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  1. HGH Log-2008-April (12 replies)
  2. hgh stretch mark cure? i think not.. (6 replies)
  3. cycle check (5 replies)
  4. IGF-1 LR3, strange taste in my mouth?? (5 replies)
  5. need help hgh problem (4 replies)
  6. Ansomone HGH (Is this a good product) (9 replies)
  7. Best peptide for spot muscle growth (6 replies)
  8. dynatrope (3 replies)
  9. Insulitard&Novarapid stack??? (3 replies)
  10. What can I mix/not mix together in a syringe? (1 replies)
  11. HGH expiring on 07-2008 (2 replies)
  12. First Cycle Help (21 replies)
  13. pro athlete contemplating hgh (9 replies)
  14. HGH Question (3 replies)
  15. HTropin 16iu HGH (3 replies)
  16. new but been looking around... need some advice or opinions from the pros (5 replies)
  17. Sermorelin???...(sp?) (2 replies)
  18. HGH from China (25 replies)
  19. emergency procedure for insulin? (1 replies)
  20. Am I Using Enough Test With Gh (8 replies)
  21. IGF LR3 Injection PLS HELP!!! (1 replies)
  22. HGH and TEst + Furabol cycle. (Gear) (9 replies)
  23. red tops (9 replies)
  24. HGH in Mumbai (2 replies)
  25. Dragging Butt What should i do? (7 replies)
  26. First cycle - IGF, Insulin and Oxandrolone (1 replies)
  27. Gh Ok To Use?? (5 replies)
  28. !!!and So It Begins....my Hgh Log!!! (5 replies)
  29. Insulin - is this type suitable for training? (16 replies)
  30. Low Test Levels and Hypothiroidism ? Help!!! (5 replies)
  31. anyone purchased hgh from ar-r.com (6 replies)
  32. ? for Gear about slin (4 replies)
  33. hyge....n order (3 replies)
  34. Any one ever injected hgh in quads or arms ??????? (5 replies)
  35. IGF1-LR3:what to mix it with/how (7 replies)
  36. An 8 i.u./vial HGH? (4 replies)
  37. igf1-lr3 for mma (3 replies)
  38. IGF-1 and Blood sugar dangers. (4 replies)
  39. GH and IGF together (1 replies)
  40. ***IGF lr3 VS. peg MGF!*** (1 replies)
  41. I need physical side effects of GH, should I take it ? (3 replies)
  42. Skin issues while on HGH (5 replies)
  43. HCG instead of HGH?!! (2 replies)
  44. igf-1 where to inject and how often?? (8 replies)
  45. Growth Without Insulin ? (1 replies)
  46. How long after HGH injectin do I have to wait to take Pregnancy test ? (4 replies)
  47. combo of t3/t4 at 16.7/67mcg (15 replies)
  48. IP's IGF-LR3 (8 replies)
  49. how bad is taking a break for two weeks off the gh cycle (4 replies)
  50. Unlabeled blue top HGH, ND (18 replies)
  51. igf recon,better with NaCl or AA? (0 replies)
  52. gh and perma bloat (9 replies)
  53. What should i get checked out by doc b4 igf cycle? (3 replies)
  54. hgh 191-192???? (5 replies)
  55. what to do after long time injury? (6 replies)
  56. HGH site itching! please help (9 replies)
  57. IGF and the newb? (5 replies)
  58. feq questions about igf1 (6 replies)
  59. igf-1 (11 replies)
  60. doing a cleanse on HGH (3 replies)
  61. Any advantages to taking days off during HGH (1 replies)
  62. 5ius hgh too much for 10month (4 replies)
  63. is it ok to do 5ius hgh for 10month (3 replies)
  64. HGH 10IU pwo method? (15 replies)
  65. Need to start IGF Lr3 . (8 replies)
  66. HGH - HardCoreGrowth Somatropin 191aa (8 replies)
  67. Igf-1 & Hgh (1 replies)
  68. T4 dosing? (13 replies)
  69. Ready to order HGH but does this sounds too good to be true (24 replies)
  70. 1st HGH Injection Today... (5 replies)
  71. T4 Sides (9 replies)
  72. T4? (2 replies)
  73. Jintropin done??? (0 replies)
  74. ********** vs. Jintropin (3 replies)
  75. HGH's effects on pituitary function? (3 replies)
  76. Anyone taken this brand of HGH (38 replies)
  77. HGH Burns when injected?? (20 replies)
  78. Why does HGH cause sore wrists? (3 replies)
  79. Starting with IGF-1 LR3! (32 replies)
  80. HGH w/o label (pic) (7 replies)
  81. HGH and thyroid problems (3 replies)
  82. Gh With Primo Vs Gh With Anavar (11 replies)
  83. Does hyperplasia really happen with IGF1 LR3? (18 replies)
  84. Hgh prescription info (6 replies)
  85. Veterans final verdict on Kefei? (15 replies)
  86. Running HGH with Test (9 replies)
  87. Fake saizen??? (7 replies)
  88. Hgh (3 replies)
  89. recovery (5 replies)
  90. mgf QUESTION NEED HELP!!! (1 replies)
  91. GH - the "well being" felling and the quality of sleep (10 replies)
  92. GH/Slin/IGF/T4 w/ MGF & Test E, Tren E, & EQ (1 replies)
  93. How Long Can I Keep Ghg (19 replies)
  94. The Hunt for Jintropin (35 replies)
  95. hgh questions (5 replies)
  96. 12iu of GH (2 replies)
  97. my dad and HGH (8 replies)
  98. GH & Slin (7 replies)
  99. For Gear, Merc and other Mod's (1 replies)
  100. igf bottles vacumed? (2 replies)
  101. This HGH Legit? (pictures) (30 replies)
  102. IGF lr3 with just BA water? (4 replies)
  103. igf and mgf (2 replies)
  104. just started igf-1 (3 replies)
  105. igf2 (6 replies)
  106. igf1 rh. (2 replies)
  107. starting GH - you only live once :) (13 replies)
  108. IGF-1 R3 Post workout can be taken for months!! (9 replies)
  109. Cycle Back N Forth Beetween Igf And Mgf (1 replies)
  110. IGF-1 lr3 is the truth (16 replies)
  111. Waxy Maize for PWO & Slin (7 replies)
  112. GH Shipping Question (8 replies)
  113. ED vs. EOD (8 replies)
  114. GH and liver (2 replies)
  115. Already cutting for contest with clen/t3 (3 replies)
  116. 2nd week of hgh (15 replies)
  117. need help (sent to much product?) (7 replies)
  118. Measuring IU's to CC's (2 replies)
  119. T3 as a catalyst for IGF-1? (2 replies)
  120. Will an AI negate my GH bennies? (1 replies)
  121. Saizen 8.8MG (26.4 IU) Got 8 boxes for free..is this the good stuff? (12 replies)
  122. WHAT happened to me!!!!!! (18 replies)
  123. AM vs. PM PWO GH/IGF-1 injections. (1 replies)
  124. gh and women fertility (1 replies)
  125. This Stuff Is Amazing!!! (59 replies)
  126. need help 1st time gh taker (28 replies)
  127. The Definitive Guide on HGH Reconstitution from Eli Lilly (0 replies)
  128. T3/T4 Dosage timing (2 replies)
  129. ? about lions IGF-1 LR3. (7 replies)
  130. maltodextrin for insulin (4 replies)
  131. IGF-1 (AA vs NaCl) (4 replies)
  132. T4,T3, TRH & TSH detailed analysis from Abbott Pharmaceuticals (1 replies)
  133. Please help organize my next HGH and other good stuff... (6 replies)
  134. Was getting Ready to Run Red Barrons HGH, IGF, Slin Cycle (3 replies)
  135. 6 kits of GH what should i do.... (8 replies)
  136. Odd question regarding correct storage (2 replies)
  137. Conective tissue (0 replies)
  138. hgh fragment 176-191 (0 replies)
  139. Shooting 5IU's HGH all at once?? (2 replies)
  140. Parents Putting there children on HGH for sports? (15 replies)
  141. just got half of my 12-month GH cycle! (3 replies)
  142. 30g syringe for igf? (3 replies)
  143. Mgf questions? (1 replies)
  144. A little help with igf (again) (0 replies)
  145. Starting First HGH Stack (6 replies)
  146. back into it (5 replies)
  147. Albuterol and Clenbuterol? (1 replies)
  148. IGF and MGF use (0 replies)
  149. Question on off day igf-1 injection (1 replies)
  150. 23 years old.....too young to even think about HGH? (11 replies)
  151. Hgh Injection Bruise (5 replies)
  152. HGH from Mexico (10 replies)
  153. Hgh Will; Thsi Be Ok?? (4 replies)
  154. Hgh (5 replies)
  155. First time IGF-1, need advice (3 replies)
  156. how long can reconstituted HYGERTROPIN be kept refridgerated? (2 replies)
  157. IGF-1 and Cancer (3 replies)
  158. what to use w/ T3? (2 replies)
  159. hgh year round (9 replies)
  160. how many iu (6 replies)
  161. Insulin Question (15 replies)
  162. ar-r's igf (6 replies)
  163. timing of peg mgf and igf together (1 replies)
  164. how do you skip a day? (5 replies)
  165. How Long Can I Take Ghg (3 replies)
  166. fragment 177-191 (2 replies)
  167. Post results with GHRP-6\Hexarelin (9 replies)
  168. lions igf (10 replies)
  169. Help on converting my IGF please! (4 replies)
  170. what should i do with the hgh i'm getting from the doctor for a head trauma (8 replies)
  171. my wrists (5 replies)
  172. bw for gh (0 replies)
  173. igf and nolva interactions (0 replies)
  174. How longs it last (2 replies)
  175. am i taking humalin r the rite way (7 replies)
  176. red lump (7 replies)
  177. HGH for first time cycle??? (12 replies)
  178. real hgh or not? crystals? (2 replies)
  179. Different Types Of Gh..... (1 replies)
  180. Test susp and t4 (2 replies)
  181. Advice Needed (4 replies)
  182. anybody have a problem with their igf 1 when reconstituting? (0 replies)
  183. Recipe for IGF diluent.. (9 replies)
  184. HGH & Cutting (9 replies)
  185. Insulin before training (4 replies)
  186. insulin syringes I saw this on an other board (4 replies)
  187. discoloration around igf injection site (2 replies)
  188. BW water instead of distilled water (0 replies)
  189. HGH Pic, real or BS? (11 replies)
  190. To slin users- energy spike ? (8 replies)
  191. good way to use HGH for a 22 yr old... (7 replies)
  192. IGF "big ol gut" (4 replies)
  193. So I wanna know...HGH (9 replies)
  194. test for IGF (0 replies)
  195. have anyone used humataxin ? (1 replies)
  196. concrete hgh / aas cycle (3 replies)
  197. INSULIN/GH goos for speed or endurence?? (8 replies)
  198. IGF-1 Lr3/Clen cycle LOG ..training for IRONMAN (14 replies)
  199. Tailbone Pain (3 replies)
  200. hgh at 20? (32 replies)
  201. IGF shot?? (1 replies)
  202. igf lr3 lyophilized 1000mcg vs 100mcg (1 replies)
  203. Will this work for IGF recons...?? (0 replies)
  204. sleep (24 replies)
  205. Hgh?? (6 replies)
  206. actrapid confirmation about diet (2 replies)
  207. Hgh + Igf-1 (2 replies)
  208. acetic acid for lr3igf1 (2 replies)
  209. HGH blast GK 10-15iu 3x a week (2 replies)
  210. Igf-1 (9 replies)
  211. real or fake somatropin? (16 replies)
  212. Just Got a Prescription (7 replies)
  213. antromone hgh? (14 replies)
  214. Reconstituting (2 replies)
  215. Clenbuterol (8 replies)
  216. IGF-1 with insulin cocurrently? (6 replies)
  217. 5 on 2 off or EOD (8 replies)
  218. switching brands? (4 replies)
  219. Dosing issue with IGF LR3 (1 replies)
  220. 2 newb questions, hlp pls ? (2 replies)
  221. IGF-1 help.. (0 replies)
  222. Can i inject hgh in my traps? (10 replies)
  223. Mgf (2 replies)
  224. Constantly breaking wind on GH??!! (9 replies)
  225. Phenformin question (4 replies)
  226. GHRP-6 dosing? (0 replies)
  227. suggestions/ideas HGH (37 replies)
  228. IGF-1 Video (8 replies)
  229. Need Orientation (5 replies)
  230. very dry hollow throat (4 replies)
  231. water retention with HGH (3 replies)
  232. HGH, causes diabetes? (4 replies)
  233. no numb hands on gh (7 replies)
  234. Humalog to HumulinR (7 replies)
  235. Does BW water need to be refrigerated? (4 replies)
  236. newbie (5 replies)
  237. HGH in England? (14 replies)
  238. Need some advice (0 replies)
  239. Reconstituting GHRP-6 with AA or BW? (4 replies)
  240. Ghrp-6 And Hexarelin (2 replies)
  241. jintropin vs generic blue tops(the good one) (5 replies)
  242. T4 is this stuff detectable and is it legal in sports? (10 replies)
  243. pics of BLUES- GH (4 replies)
  244. True Mechano Growth Factor (0 replies)
  245. newbie question (7 replies)
  246. HGH carbs (0 replies)
  247. NEWBIE for gh.....HELP !!! (21 replies)
  248. HGH/HCG test.. (8 replies)
  249. hgh and test? (5 replies)
  250. IGF1 LR3 and NCAA Football (3 replies)
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