- Thinning hair on cycle vs. MPB on cycle
- Thinning hair on cycle vs. MPB on cycle
- Free Fluid in the Pelvis
- On the mend from labrum surgery
- Well I finally did it, blown pec major
- Does this look bad?
- MTan2
- What is the best way to heal my injuries?
- Bulging Disc Pain? Try this stretch!
- PT for low back pain?
- Where Can I get test online ????
- Shoulder pain
- Serious help! Erectile dysfunction
- Pain in Joints on TRT
- Nagging pain in forearm
- Right Shoulder/ Rotater Cuff Alain HELP
- Concussion/neck tightness
- Bak Blade
- Telegram groups for q&a steroid problems...
- Cramping and soreness post cycle
- Possible bicep tendon tear
- Carpal tunnel surgery.
- AC separation grade 1
- Shoulder weakness
- Pec minor pain
- pec tear
- Micro needling for loose skin
- Micro needling trial
- What should I do? Have a pain in the elbow/forearm
- What should I do? Have a pain in the elbow/forearm
- anyone here ever torn their pec?
- Shoulder Tightness
- Lifting with a torn cuff. What can you do what to avoid?
- Waist training
- Elbow issue
- Lower back on deadlift and barbell row
- Topical Papaverine as a growth factor
- Gallbladder removal while on cycle
- Grade II Hamstring Tear
- Tricep strain or tear, your thoughts?
- Debilitating Calf Pumps / Shin Splints
- Compartment Syndrome
- Torn L4-L5
- The Hairloss DHT Myth: Baldness Cure Debunked
- Great clip Shoulder/Rotator Cuff
- Shoulder problems NEED HELP!!
- Possible rods in shins and shoulder surgery
- Uncontrollabe MASSIVE PUMP in thigh suddenly
- Tanning guide
- been taking 40 mg of accutane with no change really
- Using gear to strengthen rotator cuff
- Need some help on back injury.
- Crippling sciatica from PIP
- Knee Swelling
- Best Peptide for Cartilage On Shoulder
- push through bicep tear?
- Good physio in MA?
- Self phlebotomy
- PRP, HGH, and anti inflammatory question
- Why is my upper pecs make a wavy/ripple effect
- Why is my upper pecs make a wavy/ripple effect
- Nerve damage in back
- pinched nerve in traps area today
- Loose skin
- Calf injury ???
- wrist pumps :scratch:
- Blood in the stool
- Melanotan II - Load 10mg, then Tan 10mg
- 62 yr old lifter injury question (bicep tendon)
- two lumps behind ear?
- Steroid.com community help in fighting hair loss!!
- Possible pec tear
- Elbow pain please help
- Threw my back out of alignment
- dislocated elbow. recovery recommendations?
- Eczema or Psoriasis caused by Test/Tren?
- Lifting with this bicep tear
- Anoxic brain injury
- Middle Finger Swollen Only after Exercise...I'm super worried.
- Cyclobenzaprine (muscle Relaxer) what it is and does.
- Hot Springs Vanguard VV
- Elbow pain help
- Any of you MEN every tried Botox or Dermal Fillers?
- Long time nagging ac-joint issue
- Tb500 and Bcp157
- Recovery from Amenorrhea
- Swelling hand
- Combo Treatment
- Spot Pinning
- KT Tape Does it actually do anything for you?
- Ruptured bicep
- Relationship anxiety
- neck , trap , shoulder pain all connected
- Need help rehabbing
- Bpc 157
- Chronic pain and muscular wasting - Steroid treatment - Advice needed badly
- Best Supplements For Joint (Rotator Cuff) Issues?
- Early signs of needing a hip replacement
- Botox without a script?
- Hiatal Hernia Surgery
- Chest injury??
- Deadlift 'pop' in lower back and getting to know me
- Tore my ac joint in shoulder
- Any before and after experiences with full hip replacements
- Tore my major pec recovey TB-500
- Muscle tear between ribs rehab?
- At home Gyno removal...
- Expert advice from novice (Sarcasm)
- Stem Cell Therapy
- Peptide forearm injection - Golfers and Tennis elbow
- Pinched C6/C7?
- Heard a pop in lower right side of back
- Bicep Injury: Advice from the knowledgeable / experienced?
- Bicep strain/tear/rupture please comment
- Lipoma in groin QUESTION..?
- IPS / Lazer hair removal
- PSA Pain Relief for Sore Muscles Joint Tendons (4x Stronger than Icy Hot)
- Getting anxious when injecting
- Arthritis in knees/cycle
- hgh or any other anabolics that aid in fracture healing
- stupid pain
- Lower & mid back pain every morning, frustrated..
- Peptides to Heal Bad Neck
- Rotator cuff ?
- Umbilical hernia
- Cortisol levels
- Sciatica or is something out of place?
- Pain back only during the cycle of stero
- Anabolic steroids for post shoulder surgery recovery?
- Shoulder issue? Right dumbell biceps curl a lot less weight than the left one....
- Knees are shot but wth
- Arthritis in hands
- Need Help- Tore Bicep tendon now shoulder KILLS
- My at home shoulder rehab plan. How does this sound? Do I need in office P-T?
- Bariatric procedure
- Bariatric procedure
- Repost - Cylon357's Peptide Healing log
- Amino Asylum
- Cleansing Cells
- Bicep Tendon at shoulder is temperamental
- Is the laser total bullshit?
- left arm weak
- Peptides questions
- Am I f@wked? (Cervical & Lumbar MRI results in post)
- Supraspinatus Tendon is torn
- Bodybuilder dies after snapping neck attempting 400 pound squat
- Neck crinkling called Neck Crepitus. Best way to treat?
- Shoulder Delt injury (left SHLder), kinda close to outer pec: what spot is this pls?
- Pulled lat?
- Injured Athlete Films to Motivatehelp refrain from bodybuilding but to inspire lite--
- I hope this doesn’t violate rules……BPC157
- Are statins for cholesterol horrible?
- Compound that helps joint pain?
- Subcutaneous Location Questions