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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #41841
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Alright fellows, being too generous to myself isnt the best thing as it seems huh? its pleasure to catch myself of guard, thanks for pointing out people, appreciate that alot.

    wide grip cable-bar pulldowns 2w/up + 1w/s
    narrow grip cable-bar pulldowns 2w/up + 1w/s
    rest a minute or two and stretch.
    bent over barbel rows 2w/up 1w/s
    bench dumbbell pullovers 2w/up 1w/s
    rest few mins
    v-grip cable rows 1w/s aim to hit failure, drop some weight and hit 1more set to failure (long 3-5 sec squeeze holds on contraction for all these working sets)

    What Im about thinking to do, do all warmup sets but leave the working set of each and the last exercise as a finisher moves so I go right to the climax at the end with the bang. Also dropping the last cable v-grip pulldowns. your verdict on this ^ ?

    Hey IM - I'm very guilty of 'overthinking' my concepts... just something I tend to do and wish I didn't... Your surely on the right track and have made some very good progress thus far - it only gets better with time!

    What you described above is basically HIT at it core... You warm up(especially good on your first ex then go into feelers) once you've armed up(10-12 reps pushing it though not to failure)

    So once you start your working set you stay the course until true positive failure is met first then drop set RP or forced into negs... Never leave anything left in the tank on anything!

    So each working set, after your warm ups and feelers, you go into your working set and don't stop till that muscle and ex destroys those fibers! If this is what your doing then great... I tend to overthink things and I think we and most of us in this lifestyle share this dreaded characteristic
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  2. #41842
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    Getting ready for chest and biceps after a long, stressful day. Messing with lawyers always fucks me up.

    Gonna use this fucking stress and channel it into the workout, just a shame still have nose blocked, at least throat has healed

    EDIT: shit, BP is 150/95 @ 65bpm
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 10-17-2016 at 11:27 AM.

  3. #41843
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    Damn BB 150/65 !!!!

  4. #41844
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    Good afternoon guys!!

    Well I had a fucking killer arm workout today! I mean it was just nasty. Straight HIT style to the core and the arms where PUMPED.. Just felt strong and everything was light. Going to eat and get ready for the work day. I hope everyone has a good day.
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  5. #41845
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Hey IM - I'm very guilty of 'overthinking' my concepts... just something I tend to do and wish I didn't... Your surely on the right track and have made some very good progress thus far - it only gets better with time! What you described above is basically HIT at it core... You warm up(especially good on your first ex then go into feelers) once you've armed up(10-12 reps pushing it though not to failure) So once you start your working set you stay the course until true positive failure is met first then drop set RP or forced into negs... Never leave anything left in the tank on anything! So each working set, after your warm ups and feelers, you go into your working set and don't stop till that muscle and ex destroys those fibers! If this is what your doing then great... I tend to overthink things and I think we and most of us in this lifestyle share this dreaded characteristic
    Yes, thats what is about to happen in next 20-30 minutes.
    One fact for sure is that we all seldom if ever know our own strengths but too often and too quick identify ourselves with our weaknesses.

    Mr.BB , what youre up to with BP like this???

    Sent from my eyePhone

  6. #41846
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    So fellas - I've come up with a plan of action that I've been thinking about for some time...
    1. Getting back to my consistent w/o's and back on my routine(this is the easy part ) - plus sticking with cardio - also it'd be nice to get some GH
    2. Get back to where I was(shouldn't take long) bug then implement a 6-8wk prime dropping my glycogen stores and BF is just an added function to priming(the main point is to keep your size and I'll do this by carb cycling and refeed days etc etc
    3. Once I'm at a point where my body is absorbing everything(nutrient wise and flushing them to the muscles) then I'll blast test/deca drol(or d-Bol)
    4. Come off from the bulk then re-prime 6wks - into a cutter/or more of a recomp -- this will be test/Tren a/drol or Winny

    So I'm looking to bulk up to 220+ then cut but keep as much tissue as possible and I plan on getting to 7-8% @ 205/210 if all works like I know It can

    I know we're making some goals etc so I figured I'd lead off and dig I can get to 210 @ 7-8% I'll be happy for a short time then back to meeting new and improved goals

    Let's kick some ass and show everyone what HIT can do for anyone willing to endure some pain
    First one with the goals up...

    Nach you got this man.

    Good set of achievable goals for you man.

    One of the most dedicated mfers in here.
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  7. #41847
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Fellas, fvck ma legs are in bits. My knee is ok a think i just have to watch that am doing and defo not doing leg ex again. Back to it the mora, had a late night last nigh my eyes are stinging lol going to get ma head down very shortly.
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  8. #41848
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    What's up HITers

    Got a little suprised today in the mail, made my day a whole lot better.

    We are getting a bed room set from her friend. Paid movers to get. They said they would be at storage at 3. So I drove the 45 mins to the apartment to pack some shit into the truck and meet them later. And of cours3 not only after 30mins being here they call3d at 12 saying they were out the way to storage. So I've made this drive 4 times today.

    Anyways my little surprise had a little "preworkout" fun inside. So I'm about an hour and a half from destroying my back. Will report back
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  9. #41849
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    I didn't know my (largely untrained) back was so hairy till I took a pic at it.
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  10. #41850
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    my missus says that Im getting hairy on my back and my glutes... yet I have no idea what she is talking about ... I cant see my back up close nor can take care of my own blackheads or acne when it happens back there

  11. #41851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    What's up HITers

    Got a little suprised today in the mail, made my day a whole lot better.

    We are getting a bed room set from her friend. Paid movers to get. They said they would be at storage at 3. So I drove the 45 mins to the apartment to pack some shit into the truck and meet them later. And of cours3 not only after 30mins being here they call3d at 12 saying they were out the way to storage. So I've made this drive 4 times today.

    Anyways my little surprise had a little "preworkout" fun inside. So I'm about an hour and a half from destroying my back. Will report back
    i wish i got surprises in the mail

  12. #41852
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    So fellas - I've come up with a plan of action that I've been thinking about for some time...
    1. Getting back to my consistent w/o's and back on my routine(this is the easy part ) - plus sticking with cardio - also it'd be nice to get some GH
    2. Get back to where I was(shouldn't take long) bug then implement a 6-8wk prime dropping my glycogen stores and BF is just an added function to priming(the main point is to keep your size and I'll do this by carb cycling and refeed days etc etc
    3. Once I'm at a point where my body is absorbing everything(nutrient wise and flushing them to the muscles) then I'll blast test/deca drol(or d-Bol)
    4. Come off from the bulk then re-prime 6wks - into a cutter/or more of a recomp -- this will be test/Tren a/drol or Winny

    So I'm looking to bulk up to 220+ then cut but keep as much tissue as possible and I plan on getting to 7-8% @ 205/210 if all works like I know It can

    I know we're making some goals etc so I figured I'd lead off and dig I can get to 210 @ 7-8% I'll be happy for a short time then back to meeting new and improved goals

    Let's kick some ass and show everyone what HIT can do for anyone willing to endure some pain

    similar goals here.

    1. want my body to not to be all knotty, sucks that i cannot train like i want (eye popping shit).

    2. want to drop 15 pounds by the end of the year and get stronger. i have a difficult time losing fat, body just loves to hang on to it.

    3. would love to do a cycle next year! never tried tren before
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  13. #41853
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Damn BB 150/65 !!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Mr.BB , what youre up to with BP like this???
    Need to evict non paying tenant and family court shiet, was with lawyer.

  14. #41854
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    Chest and bicep

    DB press - warmups, 2 working

    Incline DB press - 1 feeler, 1 working

    Incline flyes - 1 feeler, 1 working DD

    Hammer decline press - a few sets to try the new equipment in gym, didnt like this one.

    Hammer preacher machine single arm - 2 warmups, 1 working negatives + drop (new machine in gym, no way cuz lifts 3 plates single arm!)

    DB twisting curl - 2 working

    Cable curl with rope - 1 feeler, 1 working DD
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  15. #41855
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    I didn't know my (largely untrained) back was so hairy till I took a pic at it.
    Well, its symmetrical which is a good thing to start with, and low bf. You just need to stop eating polenta and start eating proper muscle building food, together with a bit of AAS and hard training.

    Dont get me wrong it takes time to build muscle, but once you start seeing the gains you will be hooked.
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  16. #41856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Well, its symmetrical which is a good thing to start with, and low bf. You just need to stop eating polenta and start eating proper muscle building food, together with a bit of AAS and hard training.

    Dont get me wrong it takes time to build muscle, but once you start seeing the gains you will be hooked.
    Well I'm not completely a newbie, I was training hard before the endocrine issues, I used to be a total fatass yrs ago. Don't worry about the polenta, I haven't touched it since a while. What I need now is to regain my original strength and energy...
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  17. #41857
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    Back done and wow I was on fire.

    15 mins treadmill....slow and slight incline. Knee was taking more. Had to hold on as it felt like it would give out.

    Cg pull downs. 3w 1f 1w heavy slow negatives and dd

    Smith bent rows 1f 2w 225 one drop

    Finally got deads in....2w ( not posting weights lol)

    Db single are rows 2w 95s

    Low pully hammer strength 2w dd

    Under hand grip 2w got heavier 9n this too

    Tried Hypers can't between knee and lower back.

    Prox.....are deads bad for the lestisis??? I'm dying now
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  18. #41858
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    I had hit my back real sincerely tonight ... about 30 minutes and I had hard time leaning back or forward ... the pump of the lower back was like I had never had before! Took some vids and pics just to see what's what and I noticed lower back pump - bulged out like two balloons just standing there doing nothing... took long hot shower but had no help to relieve the pump, went and did more foam roller time and that seem to help a good bit.

    After all, workout felt great, never did so high reps, always was orientated toward 6-8 rep range, this time aimed for 12, it sure feels different... but not all working sets could have been 12, its either I can no longer even go half rep or I get weak-headed and of balance and had to land the weights down, so it was ~7-10 reps for the brutal ending sets and last set in dropsets.

    Also, if I to do it over again - I would exclude close grip bar pulldowns all together, and add v-grip pulldowns at the back with v-grip cable rows. Close-grip cable bar pulldowns had too much strain on my forearms this time going down and up, and felt so much pre-exhausted from wide-grip pulldowns, it almost felt too exaggerated addition for almost the same movement, especially when it didn't feel like 100% excellent engagement due to forearm limitation discomfort.
    PS: forearms had undergo some growth in last few weeks, need new suit soon, today was kinda tight in my regular... oh and lats also felt like it shows where it gets wider...

    Done with food today, gonna do more foam rolling for my lower back and lats and crash to recover for another day!

  19. #41859
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    a VEYRON back

    Attachment 165868Attachment 165867Attachment 165866

    a VEYRON back

    I also missed upper back mid section pump this time, I am certain its because of no v-grip pulldowns ... thats whats gonna happen next time
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  20. #41860
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    So fellas - I've come up with a plan of action that I've been thinking about for some time...
    1. Getting back to my consistent w/o's and back on my routine(this is the easy part ) - plus sticking with cardio - also it'd be nice to get some GH
    2. Get back to where I was(shouldn't take long) bug then implement a 6-8wk prime dropping my glycogen stores and BF is just an added function to priming(the main point is to keep your size and I'll do this by carb cycling and refeed days etc etc
    3. Once I'm at a point where my body is absorbing everything(nutrient wise and flushing them to the muscles) then I'll blast test/deca drol(or d-Bol)
    4. Come off from the bulk then re-prime 6wks - into a cutter/or more of a recomp -- this will be test/Tren a/drol or Winny

    So I'm looking to bulk up to 220+ then cut but keep as much tissue as possible and I plan on getting to 7-8% @ 205/210 if all works like I know It can

    I know we're making some goals etc so I figured I'd lead off and dig I can get to 210 @ 7-8% I'll be happy for a short time then back to meeting new and improved goals

    Let's kick some ass and show everyone what HIT can do for anyone willing to endure some pain
    I'm sure some things will change for both the better and worse but it's all how we move forward... I will keep updating this and my goals - let's see what we can do guys! Things that could change would be my stack used - simple yet effective - didn't really lay it out so depending on length and goals diet(nandrolone and tren + oral = pulsed or backloaded)


    Last edited by NACH3; 10-17-2016 at 06:35 PM.
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  21. #41861
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Machine Dips 2 ws
    Skull crushers 2 ws
    Press-downs ws, rp, drop, rp, drop
    Single arm extensions positive to fail, positive assist to fail, negatives to fail (monster pump)

    35 minutes, but 5 extra to untangle my I-phone ear-buds before my workout. Just how the hell they tangle themselves in a knot every f'n time is beyond me.

  22. #41862
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post

    i wish i got surprises in the mail
    Well suprised timing RC....knew it was coming but expected it in few days lol
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  23. #41863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Tried Hypers can't between knee and lower back.

    Prox.....are deads bad for the lestisis??? I'm dying now
    Not really ideal. Pretty much depends on the severity of the displacement.

    If you do them, you should keep your form PERFECT, keeping a nice little arch/lordosis in the lower back.

    With everything you've got going on between the knee and lower back, I would be on the more conservative side.

    How you surviving at the in-laws? Read the 77 degree comment, I'd die if it wasn't at at least 73 and that's with a ceiling fan.

  24. #41864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post

    Not really ideal. Pretty much depends on the severity of the displacement.

    If you do them, you should keep your form PERFECT, keeping a nice little arch/lordosis in the lower back.

    With everything you've got going on between the knee and lower back, I would be on the more conservative side.

    How you surviving at the in-laws? Read the 77 degree comment, I'd die if it wasn't at at least 73 and that's with a ceiling fan.
    OK respond first to in laws. It's taking getting used to lol. I cooked dinner for them tonight. So hopping this helps ease everything in.

    Yeah we have a ceiling fan. A tower fan at end of bed and tower fan on side of bed. And I'm still soaked all night lmao.

    Ok as far as deads and all my issues. I really wanted to get started with deads is why I tried this. I know I'm not strong in this movement so wasn't to much worried about the knee ( for example I do my bent rows on smith cause knee won't stabilize me with the weight)

    As far as my back. I figured going light and doing dorian style to mid shins would help ease into it. But I guess. Not. Pain in back has actually not been there, but I think the packing and moving and now deads acted it up.

    I have just never followed up with docs about it since I have so much shit going on.

    Like the other day I almost convinced myself to do legs. But didn't hahahha.

    Prox as always thanks for your reply man. I really appreciate any insights

  25. #41865
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    Drinking a shake then I'm off to hit chest before work. Pretty run down from work but feel.better after I am.fully awake.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-17-2016 at 08:35 PM. Reason: Typos...
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #41866
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Drinking a shake then I'm off to hit chest before work. Pretty run down from work but feel.better after zi am.fully awake.
    get after it brother I just got back from leg training. So much for taking today off. I have meetings scheduled all day tomorrow at work so I am planning to rest tomorrow instead
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  27. #41867
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    In the gym warming up right now on elliptical then it's biceps
    Standing ez curl bar
    Concentration curls
    Incline curls with a nice stretch
    Rope pulls untill they feel like popping

    Then it's home to bake chicken before work!have a great night everyone while you sleep I work

  28. #41868
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I'm sure some things will change for both the better and worse but it's all how we move forward... I will keep updating this and my goals - let's see what we can do guys! Things that could change would be my stack used - simple yet effective - didn't really lay it out so depending on length and goals diet(nandrolone and tren + oral = pulsed or backloaded)


    I like the plan NACH keep us updated was thinking of running a similiar blast in a few months after priming and getting bodyfat to min
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  29. #41869
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    OK respond first to in laws. It's taking getting used to lol. I cooked dinner for them tonight. So hopping this helps ease everything in.

    Yeah we have a ceiling fan. A tower fan at end of bed and tower fan on side of bed. And I'm still soaked all night lmao.

    Ok as far as deads and all my issues. I really wanted to get started with deads is why I tried this. I know I'm not strong in this movement so wasn't to much worried about the knee ( for example I do my bent rows on smith cause knee won't stabilize me with the weight)

    As far as my back. I figured going light and doing dorian style to mid shins would help ease into it. But I guess. Not. Pain in back has actually not been there, but I think the packing and moving and now deads acted it up.

    I have just never followed up with docs about it since I have so much shit going on.

    Like the other day I almost convinced myself to do legs. But didn't hahahha.

    Prox as always thanks for your reply man. I really appreciate any insights
    Man, your physique is looking great on your avatar - just would hate to see you do something needless now and mess yourself up for the upcoming years. Was always conservative as a therapist (but flat-out stupid with myself, LOL).

    My pleasure Sfla, take care bro!
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  30. #41870
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    HIT lift for chest tonight. A tad weak, but it felt decent.

    RC exercises and broomstick stretches

    Incline flyes- 2 w/u, Work-6+,drop,4+,drop,2+
    Incline press- 2 w/u, Work1-5+,drop,2+,drop,3+. Drop some weight and rest for 1 minute. Work2-5+ reps w/slow 5 count neg. on partial.
    Flat flyes- 2 w/u, Work-8,drop,2
    Flat press- 1 w/u, Work-5+,drop, 2 w/ 5 count hold on partial. Thought I was going to have to make the w/u set my working set, but managed to recover.

    Wrist curls w/dry Oly bar to failure- 1 set palms up to failure, 1 set palms down to failure, superset w/ seated hammer curls to failure.

    Probably should've worn wrist wraps to get more reps, but forgot about them until halfway through.

    36 minutes not including RC exercises and broomstick stretches
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-18-2016 at 12:28 AM.
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #41871
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    Morning, Marcus.
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  32. #41872
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Morning fellas, GGR. Legs are still fried, going to smash arms the night. Going to the doc in a wee bit then work, if all is ok a wee blast will be started the day hahaha.

    I'll report back later.

  33. #41873
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Morning fellas, GGR. Legs are still fried, going to smash arms the night. Going to the doc in a wee bit then work, if all is ok a wee blast will be started the day hahaha.

    I'll report back later.
    Sounds good, Clarky. Hope the endo gives you a good report!
    marcus300 likes this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #41874
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    Morning fellas and ladies

  35. #41875
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    morning people, whos training what today?
    Im gonna hit chest tonight
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  36. #41876
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Ok back at work, on ma break. Doc went good everything is fine as far as bloods she ran. I'm a bit of a mystery she said lol. Phoned endo that also is all good i was told, she sent out copy last wk so should have them this wk will let yous know. Sooooo blast away hahaha, i'll report back the night.
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  37. #41877
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    morning people, whos training what today?
    Im gonna hit chest tonight
    Morning IM, Arms for me the day.

  38. #41878
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Ok back at work, on ma break. Doc went good everything is fine as far as bloods she ran. I'm a bit of a mystery she said lol. Phoned endo that also is all good i was told, she sent out copy last wk so should have them this wk will let yous know. Sooooo blast away hahaha, i'll report back the night.
    Nice!!! What's your plan this time, Clarky?
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  39. #41879
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    Good morning all!
    Nice new avatar Marcus,

    Just rested yesterday.
    It was very intresting to read about the 1 set to failure approach.
    That makes a lot of sense to me, as I'm been wondering if I'm over trained much of the time.

    Shall work on my goals, read up on page 1000 somewhat and prepare for a workout.

    Have a nice one all!

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