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  1. Just started my test e only cycle. First cycle ever. (6 replies)
  2. Another femal var log (2 replies)
  3. Another femal var log (3 replies)
  4. Test-E Before and After Pics (35 replies)
  5. WeeK 5 into my 8 week test prop cycle Starting body fat 15% weight 207pds (5 replies)
  6. 2 week clen cycle result (3 replies)
  7. most recent cycle (0 replies)
  8. Doing My First Show Advise Needed!!! (0 replies)
  9. Please critique current cycle! (Most concerned about week 11-14) (27 replies)
  10. 12 weeks sust/deca/dbol personal experience and results after pct. (4 replies)
  11. LOG: Trendione and Ultradrol FULL ORAL CYCLE (0 replies)
  12. FIRST CYCLE 500mg/wk Test-C (23 replies)
  13. 1st Cycle Ever - Tren-Mast-Winny (15 replies)
  14. Last post and last log (no test cycle) (9 replies)
  15. Tren! (8 replies)
  16. First dnp cycle log (0 replies)
  17. Moparspanky's First Cycle (0 replies)
  18. New member need help with clen/t3 cycle (1 replies)
  19. 2nd cycle Test E 500 mg week (16 replies)
  20. Advice on being ready for cycle or more work (8 replies)
  21. My light cycle. Deca - Primo - Test (13 replies)
  22. Second Cycle! Lez Do This!!!!! (2 replies)
  23. My cycle experience… (23 replies)
  24. Crazy Mike's come back Log and Cycle May 2013 (163 replies)
  25. 12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle (63 replies)
  26. 16 week Test only Cycle (0 replies)
  27. My current cycle (29 replies)
  28. Dougies cutting log #1 (30 replies)
  29. Dbol Sust Deca Cycle (14 replies)
  30. Test Cyp and Anadrol 50 cycle (15 replies)
  31. test e /test prop/var/npp cycle (2 replies)
  32. Time for big changes (19 replies)
  33. Test e, dbol, deca 12 week cycle (6 replies)
  34. Test-E/Dbol Cycle (6 replies)
  35. Age 43 and thinking about starting a cycle (7 replies)
  36. Test Cyp/ Deca/ E.Q. for 16 weeks. (8 replies)
  37. auswest's Log (56 replies)
  38. Test c and winny Cycle (47 replies)
  39. First Cycle - Progression Thread (1 replies)
  40. Tren E Test E Anavar cycle log (16 replies)
  41. Tren A and Test Prop Cycle (19 replies)
  42. Female Var log (9 replies)
  43. Test/Var Cycle......now the Renegade Diet (2 replies)
  44. 2nd cycle, Test e 500mgs/week, dbol 30mg/day (5 replies)
  45. Firt Timer Test Log (10 replies)
  46. First Tren Test Cycle (9 replies)
  47. 1st Cycle of Cypionate 500mg - 14 wks (13 replies)
  48. 1st Cycle Done! (experience, results, pics) (12 replies)
  49. Six's cycle log (73 replies)
  50. 8 weeks Test Prop & Tren Ace (116 replies)
  51. Curious about pwo and test (0 replies)
  52. Lady Var (0 replies)
  53. DBol 50mg ed test 150 eod DAY 4. (6 replies)
  54. 1st Cycle Ever - Sustanon 250 (9 replies)
  55. Test e dbol first cycle log (52 replies)
  56. 3rd cycle Test E/Tbol (16 replies)
  57. 1 week into dbol and test e cycle (8 replies)
  58. Weight loss log. Diet/cardio/t3 (6 replies)
  59. 12 weeks Test e tren a Low Dose (14 replies)
  60. Cycle 2 - Test Prop/NPP (3 replies)
  61. J-Bob's love diary; Day 21.. (3 replies)
  62. Test E/Trenabol/DBOL (56 replies)
  63. My first log (1 replies)
  64. Oatmeal69's 4th Cycle TEST-E / TREN-A Diary / Log (88 replies)
  65. Red_Hulk Cycle Log - Test E, Dbol, Tren, IGF DES (10 replies)
  66. 4.5 weeks into 9 week tpp/npp 5'11 220+ (56 replies)
  67. Nothing new, but new to me. First cycle, Test E :) (0 replies)
  68. Help! (2 replies)
  69. a question about 2nd cycle (1 replies)
  70. Female var cycle log (90 replies)
  71. First cycle started. Test E and HCG (8 replies)
  72. Conditioning Classic Log - Brick - (26 replies)
  73. First cycle log (1 replies)
  74. test e 250 tren e 200 (2 replies)
  75. clen cutting cycle log (24 replies)
  76. 8 weeks Test / Tren / Clen Cycle Log (30 replies)
  77. Young but mild cycle? Tbol at 20 (4 replies)
  78. Kronik vs Canesfan results (40 replies)
  79. Kronik's 1st cycle log (218 replies)
  80. Tren/Test Cycle Log with diet, supplements, and workout (11 replies)
  81. starting first cycle ever - TELL ME WHY IM STUPID (18 replies)
  82. Hypothyroidism: Is it safe to stack Clen, T3, Tren, and Test? (3 replies)
  83. Need Help!!!First Cycle Questions (7 replies)
  84. Tren e 300 mg test e 500 (10 replies)
  85. End of its cycle soon (0 replies)
  86. First Cycle Log Test E 500/week (71 replies)
  87. Female Var Log (345 replies)
  88. End results of 14 week cycle (9 replies)
  89. Sick Beard's First Cycle Log (Test E) (97 replies)
  90. First cycle ever 500mg Test e for 10 weeks (10 replies)
  91. First cycle results. (13 replies)
  92. test e osterine anavar cycle (3 replies)
  93. New Cycle taking Clen stacked with Test Prop (10 replies)
  94. Second Cycle Test-E - D-Bol Kickstart (14 replies)
  95. Logmein's DNP Cycle Logs (8 replies)
  96. My winter Bulk Deca/Test E (11 replies)
  97. Help with eating on cycle (8 replies)
  98. ******WMAOUSLEY's Self Administered Experiment****** (6 replies)
  99. Looking for nutrition/Training advice (1 replies)
  100. 18 Years Old (Test E+Dbol)- Current Experience (13 replies)
  101. Currently on TRT and will ready to "Blast"! (1 replies)
  102. First cycle (2 replies)
  103. Sustanon 250 6 week progress (17 replies)
  104. slin + hgh log (64 replies)
  105. sus250 + Proviron (1 replies)
  106. First Cycle- Test E (28 replies)
  107. Roonks progress log (2 replies)
  108. Test prop pre cycle/cycle log (41 replies)
  109. Getting yucky :) test-e, d-bol log!!! (42 replies)
  110. D-ANABOL 25 - Anabolic Research X cycle (8 replies)
  111. BUSTER B's TES E/TREN E/TBOL CYCLE (175 replies)
  112. test cycle mid results (7 replies)
  113. Var Log Female 1st cycle (285 replies)
  114. First cycle, take two (9 replies)
  115. Introduction to jabbing, first course q's (1 replies)
  116. 8 week prop cycle results (18 replies)
  117. 8 week Test E cycle with Masteron the last three weeks. (1 replies)
  118. Var/Test cycle input wanted (0 replies)
  119. First cycle test e (18 replies)
  120. Pre-Bulk, Cut and First Cycle Log (Test E 500mg, 12 weeks). (14 replies)
  121. First cycle log (14 replies)
  122. 10 Week Sustanon 350/NPP 150 (14 replies)
  123. Round numero 2 (D-Bol and Test Enen) (104 replies)
  124. First Cycle Log - Test E 500mg p/w 12wks (28 replies)
  125. LOST 66lbs naturally!! :D :P (8 replies)
  126. First Cycle (18 replies)
  127. first cycle test e 225mg / week 10 week cycle (0 replies)
  128. JB'z 8 Week Prop-TrenA Blast (108 replies)
  129. First 6 Weeks - Clen/T3 Cycle Log (14 replies)
  130. Shout for the title using pro hormones (10 replies)
  131. New cycle log (1 replies)
  132. Sust 250 First Cycle Results. 750mg (6 replies)
  133. Test E , Dbol, Winstrol Cycle HELP (1 replies)
  134. First Cycle Ever Log: Test Cyp (122 replies)
  135. test e tren e Dbol cycle (10 replies)
  136. Started first testosterone cycle after very low blood work (7 replies)
  137. 12 week cut - Test E ONLY (15 replies)
  138. 12 Week Cut & First Cycle Log. (4 replies)
  139. First real cutting cycle ,any help would be great (1 replies)
  140. Cycle Check (10 replies)
  141. Test C 10 week cycle. Week 1 and 6 pics. Critique? (16 replies)
  142. 500mg of Test E and Intermittent Fasting (5 replies)
  143. My virgin cycle ! (test e, 8 weeks) (37 replies)
  144. My first cycle results & my next cycle ideas.... (3 replies)
  145. Cycle/Training/Diet/Supplement Log Any advice would be great (5 replies)
  146. 2nd cycle help (1 replies)
  147. First cutting cycle. Test Prop, Clen and T3. (14 replies)
  148. First Cycle Of Test-E all opinions and help appreciated (6 replies)
  149. Test E only log. (37 replies)
  150. The most MIND BLOWING KETOSIS results ever! Before and after at 20 year old! (10 replies)
  151. First cycle (14 replies)
  152. Tri-Methyl Extreme (4 replies)
  153. Sustanon issue (3 replies)
  154. 2nd Cycle (Test E ) (8 replies)
  155. Max, lifts, reps? (11 replies)
  156. Tren/Mast/Test Cycle w/log (69 replies)
  157. Sus 250 deca cycle advice (2 replies)
  158. Just hit 230 (55 replies)
  159. My Clen / T3 Cycle Journal... With Pics (7 replies)
  160. Austinite's 22 Week Cycle - Test | Primo | Tren | Mast | Var (409 replies)
  161. Anavar Only 6 Week Cycle (15 replies)
  162. First Cycle (20 replies)
  163. newbe (3 replies)
  164. Hdrol kick start with test cyp (first cycle) (3 replies)
  165. New cycle 'test e 250 & tren e 200' (3 replies)
  166. Looking to stack (5 replies)
  167. starting first cycle ever looking for some advice much appreciated (2 replies)
  168. TestE/TrenE/MastE NEW LOG (39 replies)
  169. First Cycle Log and Results! Test E (95 replies)
  170. Just starting (1 replies)
  171. stpete's Test900mg/Halo possibly adding Tren later Cycle.... (411 replies)
  172. need help (2 replies)
  173. My First Cycle (0 replies)
  174. First cycle Test e and dbol (5 replies)
  175. 4th Cycle - 12 weeks Test e and Tren e, 4 weeks frontload dbol/drol (1 replies)
  176. First cycle in 15 Years! (18 replies)
  177. 20yr old DNP CYCLE (9 replies)
  178. My first cycle, I also made some videos of it all.. (0 replies)
  179. Tren Ace, Beastdrol, Test E log. (34 replies)
  180. Bulking cycle (0 replies)
  181. wanna get more info (0 replies)
  182. First Cycle Results...Thoughts? Be honest. Don't hurt me. (17 replies)
  183. lean gain/ turanastan (1 replies)
  184. cycle log and results (30 replies)
  185. Back in the saddle. 41yo 500mg rx grade test c a week (0 replies)
  186. 1st cycle: test cyp @ 500mg/wk - 12 weeks! (185 replies)
  187. Test Cyp 500mgs a Week (Beginning Pictures included) (21 replies)
  188. Justjoe's Cyp. Log (39 replies)
  189. 10 Week Cycle P90X (6 replies)
  190. Bringing it to the next level! 12 week Prop/var cycle. DONE RIGHT! (160 replies)
  191. Summer Test E-500 (40 replies)
  192. 10week Test-E, D-Bol cycle (14 replies)
  193. turanastan / leangain 400 (0 replies)
  194. BSB TestE/TrenA Log (13 replies)
  195. 33 Year Old First Cycle Ever. D-bol, Test E (16 replies)
  196. 4 weeks in, first cycle, Test Enth 500mg a week. (26 replies)
  197. here we go first real cycle (17 replies)
  198. First cycle (14 replies)
  199. 4th week into Sust cycle (21 replies)
  200. First Cycle 500 Test E Clean Bulk (84 replies)
  201. Opinions on correct Aromasin dose on 500mg Test E/ Week Cycle *advise please* (5 replies)
  202. First cycle. Test en/Tren en, var/clen, clen (10 replies)
  203. new member first cycle am i ready? (0 replies)
  204. Fisrt cycle 10 weeks test c (13 replies)
  205. dbw1968 1st cycle update (4 replies)
  206. test e question. please help (2 replies)
  207. Lean bulk cycle-time to jump up a weigh class (or two) (0 replies)
  208. New Guy (0 replies)
  209. dbol and Equipoise (2 replies)
  210. Good 1st Cycle? (3 replies)
  211. Test/EQ/Dbol first cycle. posting up to week 5 (late getting post up) (0 replies)
  212. 12w LEAN BULK (TEST/PRIMO/VAR) (136 replies)
  213. 6 week cycle: 50mg Test Suspension, 50mg Stanazol, 50mg Trenbolone Acetate (19 replies)
  214. First Ever Test E Body Transformation! (77 replies)
  215. shot spots (6 replies)
  216. Finally!!! (133 replies)
  217. roughneck wanting someone to email me about cycle (22 replies)
  218. Test Cypionate, Tren Hex, Dianabol (19 replies)
  219. 3rd cycle and history (13 replies)
  220. 2nd Cycle Questions (0 replies)
  221. first cycle. test prop (25 replies)
  222. Dsurfr's 1st Cycle Log (27 replies)
  223. Nice deca sust stack (0 replies)
  224. Cutting on long esters. (4 replies)
  225. 18 week cycle Test E, NPP, Tren E, Dbol, Test P, Winny (52 replies)
  226. Natural Gains, To Var Cycle. Looking for a little advice. (55 replies)
  227. Deca/Test cycle. (3 replies)
  228. Before/After DEXA Scan Results (Test E/Dbol/Var) (0 replies)
  229. First cycle of Test cyp (2 replies)
  230. Winny first cycle ever (4 replies)
  231. My !st Test E cycle .Plwase read and give advice (91 replies)
  232. My 1st Cycle - Test E only (43 replies)
  233. dbol/Test Cyp/deca/prop cycle 18 weeks (0 replies)
  234. Progress charting my first bulking cycle (8 replies)
  235. 1st Cycle - Anavar with Test Propri (11 replies)
  236. Am I superhuman? Or has this happened before? (3 replies)
  237. Tren Ace 6 week cycle (122 replies)
  238. Want to make sure I'm going to do my cycle right. (0 replies)
  239. first Clen and T3 (6 replies)
  240. FIRST CYCLE LOG (few question before start) (8 replies)
  241. Masteron / Test (4 replies)
  242. no longer natty ;] (10 replies)
  243. Starting 1ST TEST / Var/ HCG cycle... Advice welcome (5 replies)
  244. 1st Cycle: Test Cyp (24 replies)
  245. Need your opinion on my cycle (3 replies)
  246. My first cycle - Help needed (8 replies)
  247. *** Progress Report (Test-E Cycle) (3 replies)
  248. my first cycle ever! Test E!!! (9 replies)
  249. Test prop - dvt (0 replies)
  250. first test-e cycle (5 replies)
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