- 19y/o and first cycle thoughts ? (14 replies)
- Need help with Cycle. I'm a tetraplegic. (4 replies)
- Donating Blood - What I need to know? (21 replies)
- Food allergy testing - best options? (3 replies)
- No more orals for me (10 replies)
- Most keepable compounds? (10 replies)
- How much test is too much test? (36 replies)
- Mast 200 (8 replies)
- possible gyno? paranoid? (26 replies)
- Tren ace (5 replies)
- Should labs refund/give you credit? (38 replies)
- Bilirubin (8 replies)
- Old school cutting cycle / low test and high stanozolol ? (3 replies)
- Draining intramuscular abscess (30 replies)
- First Competition cycle (2 replies)
- Light Palpitation in liver (6 replies)
- What could I expect first cycle as a noob? (17 replies)
- weight gain? (5 replies)
- Blood in cum? Wtffff (48 replies)
- Bulking (18 replies)
- Taking wifes Premarin (5 replies)
- Oral Var! (13 replies)
- MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglyceride) (2 replies)
- Missed 4 days of pinning (10 replies)
- Blood works on mid cycle (2 replies)
- Nutrient Partitioning and PEDs (13 replies)
- Feeling different this time around during cruise dose (13 replies)
- 2nd cycle two weeks in questions! (9 replies)
- Back on the Block (19 replies)
- Need help to get to my 2nd cycle (7 replies)
- Reconstituting pt141 (31 replies)
- Irritability on Cycle.... Sarms vs Steroids (11 replies)
- My 6th pin to date (6 replies)
- Identify carrier oil (10 replies)
- Slow acting insulin and fats (6 replies)
- Best addition to TRT for libido boost (44 replies)
- Tren and acid reflux (13 replies)
- Fragment 176-191 (2 replies)
- Female var pct (20 replies)
- 7 year old WINNY - white milky 10cc bottles. Injectable or oral? (4 replies)
- Test + HGH = Increasing heart rate (1 replies)
- rep ranges/sets for more permanency of mass (4 replies)
- Fasting before BW (10 replies)
- Judge my first cycle (9 replies)
- Flying with testosterone (11 replies)
- Deca on Cut - Waste of time? (16 replies)
- Forearm Pain (15 replies)
- Test/mast cycle (15 replies)
- Dianabol dosages (4 replies)
- Test flu (15 replies)
- Chest sensation from tren ace or high test? (92 replies)
- Any solid supps for lean mass fat loss during cruise (1 replies)
- superbol 400 insane pip (9 replies)
- Mast in pill form? (15 replies)
- Mid-cycle BW timing (8 replies)
- Help me, HCG true or false (6 replies)
- Hi, I am an addict - Steroids and addiction (12 replies)
- Side stitch (8 replies)
- FDA & HCG Availability Mar 2020 (2 replies)
- Test E NPP Mast and proviron cycle (15 replies)
- Know about steroid (1 replies)
- nolvadex and tren? (20 replies)
- Thoughts on a MILD Cycle and PCT! (4 replies)
- Easy way to test if your HcG is real (17 replies)
- Low t4 (12 replies)
- Why isnt Test Decanoate more popular for TRT? (5 replies)
- Corona and Chinese Supplies (12 replies)
- Your tought on cycle (13 replies)
- Lowering Cholesterol Without Statins (60 replies)
- Dumb question (6 replies)
- Adding Winny to Anavar and Rad cycle... (7 replies)
- What century is your mind in ??? (4 replies)
- Current prices? (8 replies)
- Why was my diazepam/clenbuterol/trenbolone thread deleted please? (14 replies)
- Dianabol! (0 replies)
- This pin went different (20 replies)
- Liver protection? (26 replies)
- Blood letting / hematocrit (6 replies)
- How long does it take for dbol water bloat to go away? (9 replies)
- 7 year old 10cc WINNY BOTTLES..... Oral or Injectable? (3 replies)
- What to take besides preworkout (22 replies)
- How you should actually take oxandrolone (4 replies)
- What doses would you suggest for a 76 kg LBM man? (7 replies)
- Do you use dopamine agonist medications? (10 replies)
- Alcohol and Winny (17 replies)
- Does clenbuterol work well at lower doses? (8 replies)
- Why does bp increase on a blast. (7 replies)
- Mk-677 dosage (9 replies)
- Is strength regained after an enhanced cut? (9 replies)
- Will 26g needles be extremely difficult to draw test into syringe (29 replies)
- Signs of gyno? (on pct) (5 replies)
- Sust , Deca, Tren E cycle... concerns with Var/Winny last 4 weeks? (14 replies)
- AST and ALT values While doing a cycle (3 replies)
- var and test prop cutting cycle (7 replies)
- Injectable Dbol - I thought it never existed? (7 replies)
- Test 250 vs Test 400 (E) Solution thickness (7 replies)
- Lean muscle means harder for oil to go in? (15 replies)
- Draining or donating blood (25 replies)
- 2020 Goals And Second Cycle (12 replies)
- What’s your ultimate cruise or HRT? (88 replies)
- Drinking grapefruit juice with orals (8 replies)
- Test , insulin and peg mgf sides (18 replies)
- First Cycle check (10 replies)
- Bogus anavar? (14 replies)
- Looking to try something new (5 replies)
- Is this crystallized mast inside this vial? (10 replies)
- 2nd cycle dose questions. EQ/TEST 600/600 or should I switch it up (7 replies)
- My gear is on the way - couple of questions (22 replies)
- Help with first ever heavier cycle (37 replies)
- AI on cycle or not? Personal experiences (49 replies)
- Help for my second cycle (10 replies)
- Trying Multiple Sources - Risks (11 replies)
- GREAT FEATURE (appropriate organization of your plan nutrition in the forum.) (7 replies)
- Your recommendation for a first cycle? (8 replies)
- Fucking Winny (5 replies)
- Any Experience? (Dihydroboldenone) DHB (2 replies)
- Second Cycle suggestions and critique this proposed cycle (12 replies)
- PCT dose and duration in my case? (0 replies)
- Nandrolone or the flu? (11 replies)
- Dhb (16 replies)
- Real or Fake Anavar? (10 replies)
- Immune Sudden Problem (6 replies)
- Dianabol evenly through the day or all pre workout? (12 replies)
- UD 2.0 lyle mcdonald on a cycle RECOMP (1 replies)
- How quickly did you lose your hair when you started? What side effect was the worst? (1 replies)
- Pinning in certain muscles with certain AAS to concentrate growth in them. (23 replies)
- Do aromatase inhibitors still have their place in bodybuild? (16 replies)
- 1st Cycle Test E -> 4 weeks so far 19lbs gained with unexpected side effect (2 replies)
- Test only cycle have estrogen sides even with an AI (13 replies)
- Seeing stars? (26 replies)
- logical next cycle (2 replies)
- What is this crap on the top of my hCG? (4 replies)
- Cycle Input - Rad, Anavar, Winstrol (2 replies)
- Steroid Myths (27 replies)
- Aav1-fs344 (15 replies)
- Next cycle (3 replies)
- Cycle advice (0 replies)
- Test only first cycle, low dose worth it ? (18 replies)
- Question for anyone who's ran EQ with test (9 replies)
- Impatient Or Bunk Gear? (17 replies)
- New guy needs some advice please (13 replies)
- GYNO with LOW E and Prolact? Possible? (3 replies)
- Enhanced Cardio Cycle. (6 replies)
- Glute Injection Tips/Advice (10 replies)
- Using Test suspension or Dianabol only when blasting on bench press day? (8 replies)
- 2020 goals to put on size (20 replies)
- Any AAS quich increase collagen synthesis but dont have long detection times? (3 replies)
- Test P is not at all painful to inject, is it likely fake? (19 replies)
- Doubt the end of the cycle (0 replies)
- Does EQ increase collagen synthesis? (18 replies)
- Mirror Changes from Winstrol and Anavar? (1 replies)
- Realistic detection times for EQ and NPP (6 replies)
- Need Advice for Second Cycle: Test + Anavar (2 replies)
- Follow up (5 replies)
- Preventing permanant natural testosterone shutdown (12 replies)
- Blood Tests (1 replies)
- Low sex drive on cycle (12 replies)
- New Male Member (3 replies)
- Planning my Re-comp Phased Cycle (10 replies)
- 1st Cycle Need some coaching LOL (8 replies)
- Planning my cycle (17 replies)
- Spicy Preworkout Mix (28 replies)
- I’m so confused aromasin or nolvadex (24 replies)
- Freezing test cypinate? (7 replies)
- NPC Men's Physique Pre Contest Cycle Discussion (0 replies)
- Re sterilizing gear How to best method (5 replies)
- Tren itch? (8 replies)
- Tren itch? (6 replies)
- PIP Pain Relief! (23 replies)
- I will change my username here in the forum (38 replies)
- Shipped my 7 shots worth of gear.... to my vacay spot.... IT NEVER SHOWED UP (19 replies)
- Question about running a fat burn stack on first cycle (2 replies)
- No ester PWO injectables anyone use them? (5 replies)
- Steroid acne help (8 replies)
- High Test with Deca or Tren for bulk? (17 replies)
- Sprinters - Offseason cycle (29 replies)
- Solid thoughts; (8 replies)
- Creating a Cycle & Diet Plan - using up-to date knowledge (10 replies)
- Getting 250iu from 10,000 iu bottle HCG (4 replies)
- Tony Huge promoting the benefits of Estrogen for muscle and mass gains (6 replies)
- Best Test-P Cycle? (4 replies)
- Androgen Rebound ? Tren (5 replies)
- Need some advice/experience.. (8 replies)
- Dosing Boldenone Equipoise for use. +experience (0 replies)
- Tamox vs Arimidex? (12 replies)
- Cycles that Don't affect your Libido.... err make it strong? (9 replies)
- Switch to Primo from Deca? Cruise... (3 replies)
- Everything I know about AAS, training, and diet (21 replies)
- Mast vs proviron with EQ/TEST (6 replies)
- 2nd cycle.cfirst time stacking. EQ. Questions on dosage,AI, possible proviron (0 replies)
- January Cycle!!!!! (37 replies)
- Last steroid cycle attempt (11 replies)
- Female Trenbolone use (12 replies)
- Anavar and hair loss (3 replies)
- Mixing HCG (5 replies)
- Clenbuterol/Urine Test (1 replies)
- New cycle (7 replies)
- Bad news for UGLs (18 replies)
- Continuing Bulk After Cycle (8 replies)
- everything you need to know to recommend (6 replies)
- "The rule of aspiration to see if no blood comes in the syringe ." (20 replies)
- Injection site question? (48 replies)
- The year of TREN (19 replies)
- Extreme doubt about my TRT and HCG (6 replies)
- ''clenbuterol and ketotifen.'' (4 replies)
- First cycle AI help! (7 replies)
- Hormone Panel BW 6-months post-cycle: Need help making sense of this! (2 replies)
- "Advice on my 2nd cycle of AAS ." (21 replies)
- Most ML’s per injection? (19 replies)
- IMHO, nothing tops the 90's BB era. (18 replies)
- Stalled metabolism problem (Female) (15 replies)
- Masteron Propionate +Test Enanthate Cycle? (20 replies)
- Correlation between tren and carbs ? (17 replies)
- Hair loss (22 replies)
- Please recommend a low/mild cycle with TRT (34 replies)
- Testosterone and multiple cum loads (33 replies)
- 1st Test Cycle Dosage For Someone Already On TRT (26 replies)
- Proviron (27 replies)
- T-bol (5 replies)
- How much test? (3 replies)
- I don’t think this is DHB (42 replies)
- Estrogen bloat sometimes a myth (5 replies)
- Can Alli (orlistat) be taken if on t4 (levothyroxine) therapy (2 replies)
- Need advice for future cycle (20 replies)
- Planning 4 cycle after 2 years stop (0 replies)
- Do you usually write down your diet routine on an appointment book? (14 replies)
- Hemoglobin too high to donate (2 replies)
- Getting to a 500 lb squat? (53 replies)
- Conflicting info on how to cycle, and dangers of cycling? (19 replies)
- New Compounds for cutting and leanness (4 replies)
- Follinstatin 1mg peptide (12 replies)
- TRT and fertility (18 replies)
- Total cost of a Test E cycle? (62 replies)
- Taking 250mg a week for first cycle? (76 replies)
- Normal and safe first cycle of Test and peptides? (2 replies)
- Oh the butt Injection (20 replies)
- Stop AAS all together or start anew? (7 replies)
- Trenbolone enanthate and trt bloodwork question? (3 replies)
- Deca Dick? (25 replies)
- Using Metformin on Refeeds/Cheat meals. (4 replies)
- Anyone have a general sense of side-effects by probability? (9 replies)
- Is about 4000 kcal this my diet (17 replies)
- Andreas Munzer's death (16 replies)
- Rotator cuff injury on cycle (10 replies)
- low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics) (9 replies)
- HCG and Testosterone Questions (28 replies)
- Should i start my cut on my cruise cycle? (2 replies)
- Tren joint pain (9 replies)
- Name your favorites and worst orals and why you chose em (27 replies)
- Test Free Cycles (15 replies)

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