Pages :
- Westside Powerlifting Techniques
- Anyone interested in a powerlifting forum
- Nice update!!!
- Thanks!!
- Yahhhooo
- Westside powerlifting
- 5/20 Maximum Effort Squat and Deadlift
- What 9 weeks of westside did for me
- My routine starting next week
- conventional or sumo
- box squat
- F&%&$?%$ grip
- Altering training variables
- Help Us Out With PowerLifitng Lingo!
- New To Ar Board! Powerlifting
- Steroids while power lifting
- Attn: Big Benchers- I Need Help
- 5/22 Maximum Effort BP
- what is power lifting?
- Deadlifting tips
- What is concidered good???
- Lat exercises
- back to the gym
- Gimme a good strength routine !!
- Drop sets based on fiber type
- Biggest Squat of all time 1074 lbs
- THIS is starting to bug me
- All PL'ers read about bf%
- Powerlifting VS Bodybuilding
- We have a NEW KING OF THE BENCH, check it out.
- Good Mornings
- ME bench day
- 5/29 Maximum Effort BP
- Why does my bench suck so much
- I need PL basics!
- ME squat day
- 6/2 Dynamic BP & 6/3 Max Effort Sq/Dl
- ME bench day 3/6
- Westside's videos
- What to do on off days?
- Free vid's and other stuff
- 6/5 Maximum Effort BP
- 6/5 DE squat day
- No soreness from ME bench day?
- Bench Shirt Ripped
- 6/7 Dynamic Effort Sq/Dl
- VELCRO Bench shirt
- Plyometrics for Bench press training
- Why do we do what we do?
- 6/9 Dynamic BP
- 6/10 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- Supps while WSB?
- 6/12 Maximum Effort BP
- How long post injury before going heavy?
- Power Clean Max?
- How many comps????
- 6/16 Dynamic BP
- 6/17 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- 6-17-02, heavy deadlifts...And it felt good and easy.
- what should I do
- Chains, My God They Rock
- 6/19 Maximum Effort BP
- 6/21 Dynamic SQ/DL
- 6/23 Dynamic BP & 6/24 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- 6/26 Maximum Effort BP
- Powerlifting Question For Big Kev
- Chains and bands?
- 6/28 dynamic sq/dl
- 6/30 DE BP & 7/1 ME Sq/Dl
- ME bench
- ME squat
- 7/3 Max Effort BP
- ME bench 4/7
- Need help with the WBC training...
- 7/5 Dynamic Sq/Dl (Ouch, My Hip Flexors!)
- Russian/German sterngth athletes
- Westside/Strength Training Books
- "Force Training"
- How long is the pause?
- ME bench 8/7
- ball press & partial dl's q's
- Bottom of Bench
- Powerlifting to the Olympic games, please sign!
- Help a new guy out, question about DEADLIFTS.
- 15yr Bench
- 7/14 Dynamic BP
- 7/15 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- Reactive Method
- Who does deadlift each week??
- i am not trying to flame
- how many times bodyweight is good for DL?
- Deadlifted for the first time ever today, 315 x 3 !!!
- hi all
- My Westside Experience
- question on rack presses
- Crazy Bencher
- mixed PL/BB routine
- Canandians
- need help with jm press
- how to determine best lifter?
- Ok
- Anavar And Cycle For Strength & Power Errrrrrrrrrrrr
- How great was Paul Anderson? best pl ever?
- Week Before A Meet
- New guy
- Everyone NEW Read Here! Some New Faces Are Coming And....
- we've been recruited
- After Going From Flat Benching To Speed...
- Kennelly's
- wanted to make an introduction
- Gaining weight and keeping strength in proportion to weight gain
- new recruit
- newbie to this board
- my introduction
- I guess I need an intro too
- Videos
- I posted this at Elite but I will post here too, My training journal
- Yet another introduction!
- My experiance w/ the Inzer Z-suit
- got a question about westside bench training
- Has elite fitness re-located?
- Buying Bands!
- intro...
- do powerlifters make money like the bodybuilders at the arnold classic?
- Tried raw box squats! man am i sore!!
- 11 weeks to Nationals
- Glad to be on AR.
- Kennelly Just Benched 800lbs!!
- details on the 800.5
- band tension help
- Gains From Oxandrolone Aka Anvar
- first timer looking to learn
- My WSB experience and results
- Gaining weight while training Westside
- My speed work on bench for Aug 5th!!
- Kennelly's 800.....quick question.
- Do any of you live near the Martin county area?
- My new Non-Westside Routine
- that's gotta hurt
- Alright Jay Re: Speedwork
- hey pljay: check this elite thread
- Gaining or maintaining strength while training for 1.5mile run? Ideas from everyone
- Training gear
- DE Bench Day Workout
- Speed squat Night!
- Scale/ night before or morning of the comp??
- Question about speed
- Online WSB Info, Pic's and Help
- Which board is the closest.....
- To those of you who post at elite...
- Karins shirt measurements
- bench meet in Fl
- Pics- Deadlifts+battle scars
- squat suit help
- 8/12 maximum Effort Sq/Dl (Sort of...)
- Deadlift help........
- Week 1 on the "Freak System/Solidj55 System"
- The Florida Krew!
- Speed Bench For Aug 12th!! Used One Board
- ME Bench Night Set a New PR on 5 board..455
- Is anyone going to compete at the bench competiton in Myrtle Beach???
- Back work
- Powerlifting on tV??
- video of 780
- help on westside workout
- APF records
- Powerlifting Videos
- Grip Work
- Me Bench For Aug 15th
- Deadlift Help
- 8/16 Dynamic Sq/Dl
- Circa max squat phase
- What's the carryover from a floorpress to your regular bench?
- Aug Summer Bench Blast Meet
- 8/18 Dynamic BP (Would have made Dick Hartzel Proud)
- Why are SLDL inferior to GM's?
- Titan Fury bench shirt
- does someone know of a website to check if your lifts are elite?
- NEW ABOARD (cycle help on westside)
- 8/19 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- Opinions Please! Help Me Decide On A Certain Meet!
- how does this look
- Anchoring Bands Down
- Chuck Vogelpohl is a stud
- Finished WSB 9wk, now what?
- Restoration Workouts
- There's someone on this board that deserves to be recognized....PR
- Do-able? or not?
- Don't have the stuff!! Need Alternatives
- Bands--------how long must I wait!!
- A ONCE in a lifttime opportunity has came to my shitty town
- powerlifting shirts
- If any one has time.
- APF Homepage
- Hey guys some questions before I write out my mini cycle??HELP!!!
- Westside Tapes For Sale
- New PR on decline
- I just competed in a raw bench contest today
- help
- plz comment my deadlift max weight
- 8/21 ME BP (Commercial Gyms Suck!) & 8/24 DE Sq/DL (Weakness and Cure discovered!)
- DC Powerlifters
- What's this powerlifting thing I keep reading about?
- Bruce's Canadian-American Championships
- 8/25 Dynamic BP & 8/26 Maximum Effort Sq/Dl
- Adding 3 more records to the book!
- Wide Stance Gm's and Close stanced
- A brief hello ....
- Leg Drive on Bench
- hey
- band tension?
- 8/28 Maximum Effort BP (With a nice PR to boot!)
- 12 Week WS Routine .... help!
- DE Bench Question
- TEEN MYTH or anyone else for that matter
- Tried a new ME movement
- 9-28 ME day
- Imnotdutch
- My diet discovery!
- New to the board
- BOSS material illegal in NASA
- Deadlifting Day
- thought this might be useful....
- To diet or not to diet
- need a shirt fast
- Westside Bench videos...last chance!!
- Powerlifting feds........UK
- GHR with bands
- I got tested at home last night!
- Low end lifters at PL meets
- Hey yall, please check this out....
- breaking in a bench shirt?
- Is this enough time to prepare for a meet???
- 9/2 Speed Squat
- More squat videos
- Chain suspended Good Mornings.
- Need help with suspension
- help me find a meet in my area?
- APF Web Site For Florida
- 9/2 maximum effort Sq/Dl & 9/4 Maximum Effort BP
- 9/4 Dynamic BP
- Westside Question?
- first ME bench in 4 weeks
- DE question
- 9/6 Max Effort Squat (videos)
- Diet?
- Shirt Problems

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