View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Bac water, how long is it good for?
  2. t3/t4 with eca stack
  3. HGH first timer
  4. HGH Decision
  5. norditropin simplexx
  6. why am I sweating
  7. 1st cycle HGH, generic blue top!
  8. question about when to take hgh
  9. Where to inject GH besides ABS
  10. Does IGF/HGH/MGF stimulate hair growth?
  11. How should I stack my IGF and MGF with my test cycle
  12. How long does HGH stay in your system?
  13. test cycle and hgh
  14. supplement needs on growth???
  15. needle marks?
  16. Is GHRP-6 Legal in USA?
  17. Question on Stacking MGF and IGF1LR3
  18. igf for stretchmarks?
  19. Bruising
  20. Slin and PWO?
  21. gear: a little help please
  22. B12 in my IGF-1
  23. lowering igf levels with anti A?
  24. Insulin + Gh + Testo
  25. Does MGF stimulate site growth?
  26. Which is more anabolic: MGF or IGF1LR3?
  27. 4iu Mixing Question...
  28. hexarelin
  29. Jin Potency After Mixing
  30. IGF for injury recovery only -early 20s
  31. How does this look for hgh cycle dosage
  32. So HGH
  33. Insulin with a carb drink intraworkout
  34. hgh and tamoxifen (nolvadex)
  35. Glucophage & Fats
  36. does an increase in hgh reduce levels of IGF-1
  37. Would 50mcg IGF-1 LR3 4-5 times a week for 4 weeks be enough?
  38. IGF1 levels
  39. GENHEAL RGH 10iu
  40. dosage of GHRP-6
  41. Instestinal growth through growth factor pathways...
  42. INsulin PWO, sub-Q or IM?
  43. First cycle HGH today
  44. Where's Rodge?
  45. Dosage Increase
  46. HGH and Muscle repairs
  47. *** Everybody Must Read ***
  48. acarbose
  49. gh and t3/t4
  50. Gear question
  51. Need Advise, HGH and numb arms sleeping?????
  52. Igf
  53. igf-1 lr3 and anti aging
  54. can you take 4iu at one time?
  55. GH ruined from china?
  56. insulin first time user?
  57. IGF-1LR3 @ 23 years old - would it be affective?
  58. lr3 igf first timer
  59. Nutrition intake and Insulin,while takinig Anbolics.
  60. hope this doesnt sound stupid but....
  61. HGH and Winny
  62. Hgh And The Olympics?
  63. HGH and injurys
  64. Questions for those who have used HGH?
  65. U-100 insulin needles
  66. I have concluded...HGH Sux
  67. Help with HGH
  68. Low dose at young age
  69. side effect of gh
  70. Norditropin® hGH - Feedback required!!!
  71. need help about ansomone?
  72. I have Jins that expired November 2007..Safe ?
  73. hgh storage question
  74. Started LR3 IGF usage today
  75. IGF or HGH?
  76. Question about HGH
  77. Intro
  78. Bluetop waffer crumbled.
  79. IGF while running/sprinting
  80. Humalog
  81. LR3 IGF-1 reconsituted with BW?
  82. Jintropin before Raw Deal and the olympics...
  83. Couple questions about HGH
  84. Nutropin aq pens. Please advise
  85. Somatropin Pic
  86. bac water mix/ hgh help
  87. insulin and hgh question
  88. HGH vs. Sermorelin
  89. Dosage question
  90. attention all slin users
  91. Carbs and gh
  92. Redness @ inj site??
  93. is 4-5 ius the norm??
  94. shortage of hgh
  95. Kefei
  96. DAMN IT! Took 25 IU's and no side effects yet!
  97. Norditropin® hGH - Severe Headache!!
  98. Opinions
  99. Dynatrope HGH
  100. my experience with slin last night comments please
  101. how to effectivly use long acting insulin to make gains
  102. HGH - IU, ML dosage question
  103. 5.3 mg of genotropin/somatropin
  104. can I re-freeze IGF1 after I dissloved it in solution?
  105. How long can i take gh for?
  106. Somotropin....?
  107. slin question
  108. PINNACLE..im calling you out...opps
  109. slin question
  110. tingle itch
  111. Norditropin Handling???
  112. welts- need some advise
  113. Does GH and Insulin have to be taken at the same time for synergistic effect?
  114. Anyone seen this GH before?
  115. Generic Synthroid (Levothyroxine) - 0.150mg 100
  116. 6-7 lbs in 5 days!!! from the gh?
  117. Injected into Biceps today
  118. HGH effectiveness (Different brands)
  119. HGH - First cycle
  120. GH antibodies
  121. doseage of hgh
  122. "GH negative feedback loop"
  123. HGH and DECA???
  124. I am using a new HGH with IGF-1 R3, I need feedback on this
  125. hgh- up the dose?
  126. Source Check?
  127. shortage of peptides
  128. T-3?? and Sides of HGH
  129. Blue Top Question
  130. What happened to all the IGF fans?
  131. HGH/Clenbuterol/Cytomel
  132. HGH peptide during a bulking cycle
  133. Anyone run IGF-LR3 for longer than 4-5 weeks?
  134. hgh for a woman
  135. need help
  136. Insulin
  137. this is my plan for hgh cycle
  138. What factors r involed with human body transforming hgh to igf1?
  139. does T3 increase or decrease GH?
  140. no more jinos
  141. Bacteriostatic Water, How long?
  142. 191aa rHGH may cause cause Antibodies
  143. HGH Usage
  144. joint pain
  145. Nutropin (Somatropin)
  146. Slin for lagging muscles???
  147. Insulin & AAS without HGH
  148. Glotropin
  149. Anyone using MGF anymore?
  150. saizen
  151. Starting HGH with some ?'s
  152. BIG generic Blues
  153. ?hgh?
  154. HGH to retain/augment AAS gains
  155. going for bloodwork ????
  156. hgh supplies for the future
  157. GHRP6 and HGH fragment 176-191
  158. Anyone seen or used these blue tops before?
  159. Soreness after injections?
  160. is 177-191 a waste of time and $
  161. Nutropin
  162. Is it ok to discuss research chem vendors
  163. question about hgh powder
  164. injecting igf1lr3
  165. New IGF, and peg-MGF protocol, comments?
  166. this years hgh cycle
  167. why not just take igf1 if thats what hgh turns to?
  168. tendon degeneration HELP & Warning
  169. Split Dosage/Increasing Dosage
  170. HGH Mass Protocol (10iu 3x week)
  171. New to the HGH Idea
  172. my last few questions
  173. Comparing IGF1LR3 to steroids
  174. Seeking help with lr3 igf and peg mgf dosing protocol/forearms only
  175. GH & running
  176. Insulin for the first time
  177. putting serious thought into using hgh please help!
  178. low doses of gh at young age
  179. 2iu's of humalin R
  180. HGH and Training Schedule
  181. Thinking about gh cycle
  182. Can blood glucose go up by itself in the morning?
  183. newbie needing help on insulin
  184. HGH 8iu, 6 days a week, and IGF1LR3 10mcg
  185. Insulin for the first time - Again
  186. Insulin Q&A
  187. questions about hgh dosage
  188. HGH spray
  189. HGH right move?
  190. qustion about hgh daamge
  191. how much how long?
  192. Expectations of an IGF1LR3 and insulin cycle
  193. hgh injection
  194. Insulin Advice
  195. hgh and t4- without aas?
  196. Blue Tops vs. Perscription
  197. hgh / bridge ?'s
  198. GH before or after workout?
  199. Missing dose
  200. Trainer suggests Insulin . . but . .
  201. GH and cardio
  202. HGH (How Long Before Sides)?
  203. SOMATROPE-HGH BY ****edit
  204. GH and appetite?
  205. Websites where I can order insulin needles
  206. IGF side affects - nausia and headaches
  207. General Trend for insulin use
  208. did i buy junk?
  209. Peptides S XxX Obliterate E XxX HGH XxX and XxX IGF XxX
  210. amino acid mixture
  211. Injecting 200 mcg a day of IGF1 LR3
  212. Newbie starting GH today
  213. does it makes sense to run slin only?
  214. Cts
  215. Injecting IGF1lr3 once a day or twice a day?
  216. how to test if its real?
  217. Can LR3IGF-1 be frozen once reconstituted in AA?
  218. gh and high glucose
  219. first GH cycle... need some advise plz
  220. To all the LR3 IGF-1 wishful thinkers
  221. HGH dose for women?
  222. best hgh for height increase?
  223. Hgh
  224. Is bacteriostatic water required?
  225. HGH + Insulin
  226. Best time to inject IGF1lr3?
  227. CJC-1295, anyone have any info in detail about the compound?
  228. humlog questions
  229. urinalisys
  230. help please
  231. HGH 28 days on, 14 days off
  232. IGF1LR3 as a cutting agent
  233. Eating food when stacking Insulin and IGF1LR3
  234. GHRP6 info
  235. First HGH cycle
  236. IGF-1 stable at room temperature?
  237. Any1 Confirm These Batch Numbers?
  238. What is IGF-1 LR3 supposed to look like ?
  239. hi, av just started my hgh.
  240. Insulin Pre-Workout
  241. blue caps real or fake?
  242. infected hair follicle, GH a factor?
  243. Does GH affect your TSH level?
  244. Snoring
  245. HGH Fragment 176-191
  246. PWO plan with Humalog
  247. Splitting HGH dosages, 10ius and more?
  248. 8 IU/Day? Fat Gain?
  249. bac water
  250. HGH Lethargy
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