View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

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  1. Is HGH worth the cost?
  2. IGF expired?
  3. Can I substitute these?
  4. Insuling Resistance?
  5. GHRP injection locations?
  6. HGH Yellow Tops
  7. Manitol
  8. How young is to young for hgh ?
  9. All highly educated and experienced HGH user's
  10. first time user on HGH needs advice
  11. End of cycle - HGH use
  12. Starting HGH this week...Need some Feedback
  13. HGH & Taking a break?
  14. Possibly a dumb question
  15. Green tops and Syntrom
  16. Igf - lr3
  17. What is the difference between these two?
  18. how much iu hgh when cutting after AS cycle?
  19. Interested in Albuterol
  20. HGH Blsck tops....never heard of it!!
  21. Water weight and hgh
  22. HGH Injection Sites = Tough and Dosage?
  23. Igf cycle at 21????
  24. HGH,IFG-1,Insulin Cycle
  25. Hgh good by itself?
  26. Lion's cjc 1295 and ghrp-6
  27. Hexa cutter cycle critique
  28. Blue Top question
  29. how long should cjc1295/ghrp-6 be run without tiring the pituatary?
  30. peptide reliability
  31. Best way to run 1000mcg igf?
  32. Igf with bac water only
  33. Should I start this hgh cycle for a year?
  34. mixing b12 with hgh instead of bac water...
  35. HGH for Disc treatment?
  36. Insulin.... experimenting but unsure..
  37. HGH question
  38. Fragment 176 - Clear or Cloudy?
  40. Fat loss at 3iu/day HGH
  41. IGF1 long3,HGH.....
  42. HGH problem
  43. Type 1 Diabetic - Utilize Insulin
  44. advice please!!
  45. Blood test results on Hyges (8iu) tops.
  46. T4 and blood tests
  47. couple gh questions just started this morning!! =)
  48. T4 dosage????
  49. My HGH Journey, in Journal Form
  50. HGH Somatropin
  51. cjc1295 and ghrp6 (plus hgh?)
  52. Price Guide?!
  53. Which HGH for linear growth?
  54. just started yellow tops... wow!
  55. When 2 start t3 and what dosage?
  56. hgh sides
  57. A question in regards to Somatropin
  58. Expired **********... considering using?
  59. Storage of liquid HGH
  60. Sensitive to low HGH how to gain mass?
  61. First cycle of HGH...Newbie needs help !
  62. injecting peptides
  63. 5 " 10 and 19, will HGH make me taller?
  64. HGH dosage help appreciated
  65. Injection Site
  66. New to this.
  67. Understanding and how to use slin?
  68. HGH question
  69. Best Peptide For Local Fat Loss ?
  70. Cjc-1295 + ghrp-6 stack ???
  71. GH for first time or another AAS cycle??
  72. Can i get some clarification on how i should dose for my goals and age.
  73. HGH sounds dumb
  74. hgh question
  75. Is this a new box for Serostim ??
  76. HGH help?? negud_ how much!!!!
  77. igf-1
  78. hgh, ghrp6, cjc log
  79. HGH puck moves around
  80. hgh--joint pain--very disappointed!
  81. Dieting using slin to get into ketosis in 1 day?
  82. my 1st HGH run.....
  83. Please help with HgH and travel
  84. Peptides
  85. Any experience with glucometer's & test strips?
  86. mixing and storage of peptides
  87. Human Myostatin
  88. Can you help me set up a peptide cycle?
  89. Timing question
  90. Thanktropin dosing....
  91. Igf1-lr3
  92. What to use for mixing peptides??
  93. storage of unmixed hgh
  94. HGH during rehab
  95. Humatrope??????
  96. HGH for my little Brother?
  97. Help! Need HGH advice.
  98. HGH mixing and dosage question
  99. Cholesterol levels and GH
  100. Peptides
  101. IGF-1 levels
  102. HGH antibodies?
  103. insulin cycle?
  104. IGF-1 storage question..
  105. hyge 100iu ?
  106. Question about using GH with a different approach
  107. ghrp 6 question
  108. attempting for the 5th f---- time!!!! Best HGH
  109. Red Tops, Blue Tops, Yellow Tops...
  110. hgh questions.
  111. First HGH for 6 months
  112. can I use regular or distilled water for my GH?
  113. HGH and Tingiling hands
  114. HGH off erection trouble
  115. Ghrp-6
  116. CJC 1295 and GHRP-2. Good God.
  117. HGH China
  118. not sure on dosage
  119. Does HGH ever go bad?
  120. Blue Tops Look Pretty Bad
  121. Milos Sarcev's Pre Workout Slin Protocol
  122. Is there a huge difference...
  123. igf administration
  124. igf critique
  125. Best peptide for anti aging
  126. GH Deficient
  127. Some newbie questions
  128. Ipamorelin
  129. If there is a 20 day gap in my GH cycle, would it be like starting all over?
  130. Proposed rehabilitation cycle
  131. HGH Question
  132. confused, plz help
  133. Is hgh a strong anti-catabolic agent?
  134. Can HGH be run on it own after a bit?
  135. ghrp and cjc question, wheres the proof?
  136. FREE 1mg IGF-1 Lr3!! MERRY XMAS!!!!
  137. need some hgh help
  138. Thailand
  139. Can someone explain what this means? (ghrelin, GHRP-6, Hex)
  140. Intense side effects from HGH?
  141. hgh in drug test
  142. How much for Somatropin?
  143. Whats the Lowdown on HGH?
  144. Anyone on here with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis use gh?
  145. Buying HGH in Mexico
  146. Question about ghrp-6
  147. GH with AAS first time!!!!!
  148. 1st Time for GH... please clarify
  149. HGH Brands
  150. Affects of lowering HGH dosage
  151. for the vets: is hgh beneficial at 24 years old?
  152. HGH vs IGF-lr3
  153. HGH vs Clen
  154. HGH Pins and Needles..
  155. Have knowledge on hgh
  156. hgh with or without
  157. Humalog?
  158. Igf lr3
  159. HGH 1-2IU's per day worth it?
  160. Aas/hgh/igf-1lr3/slin cycle ?
  161. Hip Surgery soon.
  162. GH and Carpal tunnel surgery...
  163. 4iu of GH with 5 on 2 off regime along with PCT
  164. What is the Best time of injecting HGH
  165. insurance
  166. First time GH user
  167. Interested in peptides.
  168. 90 iu's of blue tops but am not going to use...
  169. mgf/igf what to do??
  170. HGH/Test questions
  171. why does it take so long for hgh to kick in fully?
  172. quick noob question
  173. opinions from the HGH experienced.....
  174. Making sure i'm good to go
  175. IGF LR-3 sides
  176. Test first then HGH ???
  177. HGH help to Bulgaria
  178. Hgrh
  179. IGF... IM or sub-q??
  180. First run of IGF lr 3
  181. For the experienced users of GH..
  182. **************** advice **************
  183. how long can igf be out ofthe frig
  184. can someone help out with this
  185. Real HGH
  186. 2 Questions Mixing IGF1-LR3 with AA
  187. if keep slin refridgerated can it go longer than the 28 day expiration date?
  188. diet plan while on HGH
  189. Please help
  190. Peptide sides
  191. receptor vs. media
  192. HgH first cycle info
  193. thanktropin underdosed
  194. a few pinning questions
  195. growth hormone or ??
  196. legit research chem
  197. My experience with HGH
  198. hgh anavar Awasome...
  199. My first week on Insulin... please give me your thougts
  200. Upped dosage of GHRP6 & now breaking out big time!
  201. GH for Weightlifting!!
  202. ? $ ya running a month for hgh?
  203. Has Anyone Used Riptropin?
  204. Normal Levels for IGF-1
  205. pGh vs HgH
  206. CHinese blue tops(Fake or real)
  207. new comer to HGH
  208. Which peptides for bridging cycles??
  209. Anyone heard of Trimatropin
  210. HGH life span
  211. Dose This look Familiar to anyone?
  212. A Buddy of mine told me...
  213. legit hgh source
  214. sterile water ok instead of bac?
  215. HGH for injuries
  216. LR3 Igf-1+MGF cycle help
  217. Questions on HGH!
  218. hgh, slin for person with bad kidneys?
  219. Best time for a second Poke
  220. Need specific Thanktropin red top advice
  221. jintropin hgh help? plz
  222. GH – Bloating from the “Get Go” - ?
  223. Questions on HGH?
  224. CJC and TRT
  225. Legit generic HGH with label?
  226. Green Tops, 8iu or 10iu....
  227. Hypertropin and Hygertropin
  228. solvent help please!!
  229. Igf-1 lr3
  230. Hghrp-6
  231. HGH experience....any one else?
  232. First GH Cycle Log
  233. CJC-1295/ Hexarelin cycle questions
  234. 1st Cycle Yellow Top
  235. CJC-1295 with DAC or without???
  236. hgh.. age
  237. Bumping it up to 3ius ( Question)
  238. GH reconstituting question!!!
  239. So many brands So little money!! lol
  240. GH bloating
  241. hgh effects
  242. hgh,red welts and IM injection ...
  243. Got screwed, Given 191aa Generic instead of Somatropin (yellowtops) whats the diff?
  244. GHRP, CJC and Sermorelin
  245. HGH mixing question?
  246. Please critique my HGH cycle
  247. IGF-1L3 ran with HGH frag 176-191
  248. My IGF/GH/Test fat loss cycle...
  249. how does mg convert into iu?
  250. I Don't know which to go with..Hyges or Riptropin...preference anyone??
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