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  1. What would be the best macros be for bulking on a 3,000 calorie diet?
  2. Qiestion on mass shake
  3. Ok, so what can I drink.... only water?
  4. Please review and critique my diet.
  5. Is my best good enough ?
  6. TDEE problem in calculation
  7. Need help with Bulking Cycle diet - gained fat last time
  8. Calories while "on" cycle
  9. sleeping time
  10. Diet Q's
  11. Thoughts on 5 hour energy?
  12. Please take a look at my keto log :)
  13. How much water do you drink daily
  14. what sauces are ok ?
  15. Best calorie tracking app for Droid ?
  16. MKG's Nutrition Log...
  17. Dieting To Complete Transformation!!
  18. Working out on an empty stomach
  19. My morning breakfast - first meal
  20. Question concerning carb intake on non training days
  21. Anyone do a high ph diet/alkaline diet? ultimate fresh feeling!
  22. need diet help!
  23. Sugar in my coffee !
  24. Post workout shake question?
  25. Dave Palumbo cutting diet help.
  26. diet substitutions
  27. is this alot od sodium to have......
  28. what does your laast wk before a show look like
  29. Having loss of appetite -> -> -> loss of strength in the gym (especially press)
  30. how do you cook your sweet potatoes?
  31. 50 yr old ! Need help with diet math
  32. When you guys drink...
  33. High carbs in creatine??
  34. Protein shakes
  35. Critique my bulking diet please.
  36. Headaches and Something Less Pleasant
  37. Suitable snacks for a cutting cycle
  38. Anybody eat bulgur?
  39. Any recommend a book
  40. Need help with my bulk
  41. Please advise on nutrition of following meal
  42. possible wheat allergy.. substitues?
  43. Fluid retention driving me mad for weigh in
  44. Carb Cycling for body recomp.
  45. Diet questions and guidance
  46. doing everything right but not gaining weight?
  47. Carb Cycle Diet / Workout
  48. Bulking Help! PLEASE
  49. Sustainable body fat % whilst on a relatively clean maintenance diet
  50. Post Work Out Help
  51. New to the forum
  52. Bottled egg whites
  53. diet for my cycle
  54. My cutting diet.. Can you please critique?
  55. My Cutting (non) Log!
  56. What do you think about pre-made eggwhites?
  57. Diet before Sustanon
  58. Diet Help
  59. My Nutrition, along with some questions.
  60. why eat 1g protein or more per lb your weight?
  61. How do you figure out food count on carbs, protien, fat, ect....
  62. Stopped growing
  63. Top 10 Pre Work Out Foods
  64. Macros link
  65. Quick question about Oats
  66. Diet Help/Evaluation
  67. what you think of new diet ??
  68. how does my post workout meal look??
  69. Putting in lean muscle while shedding fat?
  70. New & Need Help with Keto Diet
  71. Protein Shake and V8 fast. Why not?
  72. Carb loading...
  73. My cutting regime please help.
  74. Hello guys can you help me pick out a good diet to gain mass and put on muslce
  75. "Complete" proteins
  76. protein shakes vs protein food source...
  77. protein shakes vs protein food source...
  78. A few ketogenic and health questions.
  79. Anyone still doing CKD?
  80. Chicken smells like butt
  81. pasteurized egg whites
  82. Diet with questions!
  83. Veggies
  84. is 200 grams of protein still needed even on steroids?
  85. diet after cycle/expectations
  86. :: Decision made : nutrition before cycle.. Need ideas here
  87. CKD strength FAIL!!!!
  88. IF'ing
  89. Lunch bag
  90. calories in cooked bacon
  91. I'm Back!
  92. L-carnitine before cardio in the morning
  93. Poorman's Diet help
  94. What's Your View On This ?
  95. apple cider vinegar
  96. Oats in the morning
  97. Thoughts on meal frequency
  98. How does this Diet look?
  99. Newbie needs help with Diet - Can I continue to Hike???
  100. bmr and tdee
  101. Teen bulking!!! need some major help!
  102. First cycle bulk diet help
  103. shake ideas????
  104. Body fat
  105. ** -KJ- Daily Log **
  106. I ate a PIZZA!!! IM SCREWED HAHAHA!
  107. need some help nutrition on a budget
  108. How are females differant to males??
  109. CKD - Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
  110. What oils do you cook with ?
  111. BF% Reduction...
  112. confused on what type of meal plan i need to do for my goals
  113. confused on what type of meal plan i need to do for my goals
  114. Raw vs cooked weight chicken breast
  115. Atkins Diet
  116. Efa break down need plz
  117. EFA s up whilst in advanced stages of shredding professional advise plz
  118. My new toy is on the way... Healthy cheat meals
  119. Help help help help
  120. In case your still drinking soda :)
  121. carbohydrate doubts
  122. Posting my new cutting diet
  123. Peanut butter from spoon?
  124. Fat loss regime
  125. Need a diet!
  126. First post. Diet advice or suggestions
  127. How do you guys calculate your nutrition?
  128. Good tasting Food! Am I missing something?
  129. Eggs Eggs Eggs and Oats
  130. Early morning pre-workout help / brown rice recipe
  131. Dan Ducahine’s Bodyopus diet
  132. Weet bix
  133. new member seeking help cutting
  134. ** AR's 2012 Transformation Challenge **
  135. Cheerios a good source of carbs?
  136. Were do you buy your food?
  137. Pasteurized Egg Whits
  138. Log of CKD diet and get back in shape!
  139. Help with wife's TDEE
  140. Workout shakes
  141. Chicken breasts expiry
  142. How to eat to lose fat and save muscle mass while on GH???
  143. Please critique!
  144. Need Diet Help!!
  145. Daily macros to get ripped.?
  146. Nutritional Question Regarding Water Consumption
  147. DNP Diet Help
  148. "IBS" litttle help please
  149. cutting diet and amount of protein you need?
  150. Fairley New To Deiting Need Some Help Also Logging 16 Week Diet
  151. Quick question
  152. Rya's Bulk thread
  153. raw oats
  154. Please help on diet plan
  155. 19 years old seeking advice
  156. Carbs and protien question
  157. Help on Diet please! ....
  158. Finally Back At It!!
  159. please check my daily diet !!!!
  160. Breaks on eating
  161. Venison time!
  162. Could somebody make me a Hard Gainer Diet please?
  163. New bulk diet need help asap!!!!!!
  164. Real Food Repla***ent for Caesin Shake?
  165. Negative Calorie foods!
  166. *** GB's Lean Mass Gain Progress Log ***
  167. Does This Sound Ok ?
  168. Please Give Me Some Feed Back
  169. diet help
  170. Low caloire diet help.
  171. Myofushion or Sytha Six
  172. Can Not handle Carbs
  173. Gyno question
  174. junk food junkie
  175. Travelling Diet Struggles
  176. Please critique my diet!!
  177. Diet to lose some fat??
  178. I need help with my woman's diet
  179. Protein farts
  180. Please help... Trying to shed last 5 kilos
  181. plateau busting.
  182. diet help
  183. Diet. Feedback?
  184. best foods for non diet days
  185. Cheat days - Extra Cardio
  186. meal plan advice
  187. Diet coach
  188. Cardio
  189. Need help with my diet. Trying to lose
  190. Need help getting started!! Diet info....
  191. Girl looking for diet advice! Please help!
  192. 5 wk CKD log
  193. Any one use's the Akins Diet
  194. Help me with my veggie diet......,
  195. Ordering egg whites?
  196. Protien cycling ?
  197. How does my cutting diet look
  198. Hate On My 6-Pack Diet
  199. Newbie needs direction
  200. Need some nutrious diet plan
  201. Any coffee drinkers out there?
  202. Got Off Track Need Direction.....
  203. Advice from those who know please
  204. how does this keto plan look?
  205. Pat the cools progress report
  206. Removing Metal ? ? ?
  207. Carb Cycling Diet based on Pinnacle's instructions!
  208. need help with my diet
  209. Before During and After Pics of my Diet
  210. Need help with diet while on propionate
  211. Whats wrong with my diet and supplements?
  212. Help with bulking diet
  213. Guess the Body Fat %...
  214. iPhone App to take pics of urself- by urself :)
  215. Please critique my diet....:)
  216. The biggest load of crap i have ever read !!!
  217. Lean proteins??
  218. I would like some of your thoughts on dieting.
  219. More cardio when not eating well?
  220. Keto Diet while on gear?
  221. Typical Days Diet ... and changes/suggestions?
  222. cut after cycle questions and diet review
  223. Need help with fat loss!!!
  224. Calorie and protein intake?
  225. Need help with diet Newbie status
  226. Progress Log - Pics - Bodyfat % ?
  227. Critique My Diet Plan Please - Cutting
  228. Bulk diet help? For first cycle
  229. Dieting Spreadsheet - My contribution to the Forum!!!!
  230. Really overweight what should I do first.
  231. Does this sound right?
  232. Low carb energy help
  233. **Discussion: Fat gain but no muscle gain**
  234. Critique my diet please.
  235. Starting a new diet after years of abuse!
  236. Hunger pangs
  237. First6 - Can I Come Back?
  238. This week- No Excuses!!
  239. Calories burnt while training formula?
  240. Clean bulking diet
  241. can i cut carbs completely
  242. From a bulking cycle to a clean cut
  243. How much protein can your body absorb??
  244. Drinkable breakfast??
  245. African Mango seed extract & Sea BuckhornLiquid sup
  246. Eggs pre-made night before.
  247. Weight loss.
  248. *NEWBIE* Please Critique my weight loss diet
  249. Plain greek yogourt.
  250. How to cook bison patties?
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