View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. IGF testing...
  2. Insulin?
  3. Riptropin
  4. Side reduction
  5. Trying to understand gh + cjc + ghrp6
  6. HGH Patch?
  7. go from 2.5 iu/day to 5 iu/day for antiaging? too much...?
  8. IGF-1 Lr3 in need of dosage instructions
  9. caninsukin
  10. HGH Pre-Workout or Post-Workout???
  11. pre and post surgery gh usage?
  12. The Growth Hormone Myth
  13. Is Gaining 10 lb's During Bloat Phase Normal?
  14. ok my final jintropin question haha....
  15. Optimal target IGF-1 level
  16. Purely hypothetical GH prescription question... (UK)
  17. IGF-1 LR3 IM vs Subq
  18. Reconstituting HGH with vitamin B12 injectable
  19. Question about Injection site for GHRP-6 and GRF 1-29.
  20. Bloating !!! But its weird LOL
  21. Retaking IGF1 test, questions that may affect levels?
  22. GH advise please
  23. Questions about cjc 1295 + GHRP-6 Combo
  24. Test results... Don't know where to go from now..
  25. Has anyone ever split up HGH powder and put into syringe unconstituted for travel?
  26. should I switch to HGH from China?safe supplier?
  27. Using IGF to bridge, and getting into australia
  28. Mt2 quick question
  29. Seen this article today? Food for thought on a day that I cant get out my front door!
  30. Deer Velvet?
  31. How long constituted or unconstituted can cjc 1295 and ghrp 6 hold up for?
  32. My Hands
  33. HGH BLAST Cycle - 3 Weeks - Please Critique
  34. hgh dose??
  35. Igf-1
  36. IGF-1, alternative to Steroids?
  37. hey guys, new to hgh, need help!!!
  38. gains from insulin
  39. gh stack
  40. new spin on when to inject
  41. Big jump in IGF without adding hgh?
  42. hgh test
  43. first time hgh use.
  44. dont mix growth with carbs?
  45. will 2 week gap in my hgh cycle set me back?
  46. Deer antler velvet? Must read...
  47. BesT GH !
  48. after hgh cycle....
  49. Help!!! HGH for ankle break! I need to get back into the gym!!
  50. HGH Dosing questions
  51. HGH & Var/Turnibol
  52. GH Consumer Banned
  53. HGH after ACL surgery
  54. NEWB Insulin questions. ANYONE REAL SMART?
  55. I ate this morning before injecting
  56. GHRP's
  57. Hgh usage
  58. Hgh products
  59. Dosing math
  60. Freezing Unreconstituted HGH?
  61. going to be starting a new cjc 1295/ghrp-6 run...
  62. Shift work and inj times?
  63. GHRP-2/CJC-1293 Storage/Mixing Advice
  64. Fast metabolism, HGH question to avoid catabolism, please help.
  65. GHRP-6 what to do?
  66. new of fake
  67. T3/Clen Cycle Results
  68. IGF-1/HGH/Peptides - hat are EFFECTIVE for UNDER 25's!
  69. Hgh...better time for injection and multiple or single injection?
  70. HGH for surgery ?
  71. HGH with Dextrose, dosage time? Pwo or Morning?
  72. hgh in morning, ipamorelin at night?
  73. IGF Results Elitropin
  74. Diary of an HG Newb
  75. HGH Injections (quick question)
  76. Morning or night whats the differance???
  77. HGH in your late 20's..worth doing?
  78. My Ghrp-6/cjc 1293 cycle.
  79. My chines HGH is good.
  80. Has anyone seen fake "Saizen click easy 8mg" hgh
  81. Conversion Question
  82. HGH vs. IGF1 whats the difference?
  83. working out while on HGH?
  84. IGF-1 Test esults
  85. Hgh by itself
  86. 21 years old starting HGH cycle, help
  87. comparing genotropin to blue tops.
  88. green top kigtropin
  89. ok so im kind of confused
  90. Growth Hormone Receptor Deficiency Is Associated with a Major Reduction in Pro-Aging
  91. Injecting cold??
  92. Hgh/fat loss goals
  93. Insulin 'releasers'
  94. T4 with hgh
  95. Insulin and Resistance Training
  96. IGF-1 Ec or IGF-1 Lr3.... HELP.
  97. serostim hgh kits?
  98. Possible bigggg problem
  99. natural foods that will insulin to max levels after working out...
  100. Few questions
  101. So I have the bone frame of a prepubescent Asian girl. Will HGH help me out?
  102. norvotropin?????
  103. humatropin 15 IU vial...how much sterile diluent to use
  104. Pre-Loading GH
  105. Question on dosing????? help hgh lets get nasty
  106. Hgh log
  107. IGF LONG R3 and Cancer
  108. Hgh
  109. hgh fragment 177-191
  110. Maxitropin
  111. Norditropin Simplexx 15mg/1.5ml
  112. HGH to build surface cartilage in knee
  113. IGF injection questions...
  114. first time igf-1 lr3 and a bit scared
  115. slight hgh gyno....
  116. Read: For users who want to take HGH between the ages of 18-25
  117. Trying to figure out GHRP-6 dosage
  118. Novotropin
  119. CJC and GHRP-6 along with PCT
  120. hgh frag and hgh
  121. Costs of an HGH cycle??? (only quoting prices from the HGH profile on this site)
  122. GHRH - is it safe for young adults to use (age 18-25)
  123. New with HGH
  124. Odd question on HGH and Scars
  125. Such a thing of 'GH gut'?
  126. hgh frag 176-191/t3/clen
  127. First time HGH-Blood Glucose problems
  128. hgh frag mixing question real quick....
  129. Females taking FRAG 176-191
  130. Real **********?
  131. ghrp-6 start cycle yesterday...I'm so hungry!!!!
  132. This may sound like a silly question but…………………..
  133. diluting IGF with NaCl...?
  134. Blood sugars crashing after injection......Opinions needed.
  135. Cutting on Slin
  136. What benefits am I not thinking of for using HGH? Seems not cost effective
  137. GHRP-2 for fat loss
  138. CJC 1293 with cycle
  139. CJC 1293 with cycle
  140. Does HGH "shut you down"?
  141. HGH sources?
  142. Egrifta???
  143. HGH + Sustanon First cycle
  144. GHRP-6/CJC-1295 at bedtime
  145. Is it ok to mix GHRP-6/CJC-1295 with AAS in a same pin?
  146. Elitropin Green Tops 2nd IGF test 30 days in
  147. hour of 2 after high dextrose shake, getting hot sweaty and craving carbs..
  148. Fridge or Not...
  149. reconsituting frag
  150. Scitropin
  151. Is it ok to start an HGH cycle during PCT?
  152. Brand new guy needs some help...
  153. IGF-1 LR3 for bridging
  154. HELP> Nutropin and Sus 250/prop
  155. HGH question
  156. Insulin PWO Carb Source
  157. therapeutic dose for women...
  158. What are the side effects of MGF?
  159. mixing question once last review before i start
  160. using insuline while low carb bulking
  161. Medical/Scientific Study on HGH - this changed how I dose and maybe how you should
  162. HGH virgin, trying to get some clarification!
  163. HGH and how much to gain mass. IS this right ????
  164. Does HGH causes bone maturation?
  165. gh related water retention
  166. T4 Question
  167. igf1 blood levels when on hgh?
  168. 0.9 percent sodium chloride mixing of hgh life
  169. Contemplating starting GH cycle. Thoughts?
  170. Insulin noob
  171. GH @ 2iu for a year..
  172. HGH SubQ vs. IM
  173. Need hgh help/suggestions/input
  174. Immediate bone deformities - HELP
  175. Is cjc 1295 effective on its own?
  176. GHRP-6 CJC-1295 b4 sleep - to eat or not to eat & other interesting questions
  177. cjc 1295 with DAC. Dosing ?
  178. If peps come in aluminum/metal bottles,...continued
  179. Anyone ever try Platelet Rich Plasma Injections as an alternative to surgery
  180. price check
  181. Some GH advice needed..
  182. Taking IGF-1LR3 and HGH
  183. HGH Concerns
  184. i tore my achilles.....would hgh help heal me faster???
  185. Some questions about HGH and libido
  186. Insulin PRE workout
  187. HGH long term benefits....?Are there any?
  188. Expected benifits of PWO insulin usage in a Cyp/Deca environment
  189. Kugtropin?
  190. Pharma Grade GH
  191. effective in fat loss?
  192. HRT, sweet?
  193. Hgh & t3
  194. Getting HGH legally, I know I have a solid shot/I need some advice...
  195. novomix 30 flexpen
  196. [2] Ansomone cycle experience (no 191/192 discussion)
  197. Started Mod grf 1-29 (cjc 1293) and ghrp-2
  198. why is not working??
  199. ghrp 6 question
  200. gh solid or powder?
  201. Insulin Australia
  202. Unlabeled Blue Tops - Think it might be GHRP-6...
  203. The Bathing of Husband and Wife together
  204. Victor Conte s Gh way of use?!
  205. would HGH help me?
  206. Is there Any Diabetics from Australia on this forum?
  207. Dosage and timing
  208. hgh frag 176-191 & dieting
  209. New to this forum, quick question
  210. Working out fasted
  211. gh bloat?
  212. testing hgh for hcg
  213. Genotropin/HGH Help!
  214. mixing hgh
  215. long term sex drive - libido recovery with hgh therapy??
  216. first HGH cycle
  217. Running Blue Tops... ? about getting highest quality!
  218. First cycle with L R3 IGF1 X AOD9604 X CJC 1295
  219. HGH/T4 or T3 when epileptic
  220. 21, soon 22 years old. Not continiuing my HGH use, alternative cycle? Tips?
  221. Norditropin Nordilet 5mg/1.5ml
  222. IGF-1 LR3 + Peg MGF cycle, when to dose?
  223. IGF-1 blood levels after hgh supplementation
  224. ghrp-6
  225. A few questions for a confused noob :)
  226. Sleeping pills + HGH
  227. 5 on/2 off protocol
  228. Never done HGH but thinking about it
  229. help with peptides - GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 with CJC-1295 with DAC or without DAC
  230. What does a HGH diet look like?
  231. hgh real or fake??
  232. Peptide Calculator
  233. What would be the best to take...?
  234. GHRP-6 and CJC-1295
  235. HGH + cjc 1295
  236. gh levels testing????
  237. Hi All!! Got some HGH questions for you
  238. Hi All!! Got some HGH questions for you
  239. I need help please !
  240. HGH Help!
  241. NiperTropin???
  242. New to HGH and want to try cycle. I have MANY questions, Hopefully you can answer.
  243. igf1lr3 vs igf1 des
  244. IGF1-LR3 first time thinking about a Peptide
  245. HGH and Emotional Side Effects??
  246. HGH and Heart Rate
  247. HGH for Sports injuries?
  248. Humalog,humulin R,IGF
  249. Humalog,humulin R,IGF
  250. Jentropin...anyone familiar?
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