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  1. Doing a lot of cardio has caused severe soreness, do it anyway?
  2. Best incline decline bench with leg attachment to buy. Mine is falling apart
  3. tacking on 20 min. of cardio at end of workout
  4. Shrugs
  5. Device to hold feet down while squatting
  6. Prefered Cardio for cutting
  7. Alternative Exercises
  8. When to do general Cardio
  9. How often do you take a break from training
  10. Frequency
  11. How many days a week you lift/workout?
  12. Deltoid pain from bench?
  13. Trying to dial in a proper routine
  14. The Physics of an Inclined Treadmill
  15. pre cycle?
  16. W.O. plan for someone old to workingout but new to gear
  17. bicep/tricep struggling for growth?
  18. Mini trampoline, can I use this for anything?
  19. ADVICE on how to get six pack all natural look at pics
  20. Gym Rookie Needing Guidance
  21. Percentage workout
  22. Bench Press - Better chest activation
  23. good new lifting music?
  24. Need some deadlift help here...
  25. does versa grips work?
  26. Monster bicep building tips
  27. How long are your workouts?
  28. Question about training program
  29. gain mass + stay lean
  30. How hard to train for cutting
  31. Please check my Split Workout!
  32. Current work outs
  33. Weight Questions
  34. tips for chest workout
  35. Chest Workout Advise !!
  36. Back day
  37. Hows my training schedule look ??
  38. How many times a week should you be training you legs?
  39. Maximizing the creation of androgen receptors
  40. Fat Grips - Any Experiences?
  41. How's my routine?
  42. is my shrug form ok/ safe?
  43. Rest Question
  44. Muscle Split - Same Muscle
  45. Avoid strength go down. Help.
  46. 44 year old seeking training advice
  47. Chest
  48. Abductor Soreness After Squating.
  49. Need Help! (Destroying my Chest)
  50. Need a routine
  51. Excercising sore muscles ??
  52. dumbells advice
  53. mass vs cut
  54. No chest pump
  55. Chest Strengthening
  56. shoulder shrugs. Barbell vs Dumbell?
  57. Mirror Psychology
  58. Is this a good bench press for a 150 pounds male?
  59. Workout and work conflict
  60. Negative reps?
  61. Lower back pain
  62. Bicep Question
  63. Abs training
  64. Muscular Hypertrophy
  65. Work Out Program For Obese Male?!?!
  66. Home GYM Workout Program HELP
  67. muscle disruption
  68. Advice
  69. Chest Advice
  70. 90lbs dumbell bench at 175lbs
  71. question on muscle fibers thread by marcus300
  72. Do' & Dont's
  73. Squat Stance
  74. Work out
  75. triceps in the AM then biceps in the PM ??
  76. is this routine alright for a new lifter
  77. Push Pull Legs Routine
  78. Shoes for lifting/cardio
  79. Advice conserning abs!
  80. Looking for (kind) critic about my workout???
  81. Advice on routine!!
  82. Barbell press vs DB press..
  83. My new Program, advice please
  84. Knee Wraps
  85. critique my workout please!
  86. critique my workout please!
  87. chest,pecs
  88. Let me know what you all think
  89. Bill Pearl - 20 Months to a Champions Physique' program
  90. fixing symmetry
  91. push ups every day
  92. Critique my deadlift form?
  93. Workout routine and frequency
  94. Shoulders are extremely Weak....
  95. So many contradictions...
  96. New guy trying to lose weight... Need help on some exercises
  97. Asymetric muscle growth
  98. Am I ready to cut?
  99. Feel like answering some beginner questions?
  100. quick 3 day split question. pls help!
  101. BNP form question. Opinions welcome.
  102. two workouts day for teen?
  103. All my muscles are short and are driving me crazy because i look un proportional
  104. Back exercise
  105. Upright dumbell rows
  106. Need a new routine.....starting to drift
  107. looking for some advice
  108. Best rep/set scheme for size. . but,
  109. What to start with? (and my mistakes)
  110. 3/2/1 Circuit Workout
  111. New to training - Obese starter?
  112. HIIT routines or examples?
  113. 300 workout as a form of HIIT???
  114. Should and Lat atrophy/imbalance from nerve injury
  115. Weight belt for deads
  116. Workout Ratting
  117. Curls
  118. 10 K Kettleball Workout Opinions
  119. Lifting on empty stomach
  120. Best shoe type for lifting
  121. legs twice a week too much ?
  122. am i getting in enough rest ??
  123. Stoked!! Getting my 32kg Kettlebell tomorrow!!
  124. My training routine
  125. GVT expereince
  126. My minimalist workout plan for a balanced body
  127. Other ways to build quads
  128. Printable weekly workout plans?
  129. Importance of stretching the fascia for Growth?
  130. Smith Machine Skull Crusher Close grip Bench Hybrid
  131. Pre Exhausting Muscles
  132. hurt back
  133. Back
  134. is it detrimental to have a chest day, arm day, and then a light chest/arm day?
  135. Strength endurance
  136. New back workout needed - deadlift not allowed
  137. Lagging Body? Try some of Rich's Tips
  138. Lagging Muscle Groups and Impacts
  139. Hammer curls Or Regular Dumbbell Curls?
  140. Morning cardio and workout
  141. Not seeing strength improvement on squat
  142. Getting ready to start using Cutting Stack
  143. Proper Gym Ettiquette
  144. Coming out of being sick
  145. Peoples experience with rest time between training sessions
  146. workout with GF?
  147. Anyone ever tried the "Hungarian Oak Leg Blast"?? Results??
  148. Interesting article re too much cardio
  149. Soreness and Growth
  150. Adding more volume to the PHAT program?
  151. Tire Flips....
  152. Working Around Shoulder Injury
  153. Low-Bar Squat Form Critique Please (VIDEO)
  154. Which routine should I do?
  155. need some advice
  156. That was a first...
  157. re-evaluating my approach and seeking feedback
  158. Deadlifting with two barbells?
  159. Does barbell benching have its place in body building?
  160. Proper form
  161. PLEASE HELP My routine advice input Please
  162. HIT (Drop-Setting)
  163. what training plan and what gear should I get to get cut?
  164. Max-OT 5 day split
  165. Feedback on 5-day split
  166. Talk me out of this...or don't
  167. why is it so gad dam hard to shift belly fat !!
  168. arm only plan for 6 weeks whilst on cycle !!!!!!!!!!
  169. Wraps, Straps, Sleeves & Belts
  170. Motivation...
  171. Mike Metzer's HIT training technique
  172. Weighted Vests anyone?
  173. Box squats/deadlifts
  174. How can I keep my gains if I stop cycling for six months ?
  175. What is your gym routine for today look like?
  176. Training 2x a Day?
  177. cardio timing for cutting
  178. Cardio. What is considered too much cardio when on a cut.
  179. Training for strength on cycle?
  180. Thickening the torso
  181. Obstacle Course Protection for knees
  182. Back pain after squatting
  183. powertraining and hypertrophy all in one weeks traning okay to do ?
  184. Critique This Please
  185. 10x10 bench challenge
  186. Is this muscle split fine? Please read
  187. Gut while bulking
  188. On Cycle, I get very little/no soreness. Rest days?
  189. deadlifts essential when you want to build the best back you can ?
  190. What to eat post workout, late night
  191. Just looking for yea(s) and neh(s)
  192. Can you get big on rippetoes SS program alone?
  193. I am finished with Cardio
  194. Rock climbing, want to compete, need some opinions.
  195. Bowflex
  196. Advice needed on what to take for more strength for Rock climbing.
  197. Upper/Lower FB
  198. Novice need some help with my training routine
  199. anyone watch crossfit games?
  200. In your opinion what is an EFFECTIVE amount of sets and repetitions?
  201. Conditioning.........instead of cardio HIIT......Bad knees
  202. Training intensity during cycle?
  203. 1 week Shredding Routine
  204. to failure
  205. How to build legs with a Fake hip?
  206. Are biceps worth it??
  207. Muscle imbalance in the lower back?
  208. I feel lost lately and lack a routine.
  209. workout suggestion for travel and limited equipment
  210. Time under tension
  211. Lifting
  212. How many sets do you guys recommend?
  213. Calves every day?
  214. Foam Roller
  215. Y3T any feedback...
  216. New workout routines
  217. 2 days on 1 day off split what you guys think ?
  218. Thoughts on having a training coach?
  219. 3 days on 1 day off too much training ?
  220. Should I be sore
  221. Strict workout plan or change it up every workout?
  222. Chest Workout with Shoulder Pain
  223. working out at night
  224. Caloric intake and exercise questions
  225. Breathing
  226. Do squats get you high?
  227. can someone guess my bodyfat please..
  228. Am I overtrainning?
  229. How many include at least 40 minutes of moderate cardio in their training?
  230. 3-2-1 method opinions please
  231. bcaa's
  232. Rountine Question
  233. Gym equipment
  234. cutting my workouts too short ?
  235. Bench Press Time Under Tension
  236. Sweating a lot in the gym...
  237. Why inmates are so jacked>>
  238. Triceps activation, overhead presses for long head?
  239. Novice Chest/Biceps Question
  240. Is there a certain program/routine for lifting for looking like fitness model ?
  241. What is a good replacement for bar rows?
  242. weight gainer
  243. Working out for size gains
  244. Lat exercise
  245. Split for 6 days a week?
  246. Ruckmarching/backpacking/hiking
  247. Handi-capable routine help?
  248. stay with program or start new with new cycle
  249. 1/1/14 I was 180 lbs now I am 228 lbs. couple questions for anyone who has the time
  250. First cycle (Test-p/Tren-A) + PICS ((HELP))
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