Pages :
- Just started my test e only cycle. First cycle ever. (6 replies)
- Another femal var log (2 replies)
- Another femal var log (3 replies)
- Test-E Before and After Pics (35 replies)
- WeeK 5 into my 8 week test prop cycle Starting body fat 15% weight 207pds (5 replies)
- 2 week clen cycle result (3 replies)
- most recent cycle (0 replies)
- Doing My First Show Advise Needed!!! (0 replies)
- Please critique current cycle! (Most concerned about week 11-14) (27 replies)
- 12 weeks sust/deca/dbol personal experience and results after pct. (4 replies)
- LOG: Trendione and Ultradrol FULL ORAL CYCLE (0 replies)
- FIRST CYCLE 500mg/wk Test-C (23 replies)
- 1st Cycle Ever - Tren-Mast-Winny (15 replies)
- Last post and last log (no test cycle) (9 replies)
- Tren! (8 replies)
- First dnp cycle log (0 replies)
- Moparspanky's First Cycle (0 replies)
- New member need help with clen/t3 cycle (1 replies)
- 2nd cycle Test E 500 mg week (16 replies)
- Advice on being ready for cycle or more work (8 replies)
- My light cycle. Deca - Primo - Test (13 replies)
- Second Cycle! Lez Do This!!!!! (2 replies)
- My cycle experience… (23 replies)
- Crazy Mike's come back Log and Cycle May 2013 (163 replies)
- 12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle (63 replies)
- 16 week Test only Cycle (0 replies)
- My current cycle (29 replies)
- Dougies cutting log #1 (30 replies)
- Dbol Sust Deca Cycle (14 replies)
- Test Cyp and Anadrol 50 cycle (15 replies)
- test e /test prop/var/npp cycle (2 replies)
- Time for big changes (19 replies)
- Test e, dbol, deca 12 week cycle (6 replies)
- Test-E/Dbol Cycle (6 replies)
- Age 43 and thinking about starting a cycle (7 replies)
- Test Cyp/ Deca/ E.Q. for 16 weeks. (8 replies)
- auswest's Log (56 replies)
- Test c and winny Cycle (47 replies)
- First Cycle - Progression Thread (1 replies)
- Tren E Test E Anavar cycle log (16 replies)
- Tren A and Test Prop Cycle (19 replies)
- Female Var log (9 replies)
- Test/Var the Renegade Diet (2 replies)
- 2nd cycle, Test e 500mgs/week, dbol 30mg/day (5 replies)
- Firt Timer Test Log (10 replies)
- First Tren Test Cycle (9 replies)
- 1st Cycle of Cypionate 500mg - 14 wks (13 replies)
- 1st Cycle Done! (experience, results, pics) (12 replies)
- Six's cycle log (73 replies)
- 8 weeks Test Prop & Tren Ace (116 replies)
- Curious about pwo and test (0 replies)
- Lady Var (0 replies)
- DBol 50mg ed test 150 eod DAY 4. (6 replies)
- 1st Cycle Ever - Sustanon 250 (9 replies)
- Test e dbol first cycle log (52 replies)
- 3rd cycle Test E/Tbol (16 replies)
- 1 week into dbol and test e cycle (8 replies)
- Weight loss log. Diet/cardio/t3 (6 replies)
- 12 weeks Test e tren a Low Dose (14 replies)
- Cycle 2 - Test Prop/NPP (3 replies)
- J-Bob's love diary; Day 21.. (3 replies)
- Test E/Trenabol/DBOL (56 replies)
- My first log (1 replies)
- Oatmeal69's 4th Cycle TEST-E / TREN-A Diary / Log (88 replies)
- Red_Hulk Cycle Log - Test E, Dbol, Tren, IGF DES (10 replies)
- 4.5 weeks into 9 week tpp/npp 5'11 220+ (56 replies)
- Nothing new, but new to me. First cycle, Test E :) (0 replies)
- Help! (2 replies)
- a question about 2nd cycle (1 replies)
- Female var cycle log (90 replies)
- First cycle started. Test E and HCG (8 replies)
- Conditioning Classic Log - Brick - (26 replies)
- First cycle log (1 replies)
- test e 250 tren e 200 (2 replies)
- clen cutting cycle log (24 replies)
- 8 weeks Test / Tren / Clen Cycle Log (30 replies)
- Young but mild cycle? Tbol at 20 (4 replies)
- Kronik vs Canesfan results (40 replies)
- Kronik's 1st cycle log (218 replies)
- Tren/Test Cycle Log with diet, supplements, and workout (11 replies)
- starting first cycle ever - TELL ME WHY IM STUPID (18 replies)
- Hypothyroidism: Is it safe to stack Clen, T3, Tren, and Test? (3 replies)
- Need Help!!!First Cycle Questions (7 replies)
- Tren e 300 mg test e 500 (10 replies)
- End of its cycle soon (0 replies)
- First Cycle Log Test E 500/week (71 replies)
- Female Var Log (345 replies)
- End results of 14 week cycle (9 replies)
- Sick Beard's First Cycle Log (Test E) (97 replies)
- First cycle ever 500mg Test e for 10 weeks (10 replies)
- First cycle results. (13 replies)
- test e osterine anavar cycle (3 replies)
- New Cycle taking Clen stacked with Test Prop (10 replies)
- Second Cycle Test-E - D-Bol Kickstart (14 replies)
- Logmein's DNP Cycle Logs (8 replies)
- My winter Bulk Deca/Test E (11 replies)
- Help with eating on cycle (8 replies)
- ******WMAOUSLEY's Self Administered Experiment****** (6 replies)
- Looking for nutrition/Training advice (1 replies)
- 18 Years Old (Test E+Dbol)- Current Experience (13 replies)
- Currently on TRT and will ready to "Blast"! (1 replies)
- First cycle (2 replies)
- Sustanon 250 6 week progress (17 replies)
- slin + hgh log (64 replies)
- sus250 + Proviron (1 replies)
- First Cycle- Test E (28 replies)
- Roonks progress log (2 replies)
- Test prop pre cycle/cycle log (41 replies)
- Getting yucky :) test-e, d-bol log!!! (42 replies)
- D-ANABOL 25 - Anabolic Research X cycle (8 replies)
- BUSTER B's TES E/TREN E/TBOL CYCLE (175 replies)
- test cycle mid results (7 replies)
- Var Log Female 1st cycle (285 replies)
- First cycle, take two (9 replies)
- Introduction to jabbing, first course q's (1 replies)
- 8 week prop cycle results (18 replies)
- 8 week Test E cycle with Masteron the last three weeks. (1 replies)
- Var/Test cycle input wanted (0 replies)
- First cycle test e (18 replies)
- Pre-Bulk, Cut and First Cycle Log (Test E 500mg, 12 weeks). (14 replies)
- First cycle log (14 replies)
- 10 Week Sustanon 350/NPP 150 (14 replies)
- Round numero 2 (D-Bol and Test Enen) (104 replies)
- First Cycle Log - Test E 500mg p/w 12wks (28 replies)
- LOST 66lbs naturally!! :D :P (8 replies)
- First Cycle (18 replies)
- first cycle test e 225mg / week 10 week cycle (0 replies)
- JB'z 8 Week Prop-TrenA Blast (108 replies)
- First 6 Weeks - Clen/T3 Cycle Log (14 replies)
- Shout for the title using pro hormones (10 replies)
- New cycle log (1 replies)
- Sust 250 First Cycle Results. 750mg (6 replies)
- Test E , Dbol, Winstrol Cycle HELP (1 replies)
- First Cycle Ever Log: Test Cyp (122 replies)
- test e tren e Dbol cycle (10 replies)
- Started first testosterone cycle after very low blood work (7 replies)
- 12 week cut - Test E ONLY (15 replies)
- 12 Week Cut & First Cycle Log. (4 replies)
- First real cutting cycle ,any help would be great (1 replies)
- Cycle Check (10 replies)
- Test C 10 week cycle. Week 1 and 6 pics. Critique? (16 replies)
- 500mg of Test E and Intermittent Fasting (5 replies)
- My virgin cycle ! (test e, 8 weeks) (37 replies)
- My first cycle results & my next cycle ideas.... (3 replies)
- Cycle/Training/Diet/Supplement Log Any advice would be great (5 replies)
- 2nd cycle help (1 replies)
- First cutting cycle. Test Prop, Clen and T3. (14 replies)
- First Cycle Of Test-E all opinions and help appreciated (6 replies)
- Test E only log. (37 replies)
- The most MIND BLOWING KETOSIS results ever! Before and after at 20 year old! (10 replies)
- First cycle (14 replies)
- Tri-Methyl Extreme (4 replies)
- Sustanon issue (3 replies)
- 2nd Cycle (Test E ) (8 replies)
- Max, lifts, reps? (11 replies)
- Tren/Mast/Test Cycle w/log (69 replies)
- Sus 250 deca cycle advice (2 replies)
- Just hit 230 (55 replies)
- My Clen / T3 Cycle Journal... With Pics (7 replies)
- Austinite's 22 Week Cycle - Test | Primo | Tren | Mast | Var (409 replies)
- Anavar Only 6 Week Cycle (15 replies)
- First Cycle (20 replies)
- newbe (3 replies)
- Hdrol kick start with test cyp (first cycle) (3 replies)
- New cycle 'test e 250 & tren e 200' (3 replies)
- Looking to stack (5 replies)
- starting first cycle ever looking for some advice much appreciated (2 replies)
- TestE/TrenE/MastE NEW LOG (39 replies)
- First Cycle Log and Results! Test E (95 replies)
- Just starting (1 replies)
- stpete's Test900mg/Halo possibly adding Tren later Cycle.... (411 replies)
- need help (2 replies)
- My First Cycle (0 replies)
- First cycle Test e and dbol (5 replies)
- 4th Cycle - 12 weeks Test e and Tren e, 4 weeks frontload dbol/drol (1 replies)
- First cycle in 15 Years! (18 replies)
- 20yr old DNP CYCLE (9 replies)
- My first cycle, I also made some videos of it all.. (0 replies)
- Tren Ace, Beastdrol, Test E log. (34 replies)
- Bulking cycle (0 replies)
- wanna get more info (0 replies)
- First Cycle Results...Thoughts? Be honest. Don't hurt me. (17 replies)
- lean gain/ turanastan (1 replies)
- cycle log and results (30 replies)
- Back in the saddle. 41yo 500mg rx grade test c a week (0 replies)
- 1st cycle: test cyp @ 500mg/wk - 12 weeks! (185 replies)
- Test Cyp 500mgs a Week (Beginning Pictures included) (21 replies)
- Justjoe's Cyp. Log (39 replies)
- 10 Week Cycle P90X (6 replies)
- Bringing it to the next level! 12 week Prop/var cycle. DONE RIGHT! (160 replies)
- Summer Test E-500 (40 replies)
- 10week Test-E, D-Bol cycle (14 replies)
- turanastan / leangain 400 (0 replies)
- BSB TestE/TrenA Log (13 replies)
- 33 Year Old First Cycle Ever. D-bol, Test E (16 replies)
- 4 weeks in, first cycle, Test Enth 500mg a week. (26 replies)
- here we go first real cycle (17 replies)
- First cycle (14 replies)
- 4th week into Sust cycle (21 replies)
- First Cycle 500 Test E Clean Bulk (84 replies)
- Opinions on correct Aromasin dose on 500mg Test E/ Week Cycle *advise please* (5 replies)
- First cycle. Test en/Tren en, var/clen, clen (10 replies)
- new member first cycle am i ready? (0 replies)
- Fisrt cycle 10 weeks test c (13 replies)
- dbw1968 1st cycle update (4 replies)
- test e question. please help (2 replies)
- Lean bulk cycle-time to jump up a weigh class (or two) (0 replies)
- New Guy (0 replies)
- dbol and Equipoise (2 replies)
- Good 1st Cycle? (3 replies)
- Test/EQ/Dbol first cycle. posting up to week 5 (late getting post up) (0 replies)
- 12w LEAN BULK (TEST/PRIMO/VAR) (136 replies)
- 6 week cycle: 50mg Test Suspension, 50mg Stanazol, 50mg Trenbolone Acetate (19 replies)
- First Ever Test E Body Transformation! (77 replies)
- shot spots (6 replies)
- Finally!!! (133 replies)
- roughneck wanting someone to email me about cycle (22 replies)
- Test Cypionate, Tren Hex, Dianabol (19 replies)
- 3rd cycle and history (13 replies)
- 2nd Cycle Questions (0 replies)
- first cycle. test prop (25 replies)
- Dsurfr's 1st Cycle Log (27 replies)
- Nice deca sust stack (0 replies)
- Cutting on long esters. (4 replies)
- 18 week cycle Test E, NPP, Tren E, Dbol, Test P, Winny (52 replies)
- Natural Gains, To Var Cycle. Looking for a little advice. (55 replies)
- Deca/Test cycle. (3 replies)
- Before/After DEXA Scan Results (Test E/Dbol/Var) (0 replies)
- First cycle of Test cyp (2 replies)
- Winny first cycle ever (4 replies)
- My !st Test E cycle .Plwase read and give advice (91 replies)
- My 1st Cycle - Test E only (43 replies)
- dbol/Test Cyp/deca/prop cycle 18 weeks (0 replies)
- Progress charting my first bulking cycle (8 replies)
- 1st Cycle - Anavar with Test Propri (11 replies)
- Am I superhuman? Or has this happened before? (3 replies)
- Tren Ace 6 week cycle (122 replies)
- Want to make sure I'm going to do my cycle right. (0 replies)
- first Clen and T3 (6 replies)
- FIRST CYCLE LOG (few question before start) (8 replies)
- Masteron / Test (4 replies)
- no longer natty ;] (10 replies)
- Starting 1ST TEST / Var/ HCG cycle... Advice welcome (5 replies)
- 1st Cycle: Test Cyp (24 replies)
- Need your opinion on my cycle (3 replies)
- My first cycle - Help needed (8 replies)
- *** Progress Report (Test-E Cycle) (3 replies)
- my first cycle ever! Test E!!! (9 replies)
- Test prop - dvt (0 replies)
- first test-e cycle (5 replies)

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