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  1. Cardio during your contest prep(final week)
  2. Cycle and training routine? Hyperthrophy, strenght? Or both
  3. Get Me Cut!!
  4. Deadlift why the first pull is always the most difficolt?
  5. Deadlift: do you train it together with back or legs?
  6. Caliper Measurements to calculate Bodyfat %
  7. Take on Abs
  8. My upcomming workout! Long post. Be aware!
  9. How would you rotate this workout routine?
  10. Knee Wraps and Heavy Squats
  11. Punching Bag Cardio
  12. Cardio cant beat it
  13. What's the best workout for fat loss?
  14. Anybody into Heavy Duty or High Intensity Training?
  15. Best time for cardio?
  16. Cardio for fat loss...Target Heart Rate
  17. Wow left side weaker. Need HELP?!?!?!
  18. my leg workout twice a week !!
  19. Heart Rate Monitor Saved Me!!
  20. Help with recovering lower back!
  21. Whats your average calories burned?
  22. Weight - 144 lbs Height - 5'7" - Need advice on training program
  23. Train and steroids
  24. New workout.....
  25. Lower Back Can't Handle Leg Day
  26. Weight Lifters Flu?!?!?!
  27. Exercises and parts of chest
  28. Huge arms
  29. HIIT/Tabata cardio
  30. new 4 day split...question on timing
  31. Training log app?
  32. Overtraining triceps ??
  33. Too Much?
  34. strength losses after a cycle. questions and advice
  35. Working out during Pct recommendations
  36. Thinking about doing my lifting at home, thoughts?
  37. calves how often to make grow
  38. Can anyone recommend a workout program?
  39. Masturbation and joints
  40. For some reason I can't seem to gain weight
  41. Stretching Problems, hips need help, frustrated!
  42. my routine, suggestions?
  43. what do you recommend for traps?
  44. Cutting Routine vs. Bulking Routine
  45. Barbell squat & Hack squat
  46. Training body parts?
  47. New Routine?
  48. Workout routine for first test prop cycle
  49. Lifting to Failure??
  50. 8-Day Training Week
  52. Boney knoblly girly disgusting legs/knees
  53. Workout Plan - how does it look?
  54. Does Cardio After an Overnight Fast Maximize Fat Loss?
  55. Clean and Press
  56. Shred bodyfat.
  57. "Stronglifts 5x5" by Mehdi
  58. Help/advice?
  59. okay to train chest 3 times a week on cycle ???
  60. Chest help
  61. knees near/almost in front
  62. ROHM thermo liqid
  63. Biceps
  64. ultimate lacking upper chest
  65. Olympic Weightlifting Shoes Adistar
  66. Wendlers 5/3/1
  67. Can you build up a solid chest with Flyes?
  68. cardio before or after weight training? and fasted cardio
  69. need help putting a workout routine together
  70. Best routine for mass and strength when stuck for time???!
  71. bad to train biceps n tricep after chest & back day ????
  72. Crossfit VS HIIT and Weight Training
  73. Bodyweight vs Weightlifting
  74. Can anyone look at my bulking and cutting results and advise?
  75. Should i lay off abs for a min?
  76. Ratio of muscle gain to fat gain when bulking
  77. Cant stop eating?!? Wth?
  78. Fat Gripz
  79. Number of exercises in ( Chest + Biceps + Abs ) day
  80. Time to change workout routine
  81. Take a break?
  82. Any advice on abs vs gag
  83. Overtraining - am I?
  84. ideas for adding more weight on bench press
  85. Scared of tearing achillies tendon
  86. Tricep pumps !!!
  87. 2 questions about chest
  88. 5x5 workout question
  89. Am I working out the wrong way?
  90. Training On Cycle vs Off Cycle
  91. Elbow Pain - Thoughts?
  92. Started diet for bulk but looking for proper training program
  93. Is ripttoe's SS best to build the base?
  94. Shin splints help!?
  95. What do you guys think of the Squat Leverage Machine?
  96. Workout for muscle mass & bulk
  97. Check my workout please
  98. Need Chest Help
  99. Muscle training frequency?
  100. Personal Trainer Question.. How much to charge?
  101. Vastus Lateralis/Hamstring tie in
  102. need my workout critiqued.
  103. Muscle Fibers & training
  104. Muscle fibers and training
  105. reps for time??
  106. Chest development with shoulder injury
  107. Going broad ?
  108. Am I sacrificing growth by doing this??
  109. only training arms for 6 weeks on next cycle !!
  110. Can't do db flys properly
  111. train one week, rest the next?
  112. bigger arms......
  113. No sex while cycling?
  114. No sex while cycling?
  115. Training for a race
  116. How to clean rusty bars and weights?
  117. Smith machine
  118. Cardio PWO
  119. Chest cross cables before of after?
  120. Need some advice for training at home
  121. Is it ok to wear cotton shirts while working out?
  122. Bam new PR
  123. Explosive lifts
  124. Quad,hams,calf
  125. I would love your opinion on training...!
  126. getting rid of pubic area fat
  127. chest is sore from back day?
  128. Warm up for LEGS
  129. Anyone looked into MI40?
  130. Cutting workout
  131. Cardio for fat loss
  132. ROM for close grip bench
  133. deadlift. quadriceps or hamstring ?
  134. Laggin muscles
  135. Need help
  136. Natty University Football Player NEEDS HELP FOR WORKOUTS. PLEASE READ
  137. wendler 5/3/1 and incline bench
  138. Hiit?
  139. Forearms
  140. please help...advice on squatting form
  141. Smith machine for home gym?
  142. PHAT Days off
  143. workout suggestions?
  144. Question about burning while training
  145. STUDY: How to avoid shoulder injury during training
  146. Something I dont understand about HIT
  147. Sex/cardio?
  148. strength vs hypertrophy
  149. Wrist straps for bench and curl
  150. Question on Workout Program Change (Reps)
  151. Working Out...Help Thanks
  152. Trying to shock my arms into growing
  153. 3 body parts a day split?
  154. fat gripz
  155. Buttocks volume ... But without too much quads volume
  156. Doing isolation before compunds
  157. I did shoulders and arms 31 days minus weekends
  158. Traps and calves ... Too stubborn
  159. Abs workout
  160. Need your opinions to hopefully shut this idiot up!! lol
  161. Sore Muscles after workout...
  162. Quads work out
  163. Focusing on "weakspots while bulking"
  164. Changing things up - Comments / Suggestuins
  165. About to go off cycle, and need some help adjusting my workout plan.
  166. Should Shoulders Be Maximized on Cycle?
  167. Is this a good workout plan?
  168. Training program
  169. Question: How to Build an Upper Chest
  170. WTF Squat and lower back pain???
  171. HIIT Training questions
  172. Rate My Workout Plan
  173. Squat stance
  174. Cardio
  175. 2 questions
  176. Help with plateaued lift
  177. So who,s done 20 rep squats
  178. Shoulders and Chest Back-to-back
  179. Workout to gain muscle density and definition, and avoid muscle volume
  180. Help me with triceps exercises.
  181. Weight Belt
  182. Overtraining
  183. Can someone tell me what they would change about this
  184. Workout Details
  185. Can some offer some advice on bodyweight training for some size?
  186. incredible experience with 2b training - with questions.
  187. Heip with workout
  188. Hitch or catch in shoulder for a month! Help please!!!
  189. Question in regards to strength building
  190. Cardio Before or After Your Workout
  191. Unreal Pump...
  192. Thoughts 8 hour arms.
  193. 2 a days
  194. At what heart rate does it become dangerous to work when doing cardio?
  195. HIT questions
  196. HELP - how to minimize abs
  197. fitting in more on cycle
  198. Weak chest
  199. adjustment and feedback on my new workout routine
  200. Too much shoulder work?
  201. My deadlift: You mirin?
  202. When to start using knee wraps?
  203. Training program
  204. Looking for suggestions for legs
  205. What is this guy doing? FOREARMS/WRIST/HANDS
  206. Lagging Triceps !
  207. help with weak bench press
  208. This carved up my ABS
  209. Hypertrophy
  210. Thick back
  211. Drop sets for squats
  212. What can I do?
  213. Rest Pause
  214. Dumbbell overhead press question help
  215. Standard Workout Routine Vs Steroid Workout Routine
  216. Volume vs. Mass maintaining gains
  217. Need a Work Out Critique
  218. Doing floor wipers on bench press? wtf!
  219. Interesting scientific find on bodyweight exercises vs. heavy weight work
  220. Workout advice
  221. Lifting partners
  222. Unstable workouts good or not?
  223. intense lower back pain, i know this is not new, but my situ seems unique
  224. sore muscles
  225. Would like someone to critique this...
  226. Strong girl!
  227. Which is better?
  228. forearms. ...
  229. Developing a chiseled back
  230. to alternate or not
  231. Studying and working out not mixing too well. Suggestions?
  232. Muscles Not Sore
  233. What do you think?
  234. Building trunk of back
  235. Is it better to stick to form or jerk couple more
  236. Please Help!! Legs!
  237. how come pro's dont superset workouts and only do 1 body part a a time ?
  238. biceps the day before back ? that a no no ?
  239. Leg workouts for Injured soldier
  240. Strange cramp
  241. Close Grip Incline Bench
  242. Effective split?
  243. chest workout after shoulder surgery
  244. Chest routine
  245. EX special forces please help !!! trying to Ace the navy seal fitness test !
  246. Why 5×5 Workouts Don’t Build Maximum Muscle
  247. Rest
  248. Isometric workout, when to incorporate it?
  249. Exercise advice for back
  250. Working out sore
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