View Full Version : INJURIES, REHAB & SPA

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  1. Thinning hair on cycle vs. MPB on cycle
  2. Thinning hair on cycle vs. MPB on cycle
  3. Free Fluid in the Pelvis
  4. On the mend from labrum surgery
  5. Well I finally did it, blown pec major
  6. Does this look bad?
  7. MTan2
  8. What is the best way to heal my injuries?
  9. Bulging Disc Pain? Try this stretch!
  10. PT for low back pain?
  11. Where Can I get test online ????
  12. Shoulder pain
  13. Serious help! Erectile dysfunction
  14. Pain in Joints on TRT
  15. Nagging pain in forearm
  16. Right Shoulder/ Rotater Cuff Alain HELP
  17. Concussion/neck tightness
  18. Bak Blade
  19. Telegram groups for q&a steroid problems...
  20. Cramping and soreness post cycle
  21. Possible bicep tendon tear
  22. Carpal tunnel surgery.
  23. AC separation grade 1
  24. Shoulder weakness
  25. Pec minor pain
  26. pec tear
  27. Micro needling for loose skin
  28. Micro needling trial
  29. What should I do? Have a pain in the elbow/forearm
  30. What should I do? Have a pain in the elbow/forearm
  31. anyone here ever torn their pec?
  32. Shoulder Tightness
  33. Lifting with a torn cuff. What can you do what to avoid?
  34. Waist training
  35. Elbow issue
  36. Lower back on deadlift and barbell row
  37. Topical Papaverine as a growth factor
  38. Gallbladder removal while on cycle
  39. Grade II Hamstring Tear
  40. Tricep strain or tear, your thoughts?
  41. Debilitating Calf Pumps / Shin Splints
  42. Compartment Syndrome
  43. Torn L4-L5
  44. The Hairloss DHT Myth: Baldness Cure Debunked
  45. Great clip Shoulder/Rotator Cuff
  46. Shoulder problems NEED HELP!!
  47. Possible rods in shins and shoulder surgery
  48. Uncontrollabe MASSIVE PUMP in thigh suddenly
  49. Tanning guide
  50. been taking 40 mg of accutane with no change really
  51. Using gear to strengthen rotator cuff
  52. Need some help on back injury.
  53. Crippling sciatica from PIP
  54. Knee Swelling
  55. Best Peptide for Cartilage On Shoulder
  56. push through bicep tear?
  57. Good physio in MA?
  58. Self phlebotomy
  59. PRP, HGH, and anti inflammatory question
  60. Why is my upper pecs make a wavy/ripple effect
  61. Why is my upper pecs make a wavy/ripple effect
  62. Nerve damage in back
  63. pinched nerve in traps area today
  64. Loose skin
  65. Calf injury ???
  66. wrist pumps :scratch:
  67. Blood in the stool
  68. Melanotan II - Load 10mg, then Tan 10mg
  69. 62 yr old lifter injury question (bicep tendon)
  70. two lumps behind ear?
  71. Steroid.com community help in fighting hair loss!!
  72. Possible pec tear
  73. Elbow pain please help
  74. Threw my back out of alignment
  75. dislocated elbow. recovery recommendations?
  76. Eczema or Psoriasis caused by Test/Tren?
  77. Lifting with this bicep tear
  78. Anoxic brain injury
  79. Middle Finger Swollen Only after Exercise...I'm super worried.
  80. Cyclobenzaprine (muscle Relaxer) what it is and does.
  81. Hot Springs Vanguard VV
  82. Elbow pain help
  83. Any of you MEN every tried Botox or Dermal Fillers?
  84. Long time nagging ac-joint issue
  85. Tb500 and Bcp157
  86. Recovery from Amenorrhea
  87. Swelling hand
  88. Combo Treatment
  89. Spot Pinning
  90. KT Tape Does it actually do anything for you?
  91. Ruptured bicep
  92. Relationship anxiety
  93. neck , trap , shoulder pain all connected
  94. Need help rehabbing
  95. Bpc 157
  96. Chronic pain and muscular wasting - Steroid treatment - Advice needed badly
  97. Best Supplements For Joint (Rotator Cuff) Issues?
  98. Early signs of needing a hip replacement
  99. Botox without a script?
  100. Hiatal Hernia Surgery
  101. Chest injury??
  102. Deadlift 'pop' in lower back and getting to know me
  103. Tore my ac joint in shoulder
  104. Any before and after experiences with full hip replacements
  105. Tore my major pec recovey TB-500
  106. Muscle tear between ribs rehab?
  107. At home Gyno removal...
  108. Expert advice from novice (Sarcasm)
  109. Stem Cell Therapy
  110. Peptide forearm injection - Golfers and Tennis elbow
  111. Pinched C6/C7?
  112. Heard a pop in lower right side of back
  113. Bicep Injury: Advice from the knowledgeable / experienced?
  114. Bicep strain/tear/rupture please comment
  115. Lipoma in groin QUESTION..?
  116. IPS / Lazer hair removal
  117. PSA Pain Relief for Sore Muscles Joint Tendons (4x Stronger than Icy Hot)
  118. Getting anxious when injecting
  119. Arthritis in knees/cycle
  120. hgh or any other anabolics that aid in fracture healing
  121. stupid pain
  122. Lower & mid back pain every morning, frustrated..
  123. Peptides to Heal Bad Neck
  124. Rotator cuff ?
  125. Umbilical hernia
  126. Cortisol levels
  127. Sciatica or is something out of place?
  128. Pain back only during the cycle of stero
  129. Anabolic steroids for post shoulder surgery recovery?
  130. Shoulder issue? Right dumbell biceps curl a lot less weight than the left one....
  131. Knees are shot but wth
  132. Arthritis in hands
  133. Need Help- Tore Bicep tendon now shoulder KILLS
  134. My at home shoulder rehab plan. How does this sound? Do I need in office P-T?
  135. Bariatric procedure
  136. Bariatric procedure
  137. Repost - Cylon357's Peptide Healing log
  138. Amino Asylum
  139. Cleansing Cells
  140. Bicep Tendon at shoulder is temperamental
  141. Is the laser total bullshit?
  142. left arm weak
  143. Peptides questions
  144. Am I f@wked? (Cervical & Lumbar MRI results in post)
  145. Supraspinatus Tendon is torn
  146. Bodybuilder dies after snapping neck attempting 400 pound squat
  147. Neck crinkling called Neck Crepitus. Best way to treat?
  148. Shoulder Delt injury (left SHLder), kinda close to outer pec: what spot is this pls?
  149. Pulled lat?
  150. Injured Athlete Films to Motivatehelp refrain from bodybuilding but to inspire lite--
  151. I hope this doesn’t violate rules……BPC157
  152. Are statins for cholesterol horrible?
  153. Compound that helps joint pain?
  154. Subcutaneous Location Questions
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