- Cardio during your contest prep(final week)
- Cycle and training routine? Hyperthrophy, strenght? Or both
- Get Me Cut!!
- Deadlift why the first pull is always the most difficolt?
- Deadlift: do you train it together with back or legs?
- Caliper Measurements to calculate Bodyfat %
- Take on Abs
- My upcomming workout! Long post. Be aware!
- How would you rotate this workout routine?
- Knee Wraps and Heavy Squats
- Punching Bag Cardio
- Cardio cant beat it
- What's the best workout for fat loss?
- Anybody into Heavy Duty or High Intensity Training?
- Best time for cardio?
- Cardio for fat loss...Target Heart Rate
- Wow left side weaker. Need HELP?!?!?!
- my leg workout twice a week !!
- Heart Rate Monitor Saved Me!!
- Help with recovering lower back!
- Whats your average calories burned?
- Weight - 144 lbs Height - 5'7" - Need advice on training program
- Train and steroids
- New workout.....
- Lower Back Can't Handle Leg Day
- Weight Lifters Flu?!?!?!
- Exercises and parts of chest
- Huge arms
- HIIT/Tabata cardio
- new 4 day split...question on timing
- Training log app?
- Overtraining triceps ??
- Too Much?
- strength losses after a cycle. questions and advice
- Working out during Pct recommendations
- Thinking about doing my lifting at home, thoughts?
- calves how often to make grow
- Can anyone recommend a workout program?
- Masturbation and joints
- For some reason I can't seem to gain weight
- Stretching Problems, hips need help, frustrated!
- my routine, suggestions?
- what do you recommend for traps?
- Cutting Routine vs. Bulking Routine
- Barbell squat & Hack squat
- Training body parts?
- New Routine?
- Workout routine for first test prop cycle
- Lifting to Failure??
- 8-Day Training Week
- Boney knoblly girly disgusting legs/knees
- Workout Plan - how does it look?
- Does Cardio After an Overnight Fast Maximize Fat Loss?
- Clean and Press
- Shred bodyfat.
- "Stronglifts 5x5" by Mehdi
- Help/advice?
- okay to train chest 3 times a week on cycle ???
- Chest help
- knees near/almost in front
- ROHM thermo liqid
- Biceps
- ultimate lacking upper chest
- Olympic Weightlifting Shoes Adistar
- Wendlers 5/3/1
- Can you build up a solid chest with Flyes?
- cardio before or after weight training? and fasted cardio
- need help putting a workout routine together
- Best routine for mass and strength when stuck for time???!
- bad to train biceps n tricep after chest & back day ????
- Crossfit VS HIIT and Weight Training
- Bodyweight vs Weightlifting
- Can anyone look at my bulking and cutting results and advise?
- Should i lay off abs for a min?
- Ratio of muscle gain to fat gain when bulking
- Cant stop eating?!? Wth?
- Fat Gripz
- Number of exercises in ( Chest + Biceps + Abs ) day
- Time to change workout routine
- Take a break?
- Any advice on abs vs gag
- Overtraining - am I?
- ideas for adding more weight on bench press
- Scared of tearing achillies tendon
- Tricep pumps !!!
- 2 questions about chest
- 5x5 workout question
- Am I working out the wrong way?
- Training On Cycle vs Off Cycle
- Elbow Pain - Thoughts?
- Started diet for bulk but looking for proper training program
- Is ripttoe's SS best to build the base?
- Shin splints help!?
- What do you guys think of the Squat Leverage Machine?
- Workout for muscle mass & bulk
- Check my workout please
- Need Chest Help
- Muscle training frequency?
- Personal Trainer Question.. How much to charge?
- Vastus Lateralis/Hamstring tie in
- need my workout critiqued.
- Muscle Fibers & training
- Muscle fibers and training
- reps for time??
- Chest development with shoulder injury
- Going broad ?
- Am I sacrificing growth by doing this??
- only training arms for 6 weeks on next cycle !!
- Can't do db flys properly
- train one week, rest the next?
- bigger arms......
- No sex while cycling?
- No sex while cycling?
- Training for a race
- How to clean rusty bars and weights?
- Smith machine
- Cardio PWO
- Chest cross cables before of after?
- Need some advice for training at home
- Is it ok to wear cotton shirts while working out?
- Bam new PR
- Explosive lifts
- Quad,hams,calf
- I would love your opinion on training...!
- getting rid of pubic area fat
- chest is sore from back day?
- Warm up for LEGS
- Anyone looked into MI40?
- Cutting workout
- Cardio for fat loss
- ROM for close grip bench
- deadlift. quadriceps or hamstring ?
- Laggin muscles
- Need help
- Natty University Football Player NEEDS HELP FOR WORKOUTS. PLEASE READ
- wendler 5/3/1 and incline bench
- Hiit?
- Forearms
- please help...advice on squatting form
- Smith machine for home gym?
- PHAT Days off
- workout suggestions?
- Question about burning while training
- STUDY: How to avoid shoulder injury during training
- Something I dont understand about HIT
- Sex/cardio?
- strength vs hypertrophy
- Wrist straps for bench and curl
- Question on Workout Program Change (Reps)
- Working Out...Help Thanks
- Trying to shock my arms into growing
- 3 body parts a day split?
- fat gripz
- Buttocks volume ... But without too much quads volume
- Doing isolation before compunds
- I did shoulders and arms 31 days minus weekends
- Traps and calves ... Too stubborn
- Abs workout
- Need your opinions to hopefully shut this idiot up!! lol
- Sore Muscles after workout...
- Quads work out
- Focusing on "weakspots while bulking"
- Changing things up - Comments / Suggestuins
- About to go off cycle, and need some help adjusting my workout plan.
- Should Shoulders Be Maximized on Cycle?
- Is this a good workout plan?
- Training program
- Question: How to Build an Upper Chest
- WTF Squat and lower back pain???
- HIIT Training questions
- Rate My Workout Plan
- Squat stance
- Cardio
- 2 questions
- Help with plateaued lift
- So who,s done 20 rep squats
- Shoulders and Chest Back-to-back
- Workout to gain muscle density and definition, and avoid muscle volume
- Help me with triceps exercises.
- Weight Belt
- Overtraining
- Can someone tell me what they would change about this
- Workout Details
- Can some offer some advice on bodyweight training for some size?
- incredible experience with 2b training - with questions.
- Heip with workout
- Hitch or catch in shoulder for a month! Help please!!!
- Question in regards to strength building
- Cardio Before or After Your Workout
- Unreal Pump...
- Thoughts 8 hour arms.
- 2 a days
- At what heart rate does it become dangerous to work when doing cardio?
- HIT questions
- HELP - how to minimize abs
- fitting in more on cycle
- Weak chest
- adjustment and feedback on my new workout routine
- Too much shoulder work?
- My deadlift: You mirin?
- When to start using knee wraps?
- Training program
- Looking for suggestions for legs
- What is this guy doing? FOREARMS/WRIST/HANDS
- Lagging Triceps !
- help with weak bench press
- This carved up my ABS
- Hypertrophy
- Thick back
- Drop sets for squats
- What can I do?
- Rest Pause
- Dumbbell overhead press question help
- Standard Workout Routine Vs Steroid Workout Routine
- Volume vs. Mass maintaining gains
- Need a Work Out Critique
- Doing floor wipers on bench press? wtf!
- Interesting scientific find on bodyweight exercises vs. heavy weight work
- Workout advice
- Lifting partners
- Unstable workouts good or not?
- intense lower back pain, i know this is not new, but my situ seems unique
- sore muscles
- Would like someone to critique this...
- Strong girl!
- Which is better?
- forearms. ...
- Developing a chiseled back
- to alternate or not
- Studying and working out not mixing too well. Suggestions?
- Muscles Not Sore
- What do you think?
- Building trunk of back
- Is it better to stick to form or jerk couple more
- Please Help!! Legs!
- how come pro's dont superset workouts and only do 1 body part a a time ?
- biceps the day before back ? that a no no ?
- Leg workouts for Injured soldier
- Strange cramp
- Close Grip Incline Bench
- Effective split?
- chest workout after shoulder surgery
- Chest routine
- EX special forces please help !!! trying to Ace the navy seal fitness test !
- Why 5×5 Workouts Don’t Build Maximum Muscle
- Rest
- Isometric workout, when to incorporate it?
- Exercise advice for back
- Working out sore

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