View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. IGF or HGH? opinions from those who've used both
  2. slin+test ?
  3. A. M. Insulin after morning cardio?
  4. Alright, still confused about slin diet, please help
  5. What Insulin to use??
  6. A question around timing
  7. message from gensci igf
  8. stacking
  9. reconstituting IGF
  10. GH is better with test enanth or tren
  11. When to use T3 with HGH cycle?
  12. Non controlled substance laws?
  13. HGH use - is 5 days on, 2 off necessary?
  14. anybody order dextrose from Kent Nutrition?
  15. SubQ shot sites and techniques
  16. Article on Human Growth Hormone
  17. HGH + T3 + Glen.....is it worth it?
  18. GH & Diet - Pointers please!
  19. INSULIN ,hospitalized
  20. T3 *DOES NOT* need to be used with HGH.
  21. Measuring IU's using an Insulin needle
  22. Adjusting insulin and dextrose to BG values
  23. keep IGF dose same on non workout days??
  24. Gensci Igtropin
  25. Igf-1 Lr3 + Dry Mouth
  26. drol and gh?
  27. will gh help skin?
  28. GH and LR3 IGF-1, no slin - please advise.
  29. Help Please Urgent
  30. Help, IGF-1
  31. Mono and IGF-1
  32. Gh and test/tren what to expect..
  33. Androgel or GH for a Anorexic??
  34. indirect therapises to increase GH?
  35. what to stack with GH???
  36. Using two types of insulin okay?
  37. Gh cycle should last 3,4,5,6 monthes???
  38. Better results???IFG1 R3 or Gh(jinotropin)
  39. scare to try slin..
  40. insulin pct
  41. Any of you guys go diabetic after using insulin?
  42. humalog onset+injection depth
  43. can you overtrain on slin?
  44. [email protected]
  45. IGF and T3
  46. Gaba
  47. Will IGF-1 show up on a drug test?
  48. IFG-1 r3 question
  49. Complex Axis
  50. igf-2
  51. teen prescribed hgh
  52. No vacuum in GH vial, is this OK?
  53. Any benefit to using slin more than once daily?
  54. Is this worth it????????????
  55. T3, LR3, slin
  56. Medical tests before and during a HGH cycle?
  57. Expired?? Please Help
  58. glucose monitor
  59. IGF-1 pec injections.
  60. VETS, longitudinal growth
  61. Jintropin
  62. Awesome results
  63. Gh doseage??
  64. Bilateral IGF injections.... two pins?
  65. insulin and water retention
  66. IGF users... did you keep your gains from it?
  67. Ansomone or Jino?
  68. Jino yellow cap?????
  69. refrig jinotropin?
  70. IGF-1LR3 with Bacteriostatic Water?
  71. GroPrep long r-IGF-1
  72. GH alone?
  73. GH-How much will be effective for me?
  74. is insulin detecteble in drug test?
  75. insulin types U.K.
  76. 1st slin shot & a question
  77. i.u.'s to mg
  78. hgh dosage with test cyp
  79. cycle comparison, need input
  80. Growth hormone questions- i need help from the pros!
  81. Do we really need 10 grams carbs per IU of slin?
  82. Some news I heard about HGH???
  83. HGH for 25 year old, feedback please.
  84. IGF and HGH cycle only.
  85. Jintropin 10IU kit
  86. HGH Results Survey
  87. Fitropin Vs. Jintropin
  88. I am naturally Hypoglycemic is this good for bulding muscle?
  89. where to buy bacterio static water
  90. Is GH really worth it? or are yall just loaded?
  91. mimicing insulin
  92. short term insulin use?
  93. who thried a igf only?
  94. Anyone identify this insulin?
  95. IGF-1 and cancer
  96. Just started GH, a few questions.
  97. IGF-1 in the MAIL
  98. How does this look...and a little feedback please.
  99. IGF + slin > IM PWO
  100. Qustion about Humulin R
  101. can an insulinodependant diabetic use insulin for b'bg purpose ?
  102. Difference between diabetic and non-diabetic
  103. Do we need slin to assimilate proteins ?
  104. ansomone
  105. post slin meal, example of Simple carbs?
  106. t3?
  107. does Jintropin need to be kept cold during mail transportation
  108. Insulin and Fat Bastards
  109. Supplements And Their Effect On Gh
  110. is this enough lr3 igf-1
  111. rHGH delivered Express mail
  112. So,,,, Monday I will have 480ius of Kexing GH
  113. injecting insulin
  114. when shooting insulin.....?
  115. Jino Source
  116. when to shoot slin
  117. what to do when you cant shoot slin to late
  118. needle size?
  119. Why ppl say not to use GH before 30?
  120. useing insulin for the first time tonight...
  121. need help with insulin for bulking
  122. MR turnaround time?
  123. anywone used IGF-1 longacting GENSCI?
  124. starting my igf tonight
  125. rHGH labs for testing
  126. Slin on nonworkout days?
  127. slin....pwo meal...
  128. hgh endogene production recovery
  129. Recovering endogene production from GH use,
  130. Looking for source.....wells dry!
  131. Growth Hormone Peptide
  132. IGF-1 and prostate cancer link
  133. Slin mix...vets?
  134. igf1 and hgh
  135. shooting insulin im
  136. Doing my research IGF1 and GH
  137. Progenis Genitropin
  138. igf-1 quick question. how is it packaged?
  139. any info appreciated . hgh and insulin plus steroid combo
  140. Serious problem here...
  141. HGH - how long?
  142. generic somatropin
  143. HGH is this a good idea?!?
  144. Value/importance of insulin in AM?
  145. First IGF-1 jab last night
  146. Time for igf receptors to come back???
  147. how many iu's do you use???
  148. Results from insulin
  149. well fukk...almost got myself in some trouble last night...
  150. GH and Metformin HCL
  151. So I accidentally used maltodextrin instead of Dextrose...
  152. igf headache and cottonmouth?
  153. using Insulin instead of AS!
  154. using Insulin instead of AS!
  155. Nutropin AQ
  156. Side effects from HGH - first week
  157. I'm diabetic, can i......
  158. humalog....
  159. IGF mixing
  160. lr3 igf-1 and fatloss
  161. BA Water internet source asia
  162. Simple IGF questions
  163. 18 yrs old and wants GH... a couple questions!
  164. After using Gh before bed for 6 months has anyone
  165. GH questions...
  166. Somotropin vs. Jinotropin
  167. Is 7 weeks long enuff on GH to see if you want to continue?
  169. where to put the igf-1 im my cycle
  170. Good Advice On GH Please!!!
  171. GH injection site advice
  172. T3 with JINTROPIN???? yes or no???
  173. why so long
  174. Started IGF-LR3 last night, have ?
  175. A Future Slin User
  176. Very good read: Fake NUTROPIN AQ announced by manufactuer of the real product
  177. 191 or 192 HGH?
  178. Question for vet GH users - letmein, buylongterm, someone?
  179. First Use Of Slin
  180. Why GH bloats me....
  181. Double checking the amount I'm taking
  182. IGF Prep Questions
  183. could gh help repair bones
  184. Kidney pain.
  185. Bulk GH splitting
  186. Taking GH in the AM
  187. unusual IGF questions
  188. is gh better liposuction?
  189. gh precursor?
  190. natural glood glucose levels
  191. Anything I might need to do before I start this cycle?
  192. gh for b tit??
  193. IGF-1 R3, Test, Deca, Prop, Winny CYCLE
  194. Injection Bruising - HGH
  195. post workout food for slin
  196. Slin Pinz
  197. Is slin right for me? Tight schedual
  198. R3 Long IGF from MR
  199. Einstein = Scammer!?
  200. Question for the Guru's about Growth!
  201. GH Cycle?
  202. GH and anavar
  203. When to stop GH when on a show diet?????
  204. Why take a break?
  205. Subcutaneous injections and blood vessel?
  206. Shorter cycles of Humalog possible?
  207. bulk gh
  208. Can you list GH injection sites?
  209. IGF1lr3 vs Growth
  210. LR3 IGF-1 and carbs.
  211. How many of you had fat loss with IGF?
  212. mainstream advertising??? for GH???
  213. why 5 on 2 off with gh
  214. what slin to use and how much
  215. future gh cycle
  216. HGH with an high adrogen AS vs. low androgen AS
  217. IGF/GH numbness at injection sight
  218. Would using HGH for this purpose be okay you think?
  219. Question about GH production in the body
  220. Insulin for the over 40 crowd???
  221. heys guys i just purchased some new gh can anyone tell me sum
  222. Is 16-20 weeks of Gh enough
  223. I need some good info on HGH,IGF-1 long R3,and androgen dosages
  224. Anyone use the newer Kexing kits w/ good results?
  225. HGH for tendons and joints?
  226. Is it safe to use DNP while on GH?
  227. IGF-1 and heart enlargement
  228. IGF-1 BP binds poorly to LR3 IGF-1
  229. Phenomenal Human Hormone Resource...
  230. The Endocrine System
  231. Starting a GH cycle
  232. Glargine?
  233. Planning 2nd cycle
  234. Proviron & HGH
  235. decided to cotinue jin.... help please
  236. Is this type of IGF-1 ok to use
  237. You can try
  238. Slin?
  239. Question about growth hormone??
  240. Time away,is it ok???
  241. Igf-1 R3
  242. GH, Should I?
  243. my dad wants to know about HGH
  244. GH questions from an older juicer
  245. very important question
  246. Two shots at differnt times of igf-1 r3 instead of two p/w???
  247. LR3 IGF Questions
  248. prescribed hgh
  249. how to time insulin & HGH when working out at 5:30 AM?
  250. 21? to young to use growth
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