View Full Version : DIET AND NUTRITION
- Mitch535 Weekly Accountability Log
- refeed?! can some one clear this up for me.
- Need someone to check my diet out
- Carbohydrates!!!!!
- Change of Diet to Ketto Diet
- Bodyfat vs bodyweight
- Nutritional advice needed, setting my diet straight
- please help me construct my "going back to college" grocery list
- Help with chicken please
- Critque my Diet
- Vegan BodyBuilding Diet
- question about yogurt on diet
- eating enough protein but maybe not enough calories will i still grow ?
- Weight loss update
- Good Fat Or Bad Fat ?
- Taste like chicken!
- How much does your weight fluctuate overnight??
- Homemade protein bars
- Whole Foods over supplements?
- Happy
- Sugar help please
- gain muscle shitty diet
- Alcohol and training.
- My diet, workout routine and stats - 33 years old female
- Food choices
- I need help BAD!!!!!
- are my new macros looking better?
- Help With Converting My Daliy Cals to Grams ?
- Water intake in the winter
- Less is More Log
- transition from bulk to cut?
- Intermittent fasting, diet log, questions.
- Diet on stack
- 3 weeks to go.
- Down 70+lbs on keto
- So...what is everyone eating for breakfast??
- such thing as to clean
- Recalculated my TDEE and Macros and something doesnt add up
- Turning fat into muscle?
- Personal Experience/OPINIONS on FOODS and SUPPS the body needs unnaturally more of
- Grocery shopping
- How is this for a diet plan (carb backloading) for a lean bulk
- weight rebound after a long tedious cut
- Clen/T3/Cyp and diet/weight loss question
- Changing macro split
- Carb cycle and steroid cycle
- Carbs Necesarry for Muscle Gain
- Article on Meat and Cancer
- On cycle, bulking, and always hungry
- Help
- same sh!t everday
- Carb up question
- diet for cutting
- Are diet drinks really worse than regular drinks?
- What do you guys use to weigh your food?
- From anabolic Lounge Thru Hiking the AT 25% expected weight loss how to keep muscle
- Diet thread to keep me on track
- Dirty bulk vs clean bulk
- High fat, high pro.
- Am I eating too much protein?
- 1000 calorie surplus diet?? Please critique
- Perfect protein intake
- protein and muscle repair
- macros computation
- Juicers and blender drinks
- 1000mg caffeine per day
- Cutting plan
- Protein farts!
- Diet critique please
- Bulkng diet
- rethinking caloric intake
- Sticky Rice
- Trouble Digesting Oats & Wheat products (weetbix), advice on reasons/alternatives?
- Are protien bars a good substitute?
- Sugar
- Meal timing
- Change of diet and joint pain?
- The Functional Diet!
- 4 weeks cut regimen on steriods
- did i do damage to myself with my crash diet?
- ready to throw my body composition scale out the window
- Lean Body Mass (Lean Weight) or Total Body Mass (Total Weight)??
- Lean up in the winter
- 90 Day
- Calorie Deficits and Strength Gains "My own interesting perspective"
- My advice on how to avoid binge eating "Coming from someone who has been there"
- Cheat days/meals as tools for muscle growth "in honor of thanksgiving"
- need help cuting and dieting
- A little help on this plan
- my diet plan and still struggle to put on the weight !
- The Calculus of Calories: Quantitative Obesity Research
- Diet Qritique
- size and fat loss
- struggling to get to low bodyfat
- Help reducing bf% - diet critique please
- Questions for those who know about paleo
- question about insulin boosting after a workout with high glycemic carbs
- Article about the Exercise Hormone : Irisin
- 12 weeks heavy bulking phase (advice appreciated)
- Protein shake
- When should I cut.
- Help me raise HDL please. New bloodwork.
- eating to ur blood type?
- Best whey
- Complete Post Holiday Diet/Meal Plan
- Carb Cycling - Is this a correct Carb Cycle Weekly Schedule?
- Diet principle on different stage
- Is it ok to eat more carbs than protien?
- Working with the Wife!
- Noseeme nutrition help
- weight loss on vacation?
- Why i am not hungry?
- Taking Beta blocker for anixety. Can cause weight gain???
- no results from a clean diet
- How much is too much?
- I love my cheat meal
- up 6 lbs since thanksgiving. right track?
- Grams of Protein/per body weight when on TRT?
- diet for first cycle
- Hemp Protein Vs. Whey Protein
- Nutrition....Never realized I knew so little
- need to add 20lbs. but quality gains
- Protein or Protein
- Read an article by lou ferrigno about food intake, have question.
- Carb cyrvling results
- Confused, uped calories alot to gain weight. Worked 1st 3 weeks. now lost 5pds why??
- *SlimmerMe's Progress Log- (part two)*
- Caloric Surplus & Tren
- Welcoming comment and advice
- how much surplus?
- Too protein in one sitting? Please help.
- My diet
- dehydrator for yams
- Experiencing fatigue/mood changes from transitioning from keto to carbs.
- First Cycle 3000 calories
- Losing weight too fast
- New guy! Need advice for diet
- What do you consider your weight
- Curious about my daiy steak habit
- How accurate is bodyfat (digital scale)
- Loosing fat. i need to make tape
- protein per sitting while 'on'
- shedding fat. how much cardio is too much? -stair master
- steel cut oates VS Sweet tatters
- Macro scaling is difficult and annoying. help
- preparation help
- Advice on Keto diet
- need help from the nutrition gurus
- Gingers get your a** back in shape log
- Scale says lost 6 pounds after taking off only 3 days of gym?
- How much money do you spend on food?
- Thoughts and Comments on Carnitine
- too much protein?
- Diets been better but weight has stayed the same.
- sweet potatoes. how could one cook these?
- diet chart to add 20-30lbs
- My abs have gone missing - help me find them!!!!
- Help me with my lean bulk
- 4ekp's Diet Strategy Room
- My Diet is Better than Yours!
- need help with getting g started back up.
- Fiber cancels out carbs... Or does it?
- Meal Timing (Fats for breakfast or no)
- The diet struggle continues
- Eating. . With a child?
- Should I weigh yams before or after cooking?
- Time to trim the fat!
- Aloe Vera - Benefits
- Need some advice
- Final 4-6 weeks of test/tren cut diet help
- Mutant Mass?
- Protein isolate for meal replacement.
- Quick oats vs rolled oats?
- Anyone experience high blood pressure from Cellucor Super Hd?
- how does this look?
- Calorie counting...
- 43 Year Old - Help Cutting from 20% BF to 15% - Please Review Diet
- Diet rearrangement help please
- I'm back!!!! Well sort of. Need advice!
- Do I need to lose weight to start anabolic?
- DeterminedMuscles Journey
- Possible water retention caused by antibiotic
- pre and post workout
- 48 Yr Old Wanting to Cycle
- cheap alternative to eggwhites?
- Calorie computers
- Tips on a GREAT morningshake appreciated
- Having trouble loosing that last 5-8% BF
- Diet check would be great
- I really need help
- Favorite Healthy Pre-made Food
- Why can't I put on size?
- Critique my diet
- Macros for cutting
- maybe i'm obsessing too much, but i'm wondering what this breakfast means...
- 1 months to drop 20pounds ...
- Article on Fasting
- Diet for first cycle
- A little scientific nutrition
- Always feeling full
- Bigger leaner ??
- need some suggestions on a no cook diet
- Planning a cut diet
- Gaining weight on calorie deficit?!
- Intermittent Fasting?
- I think I am puzzled
- I think I am puzzled
- Tuna fish recall
- Competing with Irritable Bowl syndrome
- Home Delivery Meal Prep Websites?
- diet help for non lifter
- Need help to drop body fat
- Favorite granola recipe?
- Advice: Looking to clean up my diet (macros counted)
- Diarhea for 2 weeks, lacotose or gluten?
- Calculating Macros
- growing into ur cycle?
- Help With Following the Pre-Contest Diet Please !!
- Can I increase healthy fats instead of carbs?
- egg whites: raw or cooked?
- MCT Oil
- Transition from CUTTING to BULKING ?
- Macros? 40/40/20?
- Artificially sweetened "Cheat meals"
- Increased Intake for Cycle?
- Looking for help with meals/ meal planning
- Diet Advice/Confirmation wanted
- Please critique my cutting diet/strategy!!!
- Cheat meals after a cut is complete.
- help with diet really stuck
- Friday Fast
- Worried, Gained 12.5 pounds in 3 days.
- Looking for Friendly Advice on my BULK Diet
- I need some help with a cutting stack and its nutrition.
- Confused abt bmr and tdee
- Body Fat %?
- Reduce Bf saving lean mass naturally
- Bulking question
- Biggest Loser Medical Research Findings
- Short Term Keto?
- Can I increase my BMR by eating more?
- Need help with heathy snacks
- Greater deficit on cutting cycle?
- Getting worried. Lost 7% body fat natural but same weight
- Milk question
- Need help shedding weight
- Diet on cycle
- Exiting diet on tren
- How's my breakfast?
- Supplements for strength?

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