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  1. My Shoulder workout
  2. Abs routine
  3. Best "alternate" movements for Bad Back
  4. Shin & ankle pains from running
  5. My 4 Day Split For Mass
  6. Critique my Split
  7. "Complete" dumbbell
  8. Desperately need help
  9. Amazing how slight variation of grip changes everything!
  10. Get this
  11. question on cardio
  12. "On cycle" work out routine
  13. critique mine please
  14. ryo's workout for strength
  15. Butt workout?
  16. What do you guys think
  17. Have trouble working abs cause of lower back pain
  18. Does anyone Train Front delts with Chest instead of shoulders?
  19. My goals + workout
  20. Quality gym in Sydney and BB Trainer?
  21. question about training
  22. Ramdan and workout
  23. advice on how i should train
  24. Alternate squats?
  25. *Rate this 5x5*
  26. ADVICE/OPINIONS WANTED - proposed new work out routine
  27. workout routine
  28. Ronnie Coleman
  29. over-training much?
  30. Cardio and Heart Rate
  31. What Part of Chest Needs Work??
  32. plank type movements& ball static supine bridges
  33. Slingshot Training W/ No AAS????
  34. For guys whos know how to build a big thick back!
  35. Does the dealift grow big biceps
  36. Do you have a consistent workout partner?
  37. What keeps you motivated?
  38. Best workout on GEAR!
  39. Critique/opinion needed! Workout post-iraq injury
  40. 13 Body Parts...(sets per part)
  41. Pick apart my work out.
  42. lower abs
  43. Critique my bulking program
  44. Cardio or No Cardio?
  45. MASS WORKOUT: need changes?
  46. Question about overtraining
  47. Building Muscle Doesn't Require Lifting Heavy Weights, Study Shows
  48. When to do cardio ?
  49. This is what a pro told me for shoulder workout
  50. Leg press form
  51. lacking parts
  52. critique please.
  53. Critique this workout
  54. No longer going to work my arms
  55. Negatives are awesome..
  56. Question about Cardio and theories
  57. scientific proof that "Muscles remember past glory"
  58. Shoulder DB Press
  59. Calf pumps
  60. Bicep peaks?
  61. Please help me with a 3 day split, i'm desperate!
  62. Split Rotine and weak points
  63. German volume training??
  64. Bringing up more Width in back
  65. Skinny guy needs advice on lifting techniques to increase mass and apetite
  66. Am I out of order
  67. Please critique my bulk workout
  68. my so called workout routine
  69. critique my 3 day split, thanks
  70. A round table discussion on... Wat time u train ?
  71. What kid of reps / sets should i be doing to put on mass?
  72. Ever tried a leg workout like this?
  73. Rotator cuff question
  74. Rate my split
  75. Now or never...
  76. Powerblock Dumbells
  77. Exercises to increase chest size?
  78. What is the best exercise to build up the side of the shoulders?
  79. Need help with my deads
  80. how my routine, can it be improved?
  81. My upcoming routine, overtraining?
  82. Isolation Exercises For Forearms?
  83. Increase weight each set?
  84. What is the cause of this?
  85. Hardgainer finally packing on pounds 4day workout
  86. Question, cardio or weights for me?
  87. The Best of The Best, The Elite, The Top -Ronnie, Jay, Dexter
  88. Calves, Forearms, Abs
  89. Can it be true?
  90. Shake weights
  91. Deadlift question
  92. Wich split to pick up!?
  93. my current split
  94. At what point during your workout do you guys do you big lifts?
  95. new here would like some help.
  96. Shin splints: exercises to help overcome
  97. Volume training.... Does it work?
  98. Deadlift and Rackpull
  99. same muscle group twice a week...
  100. Trying to formalize my 5-day routine. Comments appreciated.
  101. Frequency of changing routines?
  102. The Adonis workout (Program review)
  103. DOGCRAPP TRAINING help??? please.
  104. New routine, please critique
  105. Body weight workouts anyone? Lost for words...
  106. What do you do if you miss a day?
  107. HIT, need some cardio input
  108. Front Delt progression
  109. Heavy Benchpress & Shoulder
  110. Cardio/calories burned question
  111. My wife needs help with a workout plan
  112. ** Blast and Cruse, DC, Post Cycle **
  113. Cardio and Recovery
  114. ** DC ** who does it and what are your routines
  115. Tension off forearms
  116. With so many workout programs, what would be best for me?
  117. This is kinda cool..
  118. Building Muscle with food (Workout)
  119. Sling Shot Help
  120. Forearm question
  121. Bicep question...
  122. DC Training question???
  123. 5day-a-week routine
  124. For someone who has been working out a body part for 6 months... Does this seem right
  125. Suggestions for my Training program?
  126. Old School Method ?
  127. Can Split legs training into 3 or 4 days ?
  128. Muscle imbalance
  129. HIT Weight Lifting Log
  130. Shoulder technique questions
  131. How is my deadlift form?
  132. Confused !! rest to gain ??
  133. Drop setting: by marcus300
  134. Are you training your heart?
  135. The HIT Thread
  136. training question
  137. Chest Stacker workout
  138. Program results
  139. Cardio? BPM? And how much?
  140. Ab workouts
  141. Smith machine or squat rack for squats?
  142. Critique routine. Just coming off cycle.
  143. Out of town away from my home gym help!!!
  144. Is it necessary to test your 1 rep for full development?
  145. My right bicep is 1.25 inches bigger than the left. How do I fix this?
  146. whats a good routine ??
  147. Cardio while Bulking?
  148. My work out plan (what do you think?)
  149. My Basic Routine
  150. Bent over rows bb
  151. Number of reps per set for legs
  152. Hi-Low Workout for the next 5-weeks
  153. Should I do it?
  154. Phrase I repeat
  155. have lost strength in the last 3 years (weight loss)
  156. Could i do more then once a week??
  157. 3 day split, what cardio and when?
  158. Need help getting into shape
  159. Hate being on cycle and getting sick!
  160. REverse Grip Bench Press..
  161. boxing and weight lifting
  162. Squatting Big!
  163. unsure of my workout
  164. Labouring work and training
  165. after cardio
  166. Routine + diet (no bullshit) Any suggestions?
  167. Help with routine
  168. Smaller chest compared to shoulders
  169. Muscle soreness less while on?
  170. deadlift
  171. Hows my 4 day split look?
  172. ***Floor Press for triceps***
  173. Exercises for Definition...?!?
  174. New Workout Routine
  175. 16 year old workouts plus diet
  176. Trainer made routine seems weird
  177. My Calfs are stronger than my body
  178. One rep max song…
  179. how is this workout?
  180. stop legs just do extra deadlifts ??
  181. Question on LEGS????
  182. How to run for cardio?
  183. Workout frequency/duration when on cycle?
  184. Need help with routine!
  185. Bulking workout help please :)
  186. My workout scedule
  187. feeling dizzy during legs
  188. fascia stretches
  189. dumbbell or barbell flat bench press??
  190. Core training
  191. My workout idea - will i be over doing it?
  192. critique me please
  193. Overtraining?
  194. Sore back from bench.
  195. help with bulking cycle..
  196. Inner chest and upper back
  197. I hate workout partners , smith machine ?
  198. Any Adjustments or changes
  199. I have a deadlift question/squats
  200. Arnold workout
  201. Elevated Squats?
  202. A few questions!
  203. post workout shake
  204. Mixing in PT requirements with normal weight lifting routine
  205. Tweak
  206. Division 1 Athlete needs a monday-friday work out plan
  207. Soon to be Division 1 receiver needs workout help!
  208. Critique my workout routine
  209. Need to improve speed and agiltiy for rugby
  210. Should I start rippetoes?
  211. chest is lacking ...... good routines for aputting on size and weight to bench press
  212. Help me make my trail.
  213. Switiching to morning workouts, who does mornings, any advice?
  214. Critique my workout routine
  215. Back workout Routine(need insight)
  216. Cant curl 1kg
  217. Cutting down
  218. Flys and decline?
  219. help me put together a work out routine to bring my legs and chest up to par...
  220. my beginner workout
  221. Music?
  222. Defranco Built Like a bad ass
  223. Arm size lacking
  224. Best cardio workout?
  225. 5x5
  226. First cycle. Need to bring up weak points! Please critique
  227. my workout program
  228. My Routine
  229. Slingshot Training?
  230. How many sets do you get in?
  231. Three-quarter movements for chest
  232. Enough about Overtraining
  233. Simple Stepladders to Aid You Smooth Abdomen
  234. Bench press with or without smith machine
  235. HIT on cycle
  236. Uneven traps
  237. Help with specific area
  238. Rear Delts
  239. ab workout
  240. Doing cardio in a "HOT ROOM"
  241. Critique/fix/change my workout please
  242. quick question
  243. Cardio on Cycle
  244. Complete physique development?
  245. bulking
  246. Exercises At Home
  247. Sufficient rest time?
  248. too much training for a naturall ??
  249. best reputitions for building muscle and size ??
  250. Hitting my shoulders and arms twice a week
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