View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. IGF-LR3 in mexico ?
  2. Insulin & GH first time user.
  3. IGF-1 help
  4. GH Cycles
  5. Refrigerating Bac Water
  6. how much t3 with gh!
  7. H2O retention/roids/HGH/allergies:HELP!!!
  8. Not hungry on HGH?!?
  9. Post workout slin nutrition
  10. mix HGH and HCG in same pin?
  11. Serostim 6mg reconstitution
  12. Expiered Gh? Is It Usefull?
  13. High dose of HGH to heal chronic tendonitis/tendonosis pain long term??
  14. hgh slin and t3
  15. HGH + Slin + IGF?
  16. Human Growth?
  17. Gh Injection ???
  18. IGF injections.
  19. Do corticosteroids in (allergy) drugs have any effect.
  20. GH doctor?????????????
  21. intramuscular or subcutaneous
  22. which of these can help with height?
  23. 191 aa vs 192aa HGH
  24. Insulin in Canada
  25. IGF during pct??
  26. Once reconstituted can L3 IGF-1 Be kept at ROOM TEMP?
  27. Any Reviews On : K****** Hgh
  28. hGH and lack of pumps? (Important)
  29. hGH and types of food, preferences?
  30. GH run, Too long? Any thoughts?
  31. HGH and injury
  32. HGH When to Start
  33. HGH - When to Eat
  34. hgh being mailed?
  35. Analouge IGF-1 receptor overload?
  36. Chorinoic Gondaotropin?HCG......is it still good
  37. hGH and simple carbs?
  38. what can HGH do for me.....
  39. Is Hgh an answer for me?
  40. HGH by itself? Can it work
  41. in MG's " NOT " iu's.
  42. HGH no PCT?
  43. HGH & Diabities
  44. dose for 25 year old
  45. lbw gains on hgh
  46. Capsules for HGH
  47. Having surgery. Would gh help me recover?
  48. Hgh Split Injections???
  49. hygetropin
  50. taking Gh alone........
  51. Gh and Dbol
  52. sterile or bacteriostatic water
  53. lr3 confusion
  54. IGF-1 - Oratropin - 15 days worth @ 40mcg - Any Point ?
  55. Hey guys, can you hook me up with a source...
  56. Reconst. Jin w/out lyph water
  57. Slin in the AM
  58. I have a sub q injection question on where to shoot
  59. Arms go numb
  60. HGH and Healing???...........................Help!
  61. weird twitching
  62. Cant find a Straight Answer - IGF1
  63. hgh ed vs eod
  64. Testing my slin potency
  65. PWO blood glucose level before slin?
  66. I just ordered my 5 kits of Jin
  67. What Age For Gh And Ed/eod?
  68. Why No Carbs Around Inj Time?
  69. Any1 Used This 1 B4?
  70. Growth plates!!!
  71. hgh info
  72. how many weeks can i run HGH???
  73. endocronologist in S.Florida?
  74. HGH/Insulin/AAS/DNP?
  75. HgH Source
  76. can somebody help me with dieet while on HGH/AAS
  77. humalog action time
  78. 23 old first GH cycle
  79. IGF-1 LR3 & HIT training
  80. Hgh Kit
  81. Gh Emergency Questions (30 Kits In Jeopardy)
  82. HGH Better EOD not ED !!!!
  83. calling all mass monsters, build this beast
  84. 5month cycle of GH, any good?
  85. The Best Growth Hormone (hgh)
  86. SD while on HGH...
  87. human growth hormone
  88. Hgh/test/deca after op for rehab??
  89. 2 or 3 IU's/day? run longer or shorter?
  90. Has Anyone Heard Of Gh "humagro"????
  91. IGF question?
  92. My Jin is out for delivery!
  93. Whats The Deal With Blitz Cycles? Please Help!
  94. IGF-1 LR3: dilemma
  95. IGF/cut
  96. reconstituting hgh
  97. rHGH 12th week growth spurt?
  98. Jintropin AQ
  99. 8iu browns tops any experience?
  100. looking for answers.......help
  101. Its almost evident that Proffesional.....
  102. upset stomach
  103. hgh dry cake in vials
  104. LR3 question
  105. Inj. Help! HGH/IGF/SLIN
  106. Humalog Measurements
  107. Humulin-R + Ketogenic diet
  108. Reconstituting Igf With Aa
  109. 8iu daily for 1yr+ ??
  110. HGH....direct site injection?
  111. New to IGF1 R3!
  112. ever heard of this GH
  113. ? for PINN
  114. Igf question
  115. 4 On/4 Off Dosing Protocol?
  116. How effective is long range IGF compared to HGH?
  117. more MGF experiences
  118. Help! Lumpy IGF with BA?
  119. Help W/ Hgh Plan!!!!
  120. GH dosing strategy for 40 year old please help (MODS and VETS especialy)!
  121. Avoiding Bruises......Help?
  122. diff between HGH and juice...
  123. First time Humalog ?'s
  124. anyone heard of these?
  125. Does anybody use B12 to reconstitute GH?
  126. Getting a grip on PWO Glucose????
  127. Znak's IGF-1 LR Journal
  128. Order GH, Why source check when...?
  129. Opinion Please! Jintropin vs. KeFei Blue Tops vs. Generic Brown Tops
  130. Bodybuilding contest next Sat when to stop HGH
  131. READ THIS!!! HGF-1 & Testatropinol
  132. igf-1 6 weeks out
  133. hgh and joint recovery
  134. 192AA - anti-HGH bodies nonsense?!
  135. switch to jin
  136. Somatropin mixture
  137. pins and needles in right arm, only at 2 IU's
  138. Fitropin?
  139. Labrum Tear
  140. Blasted Gh Durring Reconsitution!!!
  141. GH question
  142. Igf question(again)
  143. Odds Please: GH Siezure. % Chance?
  144. please help
  145. Q? doctor supervision ?
  146. a lot of basic questions
  147. screwed up igf mix
  148. Is there a point to run HGH without AAS?
  149. Is it worth adding HGH to this cycle
  150. Names?
  151. Jose cansecos 5 inch ht. increase
  152. Marine trying to grow
  153. PWO slin meal Mcdonalds?
  154. IGF into my cycle
  155. melanotan II question for MODS!
  156. hi cycle help.
  157. IGF or GH?
  158. Body Aches with GH cycle
  159. FDA approves first "low cost" generic HGH- OMNITROPE (Novartis)
  160. 21 days out
  161. Wanting to add igf to cycle w/gh
  162. 192AA blue top HGH
  163. HGH - Measurements, 4mg,6mg,9mg....HELP!
  164. IGF Post surgery
  165. GH and/or IGF for Joint/Connective tissue
  166. Insulin Measurments
  167. Take your HGH with T4.....
  168. I have igf-1 lr3 and need some help with mixing it..
  169. Insulin for carb loads...
  170. Hgh & Aas
  171. quick question
  172. IGF-1 blood levels?
  173. IGF-1 concern
  174. help from people w/ good experience w/ packages
  175. Help? Can I Have A Solid Meal Half An Hour After Slin Shot And Pwo Nutrition?
  176. Thinking about lowering my hgh dosage
  177. doseing for igf new to the igf game
  178. Question about volume of HGH in vial
  179. HCG or IGF?
  180. Chances of becoming diabetic
  181. Anyone ever use GH during/after surgery? experiences??
  182. HRT @34 and all that it entails
  183. Did i **** up 1mg of IGF?!?
  184. question on IGF-1 dosages and unit translation
  185. First Time IGF-1 LR3 User
  186. Is HGH considered a controled substance?
  187. Wadler: Baseball needs to wake up to HGH
  188. Johnny B - Do you still cycle lr3?
  189. Chewing/Jaw pain while on hgh?
  190. Decided to take the Slin step
  191. Law on IGF-1
  192. HGH & High Blood Pressure
  193. IGF-1/HGH Question
  194. humalog storage
  195. Need Feedback Help!
  196. Re-Builds Tendons and Strengthen it?
  197. Running IGF at young age?
  198. has anyone used igf-1 from...
  199. Humulin-R Newbie Question
  200. BW ruins GH???
  201. 100IU/vial HGH?
  202. Could you help me please (endurance&athletics)
  203. Gh
  204. Slin timing post workout?
  205. Hgh and insulin -time apart-
  206. IGF-1 info needed pls!!
  207. GH morn only at 3ius ok?
  208. How to split higher HGH dosages?
  209. IGF-1 LR3 - injection method
  210. some hgh questions
  211. considering HGH
  212. GH Myth??
  213. Why am I sweating so much at night?
  214. **Checkin IN Guys! Feed Back Please**
  215. Whats the longest hgh can be good for?
  216. IGF1-LR3...10 days out till my comp log...
  217. HGH dose for PCT and beyond?
  218. Can I avoid insulin resistance???
  219. should we long time hgh-users be worried?
  220. igf-1
  221. Diet Do's/don't with Hgh
  222. 191 vs 192
  223. Insulin 3x day
  224. Tell me what you think of this stack
  225. HGH Induces Type 2 Diabetes?
  226. Too much T-3 with IGF-1 LR3?
  227. HGH 7iu ED
  228. Keeping Hgh in my lunch box?
  229. Slin every 2 hours
  230. slin and fats
  231. Insulin Cooler for HGH
  232. short GH cycle to heal ligaments/tendons?
  233. GH ED or EOD - any difference?
  234. Help with reconstituting IGF-1 Long R3
  235. already reconstituted igf1-lr3
  236. Chad Nicholls Insulin Theory
  237. HGH and Vision repair
  238. Can i use IGF sametime as INSULIN?
  239. Glutamine and hgh
  240. Combining IGF-1 Long R3 and HGH
  241. Thinking about trying insulin
  242. Rash ONLY on thighs from subq HGH injections
  243. Organ Growth VS. Bone Growth
  244. Taking IGF-1 to work
  245. IGF-LR3 question?
  246. Bone width and widening at HIGH doses of GH?
  247. information about HGH
  248. HGH Help.
  249. insulin?
  250. 4 Months on HGH -- Need Advice on adding T3 Cytomel
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