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  1. Is my diet good for losing fat and more muscle?
  2. Is my diet good for losing fat and more muscle?
  3. 6'1" 350lbs and disgusted!!!!! Please help
  4. Brown Rice w Shrimp? Brown Rice w Chicken?
  5. HELP!!!! how to find out how many calories to intake....
  6. My cutting diet, would love critiquing!
  7. my TDEE is 4008 what should i do....help
  8. up all night researching diets.....if you can help please do....
  9. Worst gas ever!
  10. Water After a Meal, Myth?
  11. point the direction and ill do the rest....thanks
  12. carbs and fat question
  13. help need diet plan
  14. Not sure if my diet is perfect!!!!
  15. Is this the right change in diet?
  16. I need help bulking up
  17. Is my diet proper for cutting?
  18. Full diet with Macros HELP
  19. Sardines
  20. My diet, criticize if needed ?
  21. laet 30's/prior AAS cycles/ON HRT/ Looking for diet advise ASAP.
  22. getting ready to cut and have a few questions.
  23. GOOD FAT BAD FAT QUESTION and my diet
  24. exact same food every day
  25. Pwo?
  26. Is my diet ok???
  27. cutting diet
  28. Fat Loss Diet?
  29. temp for excel or word or program
  30. Pre-Made Breakfast
  31. My Weight Gaining Diet Plan...Please Review!!
  32. Kfc
  33. The incredible egg
  34. water intake??
  35. Water......
  36. T5 forza
  37. Question About Ketogenic Diet
  38. Need some info and guidance
  39. Where can I get a decent food diary
  40. Like to know
  41. Begginer Needs Diet Help!!! Please
  42. When to drink water
  43. A typical days food - please comment on good/bad and the ugly
  44. I want the best cutting diet! Help me plz!
  45. How many calories, and what time of the day.
  46. Bulking snag
  47. meal replacement bars for a actaul meal
  48. How often should lifts increase?
  49. Lean Bulking supps/foods
  50. My Diet.
  51. Help with my diet please?
  52. Should caloric intake be adjusted for activity level that day?
  53. Here is a Program to know all nutrition data very smart an easy
  54. A Fat Hardgainer - such a thing?
  55. question about carbs
  56. Fat Calipers
  57. weight gain help
  58. Please review my diet....
  59. Help! Quick answer for before bed meal
  60. keto diet????
  61. Guys get me down to 185!
  62. Advice/Suggestions on my Diet
  63. Does a ketogenic diet lower cholesterol?
  64. Is this possible?
  65. Can anyone help me with a good diet?
  66. A guide to knowing body fat percentages
  67. My diet sucks
  68. Clean diet for cutting, recomp or mass
  69. Diet
  70. Bulk, but still cut some fat????
  71. is my diet/ workout good?
  72. Help Please!!!!!
  73. Should I increase calories again?
  74. first meal plan critique please!
  75. Please Critique Cutting Diet
  76. Diet Problems!!
  77. Need help consuming enough Protein
  78. Calorie Calculator; maintain? bulk? cut?
  79. Trying to Cut up
  80. help with diet plan plz???
  81. splenda????
  82. diet/weight gainer question
  83. lowered cal. now cant poop..
  84. Prime - Keto
  85. Crystal Light
  86. last min. diet
  87. feel like i am losing to much muscle/cutting cycle
  88. my diet
  89. 17 year old trying to get rid of fat but gain great muscle
  90. When in a pinch
  91. AAS and Calories - What's the deal?
  92. AAS & Calories - What's the deal?
  93. Too much eggs? such a thing?
  94. Bread yes or no?
  95. Could someone please be so kind as to critique my diet plan
  96. is cardio the best way too lose weight??
  97. Weighing Food
  98. is this the right diet to have before starting a new cycle
  99. Questions/Issues regarding the 'Hardgainer' Sticky
  100. Can you 'adjust' your metabolism and/or TDEE?
  101. Wanna lose chest and stomach fat fast!!!!
  102. DIET soda
  103. really need help??
  104. Pretty good start!!!!
  105. please critique my diet plan??
  106. fruit in a PWO shake or not? I hear both ways..
  107. How is my diet
  108. THANKS TO RAMBO, but need help
  109. foods!
  110. Fat Burning With Foods
  111. 90 raw eggs a week??
  112. Brown Rice Help!!
  113. Need to drop 15% BF...maybe even 20%! Take a look at my diet plan...
  114. At work meal ideas.
  115. Clean Bulk - separation of carbs and fats
  116. Here we go. Lean bulk diet plan
  117. Need help with diet!
  118. Variety in diet?
  119. Its kind of stupid to measure chicken by oz isn't it?
  120. Calorie placement.
  121. pre workout meal?
  122. What is wrong with my diet? Please Critique!!
  123. Opinions on my bulk / lean bulk diet?
  124. New to dieting..plz help
  125. So What Do You Guys Drink?
  126. postworkout protein
  127. Add suggestions for this diet
  128. Calculating Calorie Needs and Macronutrients
  129. Diet help for cutting.
  130. Cutting Diet (Take 3)
  131. Quick carb question
  132. Help with diet
  133. Diet help pwease
  134. does this cutting diet look ok??
  135. hey guys newbie
  136. Help diet is important to me
  137. Cutting Diet: 3rd times a Charm
  138. cutting after cycle
  139. Suitable replacement for oats?!?!
  140. Cold cuts?
  141. chocolate milk
  142. Weight Gainer.. Sugar Conversion?
  143. Consumer Report - protein drinks pose health risks, Muscle Milk= Toxic Heavy Metals
  144. Raw milk (skimmed) after workout
  145. eggs makin me barf need substitute please help??
  146. post cardio when/what to eat?
  147. Nuts?
  148. read the sticky's and still need help
  149. Katch-Mc Ardle formula vs Harris Benedict formula
  150. Canned Tuna
  151. Lack of enengy
  152. Cheat Meals / No prep meals on the go
  153. BOILED chicken breasts??
  154. Increase Bulking Calories while on Cycle?
  155. How's my diet looking?
  156. Getting back into training
  157. Advice needed!
  158. I need a make over for my diet
  159. Cut diet on cycle..Pls help!
  160. Peanut butter in oatmeal
  161. 6 Weeks out
  162. aesthetics aside getting BIG
  163. Vegetarian day
  164. Skipping a meal, unintentionally...
  165. Increasing fiber intake...
  166. Cardio in morning on empty stomach
  167. Post Workout Meals Critique
  168. Cutting Diet and Exercise Regime- please help!
  169. Bulking Cycle Diet - Please Critique
  170. is this right
  171. Clean bulk for summer after vacation
  172. Take a look Please...
  173. High energy levels very little food
  174. CKD Help
  175. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  176. Lean beef aminos
  177. Website for checking Protein, Carbs, Fat
  178. Feedback on this diet - everything included, easy to reply
  179. food bulking
  180. PWO macro question
  181. Measuring oats w/measuring cup v. scale?
  182. Eggs and oats vs casein and oats for breakfast
  183. pwo for hit/cardio session ?
  184. optimal number of protein shakes a day?
  185. High Protein, Low Fat/Carb Cut
  186. Pwo shakes
  187. Before and after pics thanks to you guys helping me with diet
  188. Nurishment
  189. question for all diet wizes
  190. 'soft' muscle - any way to work on this?
  191. Diet info
  192. How much of my daily protein come from shakes.
  193. clenbuterol??????
  194. Tweaking Diet to Accommodate Cardio
  195. Cutting Diet - Need feedback
  196. rice????
  197. Critique my body recomp diet
  198. Little bit of a problem here . . .
  199. Keto Diet Critique/Stalling
  200. Please help me with diet, lots of info inside..
  201. diet and cardio
  202. kebabs
  203. How can I possibly gain weight?
  204. What do you think about the Master cleanse or the "Lemonade diet"
  205. Looking for critique of diet
  206. Cut/bulk
  207. Diet help please.
  208. Can you guys estimate my bf% please
  209. Shakes, Food, Macro Log
  210. Liquid egg whites
  211. Instinctive Dieting "how"
  212. please comment need help with diet
  213. Need some bacis cutting diet framework!
  214. How often can I have a cheat meal?
  215. Pics inside.. need calorie recommendation
  216. Need diet help....
  217. My diet on and off cycle
  218. Slow cut diet
  219. bulk diet
  220. Need a few tips!!
  221. Help save a life.
  222. minced hamburger
  223. Weight loss diet...please critique!
  224. Cutting diet.. critique please
  225. Cutting Diet (macros included)
  226. Raw vs cooked eggs?
  227. Does drinking tons of egg whites cause body odor?
  228. Adipose reduction diet check please!!!!!
  229. Metabolism boosters
  230. How is my diet
  231. **Where to buy natty peanut butter**
  232. was hoping I could get some help with this
  233. Grocery list on college budget
  234. Diet Help : Cut Cycle
  235. please help
  236. Macro Ratios - Thoughts
  237. Pats Ass Print
  238. I am getting my wisdom teeth out, what to eat?
  239. Please help with a daily eating routine {hgh based}
  240. Diet Check
  241. Lost Weight...
  242. Need some HELP.....Im desperate.
  243. Starting up the keto diet....help needed
  244. Need help busting thru a diet plateau
  245. Hardgainer info
  246. ******* Food
  247. Empty stomach workouts?
  248. This is not another Carb Timing question
  249. Rate my Diet
  250. Changes to my diet?
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