View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Growth Hormone 101
  2. Directions for first time insulin users
  3. GHRP (growth hormone release peptide)
  4. More IGF-1 info
  5. what is IGF-1?
  6. Insulin.txt
  7. IGF-1 Info
  8. Have you used hGH?
  9. Growth Hormone Manual
  10. HGH FAQ - Great stuff!!!
  11. Insulin&GH Question. IMPORTANT!!!
  12. why dont underground labs make GH?
  13. HGH - The facts
  14. thinkin bout adding long chain igf1 to cycle....NEED HELP
  15. Why doesn't everyone use IGF-1 LR3
  16. IGF-1(LR3) or HGH
  17. IGF-1 bridging Q?
  18. is igf-1 r3 activated with insulin like gh or does it not need insulin to work good
  19. IGF-1 LR 3 Cycle$$$$$
  20. Understanding IGF-1/LR3
  21. IGF anyone!
  22. IGF-1 Lr3 is a gamble.
  23. Long R3 IGF-I Question
  24. slin & Long r IGF-1
  25. slin
  26. IGF-1 LR3 Journal
  27. growth hormone
  28. time released growth
  29. Best Time To Run IGFLR3
  30. Kexing - Fitropin HGH
  31. IGF-1 LR3......3 weeks at 40mcg/day???
  32. Igf-1 Long R
  33. The Book On Insulin
  34. IGF LR 3.....What does it do?
  35. Must take igf-1 with hgh?
  36. Inject IGF-1 into Penis
  37. IGF??? How does it come?
  38. 2 IGF Questions?
  39. IGF-1: Use during non-training days?
  40. Got my HGH results. Could so with some advice.
  41. Hgh And Insulin
  42. Questions about HGH...
  43. IGF LR1 by itself along with PCT?
  44. IGF and Night sweats?
  45. IGF read?!?! kinda interesting
  46. GH Pump
  47. Long R3 IGF-1....better than GH? very interesting
  48. Side Breast GH Injections?
  49. i got hgh so what now?
  50. Sides Of Igf-
  51. Price for slin
  52. IGF-1 L3 and my PCT...please critique
  53. Insulin CheckList
  54. GH and slin after my bulking cycle
  55. Max.Amt. of Insulin?
  56. IGF-1 abstracts.
  57. IGF pic and questions
  58. slin without gear!
  59. rHGH???
  60. Slin post workout- Why what does it do?
  61. Igf administration
  62. IGF-1 R3 Use/Structure....
  63. A Read For Gh Users
  64. Insulin and Ephedra
  65. GH... do I need to run insulin with???
  66. splitting up Hgh
  67. Insulin ? and those who use it.
  68. MAX slin dosage
  69. Hgh Questions
  70. Long R3 IGF-1!
  71. Jintropin HGH
  72. HGH/Tumor..
  73. long r3 igf-1
  74. Is Hgh That Dangerous????????
  75. The Growth Hormone mystery.
  76. IGF-1 genetics
  77. HGH For Ligaments and tendons
  78. German Growth Hormone
  79. IGF injection site sorness
  80. gh and slin
  81. Humatrope Advice...
  82. IGF-1 Info from Dave Polumbo's column this month
  83. Human Long IGF-I
  84. Growth Hormone Need some Help Please
  85. Hgh Alone To Start
  86. Has anyone used MR's Long R3 IGF-1????
  87. Hgh
  88. GH question
  89. All about insulin...
  90. HGH price in Mex
  91. GH cycle for bulking help
  92. Proposed IGF Cycle?
  93. Growth Hormone Question
  94. Few questions about Insulin...
  95. GH in my next cycle
  96. HGH-MEx
  97. Hgh And You
  98. Hgh
  99. how much gh for a first timer
  100. Jinotropin
  101. Taking Growth without T-3
  102. Insulin, fat and my 8year old
  103. Growth Dosage Question
  104. Need some ADVICE !!
  105. I need a little help with HGH!
  106. IGF-1 vs HGH
  107. Somatropin Detection?
  108. Heart burn! Is it the tribulus or HGH?
  109. Kexing HGH?
  110. Pill form HGH?!?!?!?!
  111. 192 amino versus 191 amino acids in Growth Hormone?
  112. Q on HGH and muscle damage
  113. FYI on Gropep IGF-1
  114. hgh question
  115. HGH and air bubbles
  116. mixing HGH
  117. IGF1 Reconstitution?
  118. HGH Question
  119. foggy HGH
  120. HGH injection
  121. HGH and Humulin R
  122. Eurotech HGH
  123. insulin and me....
  124. Insulin Question
  125. IGF Importing - Canada
  126. Think of doing GH
  127. Just finished 9 months of GH. Any questions?
  128. Oral Growth Hormone???
  129. Fitropin HGH
  130. Optimum GH timings?
  131. Welcome to the IGF, GH, and INSULIN forum!
  132. Need advice on my Insulin plan
  133. whos used glucophage with gh??
  134. when to take
  135. GH Insulin frequency
  136. whats the deal with this?
  137. obtaining Humulin R
  138. why the mixed reviews about taking insulin?
  139. long acting gh? good article
  140. what size pin...
  141. 1gf
  142. Growth from my Endocrinologist
  143. Humulin OTC in Texas
  144. GH w/slin
  145. Asian Growth... anyone ever heard ?
  146. what is HRT?
  147. igf-1 spot injections
  148. Gh/Slin in my next cycle, Mods/Vets take a look.
  149. HGH from TJ?
  150. hgh and chiro care / bone growth
  151. MRs IGF1-lr3
  152. IGF-1 Lr3 for research
  153. Congrats to Einstein - Mod of this forum
  154. knee/joint pain when on gh?
  155. Growth Factor1 Know anything about it?
  156. Humalog
  157. reconstitution
  158. GH and GYNO
  159. thoughts on once-a-day GH injections
  160. Info on IGF-1
  161. Igf-1 LR3 Shelf Life?
  162. insulin results?
  163. LR3 2 doses am/pm vs 1 post workout dose..
  164. anyone use HGH eod?
  165. Gh for the avg user?
  166. Carpal tunnel can't come back ?... can it ?
  167. IGF spot injection question
  168. My run at LR3 IGF-1
  169. HGH what i need?
  170. All the People on Board Who Have Used igf-1 lr3, Speak Up
  171. Some serious unanswered question on igf-1 lr3
  172. Confusion about the different grades of igf-1lr3?
  173. Igf-1 LR3/ Morn. or Night?
  174. GH question help
  175. growth
  176. igf-1
  177. gains made from igf-1lr3
  178. Any Aussies here like thier exotics ?
  179. Diet on igf-1 lr3
  180. storage of igf-1lr3 (in ba) in closet instead of freezer
  181. how to do gh?
  182. Will this be OK?
  183. Need some help bro's...igf-1 vs hgh
  184. Hgh,Insulin,and cytomel
  185. stiffness and numbness never went away after igf-1lr3?
  186. my first run with slin
  187. Insulin: The Most Anabolic Hormone
  188. Hgh and catabolism
  189. i found a study done on igf-1lr3, i think?
  190. how long do you think igf-1lr3 will be available?
  191. found another interesting study on igf-1 lr3
  192. Australian GH
  193. roids vs. igf-1lr3 (dumb question)
  194. Crazy Growth Question
  195. how do you cycle t3
  196. Chemical name of IGF-L3
  197. LR3 IGF-1 in small intestines
  198. HGH Prices
  199. Help with Insulin
  200. igf-1lr3 and some strange sides effects?
  201. GH best dosage times with slin, and beginner dose????
  202. sorry i think gh time is over, my back is killin me
  203. igf1, retaining size?
  204. Jintropin Lab Results
  205. Can I have a price check pls ?
  206. t-mag.com called IGF-1 worst bb drug ever
  207. Serostim & Finaplex
  208. Wrist pain sets in
  209. Frig or Freezer? Help quick
  210. advice needed on cycling gh?
  211. Length of my gh cycle?
  212. gotta good one for you..
  213. help on SEROSTIM
  214. Humatrope Or Serostim
  215. M-r Igf-1 Lr
  216. what do you guys think?
  217. My Cycle Including Igf-lr3
  218. Measurement Question?
  219. another question on igf-1lr3
  220. R3 IGF-1 Administration-workout days only or?
  221. Some more GH info
  222. GH may increase muscle strength at the expense of muscle endurance
  223. hgh and igf-1
  224. GH cycle for serious mass ... offseason time
  225. FSH & LH
  226. Are GH gain more permenent?
  227. Why bother with GH if U can get IGF-1
  228. How long is too long to run LR3 IGF
  229. gh
  230. so far so good...
  231. Too young for GH???
  232. gh insulin and t3
  233. nolvadex while on gh
  234. Does GH lead to diabetes to someone pre-disposed?
  235. my first GH cycle?
  236. Need help....Cycle
  237. Insulin info
  238. HGH VS rHGH
  239. IGF-1 R3 quantity ques
  240. GH Kits - Storage and expiration?
  241. Can anyone identify this GH picture?
  242. Vacuum in Gh-bottles?
  243. how much t3 while on gh and how long.
  244. 30 iu's / week...
  245. most effective way to run gh..
  246. Where is 40mcg
  247. slin PCT
  248. GH on rotating schedule?
  249. Jintropin Questions..
  250. What are normal Blood glucose Levels ?
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