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  1. I need to know if Squat is for Me?
  2. Spare Time
  3. The difference between not eating enough, and getting your body used to a new diet
  4. bulking to cutting
  5. Agonizing chest routine
  6. Uneven physique
  7. Floor Presses???
  8. Pain in palm of my hand when bench pressing
  9. flabby chest
  10. Am I overtraining?
  11. Gear adn Running...
  12. Just curious, how does a bench shirt help and how much
  13. Am I the only one that is amazed at this guy's lifting???
  14. Stubborn Adipose Tissue Problems....
  15. **CRITIQUE**routine for next cycle
  16. Do you wrap your elbows on heavy bench
  17. Can someone critique my mass routine
  18. Whats better doing cardio before or after a workout?
  19. **CRITIQUE**routine for next cycle
  20. Burns more calories
  21. Amount of exercises in one workout
  22. fat burned during workout
  23. How many minutes of cardio is this considered?
  24. I need a WIDE back and a WIDE CHEST!!!
  25. Finally found my groove for cardio an hour a day
  26. Cardio not on an empty stomach???
  27. Fireman workout
  28. Stubborn AZZ Delts
  29. chest
  30. Legs
  31. Achilles Recovery+Muscle Memory+Diet= BIG Question
  32. forearm exercise
  33. benched 405 2x today raw, YES SIR!!!
  34. triceps plz check
  35. Do Abs grow faster than other muscles?
  36. please help
  37. Outer pecs
  38. body pump
  39. Help Please!?!?!?!?!
  40. Need Some Help With Legs
  41. Trying to Reach My Goals!!!!!!!
  42. Meaty Calves
  43. off cycle workouts?
  44. Is running on the treadmill 2 times a week enough?
  45. stuck at 210
  46. Kettlebells
  47. Tricep exercise?
  48. Legs ????
  49. Best Power Cage/ Rack?
  50. Hardcore Chest and Back Workout
  51. What You Think of My Workout?
  52. Do you gain strength while on a cutting cycle?
  53. opinions on POWERTEC equipment please >>>
  54. Best AB Exercise
  55. Hardgainer...more reps or less reps??
  56. shoulder pumps doing biceps
  57. Split?
  58. Need workout for girlfriend
  59. Lagging shoulders ... ?
  60. Help with Arms(Biceps)
  61. weights with muay thai?
  62. Fat mans log
  63. Pullups
  64. PCT giving Deads a break...
  65. How fast do you lose muscle.
  66. Which 3 day split do you recommend?
  67. yoga?
  68. which treadmill to buy
  69. Outer bicep and peak
  70. My Leg Routine.
  71. 10wk Journal Track
  72. 2 days a week workout
  73. Least favorite thing to train
  74. enhance your workouts and recovery, as cheap as $1
  75. I havent worked out in a while
  76. high volume training
  77. Lifting Pain
  78. Smith Machine....OK?
  79. Muscle twitch!
  80. Proper deads?
  81. the colorado experiment
  82. lift heavy to get big (4-6 reps)
  83. how often
  84. What days? Which muscles?
  85. What is your opiinion of the best rep scheme for Bodybuilding?
  86. Proper Deadlift Form
  87. Back Thickness
  88. cardio frequency
  89. Workout Critique Please
  90. What do you guys think about Decline Bench?
  91. What do You do ?
  92. Fitness First Rants
  93. Chest & Back
  94. PWO shake during cardio
  95. Another training log
  96. Thoraic bending
  97. sleep to meal ratio
  98. modified ironman hit
  99. Finally , Passed Ccna With 987 !
  100. Lagging Outer Head Development on Calves
  101. New CHEST Routine?
  102. Workout routine advice???
  103. help with BICEPS
  104. poundcakes cutting log
  105. Low Endurance on Chest
  106. Plateau Problem
  107. Need you guys opinion on Smith/Rack set ups.
  108. trap bar deadlifts
  109. Rep Range For Mass
  110. Muscle Hypertrophy
  111. How do you know muscle rest?
  112. Cardio and THE BIKE
  113. Workout routine PLEASE CRITIQUE!
  114. Pushups?
  115. i need to cut 20 pounds!!!!
  116. cardio
  117. Help with SPlit?
  118. How to get strength up?
  119. Sad with my progress ...
  120. Why Do I Suck At Deadlifts?
  121. What's the most effective way to workout while on Legal Gear's Methyl1-D???
  122. Biceps Please Help
  123. Biceps please help
  124. One or two musclegroups per day?
  125. Will this affect ?
  126. would you consider this overtraining!
  127. Critical review of current Resistance training methods
  128. Extremely effective arm priority program right here
  129. Forearms
  130. Morning workout better higher test levels?
  131. EMG testing
  132. How to workout while on Methyl 1-D???
  133. Do you train abs?
  134. why are my traps sore
  135. Going to start cardio
  136. Deadlift reps
  137. Where were You at...
  138. CNS, Muscle size
  139. Deadlift back pain?
  140. free weights, machines and adapting
  141. pull ups and chin ups
  142. HIT while on a cycle
  143. Abs
  144. 3 day split
  145. Pre-exhaust sets
  146. one armed pullups
  147. Reduce intensity or increase rest days ?
  148. How do you determine your "Intensity" when lifting ?
  149. dropping BF
  150. Gear+cardio Question?
  152. boxing and gaining mass
  153. 225 Max Rep Bench Test
  154. HIGHER REPS and Cardio QUESTION!
  155. BF% and power lifting
  156. Strength = Size ?
  157. About me!! diet,workout, stats
  158. Muscle Knots / Spasms
  159. Plyometrics
  160. bad days
  161. What is a Sissy Squat?
  162. break
  163. mixing cardio/weights: same workout.
  164. how is my back work out
  165. Increasing my Bench
  166. audis training log
  167. AM Cardio...PM lifting? AM cardio, AM lifting? PLEASE HELP!!!!!
  168. Undecided's Training Log...
  169. still do cardio?
  170. Lifting workouts
  171. Lowering Bf%, Increasing Static Stregth And Explosive Power.
  172. HIT training ?
  173. *- A Leg Routine -*
  174. left bi smaller than right bi
  175. Average delts
  176. Average Delts
  177. Drop Sets
  178. left bicep smaller than right?
  179. logic/science behind AM cardio...
  180. 80-92% of max heart rate
  181. strong chest
  182. sumo deadlift VS conventionl deadlift information,good info for all
  183. 12 rep 6 set style?
  184. Work out mind set? How do u get urs?
  185. A.M. cardio ?
  186. My arms are killing me......
  187. mixing up cardio: OK?
  188. Deadlift...
  189. A.M.-P.M. workouts
  190. Quads & Hams!
  191. cardio times
  192. Exercise for a girl
  193. Traps!!!
  194. problems with my bench
  195. Jump Shoes/Plyometric Shoes
  196. working out hard enough????
  197. Glutes!
  198. opinions on best core exercises
  199. Cutting Up
  200. What do you guys think about this workout
  201. Tricep Mass
  202. Pain in Forearms after armcurls??
  203. bulking question?
  204. anyone else experience this?
  205. Wow my traps are thrashed
  206. Cardio two times a day?
  207. Uneven love handles! help
  208. HST and Cardio is 20 minutes enought UD2.0
  209. OVT vs GVT
  210. Happy Thanks Giving From Uber!
  211. no increase in weight
  212. what split / days ?
  213. What do u guys think about this routine???
  214. Hack Squats
  215. getting rid of love handles
  216. Chest, Triceps, and Bench Press
  217. cardio after workout
  218. UberLifting Journal
  219. Powerlifter...is this 2 much
  220. Pilate and losin' weight
  221. cardio while trying to bulk
  222. shoulder training theory
  223. How much Cardio
  224. Lower back and belts
  225. workouts while on cycle
  226. shoulders after back
  227. Squats??
  228. biceps are stuck
  229. Leg mass
  230. Barbell rows
  231. How can i motivate myself to do theses damn boring cardio machines
  232. Bench Press
  233. Am I overtraining?
  234. Rest Pause Training
  235. Deadlift grip
  236. Please CRITIQUE my back........
  237. workout routines while juicing
  238. sleep
  239. Inner chest woes
  240. Looking to buy workout bike for cardio
  241. Too Much For Chest?
  242. Wrist straps
  243. ACSM and pillars of training
  244. Putting together a new workout..
  245. hip joint pain squating
  246. NEVER<> EVer<> Smoke
  247. Strength without size?
  248. Xanax
  249. What the *u@k?
  250. hit muscle twice a week now?
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