vial?
  192. 1mg Lyophilized Long R3 Igf-1
  193. Question for Gear and any 1 else
  194. IGF-1 serious questions
  195. Getropin HGH
  196. After the Gh Cycle
  197. Igf-1 Cycle details
  198. hgh question
  199. IFBB Pro tells me take my GH before bed
  200. HGH, eo or eod?? experiences
  201. [D-Lys³] GHRP-6
  202. permanantly damaging yout thyroid with T4?
  203. taking igf while trying to have a baby?
  204. lipholized igf1 storage?
  205. GH Problem...
  206. GH shelf life
  207. questions about saizen + first gh cycle...
  208. HGH: With or Without Food
  209. *** Edited ***
  210. Using GH to shuttle nutrients....
  211. Site specific IGF-1 injections
  212. [D-Lys³] GHRP-6
  213. first GH cycle
  214. gh with no sides???
  215. GH cycle, pins and needles in fingers.....
  216. HGH & Fat Loss
  217. Somatropin vs Jinotropin
  218. Jaw Pain-HGH
  219. Kefei or Hyge?????
  220. HGH, IGF, PGCL and Slin Protocol
  222. 1 shot or 2 that is the Q
  223. injection sites......
  224. my new jin protocol..what do you think?
  225. French young guys have question for you
  226. Question about Blue tops
  227. Igf-1 and diet
  228. gyno
  229. HGH and Cancer in Remission
  230. BIG Gut!
  231. When to start IGF-Lr3?
  232. Please help my planning!
  233. Best protocol for maximizing fat loss on GH?
  234. HGH before workout
  235. Is clen ok while on GH?
  236. What are the negative sides of t3?
  237. IGF and football how to??
  238. insulin-no size or strength? why use it?
  239. insulin-no mass or strength? why risk it?
  240. After an IGF injections do you have to diet like you do w/ Slin?
  241. Thinking of hGH, when to start?
  242. Insulin plan: where do you ge your sugar from...
  243. can i get a little mixing help.... ?
  244. Total impotence on IGF-1
  245. eating after injecting... or before ?
  246. HGH a scheduled drug in China now?
  247. IGF burning fat better than the HGH???!
  248. HGH and painful pump.
  249. T4 Question
  250. HGH? Worth it or not?
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