View Full Version : DIET AND NUTRITION
- Think I have been going about this all wrong.
- How do I get to 4-8% bf?
- Pre-wo
- the abs diet
- protein and reps
- wantin to cut??
- More calories?
- How many grams per day???
- Protein to Carb to Fat ratios for losing body fat
- Milk??
- Carbs: Complex to Simple (sugars) to fibers ratios
- eating obstacles
- liq. ques.
- low fat sauces
- Always Hungry
- Will a "marathon" cardio session (LI) burn muscle?
- need advice
- Developing food allergies
- What Percentage of your caloroes come from fat?
- Liquid egg white vs egg white powder??
- New Diet for my Cycle
- 2500calories/day too much for cutting?
- Help with diet in police academy..
- Body mass index calculator
- New Diet For First Cycle (lean bulk).... INPUT NEEDED!!!
- Keto Diet.
- when trying to cut
- Carbs/Pro
- my hardgainer diet your input required
- Polenta
- When cutting carbs should I have oats in the morning?
- Protein powder with oats???
- Sweet Potatoe Shortage
- EVOO vs Fish Oil
- Hey Got a question on how to have a semi/good diet in Afghanistan
- How's my diet
- Is a defeed recommended on a bulk like a refeed while cutting?
- diet needs some tweeking
- Review my Diet....
- Lean Bulk
- Diet for the next 12-20 weeks!
- Help & Advice on Diet!!!
- best namebrand pwo whey ?
- need to lose fat
- 'Clean' Bulk Diet - How does it look?
- what the hell is going on?!
- Chicken
- typical day of dieting/ EatrainRest*
- lose fat build mucle
- Want a diet to suit my goals
- Former College Football Player seeking advice!!
- Early Morning Workout & Meal Plan
- Recommendation of Diet Books
- Lyle mcdonald
- Natural Viagra
- Question on the diet following a deload on (The slingshot training system)
- Hows this look for carb cycling?
- carb manipulation?
- Need to Burn Fat and gain a little muscle! Please help!
- Gradually upping carbs till I reach 40/40/20?
- What's The Best Way To Use Clebuterol For Weightloss For A Long Period Of Time?
- Need a little adjusting!
- Essential fatty acids, and other healthy fats
- Im packing on more fat than muscle when bulking
- What is the best oil to cook with?
- Was referred here
- from bulking to cutting
- The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 ounces of lean meat a day!
- this diet ok for bulking up?
- caloric intake
- Cutting diet Questions
- eating jelly off pink toco while cutting
- Calorie transition; Cutting to Bulking, Bulking to cutting!?
- Protein Intake
- Trying to cut, not really working
- peanut butter
- Egg whites.......7 Everyday for
- gettin trim!
- power bars
- my cutting diet
- Junk food and cardio
- Study : Ketogenic Diet Burns Fat and Builds Muscle, at the same time
- cheat meals
- Help With Diet
- My Bulking Diet
- Can protein make you fat?
- Stomach Spasms
- Please critique my diet - need help
- meal replacement bars.
- My MACROS for the day...
- need help!
- Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto
- Annoying strength loss - need to rant :)
- abcde diet
- Critique diet please......
- cals needed?
- Regards to the "unoffical how to bulk thread"
- I think my bulking diet is working a little too well.
- Fruit..
- Input on veggies
- cheat day
- Clen 30mL 200mcg/mL
- I need help with my calories, fats, carb and protein
- 50-60g/protein shake
- great dish my roommate just made
- quick money questions
- Priming?
- Meals
- Question about eggs?
- Can you please help me out by giving my diet a tweak....Just want to make sure
- my diet
- cheese
- New Diet proposal
- need help with diet please
- when and what should i be eating
- Food Calculator Website
- questions about how to cut diet by rambo
- Lost 52lbs in 2 months!
- would like a good bulking up diet
- Need some help with one meal
- Dirty bulk?
- help?
- Egg Whites
- need to learn
- Can someone help me with a cutting diet?
- Beans
- extreme binge eating :(
- help with diet
- Least Filling High Carb Foods
- Cutting/Morning Workout/Carbs
- The warrior diet?
- Dextrose and Diabetes
- Body fat
- Does this make sense?
- Burn muscle
- need diet advice please help
- Nuts
- Need help placing fats and supps
- Cutting Diet
- Have new bulking diet! are carbs enough?
- Field problem
- Diet Critique Please!
- peanut butter
- protien shakes
- Twin Peak's Gudie to Carb Cycling
- protein foods
- PWO carbs
- meal times
- low carb diet of mine is not working that well
- Eggs - did you know ?
- Eggs - did you know
- Planning a Cycle....Test E and H-Drol
- Artificial Sweeteners and Insulin Spikes
- want advice on lean mass diet
- need to eat more but not hungry...
- what diet can i do
- Massive appetite wants lower BF% and better results.
- Diet Critique
- cutting diet
- Big nights out on the piss
- Comprehensive diet calculator spreadsheet
- diet
- 350 protein/350 carbs
- protien shakes befor bed????
- PLEASE much advice out there what's for me?
- It's been a long time since I've been here, advice appreciated.
- re-feed meal
- some diet help
- Please check my Diet
- my 1st cutting diet
- Oat pancakes - is this low glycemic?
- What veggies are okay in cutting diet
- Keto diet
- Green Tea
- is this right?
- Trying carb cycling-anyone else have success with this?
- okey dokey, so....
- Diet help - PLEASE!
- I lost 100 lbs so far and Need Help to improve my Diet
- Eating Fruit At Night
- Reduced Fat Peanut Butter (UK)
- Is this OK? Very low diet
- Tweak My Diet
- Low carb diets and thyroid levels.
- Carbs
- Metformin as a GDA while bulking
- My Keto, Tell me what you think
- Starting Fresh and Right
- Arnolds routines and tips???
- Help Me Reach My Full Potential: Info/Pics INSIDE
- Need a critque was told diet was pretty poor.
- The Losses We Face.. T-MOS, You'll Be Missed My Friend
- Cutting - night meal
- Body not fully processing food?
- Dieting for the first time in 10 years
- Carbs in NO supplements (this is a diet question)
- I'm Fvcking hungry
- eat good but need to eat more!
- First Cutting cycle - not sure abt diet.
- Egg Whites
- How about one yolk?
- Gettin ready for test e need diet/WO critque
- Stick with keto or go back to carbs?
- Oatmeal Pancakes.........Recipe
- Havnt been feeling good lately, question on diet
- always hungry
- Critique my current diet
- Questions about "cheat" days..
- Need a source...
- Please critique
- Bulking Breakfast Ideas?
- Hey can I get a diet critique?
- Wondering if these foods are ok to eat if im trying to cut?
- Need help, come on boys
- waste of food question
- Early morning training and Supplements
- Cutting Diet question
- Photo shoot Wed
- !ayuda me! (that's spanish for "help me") lol
- Need a diet spreadsheet...
- oils
- last meal before bed?
- Diet Critique?
- Can anyone suggrest a decent dietary plan?
- I have OFFICIALLY wasted 6 weeks of my life...
- Help with chest fat
- Foods for bone health
- My cutting diet
- Please help with my's a bit overwhelming.
- any ideas for new diet :)
- Veggies
- insulin spike - need clarification!
- How much do you spend
- Please help me with my options!
- Point me in the right direction, Please!
- blood sugar
- skinny guy needs help to eat right before cycle
- What scale do you use?
- bmr and tdee
- Bulking diet supper ideas...
- clean bulk
- Quick cutting diet check.
- Beef jerky
- bulking diet now sweating alot. HELP
- Eating over a dozen eggs
- Deli meat vs. full breast
- Skim milk?
- Drinking
- Sugar
- Please help me with bulking diet

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