Pages :
- work your way up to 3 rm?
- Sheiko routines??
- I just don't get it
- Can i be a pretty powerlifter?
- new program,my log book
- metal militia
- 1 or 2 board ?
- 275ers ??
- Training with chains?
- 5x5 training,
- Knee soreness, temporary or...
- Hows This...
- Hell Yeah!!
- taking an indefinate hiatus
- Doc Sust returns
- Goals for the next 12-18 months
- squat shoes,heel or no heel?
- West side Q
- Bulking Workout
- bolton going for 1000lb deadlift on november 4th
- Mariusz Pudzianowski
- First board press session
- Muscles twice a week??
- Doc Sust's modified Coan/Bolton hybrid deadlift routine
- bodybuilding to powerlifting!!!
- Maintaining strenght while off
- Anyone going to the PL/Training Seminar in LA?
- Knee sleeves
- Training for Oct Meet
- sam byrd squats a 1003 at 198lbs
- Sled dragging
- Cycle over
- Pretty P.O. about 1220 squat!
- Please help..question with squat suit
- Sumo DL and wrapping knees?
- WPO rules
- Doc's avatar
- Got my boss suit,got some Q's
- federations
- can't seem to get comfortable with sumo tech.
- Brent Mikesell
- HGH for strength?
- 2 questions for Doc
- Anthonys bench log
- Paul Anderson's squat
- bill stars 5x5 advanced training
- Deadlift meet
- thinking of powerlifting
- German block training question
- 744 deadlift
- Bicep Problem
- Tell me about your experiences with plyometrics, por favor
- NY Barbells Co Equipment - Opinions
- attn barbndr...question
- Look at this little kid lift!!!
- what type of sqyat/DL suits?
- Pfister wins Worlds Strongest Man!!!
- Check this Guy out
- Basic Beginner Powerlifting Routine?
- Starting the 3x3! Tomorrow
- A Little About Myself
- A New Champ On The Rise
- DL Q,singles or trips ?
- A substitut to box squat
- Michael Belk benches 225 for 59 reps
- The 2 last week before a full meet !
- help buying powerlifting belt
- Bulking Or Cutting
- nicotine edge?
- excercises for raw strong grip strength?
- Squat style
- deadlifts on leg day or back day?
- USPF Monster Benchpress & Return of the Living Deadlift
- Haven't gotten stronger (or more muscular) in 3 years, any thoughts?
- Cut fat away
- You think you are strong??
- Bench Shirt
- strongman competitions
- RJ the doc may be coming over to the aapf
- Deadlift video, awesome
- are these good stats for a compitition lift?
- Andy Bolton
- video of andy bolton's 1003 deadlift
- 1ton hooks or similar deadlift hook product question
- About Power unlimited
- Need Some Reassurance
- Started Doc's 3x3 plan today.
- Lat work
- Power clean + Bench routine (German 3x3 modified) - questions
- 700lbs Benchpress & 750 Deadlift Vid.
- how many orgs there really are?
- Need help in choosing new squat suit!!!
- thinking about power lifting
- Best day for dynamic
- something u oughta know?
- att. doc.sust
- Update on new squat suit!
- Shoulder Problem?
- Best Powerlifting Shoes?
- Adding in pull ups and curls to a routine!
- APF Southern States results
- Moving up in weight class
- videos of the top 3 deadlifters on the planet
- Contest Cycle
- Any of you guys master's class types?
- Squat suit single ply for a friend
- 1010 LBS Benchpress Attempt by Ryan Kennelly
- Grip training
- 1010 Bench
- better video of the 1010lb press by rychlak
- Westside Powerlifting Routine............
- bench press comp. question.
- Ronnie Coleman in Strongman
- Has anyone flipped a 700 lb tire?
- Marc Bartley’s Squat Routine
- Videocast of the WPO Kings of the Bench competition!
- Equipment help
- Squat workout today
- Threw up 405 today easy..
- Bench question
- Wich olympic plates are these???
- anybody know a website to answer this
- Old Uncle, DR Sust
- training for maiximum strength gains or muscle gains
- High Rep Insanity
- Preacher curls
- Reverse grip Bench
- Youtube '1980 weightlifting' guy???
- To Burn or Not to Burn, That is the Question?
- Belts
- losing strength
- german block training
- Powerlifters/Strongmen in Greenville SC?
- Starting to get into it
- 5' 11" 220lbs 635lb BP
- Natural strength limits?
- Mariusz Pudizanowski
- strong man
- Joko Ahola
- Is this too much of a leg workout...
- congrats to artica for making top 100 in the usa 165lb class
- Doc Sust...Need you bro
- German Block question
- Knee Wraps?
- vladislav alhazov
- my first APF meet and results
- Powerlifting in Miami, FL
- knees going in during squat
- Meals before a meet
- 2 problems..stubborn bench, and stubborn squat
- Metal Ace Briefs vs. Inzer Predators
- Step bro's first strength meet!
- Powerlifting interview (I interviewed Dave Tate)
- hello
- Critique routine
- 2007 Wpo
- My Deadlifts are frustrating me!
- Deadlift help, doc.
- Kärnfysikern's 4 day powerlifitng split
- Testing
- Is huge protein consumption just for bodybuilding?
- Westside questions
- Doc.Sust german training block question for you.
- Question on equipment for those of us who workout alone
- Doc Sust PLS help
- Doc, need some squat help
- Doc Sust DL/Squat routine advice
- ??? about Gear
- 2007 APF Sr. Nationals Training Log
- What other exercises are you using?
- Bench Press Chart
- bench meet last weekend
- squat suit
- New Bench press routine to post
- Here is the Bench Routine
- critical bench program
- Any other athletes train strongman on here...
- Bench Shirt Question
- did the meet go?
- powerlifting belts and accessories UK?
- need a bench program for meet
- 3x3 training whilst on cycle
- Squatting accident
- Squat routine
- plateau breaking "bench"
- bodybuilding style
- my meet results
- new to powerlifting
- guy gets owned in bench press
- Whats up RJ
- equiped training for raw bench press????
- Crazy day at Westside
- curling whats the most thats ever been curled?
- powerlifting cycles?
- yay for muscle memory.
- bench goal log
- Need a routein
- Inzer Fusion vs Metal deadlifter
- Got a Q for you Doc.
- heading to my second highland games
- negatives?? for bench
- My Westside routine!
- I benched 740 this past weekend
- books on powerlifting
- my routine for the next equiped 3 lift meet
- I can't stop getting stronger, lol
- jesse marunde dead at 27
- Raw PR
- wpo stars of the bench
- links to upcoming power lifting events
- Powerlifting Abs?
- breathing technique and a few other points/questions
- Meet in 7 wks
- Time to get it on
- double ply gear
- CNS question
- my first meet results
- 4x4
- Log too sept29 meet
- power pants
- congrats to greg panora!
- congrats to artica on his big meet
- inzer knee sleevs
- wnpf worlds
- after 10 years dont know where to start..
- training music
- Ass to the Grass
- Finally just hit 500lbs..
- athletic supporter
- what powerlifting federations do u compete in
- double ply briefs with a single ply suite
- Strongman & Powerlifting Contest in PA on October 20
- Advice For A Newbie
- The Jm Press Explained
- Yoooo Doc..
- My 12 week RAW Bench Program
- ********jesse Marunde Info*************
- CNS article
- anyone watching BSM tonight its the final?
- Lets throw this scenario out there.
- Cmillet, have a look see..
- anadrol50 and test 400 for powerlifting
- contest prep work out.. need help
- Shut Up And Squat!!
- Hitting depth with new squat suit
- Video - 9 plates with one arm!
- Newbie to Sport, Need help with gear and workout
- training log to push pull meet
- Squatting 950 For 5 Reps

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