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  1. When you do chinups/pullups does your chest touch the bar at the top?
  2. working back w/o weights
  3. full squat
  4. ......help i've got the shakes..........
  5. 2 hours in the gym... is it really that bad?
  6. 2 hours in the gym... is it really that bad?
  7. Chest questions.....
  8. working out twice a day ?
  9. at home cardio
  10. Bicep question
  11. Walking or jogging for AM cardio?
  12. Will i soon overtrain with this workout?
  13. critique this bulking program please
  14. targetting tricep longhead with freeweights
  15. Morning Cardio
  16. New member, left arm and leg are smaller then right
  17. Leg mass for tall people
  18. My legs are sore for almost a week...
  19. Next year routine.. check it out
  20. Protein/Glutamine shake before cardio affect fat loss??
  21. abs
  22. Muscle Matrix
  23. Chest and Back Supersets
  24. Maintenance questions
  25. Smoking marijuana?
  26. a little over weight
  27. What excises for inner chest?
  28. what can i do with what i have
  29. Please critique my workout routine
  30. how many seconds does it take you to do a rep?
  31. Pulldowns
  32. Working the Abs - Now I am really confused!
  33. What time do you feel is the best for a gym
  34. Cutting for a show
  35. Help me with my biceps...
  36. Rest ??
  37. Need a workout routine
  38. Before or After
  39. Personal Trainers in British Columbia
  40. most effective excercises
  41. Hi there! Im new to the board
  42. 20 Rep Squats
  43. where to fit it in?
  44. How does this sound?
  45. Jaw line.
  46. does closer grip on bench develop middle chest more?
  47. is reps my problem?
  48. Has anyone given Escalating Density a Run??
  49. Coming back from a break...
  50. just not getting sore lately :(
  51. OK so you got big arms how big is your...
  52. help w/ bad schedule!
  53. The Dreaded Slump
  54. cutting question
  55. New Year/New Horizons
  56. Pear shaped and apple shaped??
  57. sleeping positions
  58. pull up/push ?????
  59. need a good mass workout
  60. workout routine
  61. sets and reps
  62. sit/stand + weird ball in my hand
  63. biceps suck
  64. concentrate gains on legs while as
  65. Sweating
  66. need help with arm routine
  67. swolecat's training routine
  68. stiff-legged and romanian deadlifts
  69. doggcrap training
  70. Progress charts
  71. Workout Schedule
  72. How do you chestworkout looks like??
  73. what to do when overtrained?
  74. Harry England
  75. Training split question
  76. Online Fitness Journal
  77. What's the best lifting shoe for support???
  78. tailbone pain after squats
  79. Are you having trouble making a certain muscle group grow?
  80. weapon of choice?
  81. New Member
  82. looking for good reference links.
  83. How many members do cardio in the AM and weight training in the PM?
  84. Pre-Workout Meal
  85. Question about cardio..
  86. Low volume training for biceps?
  87. Cutting workout
  88. need your help, a study
  89. Am I overtraining??
  90. workout schedule
  91. Workout and diet - opinions plz
  92. I have a question.
  93. Better my back.
  94. bench pressing routine?
  95. My Routine, Any Good?
  96. Mononucleosis
  97. power factor
  98. What's your Favorite Bicep Exercise?
  99. do you go up in weight each set?
  100. Dogg Crapp VS.
  101. Holidays SUCK!!
  102. How many days/week can I work out forearms
  103. suggestions on superset routines for bi´s?
  104. Training w/o legs
  105. I want you guys to think out of your normal lifting circle for just a moment...
  106. One muscle per week, is this right?
  107. Some help here..
  108. Need a new training split
  109. I can't believe I finally did it...
  110. changing reps
  111. Doggcrapp workout questions
  112. Question about Cardio Workout
  113. Anyone do the Body For life workout?
  114. training shoulders & traps on the same day
  115. Working out on Atkin's Diet
  116. Atkins Diet
  117. Yep another one...Routine suggestions? lol
  118. Anyone use a heartrate monitor?
  119. How much on Good Mornings?
  120. KNOW YOUR RANGE...A full ROM isn't the only way to go
  121. Replacer of the Pull-Over?!
  122. Is This Too Excessive??????
  123. Speed Training
  124. Don't want to sound like a chick, but I think my @$$ is getting big...
  125. this cardio while bulking???
  126. Cardio alternative
  127. Pulled a muscle
  128. Workout?
  129. Question..Smith Machine vs Squats
  130. would this work
  131. hamstring exercises
  132. waist/stomach workout
  133. LBM vs. Fat
  134. Leg problem areas
  135. 2aDays on the sauce?
  136. home gyms
  137. My knee has been hurting...
  138. cardio equipment
  139. big butt muscles
  140. bulging L5disk
  141. overtraining??????
  142. can women lift as hard as men?
  143. Tits workout
  144. flabby chest
  145. Inner chest and lower chest...
  146. my calves are deprssing!!!
  147. can you get cut without steroids?
  148. Routine for my upcomming cycle (16 weeks)
  149. chest blowout
  150. please help!!!what else do i need?
  151. cutting bf
  152. Natural Training
  153. Guys I need some advice about my shoulder!!
  154. Need Help With Chest Workout
  155. what to do when arms stop growing?
  156. Training and diet scheduling problems
  157. Could I be working chest on the wrong day?
  158. canadian fitness equipment suppliers? Online?
  159. need help with stomach
  160. Am i overtraining??
  161. uneven soreness
  162. Does anyone else get nauseated when doing legs?
  163. need advice////
  164. sets and reps?
  165. muscle failure??
  166. Locking elbows or not?
  167. My Workout+Set Amounts
  168. Forearm help
  169. Abdominal strain
  170. stectching really sore muscles
  171. Anyone ever?.....
  172. Having trouble growing chest..help!
  173. Critique my workout
  174. I think I'm lacking lower chest development
  175. i gotta question
  176. Routine help please
  177. Hip flexor question
  178. Real basic workout while cutting
  179. Skull Crushers
  180. question regarding cardio with fat loss etc
  181. need bigger chest
  182. Any comments on upper body workout
  183. my current diet , help please;)
  184. my calves hurt and i cant walk...
  185. new routine
  186. My new split, needs help!
  187. shoulder joint problem?
  188. workout advice
  189. Is there something wrong with my form??
  190. How many calories???
  191. What do you think of my new workout schedule?
  192. lateral tricep head
  193. New Year, Redesigned Routine, Advice Welcome!
  194. Is A Sauna Or Steam Room Ok??
  195. do you stop training totaly when sick?
  196. cutting question
  197. New(old) type of training for you guys. Kettlebells are F*@#ing unreal!!!
  198. switching to dumbell bench
  199. still sore
  200. How Many Exercises Per Body Part?
  201. Squats and Deads?
  202. Training for a Triathalon...
  203. Shrugs or upright rows?
  204. Philosphy - Training for Results
  205. how often
  206. chest exercises
  207. nickel and dime routine
  208. bench
  209. FAT NEED Serious help
  210. Best Glutes/Ass Exercise
  211. just a quick ?
  212. training wieghts evening then next morning?? good idea?
  213. killer BI workout?
  214. routine question
  215. Question about cardio Frequency..?
  216. High-Low really works?
  217. My rear delts suck!
  218. Torn abdominal...........can I still work out?
  219. Thoughts on my routine
  220. what the hell is wrong with me?
  221. Doggcrapp training results
  222. fortified iron workout
  223. Bball instead of cardio
  224. Lower Body trouble
  225. Burn fat or build muscle ?
  226. Abs, ??????????
  227. Dead lifts
  228. Crazy Pec D.O.M.S.
  229. football routine
  230. Higher Biceps peak?
  231. Keeping a workout journal: Anyone else do this...
  232. Sore after mondays chest workout but not after thursdays. Why?
  233. help on back and shoulders
  234. 5 Abs?!?
  235. Aching wrists
  236. fat deposit not gyno
  237. Cutting Workout Length
  238. Too much cardio??
  239. Please Flame my routine!
  240. how quick do you bulk natural?
  241. 'nother god**** routine for you guy's to critique
  242. Working the Forearms
  243. changin it up a bit plz help
  244. shoulder pain
  245. this any good????
  246. elbow and wrist pain....help please.
  247. Need help hitting pecs.
  248. Need help with triceps? Any good routines?
  249. Quick Question on Where to put Bis
  250. No2 ?'s
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