- Doing a lot of cardio has caused severe soreness, do it anyway?
- Best incline decline bench with leg attachment to buy. Mine is falling apart
- tacking on 20 min. of cardio at end of workout
- Shrugs
- Device to hold feet down while squatting
- Prefered Cardio for cutting
- Alternative Exercises
- When to do general Cardio
- How often do you take a break from training
- Frequency
- How many days a week you lift/workout?
- Deltoid pain from bench?
- Trying to dial in a proper routine
- The Physics of an Inclined Treadmill
- pre cycle?
- W.O. plan for someone old to workingout but new to gear
- bicep/tricep struggling for growth?
- Mini trampoline, can I use this for anything?
- ADVICE on how to get six pack all natural look at pics
- Gym Rookie Needing Guidance
- Percentage workout
- Bench Press - Better chest activation
- good new lifting music?
- Need some deadlift help here...
- does versa grips work?
- Monster bicep building tips
- How long are your workouts?
- Question about training program
- gain mass + stay lean
- How hard to train for cutting
- Please check my Split Workout!
- Current work outs
- Weight Questions
- tips for chest workout
- Chest Workout Advise !!
- Back day
- Hows my training schedule look ??
- How many times a week should you be training you legs?
- Maximizing the creation of androgen receptors
- Fat Grips - Any Experiences?
- How's my routine?
- is my shrug form ok/ safe?
- Rest Question
- Muscle Split - Same Muscle
- Avoid strength go down. Help.
- 44 year old seeking training advice
- Chest
- Abductor Soreness After Squating.
- Need Help! (Destroying my Chest)
- Need a routine
- Excercising sore muscles ??
- dumbells advice
- mass vs cut
- No chest pump
- Chest Strengthening
- shoulder shrugs. Barbell vs Dumbell?
- Mirror Psychology
- Is this a good bench press for a 150 pounds male?
- Workout and work conflict
- Negative reps?
- Lower back pain
- Bicep Question
- Abs training
- Muscular Hypertrophy
- Work Out Program For Obese Male?!?!
- Home GYM Workout Program HELP
- muscle disruption
- Advice
- Chest Advice
- 90lbs dumbell bench at 175lbs
- question on muscle fibers thread by marcus300
- Do' & Dont's
- Squat Stance
- Work out
- triceps in the AM then biceps in the PM ??
- is this routine alright for a new lifter
- Push Pull Legs Routine
- Shoes for lifting/cardio
- Advice conserning abs!
- Looking for (kind) critic about my workout???
- Advice on routine!!
- Barbell press vs DB press..
- My new Program, advice please
- Knee Wraps
- critique my workout please!
- critique my workout please!
- chest,pecs
- Let me know what you all think
- Bill Pearl - 20 Months to a Champions Physique' program
- fixing symmetry
- push ups every day
- Critique my deadlift form?
- Workout routine and frequency
- Shoulders are extremely Weak....
- So many contradictions...
- New guy trying to lose weight... Need help on some exercises
- Asymetric muscle growth
- Am I ready to cut?
- Feel like answering some beginner questions?
- quick 3 day split question. pls help!
- BNP form question. Opinions welcome.
- two workouts day for teen?
- All my muscles are short and are driving me crazy because i look un proportional
- Back exercise
- Upright dumbell rows
- Need a new routine.....starting to drift
- looking for some advice
- Best rep/set scheme for size. . but,
- What to start with? (and my mistakes)
- 3/2/1 Circuit Workout
- New to training - Obese starter?
- HIIT routines or examples?
- 300 workout as a form of HIIT???
- Should and Lat atrophy/imbalance from nerve injury
- Weight belt for deads
- Workout Ratting
- Curls
- 10 K Kettleball Workout Opinions
- Lifting on empty stomach
- Best shoe type for lifting
- legs twice a week too much ?
- am i getting in enough rest ??
- Stoked!! Getting my 32kg Kettlebell tomorrow!!
- My training routine
- GVT expereince
- My minimalist workout plan for a balanced body
- Other ways to build quads
- Printable weekly workout plans?
- Importance of stretching the fascia for Growth?
- Smith Machine Skull Crusher Close grip Bench Hybrid
- Pre Exhausting Muscles
- hurt back
- Back
- is it detrimental to have a chest day, arm day, and then a light chest/arm day?
- Strength endurance
- New back workout needed - deadlift not allowed
- Lagging Body? Try some of Rich's Tips
- Lagging Muscle Groups and Impacts
- Hammer curls Or Regular Dumbbell Curls?
- Morning cardio and workout
- Not seeing strength improvement on squat
- Getting ready to start using Cutting Stack
- Proper Gym Ettiquette
- Coming out of being sick
- Peoples experience with rest time between training sessions
- workout with GF?
- Anyone ever tried the "Hungarian Oak Leg Blast"?? Results??
- Interesting article re too much cardio
- Soreness and Growth
- Adding more volume to the PHAT program?
- Tire Flips....
- Working Around Shoulder Injury
- Low-Bar Squat Form Critique Please (VIDEO)
- Which routine should I do?
- need some advice
- That was a first...
- re-evaluating my approach and seeking feedback
- Deadlifting with two barbells?
- Does barbell benching have its place in body building?
- Proper form
- PLEASE HELP My routine advice input Please
- HIT (Drop-Setting)
- what training plan and what gear should I get to get cut?
- Max-OT 5 day split
- Feedback on 5-day split
- Talk me out of this...or don't
- why is it so gad dam hard to shift belly fat !!
- arm only plan for 6 weeks whilst on cycle !!!!!!!!!!
- Wraps, Straps, Sleeves & Belts
- Motivation...
- Mike Metzer's HIT training technique
- Weighted Vests anyone?
- Box squats/deadlifts
- How can I keep my gains if I stop cycling for six months ?
- What is your gym routine for today look like?
- Training 2x a Day?
- cardio timing for cutting
- Cardio. What is considered too much cardio when on a cut.
- Training for strength on cycle?
- Thickening the torso
- Obstacle Course Protection for knees
- Back pain after squatting
- powertraining and hypertrophy all in one weeks traning okay to do ?
- Critique This Please
- 10x10 bench challenge
- Is this muscle split fine? Please read
- Gut while bulking
- On Cycle, I get very little/no soreness. Rest days?
- deadlifts essential when you want to build the best back you can ?
- What to eat post workout, late night
- Just looking for yea(s) and neh(s)
- Can you get big on rippetoes SS program alone?
- I am finished with Cardio
- Rock climbing, want to compete, need some opinions.
- Bowflex
- Advice needed on what to take for more strength for Rock climbing.
- Upper/Lower FB
- Novice need some help with my training routine
- anyone watch crossfit games?
- In your opinion what is an EFFECTIVE amount of sets and repetitions?
- Conditioning.........instead of cardio HIIT......Bad knees
- Training intensity during cycle?
- 1 week Shredding Routine
- to failure
- How to build legs with a Fake hip?
- Are biceps worth it??
- Muscle imbalance in the lower back?
- I feel lost lately and lack a routine.
- workout suggestion for travel and limited equipment
- Time under tension
- Lifting
- How many sets do you guys recommend?
- Calves every day?
- Foam Roller
- Y3T any feedback...
- New workout routines
- 2 days on 1 day off split what you guys think ?
- Thoughts on having a training coach?
- 3 days on 1 day off too much training ?
- Should I be sore
- Strict workout plan or change it up every workout?
- Chest Workout with Shoulder Pain
- working out at night
- Caloric intake and exercise questions
- Breathing
- Do squats get you high?
- can someone guess my bodyfat please..
- Am I overtrainning?
- How many include at least 40 minutes of moderate cardio in their training?
- 3-2-1 method opinions please
- bcaa's
- Rountine Question
- Gym equipment
- cutting my workouts too short ?
- Bench Press Time Under Tension
- Sweating a lot in the gym...
- Why inmates are so jacked>>
- Triceps activation, overhead presses for long head?
- Novice Chest/Biceps Question
- Is there a certain program/routine for lifting for looking like fitness model ?
- What is a good replacement for bar rows?
- weight gainer
- Working out for size gains
- Lat exercise
- Split for 6 days a week?
- Ruckmarching/backpacking/hiking
- Handi-capable routine help?
- stay with program or start new with new cycle
- 1/1/14 I was 180 lbs now I am 228 lbs. couple questions for anyone who has the time
- First cycle (Test-p/Tren-A) + PICS ((HELP))

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