View Full Version : DIET AND NUTRITION
- Living out of a hotel
- This is what my trainer has me eating for my show!!!!
- Cutting - back on track
- Need help fixing this diet please.
- Link to Calorie Intake Sheet
- Chiseled Jaw??
- The truth about fats
- Best Appetite Suppressant for a Lard Butt?
- my lunch
- Cardio before or after a meal when I wake up?
- Excessive protein?
- New diet after blood tests, big problem.
- Diet Help
- A gallon of milk a day?
- So how much water do you drink?
- Diet For Dad
- Please help me!! photos to be taken TONIGHT!!
- Quick cook vs large flake oats
- bit of help plz
- bulking diet
- Dex measurement
- Alternative health and diet page
- Anybody ever take the supplement Carbo Hits?
- Critique my diet to success...
- daily fat intake?
- PWO meal after Calves and Cardio
- Outrageous need for Sugar!!!
- How much Cal, Pro, Carb, Fat?
- what you people think about iso wey w/peanut butter?
- Morning Cardio and the meal after
- Nutrisystem + xtra Protien
- How do you guys cook your salmon?
- Is my bulking Diet ok?
- How much Veg?
- Post up bloodpressure and rest heart rate
- 1.5 relaxing weeks ahead of me
- my typical diet, any advice??
- Protein Bar Question
- Could you help me with my PW nutrition
- Check pics, what is my BF%?
- Cut or BUlk, 24% BF
- Canned Pumpkin PPWO?
- Commentary for diet/menu template
- Nutrional value of Cinamin
- advice on new eating times....
- any one here drink raw eggs?
- Cutting..strength gains..need for refeed?
- I i dont eat i fell like s***
- About the cutting sticky
- Flax vs PB question
- Powerade vs dext vs oats?
- All the whey
- subway chicken and bacon ranch
- Arm Day and Diet
- Myoplex Deluxe.
- PWO nutrition for abs?
- 970kals....
- Dex/Whey after cardio??
- Eating Twice
- Sad:(
- help with my diet
- Help with girlfriends diet
- The more I cut, the more I hang, HELP!
- fifty50 peanut butter for cutting diet???
- protein powder?
- Cooking Tilapia and Oatmeal Shakes?
- Off to College
- Eating while ON..........
- bulking same as cut, just more calories?
- How long is too long before AM Cardio?
- Is pre workout whey necasarry?
- Good food- high calories
- GI of milk / Sugar though a low GI?
- Aspartame, how bad is it?
- Thanks SwoleCat
- Need advice with diet
- Dry Skin while Cutting
- My diet?
- Endurance/cutting/preservation diet
- Cashews = Horrible Gas
- problems with diet please read
- How do you find out how much energy...
- protien intake frequency
- training/diet software
- sesathin
- fish oils
- dieting
- pre and post workout shakes...need help.
- Critique my diet Cutting!
- Cenbuterol dose / usage?
- dirty bulker
- Casein Protien
- Help with my diet please.
- Bad Breath and cutting
- Is a pre workout meal necasarry?
- Diet for cycle??
- Calorie intake on/off gear
- Design my supplment
- Pw Question -
- Does anyone really use Creatine?
- All U Can eat buffet for cheat meal?
- Advice needed for weight loss
- need to gain weight.
- Going to Cancun......
- Eggs
- Baked Lays
- What your FAV?
- Yogurt
- cutter diet Please critique
- Type of fats on no carb day?
- Acceptable PPWO foods?
- How bad does this sound for a cheat day?!!
- can a diet guru explain this
- Apple cidar vinegar or asobic acid vs. r-ala
- Cheaters Relief
- Celiac Bulker
- Refeeds are for weak people?
- Please critique diet
- Seafood, how bad?
- Oatmeal
- arggggg another lower my protien intake to bulk study
- effects of calorie distribution?
- cutting diet carbs
- Athlete Diet
- What to adjust first-- Bulking Diet?
- Critique Saturdays cheat day
- Pro Wrestler Belly?
- Happy Cheat Days!
- New oatmeal lite sugar? OK? Opionins needed!
- cuttin diet update/critque
- The Protien List
- The Carb List
- A Little Red Wine?
- Natural sleeping aids like valerian root
- A little Red Wine?
- I dont get it....
- FInal PW shake question -
- Sticking Point
- The Fat List
- Good Protein/Fat Only meals :
- Carb Laoding
- Trying to cut sodium
- which milk ?
- Pre workout carbs while bulking?
- The NEW EAS Myoplex Bar -
- Ezekiel Bread
- cholesterol RDA
- college diet
- Smoothie King
- GI help just back from iraq
- Is this guy full of crap?????
- Canola Oil Mayo or Almond butter
- Low fat equals low test???
- How's My Cutter?
- SwoleCat
- Anyone want a PROTEN BAR?
- First Time
- What Are Gritz
- "Anyone heard of Tetracal?"
- Diet critique and opinions please
- Cup??
- what is everyones fav. whey protein?
- eat what i wanna eat
- Losing weight to fast?
- romain lettuce and broccoli impact on blood sugar?
- to late to eat....
- do we have to cook cottage cheese?
- Splenda
- Need help and advice following injury.
- This is my current DIET!!! Help....
- Wow Dextrose is cheap
- whey protein
- bread?
- What to drink?
- Diet Critique Burn Fat
- Restructered cutting diet. Let me know what you guys think!
- How about this Cereal?!!
- How much Tuna is bad?
- My Slin/T4 diet
- CKD bulking possible?
- how to add more calories
- cheating all out or not?
- How do you like your cottage cheese?
- i like my fat.anybody else
- So I stopped eating my veggies
- Cutting: (218lbs.-6'-25%BF)
- help with diet while cyclin sust
- K guys another question (sorry)
- Pain pills effect muscle growth?
- What if still hungry?
- Calorie Question
- Glutamine
- P/F meal...7grams of fat enough?
- what do you think of this diet ????
- Whey protein- concentrate or isolate?
- Fast Food
- you envy me ...
- What do you guys munch on when you get cravings?
- FRUIT!!! the trute about it!!!!!!
- What Iam I doing wrong
- Milk? Such thing as too much?
- EFA daily consumption
- 5 beers and a burger for cheat meal?
- Sweet Potato for PWO
- Sample Diet
- my diet plz help
- Sleep and metabolism/endocrine
- detox
- cocoa powder
- oats, raw or cooked, does it make a diff??
- What kind of steak while cutting
- How to eat right?
- Please help me shed 20 pounds fast
- what type of cheese
- How much good fat in a diet
- Please dont kill me!!!!
- trying to help someone i really care about.
- 1lb in 8 Days, Call for more?
- Placement of carbs on non WO days?
- Carbohydrate metabolism explained
- Coffee Drinkers, Drink Up
- Coffee 'gives more antioxidants than fruit and veg'
- Health/Diet quotes
- Question about sodium intake as the show gets closer
- Peanuts - dumb, I know.....
- Mass bulking diet...?
- Cod liver fish oil.... amount to take???
- How much oats for my PPWO?
- Pre-training..........
- carb meal & metabolism study
- Need an alternative to Whey
- repost eat what i wanna eat
- Alcohol
- Amount of Carbs in Natural PB
- No Appetite...What can I do?
- My diet..tryin to up calories
- non work out days carbs??
- Heating Fat
- Stupid question!!!!
- Coming home from the gym late at night
- diet critique
- Solid food vs Suppliments research?
- Ideas for diet @ work
- Another Newbie in Need of HELP!!!
- fats.....
- Need some advice on traveling and eating pls
- When I Can't Eat...Screwing Up My Diet?

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