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04-14-2019, 12:20 PM #58841MONITOR
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04-14-2019, 12:24 PM #58842MONITOR
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Hey i'll tell you something though AG, that shitty chest session i had on thursday. Well my chest is fucking destroyed Doms bad Doms lol.
Think it was thursday ?.
04-14-2019, 12:58 PM #58843
04-14-2019, 01:07 PM #58844
Okay, in true narcissistic fashion though I would drop by to note my leg routine the other day. Won’t go into boring detail and let you marvel at the absence of weight present in my routine, but just a general outline. Point being I tolerated volume well, a little sore, but not horribly, calves not sore in the least but rest feels good. I did get out for a gnarly hike yesterday, day after legs, so I’m sure that helped reduce the soreness and lactic acid build up.
Seated leg press
Narrow “stance”
1 set @ 25 reps, slow
4 sets @ 20 reps, consistent weight, no progression
Wide “stance”
4 sets @ 15 reps
Seated ham curls
1 @ 20reps
4 x 15 reps
Calf raises on seated press
1 x 25
4 x 20
Knee felt good next day, but there is a little popping and clicking which is more an annoyance and eebie jeebie feeling than anything. Knee 100% today.
I researched Kel’s suggestion on low bar squat and can see the difference in the knee angle - funny that there is mention of better balance with the low bar squat as well and I would have thought it the opposite. Will work in Smith Machine to start just for precaution then hopefully graduate to free weight squats. Need to really focus on mind-muscle connection for legs, and hip position, involvement, etc.
Thanks for all the constructive feedback. There is hope.
Was wondering what you guys think is a reasonable expectation for mass/size gain in legs with moderate routine on mass cycle at end of 12-15 wks circumferentially? (Low dose test, deca , primo, drol)
04-14-2019, 02:36 PM #58845
Okay, just going to throw something out to you guys here since I really like this dungeon and all who come here. Some to vent some to offer.
I just read yet another thread about a serious health issue which was addressed with bro science, validation for not treating the condition and all the macho and ridiculous bs that we see on those threads. I get if people want to not take care of themselves, have at it. But what’s the point in getting diagnosed or suspecting a diagnosis of something, posting up about it and talking about how you’re not going to treat it anyway, then having a bunch of guys chime in with bullshit like “I’ve got that and don’t treat it and I’m fine. They told me to do this but fuck em. Do a little of this mumbo jumbo and you’ll be fine...” etc.
To be clear...I’m talking about high blood pressure, sleep apnea, jacked up labs (cholesterol, LFTs, etc.). Just HTN and sleep apnea alone are catastrophic when untreated - kidney failure, dialysis, heart attach, stroke, pulmonary hypertension, risk of sudden cardiac death...
FFS the forum ought to be as pro-health with these things (especially since they are sometimes attributable to steroid use ) as it is with proper and safe steroid use, age when it’s okay to start, proper PCT, etc. Maybe some of the vets can chime in (though sometimes they are the ones validating doing nothing) and take the macho out of not treating or paying attention to the conditions.
I am ALWAYS available for pm on any health-related topic and if I don’t know something, I will tell you. Sometimes I need to look in old texts for a refresher, but I’ll give you good info or direct you in a direction where you can get it.
Just had to get that off my chest after reading a thread once again. It just isn’t fun when your wife or grandchild gets to find you face down drooling from a stroke, or sit at your funeral when you’re 60 years old. Geezus. I don’t get it.
04-14-2019, 04:15 PM #58846
^^^^ Very true, Trail. If it is the thread I'm thinking of regarding elevated BP, the poor guy was probably driving up his BP worrying about his BP. Believe he took one reading at the store and freaked.
Totally agree monitor it and get a reasonable idea of what your BP is running and if appropriate, treat it as needed until the cycle is complete. If not needed then, discontinue use.
I'm currently on carvedilol, candesartan ( fortunately mine wasn't affected by the recall), and triamaterene/hctz. I always monitor and adjust as needed when on cycle.There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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04-14-2019, 04:30 PM #58847
Hard to say how much circumference increase you can expect, but the routine you posted is one that should help you build up a decent amount.
I personally like the old school 20 rep sets starting with a dry bar, 20 reps, add a plate/ side or whatever works for you, another 20 reps, lather rinse and repeat until I hit my top weight and work my way back down stripping weight each 20 reps. It has really done wonders for my heart and it got me about a 5% increase in my ejection fraction....or at least I credit it to the 20 rep squats. I also love seated calf raises after squats. God knows I'm ready to sit down after all the squats, so might as well do some work on calves. Kel got me in the habit of giving each rep a double pump at the top of the movement which takes things to a different level.
One thing I forgot to mention that I believe Kel addressed was stance width. I have to go fairly wide with toes pointed out to get a decent depth, so you may want to tinker with that at some point. Also my bar position is more mid-bar, but eventually hope to get back to low bar, it just depends on the shoulders.
The main thing is you're hitting your legs and feeling good about it.
Re: Smith machine. When Kel helped me get back into squatting I started off in the Smith just because I felt like I had more control and could watch how my knees were tracking and hips were driving on the upwards portion.. Eventually moved to my squat rack when I purchased it.
Congrats on hitting a trail hike the day after legs..and congrats on the progress!!
Really glad to have you back in here, Trail!!
Edit: You may have already seen this info, but if not check it out, I think you'll be enjoy it. edited by almostgone; 04-14-2019 at 04:38 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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You could look at adding in Olympic lifting. The stretching alone that comes with being able to do those movements has removed many parts of my body I felt was close to injury. As almost all movements in Olympic lifting will be a squat of some sort, you might achieve the same goal. I.e., the stability that comes with an overhead squat is, in my opinion, fantastic.
04-15-2019, 08:15 AM #58849
04-15-2019, 12:13 PM #58850MONITOR
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Hi fellas/Girly, rested the day. Just could not be fucked, shoulders and traps the mora.
04-15-2019, 12:26 PM #58851MONITOR
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04-16-2019, 02:51 AM #58852
Just got done with morning cardio. Plan is to hit the weights this evening.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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04-16-2019, 08:23 AM #58853Banned
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Morning all. Survived another Monday & managed to get my biceps in. This high volume stuff is kicking my butt DOMS - wise, but really loving it.
Man I'm SO glad I'm off of the clen . And here I thought my depression, grumpiness & overall feeling like shit was all allergies or a virus, lol.
Have great days all!
04-16-2019, 12:42 PM #58854MONITOR
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Hi fellas/Girly, got shoulders and traps done the night.
Rev pec dec 2 sets drop 2 more
Db side raises, 3 sets
Cable side raises 2 sets
Rev cable fly 3 sets
Upright row 3 sets
Smith shrugs 3 sets
Had leg day yesterday. Went Ok, but nothing to brag about. Only worked up to 3-reps on 310lb which was a bit frustrating. Not lifted heavy for almost 6-months but still. In Sweden until May 8 and then back to India. Sure AF hope this is the last year.
Last edited by tarmyg; 04-16-2019 at 10:59 PM.
04-17-2019, 12:14 AM #58856
Ended up working pretty late yesterday. Headed back in early, but will definitely be out of there in time to lift today .Cardio again then getting ready for work.
They said I'd be getting my life back after the recent crazy hours ...guess they were off by a day.There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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04-17-2019, 07:55 AM #58857Banned
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04-17-2019, 01:26 PM #58858MONITOR
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Rested today. It will be Back the mora. Looking forward to it.
04-17-2019, 11:39 PM #58859
Good day all. Got through legs today. I thought I was taking it easy but it’s 7 hours later and I’m getting sore already, haha.
Did some squats in the Smith - couldn’t figure out which way to face so I’m pretty sure I was live entertainment for the few folks in the gym this afternoon. It just didn’t feel right either way, so I ended up facing the wall, with the smith angling IN, i.e. the high up the smith the closer to the wall the bar gets. I didn’t do much weight, but lots of good reps focusing on foot placement and form. I did feel a bit of strain up the medial quad from knee joint but I think it’s the severely deconditioned vastus medialis and not a referred pain from the joint itself.
Routine was basically seated ham curls, squats, leg press, calves then extensions. It is a new program Gearheaded designed and his stuff is just good. Hits in a really good way. Lots of sets with “reps in reserve” as the stopping point. By the time I got to extensions I could barely lift any weight at all so no worries on stressing the knee with those, haha. Great day. Appetite is full throttle but manageable, even on an oral.
Chest tomorrow so I’m stoked.
Hope everyone has a good day and a great lift.
Tried working back today but hamstrings were so tired from leg day on Tuesday it made the whole workout a fiasco. Should have chosen to rest or another body part but did not realize I was this worn out until the second set at 310 when I hardly got 6 reps in. Did 6 pretty easy reps at 350 last week.
Secondly, was going to write all this in the style of Clarky but 1. Who would understand anything and 2. Who want's to walk around sounding like they are drunk all the time?
04-18-2019, 07:14 AM #58861There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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04-18-2019, 09:24 AM #58862
04-18-2019, 10:39 AM #58863Banned
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Triceps, a little chest & Delts yesterday. Nice soreness.
Morning all.
04-18-2019, 05:43 PM #58864
I hate when I get started on a workout and realize I shouldn’t be doing it - not rested enough, injury, etc. I get caught in that limbo where I kind of work out and kind of don’t in terms of effort/push/’s kind to lifting like impotence is to love making...
Second part of your commentary - the answer is Clarky?
Funny stuff.
04-18-2019, 05:45 PM #58865
@ Kel - thanks for the support, means a lot!
Of note, no knee pain/soreness today. Legs are tighter than Clarky’s Kilt on a refeed day, so good stuff. Can’t wait to see some size in the quads. I saw an old picture the other day and I had this big medial head - now my legs look like they belong to a Victoria’s Secret model.
04-18-2019, 06:12 PM #58866Banned
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04-18-2019, 09:14 PM #58867
04-19-2019, 09:11 AM #58868
04-19-2019, 06:22 PM #58869
I trained legs again today...still sore from training them on Tuesday! Always great training with sore muscles! Lol
~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~ *NLT
04-20-2019, 01:33 AM #58870MONITOR
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04-20-2019, 01:41 AM #58871MONITOR
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Good morning fellas/ladies, got back done yesterday. Went great, very sore today.
Spending some wonderful time with my wee girl and mrs the day, we're away fishing so catch up the night.
Chest the mora, off work for one wk holiday so chuffed to fuck.
CG pd's 4 sets big big stretch and squeeze
UH bent over bb rows 4 sets
Rack pulls 4 sets ohhhh they hurt
Seated cable row 3 sets again big stretch out holding the squeeze
Straight arm pd's 2 sets ohhh pure fucked
Done, my back is so so sore the day . Hope everyone has a good safe wk end.
04-20-2019, 01:43 AM #58872MONITOR
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Yesterday was roasting here, same this morning already.
04-20-2019, 11:01 AM #58873Banned
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House cleaning for the wife’s return (as soon as the cat decides to get off my lap). My body has been needing more off days anyways.
Have wonderful weekend all!
Needed a change in my chest workout so I ran 10 reps/min for 10 minutes. Incline Smith, incline dumbbells, pec dec. Felt pretty nice. Not a new thing I'll keep doing I think just needed a change. Spent probably 40 minutes afterwards stretching because that was truly what I I needed.
04-20-2019, 01:13 PM #58875
04-20-2019, 01:15 PM #58876
04-20-2019, 01:28 PM #58877
04-20-2019, 01:32 PM #58878
04-20-2019, 01:33 PM #58879
04-20-2019, 02:15 PM #58880Banned
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First Tren Cycle (blast)