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  1. SC, or any other knowledgable diet people please chime in here!
  2. Ham, turkey, and chicken sandwiches
  3. Just started my new diet today...
  4. How long til pw meal after am cardio?
  5. Wings and football
  6. My winny/eq/anavar cycle Critique my diet
  7. 5-6% loss in bodyfat....
  8. Diet progress...
  9. Newbie With Diet Questions..
  10. Drinks on a strict cutting diet
  11. Popeyes chicken on cutting diet!
  12. sugar alcohol
  13. Fiber and Fat?
  14. BULKING DIET PLEASE crtitiquet
  15. Calorie intake question?
  16. Bulking diet - what ratio protein/carbs/fat/total calories
  17. Help with newbie diet
  18. critique my diet please!
  19. Maintaining muscle mass while cutting
  20. Question for SwoleCat:
  21. Hey Swolecat!!!!
  22. supplements vs real food
  23. PWO Meal timing question
  24. Diet Question
  25. protein synthesis without steroids??
  26. Hey Swole...heard or KGM?
  27. Carbs and Fats
  28. Please help me SwoleCat!
  29. calculating dextrose amounts
  30. Shawn Ray's Bulk Diet
  31. Paging Swolecat...A question about your programs.
  32. any arab member could help?
  33. TMag Skinny Bastard Diet
  34. Questions about some of these "Atkins" foods...
  35. abs on empty stomach
  36. Ideal timing?
  37. Is This Suffiecent
  38. Glutamine Question
  39. My 1st Week Trying To Cut Down Sample Day (wed.)
  40. 2 weeks into the Diet looks like this!!
  41. Cabbage Soup Diet
  42. lack of what ???
  43. cutting diet?
  44. am cardio --> meal 1 pro/fat = better fat loss/lyposis??
  45. Sugar Free Jelly?
  46. Honey question
  47. Healthful omega-3 may worm its way into our diets
  48. last week before going away, swole?
  49. Latenight Workouts!
  50. Strength and Diet
  51. Lets Try This Again. New Revised Cutting Diet
  52. Unrealted Diet Post...Just want to say Thanks
  53. egg whites....how to keep them from boring you...
  54. Adding Some Fat At Breakfast
  55. Nutrient Database
  56. Flax/olive oil sensitive?
  57. homemade shakes
  58. Cutting And Cheat Meals
  59. Were can i get my body fay done
  60. Lintel soup
  61. ckd question
  62. flax seed oil
  63. Anyone know the nutritional value in bananas???
  64. How long does it take for you to raise your HDL?
  65. Uh oh...HELP!!!!
  66. Where can I get some dextrose?????
  67. whats is an anabolic diet ?
  68. Steak
  69. Please check my cutting diet
  70. pls critique my cutting diet..
  71. slim fast for bulking
  72. Fiber Sources
  73. Hopefully someone can help
  74. just got back into lifting
  75. Not satisfied with results of last four weeks....help me out.
  76. low carb pasta
  77. Dr. Atkins was overweight, had heart problems: report
  78. Bulking Diet questions...Need some Answers/review...
  79. AM cardio meal?
  80. Dextrose post-cardio/lifting?
  81. Bulking Diet.....am i taking in enough??
  82. Cutting
  83. No cardio after lifting???
  84. Bloating.....
  85. ok guys starting my diet now.
  86. Sleeping 10 hours
  87. The Changing from cutting diet to Pre Bulk Diet Or (Pre cycle)
  88. Screw Starving...Im back on SC/Rambo Cut plan...Check it
  89. Fruit diet for BB'ers?? It's true
  90. Lack of Access to Proper Foods
  91. Competition
  92. Does anybody know??
  93. Best way to Cut in 1 month
  94. The UNofficiall How to cutdiet Thread d will it work for females
  95. which is better?
  96. my first cycle and my diet!
  97. Calorie Calculations
  98. Downloadable Nutr Database
  99. Best Cutting Diet
  100. PWO shake before during after cardio
  101. Sc And Guru's Please Critique
  102. Whey form allthewhey.com
  103. Cutting Diet--All Critiques/Advice Requested and Welcomed
  104. Prost workout shake
  105. what did you eat yesterday?
  106. Not eating carbs with fat
  107. Newbie diet in NEED of critique
  108. Championship Bodybuilding: Chris Aceto's Instruction Book For Bodybuilding
  109. STEAK! It's what's for dinner
  110. Dieting and the Cardiovascular blues..
  111. A PBJ Sandwhich
  112. how much do you spend on food
  113. What do you guys think about this?
  114. QUICK & EASY
  115. Raw EGGS woohooo
  116. how much is to much?
  117. Diets....
  118. Mentally Stressed...
  119. High protein chips!?!?! WTF!!
  120. Another Competition Question
  121. Full Creamed Milk Protein Shake
  122. I'm in trouble
  123. meals in the morning..workout also in the morning
  124. So F'in confused with my cutting diet
  125. cheapest way to get 3500+ calories in a day
  126. Mercury/Tuna
  127. My theory on what the body does with calories
  128. Stretchy Fat???
  129. Need some advice
  130. Question on diet.
  131. Protein shake
  132. Need Quick Answer
  133. pro/carb or pro/fat meal after Cardio?
  134. Free downloads
  135. Need help to start my FIRST bulking phase
  136. Unsure how much i should consume pro/dex after workout when on cutting cycle
  137. Help me out with my diet
  138. Okay all you diet smarties, help me out.
  139. Protein per sitting
  140. Tell me what is wrong with this diet, if anything?
  141. Cheap sources of meats
  142. Cottage Cheese
  143. cardio compensation question for the pro's
  144. Adjust or not Adjust...that is the question...
  145. Looking for a good diet for a female ....female or male input
  146. Swole: Please rate my example day
  147. Bad Cheat Day
  148. nutty question
  149. Plan of action after a Binge...
  150. Best Tasting Poll!
  151. Atkins Info. in T-mag
  152. How long do you guys take ephedrine
  153. Raw Oatmeal in Shakes..Any good?
  154. Need Help For Female Diet
  155. Turkey or Ham
  156. low carb diet??
  157. Can i replace flax seed oil with olive oil?
  158. your favourite post workout shake
  159. Need to get Cut Fast Diet and Cardio question
  160. Is Subway good?
  161. Protein in a tuna can, do they lie?!
  162. How many grams of carb found in dextrose?
  163. RIP gotfina
  164. Cutting Diet? Trying to drop 4% bf
  165. to bulk or not to bulk
  166. sick of eating!
  167. brain food
  168. How much maltodextrin for PWO drink?
  169. Carbs and Cutting 101?
  170. diet for my mother
  171. Pre workout carbs?
  172. I need some real diet advice. Help
  173. PWO and carb questions
  174. need expert critique & a couple questions answered
  175. Problem with Keto-stix, going into ketosis!
  176. bulking diet?????
  177. cutting weight
  178. Flax seed oil...when to take it?
  179. what brand of mix do you use?
  180. MidNight Meal and Morning Cardio?
  181. Oatmeal cookies???
  182. the true meaning of carbo loading..
  183. wide hips, big ass...
  184. Critique my diet please.
  185. Started bodyopus without the book...and?
  186. carb digestion
  187. olive oil
  188. 2 PWO needed after cutting workout regimen?
  189. johnberardi.com and yogurt?
  190. Can this be right?
  191. When do you weigh your meat?
  192. New and need some answers
  193. Bad to sleep after a meal?
  194. stupid question.. how many times do you piss in a day.. is it a bad sign?
  195. Preworkout meal?
  196. Fruits and Our dieting
  197. Putting weight on. keeping fat off/ carbs and times of the day
  198. College student, question about eating good
  199. Need Help
  200. Enough Calories
  201. My Cutting Diet
  202. Adding fiberous veggies to Fat/Protein Meals?
  203. Nutritionist who work through blood work..Does it work? Opinions SC or Rambo?
  204. Supplementation Critique (While Cutting)
  205. ?Cooking Eggs?
  206. Hunger and Energy when not using ephedra?
  207. Cycle Diet
  208. Need some info on cutting diet
  209. loosing weight fast!!!!
  210. Timing between meals matter?
  211. help with my dad
  212. Please help me with these numbers...
  213. carb to protein ration daily
  214. white meat blues
  215. Carbs
  216. cutting fat and keeping muscle
  217. Lean Ground Chicken!
  218. TIRED of Oatmeal!!???? well do i have a recipe that will change your mind forever!!!!
  219. How many calories.......?
  220. Quick question...
  221. Mixing fat/carbs that harmful? and DAiry
  222. Newbie...critique requested.
  223. Still gaining weight while cutting..
  224. How many people here still use the keto diet?
  225. Comment my diet SC, rambo anyone
  226. formula for calculating heart rate???
  227. breakfast meal
  228. Please critique my following Cutting Diet
  229. Question about retaining water...
  230. how bad are these things.
  231. I always wondered...
  232. Morning Cardio...
  233. whey shake meals
  234. How and How often do you check your progress?
  235. HYDROLIZED whey and dumbsf*cks who work at nutrition stores.
  236. Dairy and Bloat?
  237. check out my diet, SC others
  238. Do you spike in the morning?
  239. Cheat Day aftermath
  240. Flax seeds
  241. PWO meal... is this right?
  242. about never combining fats and carbs
  243. For all you tuna eaters....
  244. need help on a few things
  245. 5000 calories a day...how much from fat????
  246. Finally....
  247. Diet slowed down
  248. Need Criticique on my cutting diet!
  249. How much protein in egg whites?
  250. Liquid Egg Whites in Cartons
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