- Hardcore Powerlifting Spotlighted in Planet Muscle Magazine's July/Aug 2011 Issue
- Squat training with Brutal Deadlift programs
- Clash of the Titans FEATURED in June Powerlifting USA Magazine
- fat and powerlifting
- questions about gear and sizing
- Oregon Keeps Tradition Alive with the 32nd Annual West Coast Open Powerlifting
- New Interview (videos included) With 4.78 x Bwt Deadlifter, Richard Hawthorne
- halotestin
- Gaining explosiveness
- does flexibility affect gains in strength?
- Just me or does this apply to anyone else?
- Wrist Wrap Suggestions
- Safety squat bar
- New world record
- 5/3/1 and gear
- Crossfit and WestSide Barbell?
- About to order some wraps....
- 550lb deadlift, new pr
- Lift to fail?
- Less than 2 weeks out... advice
- Need Halotestin Help!!!! PLZ
- Product Verification
- Upjohn
- olympic style beginner
- I will pull 650lbs by end of June.
- pulled 605lbs/275kg @ 187.6lbs today
- Best BF% for wilks
- Doggcrapp training
- deadlift lower back
- How old can you be and still gain strength!
- Competing While On-cycle?
- Smelling salts. Where do you buy?
- First time pulling ever.......
- 20 Year-old Kyle Ramsey squats 805 @ 231 body weight
- First meet today
- question for lifters in weight restricted categories
- So word is PLUSA mag is out of biz?
- Lifting on cycle
- 835x3 Deadlift
- I started the "Magnusson/Ortmayer routine", help with reps.
- 198er with some massive lifts
- Zhao Lulu (female) just clean and jerked 187kg!!!
- just getting into the sport and have a few questions
- Powerlifters Opinion for my first cycle
- Powerlifting routines
- how to make weight
- Nike Romaleos 2
- Weight Lifting Shoes
- New to Explosive Movements
- pulled 700 today
- 585 is just too easy nowadays
- 18yo needs advice POWERLIFTING CYCLE. (SRS)!
- Awful Elbows
- Squat Video: 315 x 20
- How routine changes on cycle?
- Training to Failure
- Water loading on test E?
- powerlifting bench press
- Going full power lifting
- My powerlifting first meet
- Multiple belts?
- Conditioning
- 5x5
- rough meet today
- How to powerlift?
- What if im not sore
- 640lb deadlift today after workout
- training strength
- Approx measurements of 150LB Dumbbell?
- First sanctioned meet
- Rippetoe.
- % in routine?
- Tips on buying a new belt
- routein to more 30 kg every week ?
- Your best strength stack.
- Dropping weight for weigh ins
- 507lb squat and 314lb bench videos
- Powerlifting training
- Breaking in a new shirt.
- Epistane for girls?
- how to compete in powerlifting and bodybuilding both?
- Switching from powerlifting to strongman, need guidance
- Stalling on DL
- Buying Chains
- What do you consider bigger?
- World Championships at age 60.
- My first week of Training!
- Looking for equipment suppliers.
- Smolov squat program
- new power lifter here
- 675lb deadlift today
- I am still trying.
- Need some help please
- Impressive Deadlift
- Belt recommendations
- strength vs size?
- Incredible deadlifts
- Weight Gainer powders after weigh-ins ?
- Powerlifting gym in the Alpharetta, GA area
- New belt
- Awesome day athe american nationals powerlifting meet in los angelos
- Bailing out on squats in a rack
- Grip
- sheiko
- Brian Shaw and dead lift
- My dead lifts, 240 and 250 kg.
- Big Z still got it!
- Dan Green breaking a raw world record
- Am I the only one who doesn't get any personal satisfaction out of using equipment?
- Deadlifts loaded with 25lb plates vs 45s
- bros that blast and cruise
- Bench Press Questions.
- With Ease...
- Need help with pathetic lifts
- Top 10...
- me repping 405
- Want advice from the Older Vets please
- What do y'all do for slipped disc.?
- Belt for squats and deads?
- What Are The Best Work Out Gloves for weight/power lifting.
- Squat 345 - form check help
- whats you body weigh and totals
- When is a powerlifters/strongmans prime?
- Lifting shoes
- World strong man
- Training routines
- advice for deadlifting
- beginner power lifter split
- anybody use olympic shoes to pull
- When to max out before competition?
- To those who GOT INJURED doing Smolov...
- The progressive overload principle.
- How to train upper body like a powerlifter??
- competed for first time yesterday, bench
- Powerlifting routine.
- Dead Lift Stance
- best routine for deadlifting and squat?
- Power lifting bench, pausing on chest
- Best routine to increase Vertical jump?
- First meet
- Cycle before meet?
- New Squat WR at 181lbs good for 744lbs....
- olympic shoes
- preferred tren dosage
- The effect of steroids on powerlifting
- Super excited - Just ordered a new...
- Powerlifting cycle
- get my bench up
- Tbol over Dbol
- How would I rank and where to compete?
- Time off leading to a meet
- Pop's Intro log and a nose dive into the dark side
- 18 year old squats 1005!
- How would he do-
- Help Setting USAPL Raw Bench Press Record
- My deadlifting personal record -- see video
- 500 Deadlfit for 8 Reps at 200 pounds
- usapl and trt
- Power lifting Question for my Lady
- 455 × 7 High Bar Squats. No wraps/pads. Deep.
- What does it take to make it in a meet
- Interview Questions for Champion Powerlifter
- Deca and estro blocker
- quick cycle
- Preparing for a gym record lift-advice please
- Question about steroids and strength.
- Good powerlifting exercises with kettlebells?
- Powerlifters
- Test and eq cycle
- Testosterone suspension
- Old man peaking at 47 - competitions?
- Detection Times for Compounds
- Tested meet
- Untested powerlifting
- Restarting Linear Progression
- Tough young lady....
- Talk about heavy duty....2600 pound total!!!
- working out question
- Pre-meet "supplementation" preferences
- Another death....:(
- 9 Weeks out from The American Pro (Full Meet)
- Deca or Masteron?
- The American Pro - Recap of Lifts
- Currently on GZCLP, anyone here run jacked n tan after?
- How often do you do 1RM ??
- What's the world coming to?
- Blast and cruise for powerlifter q's