View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. HGH Newbie
  2. 13 lbs in just 2 weeks....awesome :)
  3. HGH and Night Sweats
  4. question about growth
  5. gh and sleeping
  6. Found a website to check on jintropin authenticity
  7. Does This Cycle Look Like It Will Work?
  8. Igtropin pics
  9. ********-1™
  10. Overview of HGH and Alternative Delivery Methods
  11. HGH and eating, HELP!
  12. Can I bring my GH with me?
  13. taking a couple days off from gh.
  14. stacking and gaining LBM
  15. Price check
  16. any over the counter supplement that should be taken with hgh
  17. how many IU's of slin needed with carb meals to offset GH induced insulin resistance?
  18. Igf questions
  19. Getting a lil fat
  20. Adding IGF?
  21. Going to Mexico (hgh availability)
  22. IGF-1 + ALA = Danger!?
  23. Jintropin or Fintropin? i just wanna take a survey...
  24. insulin and gh
  25. GH and Prolactin
  26. GH HRT Question
  27. L3 igf-1
  28. Opinions on IGF dose and length
  29. Stupid questions about IGF?
  30. Diet (GH/D-Bol/Slin (humalog))
  31. Help! Hgh And High Blood Pressure!!
  32. important insulin question
  33. Can You Tell Me Where I Went Wrong???
  34. Phenformin question? ?
  35. Some Questions??
  36. gh shot into waistline
  37. Gains lost after GH is finished?
  38. FAKE gh from china -THE SEQUEL
  39. what is igf 1 , ?
  40. GH Gut
  41. bruising on the injection site
  42. GH, Slin and test Question
  43. Kexing
  44. How does newbies go to vets to mods ect
  45. Slin length
  46. Growth and Baby Making
  47. GH cycle
  48. HGH 2ius for 1 year or 4iu for six months
  49. IB* labs igf 1lr3????
  50. ok, can you tell me if my HGH is fake please??
  51. NEED HELP.......please.
  52. Getting a doctor to prescribe Insulin, legally
  53. Reconstructing gensci IGF? Experiences?
  54. Help with igtropin recon
  55. How much insulin
  56. Clen, T3, and IGF
  57. gh with humalog
  58. hgh and igf pros needed
  59. cycling gh
  60. stupid question about insulin
  61. HGH - questions before I start. (long post)
  62. HGH question?
  63. 1IU = 20 Units on a slin pin ???
  64. If you couldnt get dextrose for your post..
  65. Any way to LOWER HGH levels (temporarily)?
  66. Best way to get blood work done??
  67. B/G question.
  68. Is glucophage even worth takeing with gH??
  69. Igf-1 fitting into this cycle???
  70. pioglit- would you use it? Increases insulin sensitivity
  71. vital HGH
  72. my cycle
  73. How Much Test With Gh
  74. GH at a young age?
  75. Gh?
  76. please help me here bros !!
  77. How long does insulin last in fridge????
  78. Slin without GH??? And other question :-)
  79. Can this be helpful?
  80. Injecting claves with LR3 IGF-1
  81. HGH Jintropin Q
  82. Do they have new packaging for serostim ?
  83. GHRP Question
  84. IGF1 LR3 Results
  85. Went hypoglycemic today
  86. Attention!
  87. LR3 IGF1 dosage question
  88. gh question
  89. The GH/IGF-1 Axis
  90. requesting advice for sports specific supplementation
  91. GH Use for cutting cycle...
  92. Lr3 Igf1+slin
  93. All IUs are not the same Volume of liquid
  94. Heard you need to use test with growth for results...true?
  95. GH and Ofloxacin + Doxycycline
  96. I'm pissed
  97. Woman and igf
  98. HGH cycle - what u think of this
  99. igf and fat burning
  100. Thinkin of taking the plung
  101. GH new to me
  102. Thyroid Hormone Tests
  103. GH users
  104. Lyophilized white powder Long R3IGF-1 vs regular Long R3IGF-1
  105. insulin during or after cycle.
  106. Hgh Please Help
  107. Red Baron..HGH injection site map?
  108. sucrose or dextrose??
  109. newbie GH question
  110. run 10/16 IU of GH a day
  111. JINTROPIN--My 2nd week...??
  112. workouts after a cylce
  113. i got no results from HGH
  114. HGH injection guide and site map
  115. igf-1 LR3 questions
  116. IGF-1 (not LR3) muscle-specific injections
  117. howlong it will last?
  118. Ghrp-6 and ghrp-2
  119. Does anyone mix IGF and Juice in same pin?
  120. New gh Coming
  121. GH / Carbohydrate Relationship (Red Baron, Others?)
  122. blood glucose test results, 55,95,116
  123. HGH Dosage question!!!!!!!!!!!
  124. Kexing--how long to leave unrefrigerated
  125. GH Question
  126. Jintropin question
  127. GH shot before or after A.M carido???
  128. Muscle Chemistry IGF-1
  129. GH - Hairloss help???
  130. Gh and cirurgy
  131. Best time to do GH
  132. VPX hemogex injectable?
  133. PNP Long R3 IGF1?
  134. help! sore joints.
  135. Help with diabetic friend
  136. Small Lump after Inject
  137. GH for more height
  138. Injection of HGH
  139. Ugl Hgh
  140. IGF-1 question
  141. Shipping GH
  142. question
  143. GH for children
  144. Genotropin questions? I got a lot of them!
  145. gh slin schedule
  146. HGH and lasik eye surgery
  147. gh iu strength
  148. GROWTH HORMONE RELEASING PEPTIDE-6 (C46H56N12O6) or (C49H63N13O6) ?
  149. back order
  150. beginners HGH dosage
  151. Best way to overcome drowsiness when injecting in the AM?
  152. OralTropin IGF (***)
  153. hgh dissolve question
  154. is that possible to use GH and insulin in the same pin ( can we mix them togetger)
  155. Oral LR3
  156. IGF cycling troubles
  157. Igf1 And Gh
  158. New here, just a question. 5 on 2 off
  159. GH for show: short on money
  160. How to use research IGF-1 LR3 vs GenSci?
  161. 8 iu's
  162. IGF injection areas?
  163. GH/Igf for muscle hardening?
  164. humatrope or serostim
  165. insulin and cortisol
  166. Igf1 Lr3 Hard To Find!!!!!!!
  167. start GH with IGF or wait?
  168. want to use gh
  169. best prices on igf1 lr3
  170. How to properly handel reconst. IGF?
  171. Jintropin Lot Numbers
  172. supliments for IGF 1
  173. IGF 1 worthless after storing in fridge?
  174. IGF LR3: How dangerous...
  175. wtf feeling like **** lately?????
  176. Gh and slin????
  177. Many Many Pin Questions!
  178. First GH Cycle Question?
  179. numb
  180. Somatropin
  181. Stupid Question
  182. Who uses Slin and IGF?
  183. Carbs before Protein While on Slin?
  184. Is igf best
  185. more on IGF-1 LR3
  186. thoughts on slin w/ diabetic backround
  187. does vanadyl have any merit during GH use for pst workout carb transport?
  188. IGf
  189. My wife on GH?
  190. Humalog prefered to Humalin-R for BB'ing?
  191. How much GH
  192. need you hgh knowledge!
  193. need some gh knowledge!
  194. which growth is better
  195. another growth question
  196. IGF1 or HGH?
  197. HGH turns into diabetes?
  198. New to board!
  199. Differences between brands of GH..
  200. slin question
  201. 20 weeks HGH cycle
  202. Can extra slin cause fat gain
  203. does slin by itself work?
  204. HGH for my mom (51 yrs old); Post knee surgery
  205. IGF- 1 LR3 for bridging?
  206. keepin it fresh
  207. natty gh production
  208. cost of hgh
  209. Jintropin lot number check..
  210. quick GH question
  211. OralTropin1
  212. IGF is like fine wine....
  213. Do any mods do source checks for IGF-1 LR3?
  214. Insulin?
  215. More insulin with GH
  216. A Few Slin Questions....?
  217. Slin and BodyParts
  218. Sub-Q shot under chin fat
  219. igf-1 q on muscle cell's
  220. igf- 1 questions
  221. IGF LR3: kick in
  222. growth made by genisis
  223. suspended in Acetic acid?
  224. IGF-1 Long vs. IGF-1 Analog resistance?
  225. what test with gh
  226. New HGH Study- ED vs. EOD
  227. t-3 cycle with gh
  228. Lots of IGF-1 questions here...
  229. first timer
  230. Biofa (Lithua) HGH
  231. hgh
  232. fake jin?
  233. igf injection preferences
  234. Redbaron, Gear, Johnny B...
  235. gh and naps
  236. What is "Long R3 IGF1"??
  237. IGF-1 injection pain?
  238. GH helping heal quicker?
  239. Hit a vene at Insulin IM injection
  240. IGF-1 for site enhancement
  241. gh upped from 2iu to 4iu's big difference
  242. Is HGH right for me?
  243. Insulin only, to get a feel for it.
  244. Long time since I visited
  245. Long R3 IGF-1....is this brand injectable?
  246. Im retarded messed up injections....wasted hgh??
  247. how to use slin to my advantage
  248. Slin and Test
  249. diet on igf-1 LR3
  250. 600 Iu gh bulk bottle
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