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  1. Iam On The Cover Of George Halberts Video!
  2. I got some chains!
  3. PLJAY, im catching up
  4. 9/8 ME Bench (videos)
  5. something interesting, nothing major(i hope)
  6. 9/9 ME BENCH DAY HUGE PR for me
  7. 9/9 Dynamic Squat (videos)
  8. Questions
  9. Instructional Bench Press Video & Dvd
  10. bench PR
  11. Inzer hardcore suit
  12. 9-11 ME bench
  13. attn: Grimmer
  14. ?For IrishPower
  15. 9/12 Maximum Effort BP
  16. 9/12 DE Bench + new PR
  17. Demin Shrts..Open back and regular
  18. my bench shirt is for protecte but the side effet is that it adds a 100bs to my bench
  19. ME bench!! Finally a little PR!!
  20. 9/13 De Bench Day, Oh Ye I Love Bands
  21. Everyone check this out. especially irish and musc2002pa(video clip inside)
  22. Irishpower's visit to Florida!
  23. Hey for anyone competing on DEC 1 in daytona?
  24. Okie Bench meet.
  25. DE bench and new PR i think
  26. titan fury vs. inzer phenom??
  27. Washing your equipment.
  28. 9/15 Max Effort Bench (videos)
  29. Ace in the whole!
  30. 9/13-9/16 Something is wrong
  31. reverse hypers
  32. Cleaning Home Gym
  33. SOmething going on here.....
  34. 10/2 Maximum Effort BP
  35. 10-03 de squat and deads
  36. Newbie (sorta) sayin' hello
  37. 10/4 Dynamic Sq/Dl (Last one before meet day)
  38. 10/04/02 DE BENCH.. i love board presses.
  39. Last Wednesday ME workout
  40. one week until the APA worlds!
  41. PLJAY or His Training Partner!
  42. 10/3 ME workout with FL KREW (PICS INSIDE)
  43. 10/6 Dynamic BP
  44. 10-6 DE bench
  45. 10/6 ME bench
  46. Congrats to PLJ - new powerlifter mod!
  47. Question on power lift bench press
  48. DE(speed) day on Sunday
  49. Ky Meet Results
  50. advice anyone
  51. Squat suit videos ... need help
  52. Me Day
  53. Mendelson and Kennelly
  54. Irish Power in PLUSA
  55. Scot Mendelson 701 Raw Video
  56. Scot Mendelson 644 raw bp - opener video
  57. 10/13 ME bench
  58. APA Worlds Kennelly Power Team Results
  59. ME Low box squat question
  60. ouch...torn hamstring!
  61. New bench PR(s) and squat PR
  62. Kennelly's
  63. sorry
  64. 10/16 Maximum Effort BP
  65. ME SQ/DL Day 10/15 (SOOO MANY PR's)
  66. anyone read about the human genome project?
  67. Wolvernine Open 2002 (Since Cubanito asked)
  68. Kennelly Training Forum
  69. WPO Full Meet
  70. 10/18 DE bench
  71. Me Day
  72. PLJAY and crew
  73. Jackpoting for cash at meets??
  74. Speed day(felt real good)
  75. does lifting your hips and bouncing the bar make you stronger on bench?
  76. at what age do you guys think most pl'ers peak at?
  77. 10/20 Me Bench - shirt testing
  78. What grip should I use?
  79. Best Suit for Pulling
  80. speed day(10-21)
  81. CAUTION: watch out for ovetraining grip
  82. 10/22 ME SQ/DL day
  83. Can a beginner benefit from bands?
  84. My Trip to VEGAS!!!
  85. ME squat: I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!
  86. Bench Routine
  87. 10/23 Maximum Effort BP
  88. Used bench shirt
  89. Max effort day
  90. Great info!
  91. new deadlift PR
  92. 10/25 Dynamic Effort Sq/Dl
  93. 10/24 ME bench & 10/25 DE SQ/DL
  94. Getting beat up
  95. Paul Dick Presses?
  96. Best Bench Shirt (not denim)?
  97. Link to Ryan Kennelly's site
  98. 10/26 Dynamic BP
  99. Big bench in the 242's today.
  100. APA nationals!
  101. speed day(IPA Nationals closeing in)
  102. Changing my bench routine!
  103. Wanna share a new exercise i am doing!!
  104. 10/27 ME bench
  105. Hey Cubanito
  106. Bench Shirt
  107. 10/28 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
  108. A bit of chain confusion
  109. 10/28 DE bench
  110. Congrats to teenmyth
  111. im not the kid that trash ryan
  112. PLJAY or JimmyDean
  113. PLJay,JimmyDean, or Teenmyth
  114. Best way to cut weight for meet while on AS
  115. record breakers on dec 12 tape
  116. Shirting up----Can I get a lesson??
  117. 10/30 Maximum Effort BP
  118. Third Michigan Bench for Cash 1/18/03
  119. 2 November 02 Dynamic BP Training Session in Lansing MI
  120. anyone into strongman ?
  121. max day today went "REALLY GOOD"
  122. 10/30 DE bench
  123. submission tournament results
  124. How Do I cut the back of my shirt
  125. Monster Muscles Interview with my Partner!!
  126. 11/1 Dynamic Sq/Dl
  127. to Melissa Kennelly( The WOMEN mainly)
  128. Last Me Day
  129. 11/2 Dynamic BP
  130. 11/3 ME bench
  131. any upcoming meets in lakeland florida..
  132. 11/4 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl (Sick as a Dog!)
  133. I havn't posted this thinking it was important but it is!!!
  134. Texas Powerlifters
  135. Update on how the Record Breakers meet is coming together!
  136. Teenmyth or Pljay(or anyone else that might know)
  137. pljay
  138. 11/8 Dynamic SQ
  139. Russian
  140. My contest results for today- NJ States
  141. WPO this weekend!
  142. 11/10 ME Bench (great day!)
  143. finally hit 6!
  144. Inzer Max Deadlifting Suit
  145. 11/11 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
  146. Nov 9 Nasa Wv Regional Championship
  147. Breaking paralell
  148. 11/13 Maximum Effort BP
  149. 11/13 speed bp
  150. 11/15 Dynamic Sq/Dl
  151. 11/17 Dynamic Bp (A little something different!)
  152. 11/17 ME bench (video)
  153. CONGRATS!!!! john
  154. 11/18 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
  155. a lil late 11/14 ME bench day(frantz single denim)
  156. Max test Wednesday...tips or suggestions??
  157. sponsorship
  158. Bench Press Records Raw!
  159. 11/20 Maximum Effort BP (PR TIME!)
  160. atten:PowerlifterJAY
  161. Blood tests for test levels and such??
  162. 11/22 Dynamic Sq/Dl
  163. Squat Briefs,
  164. Bench Press Competitions!
  165. Viable Replacement for Reverse-Hypers??
  166. 11/24 Dynamic BP
  167. New York State Bench Compotisions
  168. Chain Question
  169. Bench Press Shirts?
  170. Bench and Breathing Techniques
  171. 11/25 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
  172. Need links for homework assignment
  173. Inzer Double Denim Rad Cut Open Back w/velcro 4-sale
  174. I feel like a powerlifter!!
  175. Need a workout regimine for high school weight lifting team
  176. 11/27 Maximum Effort BP
  177. PowerlifterJay
  178. Inzer Blast Shirt
  179. Can someone give me that link that calculates your max bench?
  180. Hardcore or Boss
  181. 11/29 Dynamic SQ
  182. PowerlifterJay!
  183. home gym equipment
  184. 12/1 Dynamic BP
  185. 12/2 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
  186. How Do I get into powerlifting in my area (toronto)
  187. This Forum
  188. 12/4 Maximum Effort BP
  189. Max Effort day
  190. Gyms in Panama City, FL area.
  191. Any powerlifters from TN?
  192. Bench meet in Florida w/ $500 added
  193. Please critique this video of my DE squats.
  194. Domination Tour
  195. 12/6 Dynamic SQ
  196. anyone know how tall ryan kennelly is?
  197. Meet Results
  198. New deadlift PR
  199. Speed day
  200. hey
  201. could i compete?
  202. 12/9 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl & Plan for the rest of week
  203. Gear
  204. Bench Max Today
  205. Max effort day!
  206. Band Help
  207. APA florida record breakers
  208. Just benched 400 for first time........
  209. fury or double denim?
  210. smolov squat routine.
  211. Deadlift Routine
  212. Floor Press video
  213. 12/15 ME Bench
  214. West Side Video's on DVD??
  215. Enlighten me please...(bench question)
  216. Going Public!!
  217. Cubanito, holler at me.
  218. Beating Urine Tests
  219. Monster Muscle.com
  220. Deadlift and Squat Form
  221. Speed Day
  222. First Powerlifting Contest
  223. 'Journal' of a Westside (and PL'ing) Newbie
  224. the florida crew
  225. Thanks Powerlifting JAY!
  226. Specific Power Rack...
  227. 500 bench mpeg included
  228. Bench Tales
  229. Me Day(1-3-03)
  230. almost wooped my friends ass today.. spotting
  231. Urgent Please Help
  232. New Powerlifter (TONS OF QUESTIONS )
  234. Wednesday Max Effort
  235. Bench Shirt Question (and I searched first)
  236. Competition Grip
  237. Building a reverse hyper..
  238. Bench Shirt Specifical Question
  239. Me Day(1-13-03)
  240. powerlifter JAY,i need your help...
  241. Good luck John M
  242. my meet results (Apf michigan today)
  243. working out at home
  244. Just wanna say that Tampa Bucs are the best!!
  245. is this guy for real
  246. My Long Awaited Westside Results
  247. Help fast please
  248. Meet Results
  249. Box squats are bad?
  250. the old 5X5 scheme
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