- Need advice on doing the NPC coming up?
- carb deplete/load
- Which parts to pump of before a show?
- Layne Norton peak week prep
- Getting started
- diuretics witch is most useful.
- critique posing...
- Video of bodybuilders who do not understand what lat spread mean ;)
- Prep guideline
- looking for advice for 1st show
- What and where are the top BB contest
- Contest Creatine
- Physique Competetion Oct. 29th...
- Peaking with the use of gear for next show???
- are primobolan gains permanent for women?
- pc 10 days out?
- On stage weight - Previous competitors please advise
- 8 WKS OUT and ????
- proviron and masteron????
- just wanna make sure im not missing anything guys
- timing for competition
- bf%
- am fasted cardio or post wrkout cardio
- 6wks out from comp and no energy
- last fat to come off
- up my t4???
- what do u guy take after pm cardio
- cardio on leg day???
- how many carbs
- does this sound right for carbs
- vascularity
- post workout cardio and am fasted time came from????
- Need a dietitian in San Diego or near by
- just wondering what kinda carbs do u guys take after trainng
- how many times a wk are you........
- -reposting this -how many times a wk are you traing abs
- how much water do you lose when.....
- Last min Contest Prep tips?
- anyone run test prop and mast right up to a show?
- last wk before show regarding nutrition
- advice plz on what to do after my show
- when do you guys stop your cardio and weights before the show
- what do you guys carb load on
- tips on putting on dream tan
- 2 week event preperation.
- First Show Questions
- Realistic competition preperation
- women and muscle
- help plz with posting up my pics guys
- my pics from my 1st show guys
- ok boys hope this works.heres the rest of my pics
- just wanna say special thanks
- Contest Coaching ok by Internet?
- potential??
- Nabba
- Question about cycling for BB show
- Do pros have legal script for gear?
- drug tested or non drug tested bodybuilding show???
- Muscle loss question?
- I want to be a body builder - help pls
- Preparing for 1st Show in 24 Months - MY LOG ON DIET/TRAINING
- workout regimen
- Hey peeps
- 1st Cycle (Beginner) PLEASE HELP!!!
- New member getting ready for my first cycle starting tomorrow and first show
- Cravings???
- what keeps you motivated?
- Body fat question for competitors
- 2nd cycle advice plz
- i smell!!!!
- lfs2shrt2bsmls 2012 prep
- 12 weeks out and need to take something for acne!
- Posing oil???
- blast and cruise?
- pics of me 5weeks out for first comp
- Contest prep cycle
- Contest cycle prep
- Sorry for not being here much...
- Dropping t3 for carb up
- Run clen up to day of the show???
- Update on Mike_XXL....POST ALL QUESTIONS HERE...
- when to cut out hgh or peptides
- Oh boy, it looks like i have done it now!
- lump on glute 2.5 weeks out
- how many of you run clen and t3......
- how does this look for a cutting cycle
- Tan vs Pale
- Hydration and Muscle Pump for Shoot
- How to properly hit an overhead vacuum pose
- tren ace for contest prep
- What would a pros pre contest cycle look like?
- 5'11 163lbs
- where do you guys hold your bf during your bulks
- Please help
- revised contest prep thoughts plz
- Pre contest anadrol dbol
- first comp (6 weeks out)
- water retention
- Tren and Winny tabs
- Best poses for each build
- Mike Matarazzo's Wiki page---full of anabolic regrets
- Do light brown skinned people need tan?
- Online phyique coach
- before stage prep
- Postwork out carbs
- 16wk before first show
- symmetry or mass(as in real massive) for bodybuilding
- Whey protein vs BCAA in last 2 weeks of contest.
- Do you drop prop before comp day?
- intestinal cramps
- intestinal cramps
- steak during your prep?????
- oatmeal or vitargo pwo durign cutting??????
- can glycerol 99.5 purity be taken with wine before contest?
- Tattoo on arm.
- About to start prep for first contest, introducing myself
- gaining while cutting ??tren is crazy!!!!!
- switching to letro last 2 wks of prep???
- Abs
- how often do you workout certain areas?
- Age qualifications for NPC?
- not new to training very new to bodybuilding
- Late night workouts and carbs
- Best shoulder routine ever
- 5 weeks out
- Cardio
- Wow
- Some help for a pre contest/photoshoot
- Contest Prep cycle
- Looking of a dietian in San Diego or So Cal area
- adrol last cpl days before show????
- do you drop injecables?????
- I want to be a bodybuilder
- Looking for information on all the aspects of preparing for a bodybuilding comp.
- First Time competing
- adding t3 get this fat down
- How to take PROPER before and after pictures for the at home gym rat
- Starting prep for first show
- mens physique category
- Question For Pro BB's Cutting...
- thouhgts on my protocol /cycle
- Looking for some pre-contest diet advice from compeditors
- Cycle adveice before my first contest
- what do you think about mu diet
- Want to start competing, need veteran advice please
- Pre Comp Advice
- trying to cut to 6% BF (or below)
- cutting hgh out 2weeks from comp
- help
- Bulk classic competition in the lounge!
- 1st time using anabolics, any help???
- Really need some help getting back on track.
- bigZ's official bulk classic log
- Diet approach
- Eventually wanting to compete
- Advice on summer stack
- Fat intake during last week carb up
- skull crushers...
- Anyone compete in something other than NPC?
- 3 day split advice
- Scars
- aussie comps
- 15 Weeks out
- Project diet
- need critique
- 14 weeks out
- Cjc ghrp for contest prep??
- Thoughts
- Mens Physique and Test E
- Calve implants !!??!
- up an coming npc bodybuilders
- getting rid of the stubborn love handles and lower ab fat
- i want to be a bodybuilder
- Aromasin pre contest
- Talk radio
- to wear a belt or not?
- Pre comp dry run (female)
- Whats the muscle that gives the bicep peak called?
- potentially compete
- online prepping coach
- how to tell what proportions are needed
- Peak Week Questions
- Help with last week pre contest
- 4 day routine help
- 152 lbs at 6 foot 4 start a cycle to get to 200 lbs and then be off juice forever
- Successful Competing
- Second Figure Show!
- New and highly interested in bodybuilding
- peptide and hgh
- BF calipers accurate
- thinking about entering my 1st competition next year..
- Dirty...
- 4 Weeks out, thoughts on running suspension & winny depot....
- Common Mistakes Of Natural Bodybuilders
- 4 weeks out QUESTIONS
- How do "Natural" Bodybuilders Get Around The Testing?
- Cant decide??? Bcaa's or hydrowhey
- Bodybuilding
- final week
- Any bodybuilder from canada can help me ?
- wanna try out a diuretic
- Good youtube bb'ing videos???
- Switching to letro last 2wks?
- Any pro's or competitve BB's use Propecia?
- Do you discontinue creatine before contest?
- Just never sore eny more plz help
- NPC Cutler Classic in Rockville MD Jun 22
- Help - growth is slowing...blast & cruise question
- jeff seids cycle
- ITT: Permabulk needs advice preferably from competing heavyweights
- aas useage and competition testing
- What is the proper way to cut 2 weeks before your event?
- Latest Pics Physique UKBFF comp in october!
- Those who know. Please post some new threads on how to prepare for a competition
- Best otc diuretic?
- Considering my first competition at 47
- pre contest
- Question about contest cycle.
- 9 weeks from first men physique comp
- Tips, Pointers on Posing?
- Estimstion
- A day in the life of a pro......
- Shit loading
- 8-12wks out
- 3 weeks out wen shud i drop the gear ????
- Lifting programs for Mass & Bulk
- Looking for woman bodybuilding tips?
- i compete.. help me be the best next year?
- olympia Streaming for Android
- Gynocomastia surgery looks like shit Dr. Copeland
- Bodybuilding competitions
- To guys who compete: How many carb to load up and what kind
- how do pros deal with RBC
- Interested in Physique Prep
- Asking for tips when making a cycling schedule (2 years of length)
- Anyone know Geno personal trainer? Queens NY
- First time physique competitor......prep (advice,thoughts,help)
- Off season
- "Safest" way to use Lasix?
- how many days out from competition w/ no water
- Doing first show in may!!
- Last 6 weeks before cycle
- Chest Workout
- Natural??
- letro or arimidex
- mass vs cut
- would you please devise my full years gear use? lol
- Aldactone dosage
- Cutting 30-40ish lbs test-tren-t3-clen
- Youngster who wanna compete