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  1. where to find competitions?
  2. Water or Fat... Would really help me if. . .
  3. pre-contest cycle,please help Mike XXL and others
  4. Compeition pics finally in
  5. Few nutritional content questions for carb loading
  6. One more question for Mike XXL
  7. Is this the way to do it?
  8. Ice Cream, Pizza, Chocolate
  9. Ways to fight the hunger?
  10. The Good Ole' Days
  11. When carbing up before a show,.. were you guys really tired?
  12. 1 week! GOD im nervous, sum last minute advice please
  13. dyazide
  14. Competing and girlfriends.... this in long but I would appreciate your feedback
  15. Wishing Mike_XXL all the best today!
  16. Mr.O
  17. Drum Roll...please...the results are in!!!!
  18. Everyone please read this comment along with a few questions about the last week
  19. Last weeks prep and food guide as done by me this week.
  20. Muscle Volumiser
  21. comp prep
  22. Hey Mike, need a FAST response on this for tomorow morning.
  23. ProTan and tanning for comp 2 weeks away?
  24. want to compete. dr. derek and mikexxl
  25. new to compete..need some tips and overall advice from experienced bb's(please)
  26. uneven pecs
  27. Competition is so much fun!!!!!
  28. Favorite posing combinations? This should be a fun thread
  29. Final Questions Before My Show.
  30. My plans for next show (loading, tanning, etc) please critique
  31. Help with a diet for a type one diabetic
  32. Vascularity tips?
  33. Pump before stage time?
  34. Hercules posing song???
  35. Getting serious about the cutting. MIKEXXL DR Derek and others who know about cuttin
  36. Few more questions regarding contest prep
  37. No carb loading?
  38. Pix from 1st competition
  39. ok folks I have a couple of hrs left till I go onstage!
  40. Results..............
  41. Livnnfit & MIKE_XXL results showdown # 2...
  42. Livnnfit pictures "Figure" - this out...
  43. MIKE_XXL line up pics...
  44. Best way to measure BF?
  45. Getting ready for a show...B4 pics included.
  46. NOC 2002 video
  47. toopowerful4u?
  48. PowerAid Question
  49. PIX from second competition
  50. help!! posing music question
  51. Training
  53. Weigh in for Swedish Championships.
  54. I got plenty of dieting and precontest questions for 1st comp.
  55. Orvile Burke
  56. Fasting, is this really a good idea?
  57. Upper Back Pain HELP PLEASE
  58. Nipples
  59. Preparing for and Experiencing my first BB comp
  60. Noah Sterre
  61. my comeback
  62. Anyone near by?
  63. Anadrol up to comp.day?!?!
  64. precontest cycling of clen
  65. powders hold water???
  66. Thought this website was very informative..
  67. Competition for a first timer
  68. The bet...
  69. 2002 Mr. Olympia posing music!
  70. Bodybuilding videos
  71. What's the best you've heard at a contest?
  72. Aiming to compete, have stage appearance ?tions
  73. Coleman on the Tonight Show
  74. Reaching a weight (contest like). Runners diet.Help me out and critique
  75. Im back ... cycle help for a friend...
  76. All you experienced dieters out there...
  77. Still Alive, Barely
  78. Xcels' Rant: Are You a Bodybuilder?
  79. Picking a first show.
  80. Wuts The Best Way To Lose Water
  81. How much dextrose after the training?
  82. Primodonna
  83. What are everyone's plans for 2003?
  84. **First time competitor need serious help**
  85. A little help :)
  86. Working out before a comp.
  87. 4 and a half weeks from comp...any advice
  88. Benifets of a No-Sugar diet.
  89. Competition cycle
  90. Need to make a weight safely and effectively slashing bodyfat
  91. Precontest dieting in a nutshell ?
  92. Bautista
  93. looking to improve midback>>>>
  94. Best carb loading method
  95. Serious Big-g News!!!
  96. Anyone here competing in or around michigan this summer?
  97. how long does it take to regain weight after competition?
  98. who is all going to the arnold classic?
  99. Polygraph Test
  100. first cycle
  101. caloric count???
  102. Posing music of famous bodybuilders?
  103. Anyone Live in NJ?
  104. has anyone heard from........
  105. water pills
  106. come of winny or not
  107. How does this contest prep look?
  108. posing music suggestions?
  109. becoming a pro????
  110. bicep mass
  111. How much carbs for a carb cycling diet
  112. what it takes
  113. Cutting water for fitness comp
  114. Atlanta BB'ing Championship
  115. Diuretic question
  116. Who Killed Female Bodybuilding?
  117. Q's on posing music
  118. Natural Show or no?
  119. Anabolic Terms
  120. Feasible to lose 1% BF a week?
  121. Flat after posing?
  122. Anyone ever heard of a Diuretic called DIURIL??
  123. Need help getting posing music reduced to 90 seconds
  124. Question about weight loss for Competition
  125. A few comp diet questions...
  126. Comp In 8 Weeks I Need Advice
  127. Diuretic pre-comp
  128. Pete235
  129. Carb depleting/loading ALWAYS work?
  130. Un-Natural BB Competitions
  131. cutting water --sauna
  132. Need advice about School and BodyBuilding!
  133. Working out while cutting
  134. Ordering Posing Trunks?
  135. Easter Candy!
  136. Acetabolan II?
  137. "PICS" 10 weeks out!!
  138. Using an herbal diuretic pre-comp
  139. Post Workout Question
  140. Question
  141. Another Question
  142. cutting gear for a how question... mikexxl you there?
  143. 3.5 weeks out
  144. Lovehandle surgery?
  145. Post Competition Gains within a week?
  146. Just checking
  147. Greg Kovacs... the future?
  148. too much cardio?
  149. gained weight?WTF?
  150. 7 weeks out and a little worried
  151. How tall: height and size?
  152. stumped
  153. Next Pro!
  154. My Pics 8 weeks out!!
  155. New PicĀ“s 3 weeks before competition!
  156. Critique my diet
  157. gain muscle and loose fat?
  158. What defines a Natural Show?
  159. Bodybuilding Rule Change Ideas
  160. Different Poses
  161. nolv/prov/arimidex
  162. Pre-Contest Prep
  163. Little Update for everyone
  164. Anyone Know the Results from Pittsburgh Pro Figure show last night?
  165. Only 2 Weeks 'til Showtime - Progress Report
  166. New England Fitness & Bodybuiding Championships
  167. Mannitol
  168. Whats up with the Crew
  169. 4.5 weeks out, anything I should change?
  170. Bodybuilding contest in Norther Cali
  171. Question on pic posting
  172. florida bb Federation
  173. Baby Boomers are Coming Out of the Woodwork!
  174. Juicing for comp....
  175. Scale accuracy
  176. Contest Results - Live and Learn!
  177. Pic 4 weeks out may 17th
  178. bodybuilders are ......
  179. contest pics
  180. Posted Pictures
  181. Pics from my last photo shooting!
  182. Lee Priest retiring?
  183. New To bodybuilding
  184. Pre-Contest femera usage?
  185. Fat Loading logic question
  186. ECA/CLEN Question
  187. Killer MRP by Impact Nutrition
  188. first comp in about 1 year...opinion
  189. binged with 1.5 weeks left... what to do now?
  190. Don't want to look like this again, help!!!
  191. 4 Weeks Out
  192. Last 10 days..Susp or A-50 experiences?
  193. how to gain muscle and burn fat
  194. need help for the 3days before the show
  195. 1 week out wish me luck
  196. saboudian- Final week of contest prep
  197. Texas Comps-Finding a list
  198. 6 weeks out
  199. Another update
  200. 1 day out people
  201. Results are in!Pics comming soon!
  202. Cycling during a comp
  203. Dr. Derek or Mike XXL...
  204. Sure Hulk got big...
  205. Vegetarian
  206. Starting out
  207. Ibuprofen...will it hinder me 7 days out????
  208. Patient Guys Contest Diary
  209. Kevin Levrone taking time off...
  210. Cut down journal
  211. Photos from NPC show
  212. tanning
  213. soft muscles
  214. what bpm REALLY mean for cardio
  215. what the best weight lose supplement
  216. chocolate bfor show??
  217. potassium
  218. insulin and final prep questions????
  219. Northern Ontario Bodybuilding Champoinships
  220. how much ????
  221. From 6 Weeks Down To 1 Week
  222. what happend to nasser?
  223. Hey
  224. Looking for Q & A for bodybuilding
  225. Andreas Munzer
  226. routine for the pros ?
  227. How can you get placed in a magazine?
  228. Coleman
  229. when do I cut the carbs, and then carb up
  230. gain mass ?
  231. opions on my routine ...
  232. sustanon
  233. diuretic detection times
  234. contest list for 2004
  235. Cycle
  236. contest cycle
  237. A little humor from bodybuilding...
  238. Need some help!!!
  239. 1 ad and 4ad
  240. 2003 Olympia
  241. Interesting read
  242. Becoming a pro - HOW,WHEN,WHERE
  243. my comeback and pics!
  244. Big Al
  245. Water retention - 5 weeks out
  246. stallone's training split ???
  247. contest tanning
  248. Fiber - 3 weeks out
  249. Insulin usage pre contest carb up!
  250. Schwarzenegger, Drugs, & Orgies
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