View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS
- HGH Log-2008-April (12 replies)
- hgh stretch mark cure? i think not.. (6 replies)
- cycle check (5 replies)
- IGF-1 LR3, strange taste in my mouth?? (5 replies)
- need help hgh problem (4 replies)
- Ansomone HGH (Is this a good product) (9 replies)
- Best peptide for spot muscle growth (6 replies)
- dynatrope (3 replies)
- Insulitard&Novarapid stack??? (3 replies)
- What can I mix/not mix together in a syringe? (1 replies)
- HGH expiring on 07-2008 (2 replies)
- First Cycle Help (21 replies)
- pro athlete contemplating hgh (9 replies)
- HGH Question (3 replies)
- HTropin 16iu HGH (3 replies)
- new but been looking around... need some advice or opinions from the pros (5 replies)
- Sermorelin???...(sp?) (2 replies)
- HGH from China (25 replies)
- emergency procedure for insulin? (1 replies)
- Am I Using Enough Test With Gh (8 replies)
- IGF LR3 Injection PLS HELP!!! (1 replies)
- HGH and TEst + Furabol cycle. (Gear) (9 replies)
- red tops (9 replies)
- HGH in Mumbai (2 replies)
- Dragging Butt What should i do? (7 replies)
- First cycle - IGF, Insulin and Oxandrolone (1 replies)
- Gh Ok To Use?? (5 replies)
- !!!and So It Hgh Log!!! (5 replies)
- Insulin - is this type suitable for training? (16 replies)
- Low Test Levels and Hypothiroidism ? Help!!! (5 replies)
- anyone purchased hgh from (6 replies)
- ? for Gear about slin (4 replies)
- hyge....n order (3 replies)
- Any one ever injected hgh in quads or arms ??????? (5 replies)
- IGF1-LR3:what to mix it with/how (7 replies)
- An 8 i.u./vial HGH? (4 replies)
- igf1-lr3 for mma (3 replies)
- IGF-1 and Blood sugar dangers. (4 replies)
- GH and IGF together (1 replies)
- ***IGF lr3 VS. peg MGF!*** (1 replies)
- I need physical side effects of GH, should I take it ? (3 replies)
- Skin issues while on HGH (5 replies)
- HCG instead of HGH?!! (2 replies)
- igf-1 where to inject and how often?? (8 replies)
- Growth Without Insulin ? (1 replies)
- How long after HGH injectin do I have to wait to take Pregnancy test ? (4 replies)
- combo of t3/t4 at 16.7/67mcg (15 replies)
- IP's IGF-LR3 (8 replies)
- how bad is taking a break for two weeks off the gh cycle (4 replies)
- Unlabeled blue top HGH, ND (18 replies)
- igf recon,better with NaCl or AA? (0 replies)
- gh and perma bloat (9 replies)
- What should i get checked out by doc b4 igf cycle? (3 replies)
- hgh 191-192???? (5 replies)
- what to do after long time injury? (6 replies)
- HGH site itching! please help (9 replies)
- IGF and the newb? (5 replies)
- feq questions about igf1 (6 replies)
- igf-1 (11 replies)
- doing a cleanse on HGH (3 replies)
- Any advantages to taking days off during HGH (1 replies)
- 5ius hgh too much for 10month (4 replies)
- is it ok to do 5ius hgh for 10month (3 replies)
- HGH 10IU pwo method? (15 replies)
- Need to start IGF Lr3 . (8 replies)
- HGH - HardCoreGrowth Somatropin 191aa (8 replies)
- Igf-1 & Hgh (1 replies)
- T4 dosing? (13 replies)
- Ready to order HGH but does this sounds too good to be true (24 replies)
- 1st HGH Injection Today... (5 replies)
- T4 Sides (9 replies)
- T4? (2 replies)
- Jintropin done??? (0 replies)
- ********** vs. Jintropin (3 replies)
- HGH's effects on pituitary function? (3 replies)
- Anyone taken this brand of HGH (38 replies)
- HGH Burns when injected?? (20 replies)
- Why does HGH cause sore wrists? (3 replies)
- Starting with IGF-1 LR3! (32 replies)
- HGH w/o label (pic) (7 replies)
- HGH and thyroid problems (3 replies)
- Gh With Primo Vs Gh With Anavar (11 replies)
- Does hyperplasia really happen with IGF1 LR3? (18 replies)
- Hgh prescription info (6 replies)
- Veterans final verdict on Kefei? (15 replies)
- Running HGH with Test (9 replies)
- Fake saizen??? (7 replies)
- Hgh (3 replies)
- recovery (5 replies)
- mgf QUESTION NEED HELP!!! (1 replies)
- GH - the "well being" felling and the quality of sleep (10 replies)
- GH/Slin/IGF/T4 w/ MGF & Test E, Tren E, & EQ (1 replies)
- How Long Can I Keep Ghg (19 replies)
- The Hunt for Jintropin (35 replies)
- hgh questions (5 replies)
- 12iu of GH (2 replies)
- my dad and HGH (8 replies)
- GH & Slin (7 replies)
- For Gear, Merc and other Mod's (1 replies)
- igf bottles vacumed? (2 replies)
- This HGH Legit? (pictures) (30 replies)
- IGF lr3 with just BA water? (4 replies)
- igf and mgf (2 replies)
- just started igf-1 (3 replies)
- igf2 (6 replies)
- igf1 rh. (2 replies)
- starting GH - you only live once :) (13 replies)
- IGF-1 R3 Post workout can be taken for months!! (9 replies)
- Cycle Back N Forth Beetween Igf And Mgf (1 replies)
- IGF-1 lr3 is the truth (16 replies)
- Waxy Maize for PWO & Slin (7 replies)
- GH Shipping Question (8 replies)
- ED vs. EOD (8 replies)
- GH and liver (2 replies)
- Already cutting for contest with clen/t3 (3 replies)
- 2nd week of hgh (15 replies)
- need help (sent to much product?) (7 replies)
- Measuring IU's to CC's (2 replies)
- T3 as a catalyst for IGF-1? (2 replies)
- Will an AI negate my GH bennies? (1 replies)
- Saizen 8.8MG (26.4 IU) Got 8 boxes for this the good stuff? (12 replies)
- WHAT happened to me!!!!!! (18 replies)
- AM vs. PM PWO GH/IGF-1 injections. (1 replies)
- gh and women fertility (1 replies)
- This Stuff Is Amazing!!! (59 replies)
- need help 1st time gh taker (28 replies)
- The Definitive Guide on HGH Reconstitution from Eli Lilly (0 replies)
- T3/T4 Dosage timing (2 replies)
- ? about lions IGF-1 LR3. (7 replies)
- maltodextrin for insulin (4 replies)
- IGF-1 (AA vs NaCl) (4 replies)
- T4,T3, TRH & TSH detailed analysis from Abbott Pharmaceuticals (1 replies)
- Please help organize my next HGH and other good stuff... (6 replies)
- Was getting Ready to Run Red Barrons HGH, IGF, Slin Cycle (3 replies)
- 6 kits of GH what should i do.... (8 replies)
- Odd question regarding correct storage (2 replies)
- Conective tissue (0 replies)
- hgh fragment 176-191 (0 replies)
- Shooting 5IU's HGH all at once?? (2 replies)
- Parents Putting there children on HGH for sports? (15 replies)
- just got half of my 12-month GH cycle! (3 replies)
- 30g syringe for igf? (3 replies)
- Mgf questions? (1 replies)
- A little help with igf (again) (0 replies)
- Starting First HGH Stack (6 replies)
- back into it (5 replies)
- Albuterol and Clenbuterol? (1 replies)
- IGF and MGF use (0 replies)
- Question on off day igf-1 injection (1 replies)
- 23 years old.....too young to even think about HGH? (11 replies)
- Hgh Injection Bruise (5 replies)
- HGH from Mexico (10 replies)
- Hgh Will; Thsi Be Ok?? (4 replies)
- Hgh (5 replies)
- First time IGF-1, need advice (3 replies)
- how long can reconstituted HYGERTROPIN be kept refridgerated? (2 replies)
- IGF-1 and Cancer (3 replies)
- what to use w/ T3? (2 replies)
- hgh year round (9 replies)
- how many iu (6 replies)
- Insulin Question (15 replies)
- ar-r's igf (6 replies)
- timing of peg mgf and igf together (1 replies)
- how do you skip a day? (5 replies)
- How Long Can I Take Ghg (3 replies)
- fragment 177-191 (2 replies)
- Post results with GHRP-6\Hexarelin (9 replies)
- lions igf (10 replies)
- Help on converting my IGF please! (4 replies)
- what should i do with the hgh i'm getting from the doctor for a head trauma (8 replies)
- my wrists (5 replies)
- bw for gh (0 replies)
- igf and nolva interactions (0 replies)
- How longs it last (2 replies)
- am i taking humalin r the rite way (7 replies)
- red lump (7 replies)
- HGH for first time cycle??? (12 replies)
- real hgh or not? crystals? (2 replies)
- Different Types Of Gh..... (1 replies)
- Test susp and t4 (2 replies)
- Advice Needed (4 replies)
- anybody have a problem with their igf 1 when reconstituting? (0 replies)
- Recipe for IGF diluent.. (9 replies)
- HGH & Cutting (9 replies)
- Insulin before training (4 replies)
- insulin syringes I saw this on an other board (4 replies)
- discoloration around igf injection site (2 replies)
- BW water instead of distilled water (0 replies)
- HGH Pic, real or BS? (11 replies)
- To slin users- energy spike ? (8 replies)
- good way to use HGH for a 22 yr old... (7 replies)
- IGF "big ol gut" (4 replies)
- So I wanna know...HGH (9 replies)
- test for IGF (0 replies)
- have anyone used humataxin ? (1 replies)
- concrete hgh / aas cycle (3 replies)
- INSULIN/GH goos for speed or endurence?? (8 replies)
- IGF-1 Lr3/Clen cycle LOG for IRONMAN (14 replies)
- Tailbone Pain (3 replies)
- hgh at 20? (32 replies)
- IGF shot?? (1 replies)
- igf lr3 lyophilized 1000mcg vs 100mcg (1 replies)
- Will this work for IGF recons...?? (0 replies)
- sleep (24 replies)
- Hgh?? (6 replies)
- actrapid confirmation about diet (2 replies)
- Hgh + Igf-1 (2 replies)
- acetic acid for lr3igf1 (2 replies)
- HGH blast GK 10-15iu 3x a week (2 replies)
- Igf-1 (9 replies)
- real or fake somatropin? (16 replies)
- Just Got a Prescription (7 replies)
- antromone hgh? (14 replies)
- Reconstituting (2 replies)
- Clenbuterol (8 replies)
- IGF-1 with insulin cocurrently? (6 replies)
- 5 on 2 off or EOD (8 replies)
- switching brands? (4 replies)
- Dosing issue with IGF LR3 (1 replies)
- 2 newb questions, hlp pls ? (2 replies)
- IGF-1 help.. (0 replies)
- Can i inject hgh in my traps? (10 replies)
- Mgf (2 replies)
- Constantly breaking wind on GH??!! (9 replies)
- Phenformin question (4 replies)
- GHRP-6 dosing? (0 replies)
- suggestions/ideas HGH (37 replies)
- IGF-1 Video (8 replies)
- Need Orientation (5 replies)
- very dry hollow throat (4 replies)
- water retention with HGH (3 replies)
- HGH, causes diabetes? (4 replies)
- no numb hands on gh (7 replies)
- Humalog to HumulinR (7 replies)
- Does BW water need to be refrigerated? (4 replies)
- newbie (5 replies)
- HGH in England? (14 replies)
- Need some advice (0 replies)
- Reconstituting GHRP-6 with AA or BW? (4 replies)
- Ghrp-6 And Hexarelin (2 replies)
- jintropin vs generic blue tops(the good one) (5 replies)
- T4 is this stuff detectable and is it legal in sports? (10 replies)
- pics of BLUES- GH (4 replies)
- True Mechano Growth Factor (0 replies)
- newbie question (7 replies)
- HGH carbs (0 replies)
- NEWBIE for gh.....HELP !!! (21 replies)
- HGH/HCG test.. (8 replies)
- hgh and test? (5 replies)
- IGF1 LR3 and NCAA Football (3 replies)

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