View Full Version : IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS
- HGH before Cardio ....a few questions (5 replies)
- Confused about HGH measuring... (2 replies)
- Reconstituting Chinese Generic IGF LR3 (7 replies)
- GH from oasis/infinity (4 replies)
- ansomone down?! (17 replies)
- chineses generic LR3? (14 replies)
- Injecting hGH (5 replies)
- jino tropins official website? (11 replies)
- Sub-Q Injection ? for HGH (8 replies)
- confused w/ igf-1 dosing measurement (3 replies)
- Best GH (16 replies)
- Igf???? (9 replies)
- Need some help (10 replies)
- GH storage (4 replies)
- On GH boosters while on HGH? (6 replies)
- Half life of Somatropin - Different than you think! (2 replies)
- HGH +Lr3igf-1 (18 replies)
- HGH use and Longterm resistance... (8 replies)
- Is T3 really needed when your on HGH??? (17 replies)
- GH Help please (3 replies)
- Opinion on Human growth hormones. (7 replies)
- Confusion (5 replies)
- GH shipping (5 replies)
- Does HGH raise natural IGF? (5 replies)
- Thinking About Doing Hgh+suts 250 (6 replies)
- Jintropin Help (12 replies)
- IGF runtime Q (4 replies)
- Is LR3 dosage bodyweight dependent? (3 replies)
- One amp of water broke that came with my Jin kit (8 replies)
- insulin (5 replies)
- (hgh)? (3 replies)
- roids+growth on+off (6 replies)
- if anyone ever needs to get GH tested.. (12 replies)
- Dialing in Hgh for AAS cycle (2 replies)
- Does IGF-1 Lower HGH Output (9 replies)
- rationale of using igf and slin together? (6 replies)
- IGF-1 from AR in current cycle? (10 replies)
- IGF/Tbol (3 replies)
- slin question???? (4 replies)
- fast acting insulin (11 replies)
- Hgh, I Have A Dilemma...? (26 replies)
- IGF instead of HGH?? (23 replies)
- confused (4 replies)
- Shipping GH (1 replies)
- T3/HGH Question (8 replies)
- PGF2a and fat cell death (8 replies)
- best way to use igf on test cycle (1 replies)
- MGF Log on its way (33 replies)
- english buying igf from ****** ******** (9 replies)
- slin in canada non prescrition! (3 replies)
- gh injections (3 replies)
- hCG reconstitution life? (4 replies)
- GH brown tops (13 replies)
- igf/gh (7 replies)
- Does it have to be dextrose? (10 replies)
- HGH as a sleep aid (4 replies)
- shipping igf in powder (7 replies)
- gh only (9 replies)
- 4iu hgh in 1 shot? (12 replies)
- How much IGF-1 LR3 to BUILD MUSCLE? A S ¨¨¨ (3 replies)
- hgh (7 replies)
- Will I benefit if I add IGF-1 to this cycle? (4 replies)
- Slin while bridging (3 replies)
- jin authentication as 'Fake Goods' (3 replies)
- Hypothetically Speaking. (5 replies)
- hgh 3 times a day...your opinion please (7 replies)
- IGF lr3 importing legal? (2 replies)
- best lr3 (2 replies)
- Question about HGH time on (3 replies)
- 800 iu's GH/what would U do? (2 replies)
- hGH and alcohol and/or adderall? (0 replies)
- LR3 a good idea for fat burning (as main goal)? (7 replies)
- Acquiring HGH - China ? (2 replies)
- Major Increase of Appitite (5 replies)
- Long R3 IGF Log (3 replies)
- bridging between cycles (11 replies)
- Igf-1 Lr3: Post your experience! (2 replies)
- igf-1 question (4 replies)
- Igf stacked ???? (2 replies)
- HGH 1 day a week off? (7 replies)
- IGF-1 Test Result Question (0 replies)
- Ill be starting MGF (22 replies)
- test and slin (0 replies)
- IGF/GH/SLIN Vets input? (9 replies)
- Can I gain 3lbs with slin and creatine (10 replies)
- Universal Kits PGH ? (0 replies)
- First timer (4 replies)
- Insulin And Gh Queeries? Please Advise (0 replies)
- hgh t3 clen cycle (1 replies)
- Difference between IGF types... (5 replies)
- This su<ks (1 replies)
- Okay, so here's a logical question about GH and Juice (11 replies)
- Lions Long R3 IGF (2 replies)
- Please Comment GH EXPERIENCES Jino,Fit,Generic, and Sero (29 replies)
- Advice needed for shipping GH. (2 replies)
- GH/Glucophage/T3 protocol (4 replies)
- Looking For Mass Quick (2 replies)
- the new super PGF2A analog (11 replies)
- jin><does it come as a solid block or loose (18 replies)
- injecting igf-1 lr3 (3 replies)
- stuff (7 replies)
- Frozen Long R3 Igf (11 replies)
- igf pain (2 replies)
- Hgh? (3 replies)
- Eating chilli after INsulin pwo meal (8 replies)
- Anyone take Mobic with HGH? (1 replies)
- Hgh cold/flu? (3 replies)
- Insulin ppw meal? (2 replies)
- My humalog nutrition ready to go! (11 replies)
- igf-1 (ed) or (eod) w/hgh? (6 replies)
- what's the lowest and highest prices people pay for GH (2 replies)
- What the hell can I eat (1 replies)
- Should I? (8 replies)
- Just Wondering.. GH by itself in high doses (42 replies)
- do all you slin users use a glucose meter? (6 replies)
- Humalog and only using simple carbs during active time? (13 replies)
- Virgin to Inslin, Need's suggestions (2 replies)
- slin or igf1 with pct? (7 replies)
- 192aa rHGH & developing antibodies (3 replies)
- Ordering Insulin (3 replies)
- My slin froze by accident!!! (5 replies)
- hgh for animal (6 replies)
- HGH to the gym? (3 replies)
- slin timing (3 replies)
- Usling insulin syringe with the Novalog Flex Pen (1 replies)
- sust and hgh cycle?? (1 replies)
- Virgin Starting Insulin today, Any suggestions (7 replies)
- hGH for sorta newbie..general questions? (7 replies)
- at 40 what can i realistically expect HGH (2 replies)
- HGH 191aa Vs 192aa, Problem please! (3 replies)
- 800 IU's??/that to much (25 replies)
- IGF, HGH, Insulin - how should it be done (2 replies)
- Penis growth? (10 replies)
- GH help needed plz (3 replies)
- New Jintropin AQ Pen Injection System (2 replies)
- Quick question on some IGF i have... (1 replies)
- If you can't inject igf-1 PWO, then what? (10 replies)
- gh and var (3 replies)
- HGH drug testing (1 replies)
- Hgh and hepatitis b vaccine? (2 replies)
- HGH for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome? (3 replies)
- PCT + GH dosages, Need personal feedback (3 replies)
- Could this be a possible hgh side? (10 replies)
- Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Information (12 replies)
- HGH Questions (15 replies)
- first time gh,urgent help! (1 replies)
- Reconstituting IGF-1? (5 replies)
- IGF-1 Basic Questions (1 replies)
- Insulin + DNP (16 replies)
- IGF-1 LR3 injection time (5 replies)
- Please calculate this formula (5 replies)
- did i end up wasting my igf-1 lr3 (2 replies)
- New Generic HGH, lab test? (11 replies)
- Whats better for PCT, IGF or insulin (6 replies)
- Glucose interveneous.... (7 replies)
- Insulin Before Workout. Help please... (7 replies)
- 5 iu's a day...... (6 replies)
- Expired Novolog flex pen (5 replies)
- slin post workout (5 replies)
- Anyone? (3 replies)
- MGF Wonder drug? (9 replies)
- igf-1 lr3 and pct (3 replies)
- HGH EOD (only experienced users) (11 replies)
- Insulin on its own? (5 replies)
- IGF,Insulin and t3 (4 replies)
- HGH/slin in blast cycle (10 replies)
- first time hsh user ?'s (13 replies)
- Want to start Jin (7 replies)
- I want to give HGH/TRT to my dad whose a victim of stroke (12 replies)
- SIUG hGH? Anyone used it? (3 replies)
- sytropin hgh??? (6 replies)
- HGH, should I or shouldnt I ? (7 replies)
- HGH cycle (2 replies)
- HGH question (18 replies)
- IGF-1 Dummie Here (11 replies)
- IGF-1 reconstituting. The perfect way? (3 replies)
- Mixing Question (1 replies)
- New IGF by IGTROPIN (10 replies)
- GH and shoulder operation (7 replies)
- 8iu on/ 4iu off? (11 replies)
- will i grow with this (11 replies)
- Why the necessity for long (6 month+) runs of GH? (56 replies)
- Different way to cycle IGF (7 replies)
- Quck Hgh question (23 replies)
- HGH Strengths? (1 replies)
- Question Narkissos about slin/cutting (11 replies)
- Bumping GH to 10iu's for 2-3 weeks..... (13 replies)
- IGF in second cycle?? (1 replies)
- gh and sleep apnea? (39 replies)
- HGH / Roid Combination Stack (2 replies)
- HGH for off cycle? (10 replies)
- Short HGH cycle with minimun dosage (21 replies)
- SAIZEN 8.8 mg HELP... (4 replies)
- Reconstituting IGF LR3 (10 replies)
- Injection site reaction with LRIGF-1 (10 replies)
- ALA against numbness from HGH?! (0 replies)
- Igf-1 Lr3 (7 replies)
- hgh isulin aas (2 replies)
- iu to mg? (2 replies)
- gh for football player. (8 replies)
- cloudy igf (1 replies)
- Problem adding water to the GH (10 replies)
- igf lr3 mixing ? (3 replies)
- Lion's IGF (38 replies)
- Slin and Cutting does it help? (2 replies)
- IGF question! (2 replies)
- Detection time of HGH in blood? (1 replies)
- For people who used GH and are over 25 (3 replies)
- hgh and t3 done on dogs. is t3 necesary when on hgh? (5 replies)
- home again :) (19 replies)
- IGF-1 and strange sides (0 replies)
- ar-r's igf1???? (1 replies)
- using HGH at 19 (7 replies)
- get slin pins here (2 replies)
- Feet numbing at 3iu on 1st day?? (17 replies)
- GH Injection time (8 replies)
- brown tops? (6 replies)
- 2nd hgh cycle (11 replies)
- igf l lr3 powder (6 replies)
- HGH help (5 replies)
- Can someone help me confirm Jin codes (2 replies)
- Can i take ECA+HGH? (10 replies)
- Dr. Gordon Interview (MP3) (3 replies)
- jintropin (3 replies)
- New to the GH game...need help (13 replies)
- insulin and T3 combo no AAS (4 replies)
- gh (29 replies)
- HGH use and Age (13 replies)
- Getting ready for a contest in Aug. (10 replies)
- MGF experience (68 replies)
- Preloading slins with HGH (3 replies)
- when to inject IGF (14 replies)
- Jintropin verification error (3 replies)
- Week 2 IGf-1 LR3 (5 replies)
- diluting igf-1 (3 replies)
- igf during pct (1 replies)
- Thinking about using HGH (0 replies)
- Where to get ba water?? (7 replies)
- purple under tongue (1 replies)
- 8iu hgh 5/2 overkill?? (16 replies)
- igf question (4 replies)
- 20 iu Bottels (4 replies)
- igf and precontest (11 replies)
- I am a diabetic with a few questions (5 replies)
- New on board needs some help with first Humalog use (9 replies)
- Week 1 of IGF-1 (11 replies)
- 25days of IGF1.. (3 replies)
- how good is INSULIN to bulk ? (20 replies)
- ar's media grade (2 replies)
- Adding BW to HGH? (4 replies)

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