View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Jintrpoin vs somotropin
  2. T3 in Liquid or Caps's any diffrence?
  3. hgh - 20iu's M W F
  4. is HGH anti catabolic?
  5. Hgh rash?
  6. IGF and MGF together?
  7. Europharm (rHGH)
  8. Some Advice needed!
  9. Help - T4 Side Effects
  10. Hands Swelling
  11. if you had unlimited amount of HGH
  12. igf-1 alone?
  13. 40 IU's??!?!?
  14. Lantus insulin
  15. How do you afford hgh?
  16. orals a good idea ?
  17. igf-lr3 mix help making AA
  18. Training and dieting has no effect with HGH?
  19. air bubbles in hgh
  20. Insulin Basic Question
  21. Lump at injection site
  22. Why am I losing weight on Insulin?
  23. Sweating after GHRP-2 injection
  24. HGH Sucker
  25. physician puzzle by blood results
  26. HGH Dose for Fat loss??
  27. Chinese Somatropin vs. American Somatropin
  28. I broke my Arm.... HGH to speed healing?
  29. medical grade diluent water
  30. Feel real light headed As if im about to pass out
  31. Thicken Up my Bones (wrist, anlkes)
  32. How long does it take for HGH to exit your system?
  33. Real hyge??
  34. Jintropin, think I've bought fakes?
  35. DMP right before bed and T4 first thing in the morning?
  36. Hgh administration
  37. If is not HGH, then what is it?
  38. Anybody has use this type of Somatropin?
  39. Sebaceous cyst?
  40. One of many quick questions Im going to have...
  41. HGH and IGF protocal
  42. Storage Life of Blue Tops
  43. IGF Bottle only holds 3ml???Help
  44. kidneys high in ck,physician does not want to help
  45. rabdomyolysis (high ck in kidneys)
  46. growth mixture
  47. injection question???
  48. I now have 8 kits blue tops
  49. Is there such a thing ...
  50. GH site injection into injured muscle speed up healing?
  51. storage of GH
  52. anyone try Glotropin?
  53. Doctor Question: Tendon injury
  54. Too cheap Nordictropin?
  55. nordictropin and i don't mean norditropin
  56. urology info for kidneys etc......
  57. loss of appetite?
  58. insulin
  59. Is this ********** or fake?
  60. IGF-1 Faqs and Directions?
  61. help explain the difference in the igf on ar-r
  62. HGH and Hyperglycemia
  63. 8week growth and test course
  64. Another IGF1 mixing ?
  65. New Box Design!!!!!!!!!
  66. liquid form Jintropin AQ
  67. IGF results
  68. Anti-Estrogen with Jintropin?
  69. Hgh
  70. What mg Insulin do you ask for?
  71. My hgh cycle
  72. Igf levels?
  73. stimulate own production of testesteron with GH
  74. best insulins
  75. HGH and Looking younger
  76. Safest way to cycle T4
  77. Anybody know this brand of HGH?
  78. Stupid Question
  79. NEED Help, Expired IGF-LR3
  80. Any good suplements after insulin use
  81. Lab Results came back today, dissapointed... IGF Levels extremelly LOW!!
  82. HGH & Surgery
  83. BA and IGF
  84. The Best Place
  85. Using insulin six weeks before a competition?
  86. T4 and sleep
  87. GenLei / GenSci 30iu cartridge
  88. We'll IGF shuttle complex carbs?
  89. how long ??
  90. Flu like symptoms on gh?
  91. just curious about acr*****ly
  92. Question about different types of hgh
  93. hgh dosage
  94. igf-1 lr3 for full time athletes
  95. A few questions regarding hgh and igf
  96. No Authenticity sticker on my goods
  97. Female doseing for HGH
  98. Slin and PWO
  99. omnitrope 2 thumbs up redbaron
  100. Zenosim and generic
  101. Sub Q Injection site
  102. 1st time cycle w/ hgh&test
  103. HGH at 18?
  104. Pregnancy test and G.H.? Please Help!
  105. freak's 1st timer HGH log
  106. Indigeestion, Acid Reflux stomach
  107. questions about HGH
  108. switching hgh
  109. First time to use IGF-1
  110. HGH Advise for newbie
  111. My HGH was fake!
  112. Kei-fei experiences?
  113. Injected 70iu's of Insulin by mistake
  114. body aches, nasauos on igflr3?
  115. HGH Growth Advice
  116. Can't find thread on slin and PWO meal schedule
  117. EC-TROPIN 10iu?
  118. Igf 10l
  119. Is ANSOMONE HGH any good
  120. GH opened by customs and sent anyway
  121. Testing hgh to see if its real
  122. Humalog / slin and PWO meal schedule
  123. Taking 2 shots per day
  124. Heart pounding..
  125. Edited
  126. HGH how much do I need for a cycle
  127. Insulin and shitloading precontest
  128. Injecting into the arms?
  129. IGF LR3 Trauma Recovery
  130. cjc 1295 and ghrp-6
  131. What Happened to my HGH?? Just curious.
  132. T3 + Insulin
  134. New poster here...Is this hgh real?
  135. i.u.'s of hgh to mg?
  136. How do I properly dilute the IGF-1LR3 and GHRP2?
  137. Hgh for fats lost?
  138. Generic vs Somatropin
  139. HGH question sides and need your uppinion.
  140. So many opinions..help a bro out
  142. Generic HGH & Pharma grade HGH I.U equal I.U ???
  143. Insulin in Aus
  144. Hgh's effectiveness
  145. Accidentally left HGH out overnight. Still good?
  146. is igf1lr3 worth trying??
  147. Igf1 halflife
  148. G-Tropin
  149. I'm Ordering J i n t r o p i n from China, any away to make sure is Legit?
  150. Sub Q question
  151. ordering HGH online
  152. G-Sci G-Tropin... legit company or wannabe GenSci Jintropin ?
  153. Use of insuline
  154. Is HGH Dangerous at age 22?
  155. General IGF questions
  156. Liquid Gold...
  157. what do u think ?
  158. Getting the best out of hgh
  159. Is HGH causing my muscles to twitch?
  160. 10month
  161. converting IGF-1 hypho cake
  162. Supplements with insulin
  163. Does any body know this company
  164. GH and Lactic Acid
  165. Just got my BLOODWORK back...
  166. GH-timing and carbs/slin
  167. HGH for 6 week's now..
  168. China Star HGH Manufaturer Co. Legit?
  169. legit companys
  170. Nutrition timing question
  171. thanktropin or green tops?
  172. PEGylated MGF (IGF-1 Ec)
  173. switching types of brands.... hgh
  174. Jintropin
  175. first time HGH and just wondering about sides im having
  176. IGF injecting question
  177. Endurance Athlete......
  178. 100mcg of CJC-1295 + 200 mcg GHRP-6 three times a day.
  179. sales pitch or truth
  180. HGH caused my heart enlargement??
  181. question about hgh with poll
  182. Your experience/results from slin
  183. anabolicpower email???
  184. Acidetic Acid
  185. Serotropin to be refrigerated?
  186. Low doses of HGH & Testosterone
  187. IGF-LR3 Torn pec
  188. hgh dosage
  189. my hgh cycle update
  190. will 3 iu GH 5 on 2 off help speed up torn pec recovary ?
  191. Have you had a fake
  192. Growth plates
  193. Thinking I might have HGH sides on face.
  194. How to split GH through the day...
  195. 18 - growth plates
  196. Injecting slin into a blood vessel?
  197. hgh for fat loss, how effective?
  198. hgh and bone growth
  199. Melanotan II and Sermorelin
  200. man how do you mix and store this $#!t
  201. few questions about hgh
  202. Are IGF1 vials usually under vacuum like GH?
  203. IGF1 tingling fingers sides
  204. what results should i look for from IGF1lr3?
  205. Buying insulin at the pharmacy
  206. t4....hgh
  207. ur thoughts on human groth form
  208. where do you inject your insulin? and specify im or sub q
  209. GH and some simple math help
  210. HGH is makeing me really tired.
  211. IGF-LR3 from Lion-Experiences?
  212. hgh .. need a quick answer please ??
  213. igf1 during an hgh cycle
  214. Cracked vial, how to salvage?
  215. Damage igflr3?
  216. Newb Insulin Question
  217. old IGF-1 and ghrp-6... still good?
  218. igf-1lr3 and keto
  219. my new HgH **********
  220. i shook my CJC-1295 bottle to mix
  221. HGH and the need for insulin
  222. How many IU's for Muscle Growth?
  223. Mixing hgh?
  224. NCAA athelete question1
  225. Taking a little break from HGH?
  226. how much hgh is a cycle
  227. hgh cycle for 45yr old
  228. in 20's is IGF safe to use?
  229. some help would be much apperciated
  230. ********** green top
  231. should i take hgh
  232. HGH yellow tops, real? Pics inside.
  233. 20 IU reconstruction
  234. Genotropin vs ********** iu/mg question??
  235. MGF or IGF-1 Long R3 ?
  236. Thyroid Blood Work
  237. NovoRapid Insulin help
  238. newbie to starting HGH
  239. scitropin info needed..
  240. how much Huperzine ??
  241. timing on carbs carbs
  242. anyone heard of gene-tropin?
  243. Switching from T3 to T4
  244. HGH for MS
  245. HGH & Body Fat
  246. My IGF thawed and refroze is it still good
  247. T4 and hgh
  248. whats the best way to take hgh
  249. Low bodytempature after insulin injection?
  250. hgh sides
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