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  1. Delts overpowering
  2. Did shoulders and chest on the same day, not good?
  3. best way to keep gains while training post cycle
  4. Strongman type exercise muscle hypertrophy - looking for clarifications
  5. Trouble shaping and getting away from the power lifter look. large muscle no seperati
  6. Building a huge chest!
  7. Hot tub after workout?
  8. Should i rest or train when you got an injury?
  9. Rate my P/P/L
  10. Second wind - keep on going?
  11. Bulked up - best cycle to get cut
  12. Are My Psych Meds Holding Me Back ? Pics Included
  13. Heavy Weights/Low Reps Vs Light/More Reps?
  14. Slingshot Training Daily Log
  15. Leg volume training vs low reps heavy weight
  16. Anyone know of solid FULL body workout routines similar to AllPros?
  17. Grip and Forearm training
  18. Right side of back bigger than left - Muscle imbalance?
  19. HIIT training help
  20. Body fat maths question.
  21. Tips For Making Gains At A Young Age
  22. Injured back from Deadlifts, any tips on how to recover fast?
  23. New respect for crossfit!
  24. Armageddon
  25. Hamstring help
  26. Arms and Shoulders growth
  27. Long arms
  28. Can't gain mass in arms. Tried everything short of synthol and implants lol
  29. Looking for some workout ideas
  30. Lifting plan for first cycle help
  31. JM Programs to trade
  32. Need advice / tips on my work out routine.
  33. How many days can i lift?
  34. Time off Working out?
  35. My workout: advice welcome
  36. Workout Opinions for Bench Strength
  37. Fat Loss: HIIT or LISS?
  38. What's the best way to train abs
  39. Well finally some proof that we shouldn't be exercising soo much
  40. One Rep Max Charts
  41. New Home Gym Equipment Purchase
  42. Rest periods between sets
  43. Kronik's German Volume Training log
  44. Parkour/ Free Running
  45. push pull leg ?
  46. Which order do you train to increase all of your athletic capabilities?
  47. PPL vs Full Body vs Split
  48. Training for size vs training for strength
  49. Training at 50 years old
  50. Bench press workout (powerlifting)
  51. Best workout split for optimal gains as a natural lifter?
  52. Muscle loss in a week?
  53. Could someone experienced take a look on this P/P/L routine
  54. My progression to a Test E cycle - Hard work naturally FIRST
  55. Best training regime on first cycle Test E - hypertrophy or strength?
  56. 15 1/2 inch arms. lagging chest as well. what am i doing wrong?
  57. Busy schedule- need advice
  58. Adderall prescription/muscle building concern
  59. Free weights vs machines
  60. Stoppani med training, fst-7, 5/3/2 - mass vs mass and strength
  61. Calling all peeps with some mature muscle development
  62. Running Progress
  63. Slingshot
  64. Cryogenic & Normatec Thoughts?
  65. Workout Apps
  66. how do I work out when on Keto? all out?
  67. Critique my routine. Possible recommendations for a new one?
  68. Typical Week of Training
  69. FASTED TRAINING........for cutting......tremendous results
  70. Training chest, shoulders, and legs same day
  71. Functional Training
  72. Need tips and workout routine on cycle
  73. help me find new exercises and change up routine?
  74. Good Program For Improving Deadlift PR?
  75. Test E 250 Winny cycle To bulk or to lean cut?
  76. Continuing working out after sick, do you restart? or continue?
  77. Working out while sick? Your thoughts
  78. How do you train while on gear ?
  79. tough times, or impatient?
  80. I've felt completely exhausted for a week now and I don't know what to do
  81. Energy and Focus required for workout.
  82. Workout for wrestling
  83. Does anyone do fullbody workouts?
  84. Recommend Me A Treadmill
  85. gainz affected by 1 on 1 off?
  86. sprinting
  87. Best way to train abs...
  88. Workout music?
  89. Hello , the best w/o for men 55+
  90. Advice on routine
  91. Please critique my routine
  92. Training post-cycle to shift belly and chest fat
  93. Best way to hit INNER Chest
  94. Electric ab stimulator
  95. Is this a good question or am I stupid?
  96. Struggling to take a break
  97. Shoulder hurts when working out
  98. Braverman Test
  99. Weight Gain
  100. Need assistance with workout-stalling
  101. Need help with training. Using equipment I have.
  102. BEST workout for chest pump
  103. Critique my routine
  104. 18 yr old thinking about cycling
  105. What is your diet/Cardio like when on a cut
  106. Quad workout!!
  107. Tricep training question. Help
  108. Arms 3x a week for growth
  109. Left Shoulder Pain on certain workouts - what to supplement with?
  110. Beginners' gain and weight gain
  111. Knee issues and eventual knee replacemant
  112. Morning Workouts and the juggle with nutrition and suppliments
  113. AM weights PM cardio
  114. How often do you take a week off?
  115. This may not be right, but it's what I've been doing
  116. Asking for advice.
  117. Home Gym Complete !
  118. Routine Critique
  119. Advice on Training Program in regards to a recomping strategy...
  120. LISS cardio
  121. Looking to trade routines?
  122. Not growing anymore. Doesnt matter what I do. Tried everything. Non responsive to aas
  123. Improving recovery time
  124. Am i doing it correctly for bulking
  125. Anyone jump rope?
  126. Recommendations to fix Scapular winging?
  127. Drop set.
  128. Bicep curls.
  129. Anyone Use A Squat Bar?
  130. Workout logging/tracking apps
  131. Legs
  132. Implementing new training with cycle - more rest and HIIT pwo
  133. How long can I take a break from working out for without losing muscle mass?
  134. Starting first cycle, should I change training or add more time ?
  135. Can you cut if you can’t lift?
  136. Is my base good enough?
  137. Finally got my lats sore....
  138. 300 workout challenge - for men
  139. 300 workout challenge - for women
  140. John Meadows Training Programs
  141. Critique My Training Please
  142. John Meadows Training Programs
  143. Making zero gains.
  144. Help with addiction
  145. Training hard = low T ??
  146. How to achieve symmetry
  147. Weak-spot Critique Help
  148. Anyone do Athlean X Max Size?
  149. Insertion soreness?
  150. Training frequency on cycle
  151. Mobility Drills?
  152. Lifting 7 days a week?
  153. Traps every day?
  154. Lighter weight higher reps for muscle growth?
  155. Am i pushing too much for hypertrophy?
  156. Extreme thinking about lifting!
  157. **Official tricep thread**
  158. Body's resistance to anabolic steroids and training
  159. Looking for experienced critique/advice of training/diet/cycle plans
  160. Program Design Volume Difficulty: requesting advice
  161. Cutting for newbie😶
  162. Does anyone train full body
  163. Name this machine
  164. Increasing strength / age effects on strength
  165. **Official chest thread**
  166. Workout and training
  167. I get out of breathe before I get sore
  168. Female cutting program
  169. 5x5 for Olympic wrestling?
  170. Any advice on a workout regimen
  171. I never do 3 sets of 12
  172. What’s your training look like these Days?
  173. What to do post cycle ?
  174. Shin splints
  175. How to fix (minor) scoliosis with exercise?
  176. Sudden drop in strength - no injuries/ sickness
  177. Anti psychotics and increased prolactin.
  178. Squats and front squats all you need?
  179. Workout progress
  180. Heavy or high reps goddamit?
  181. Feeling sore(ish) from prior workout. To lift or not to lift?
  182. Fasted cardio every day or every other day
  183. Side laterals
  184. Nomination for Member of the Year
  185. Different trainer certifications
  186. My stretching routine
  187. those who run for cardio how far do you run?
  188. Hit muscles 2x a week??
  189. Alternate quad/hamstring exercises
  190. Mind-Muscle connection non-dominant side
  191. 60 seconds or 90 seconds rest is best for muscle growth ??
  192. A Recent Study on MPS Showing The Benefit of Longer Rest
  193. Rest Interval Length
  194. Decline bench
  195. Video fun
  196. Cold water treatment
  197. Keep going with your training!
  198. Disc issues
  199. Switching up my routine
  200. Mass building with dumbells/machines + 15-20 two question
  201. One side bigger and stronger than the other
  202. Interest questions about male fitness modelling
  203. Bodybuilding Programs With 30 Minute Workouts?
  204. I have a habit of lifting up my legs in the air when i bench. feels better to me
  205. 19 year old. Starting to lift. Base good?
  206. Basic compounds for overall growth
  207. Hitting muscles twice a week
  208. Discuss exercise and workout tips to enlarge your biceps☝
  209. 8 × 8 Method: The 'honest' workout for bodybuilding monsters
  210. Would like input for a new Quad day routine
  211. Caloric deficit but making gains??
  212. How do you know?
  213. Cardio - 3 times, weights - 2 times a week.
  214. Shoulder press hack
  215. New video
  216. DELT mass builder
  217. Taking on whole body workouts 2-3x a week, THATS IT!
  218. Is this equipment adequate to build chest?
  219. Hex vs convential style deadlifting
  220. Pec Dec
  221. Maximal isometric exercise
  222. Update: my struggle. growth
  223. Opinions on this routine
  224. Slow vs fast reps activation (detailed version)
  225. 1 minite break between sets - tired as hell!
  226. I workout Triceps, biceps and chest 5 times a week
  227. Is it ok to train arms and chest 5 times a week
  228. French press > CGBP
  229. French Press better or Overhead tricep extension
  230. I can only do rope pulldown 30lbs good or bad?
  231. Rpe?
  232. Arm Blast Workout
  233. 3-5 hr workouts
  234. Is overhead dumbell extension enough for triceps?
  235. Growth & recovery on gear questions
  236. Need some help finding alternate exercises please
  237. isolation vs hitting up multiple groups
  238. Hypertrophy specific routine
  239. Training split
  240. Progressing on legs but not chest
  241. Deadlift form(video)
  242. Female program
  243. National Physique Committee (NPC banned from ifbb??
  244. Fitness for women?
  245. Barbell bicep curl and Overhead press: why are both exercises working odd muscles
  246. Reducing tendon / hand pain to optimize training
  247. Looking for the best 3 days a week workout program
  248. Please evaluate and comment about my 3 days workout program
  249. Indoor Cycling
  250. Fat free muscle mass, the cut
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