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  1. That good pain...
  2. Bringin' out the outer sweep
  3. Will This Work?
  4. Chest mass?
  5. Extra layer on belly?
  6. quick question
  7. please critique my leg work out for putting on mass
  8. Thyroid/Test levels
  9. My Triceps SUCK...Need Help..
  10. 30-40 mins on the bag a substitute for cardio?
  11. Re: Starting Back Up
  12. Is crdio that important?...
  13. can't squat?
  14. Lifting while sick?
  15. Combining Training Techniques?
  16. New Routine to maximize TRT
  17. My mass DELT routine.........
  18. total body workouts....cuzz im injured
  19. skullcrushers
  20. Problems Feeling Squats in Quads
  21. wrist straps or wrist hooks???
  22. Need a little help..........
  23. Cardio Basics
  24. too much leg work?
  25. Dorian Yates Style
  26. Romanian Deadlift vs. Semi Stiff-Legged Deadlift vs. Stiff-Legged Deadlift
  27. Internal Rotator Cuff Exercise Discussion
  28. Overemphasis on Deadlifts and Good Mornings Can Lead to a Weak Quadratus Lumborum?
  29. Question
  30. pec tie-in question
  31. number of total sets for biceps
  32. Cycle ergometer question
  33. Critique my shoulder routine please
  34. How important is Rest?
  35. Does BJJ Substitute for a mass building workout?
  36. Lifting while sore.
  37. Ab Asymmetry & Building Mass In The Abs
  38. Question about german block training
  39. Training Plan - Thoughts Please
  40. Mass on tricep
  41. Need a Routine
  42. Plz Help
  43. New to work out but just found out Iam pregnant
  44. Should i change my routine
  45. deadlifts reps and sets
  46. Strengh not Bulk
  47. What is better? 3 or 4
  48. substitute for deadlifts (just for time being)
  49. A.M. or P.M.
  50. Triceps burn on pulldowns
  51. Training DAILY!
  52. Diet/Cardio = No Weight Loss
  53. help with my split
  54. Sharp pain in Bi's 1-2 hrs after workout???
  55. Critiquing Chests
  56. What body part does this exercise mostly target?
  57. Forearms
  58. outer chest
  59. Bike/running
  60. Please tell me HST gets better!
  61. Best Exercise for UPPER CHEST development ???
  62. NSCA Mechanical work theory-Preferential hypertrophy
  63. Wanna try something different
  64. Have we got i wrong...all this time?
  65. RuhlFreak's Training Log
  66. Put together my home gym for under 5k.
  67. curls in forearm even with EZ bar ?
  68. Body Fat scale...........??
  69. Blast lateral tricep head?
  70. Decline bench should i ?
  71. am i overtraining chest and bis?
  72. training split - need help!
  73. need help
  74. looking for a great 5 day split...
  75. Pullovers
  76. My training split
  77. My training split. critique please
  78. Do you train forearms? poll
  79. How do you get this look
  80. chest developed strangly
  81. muscle spasms
  82. Best way to improve chest strength at beginning of bench?
  83. Lagging Quads
  84. GF wants to start working out, need help with training ideas
  85. mass gaining workout
  86. Revamped workout for critique
  87. mass inhibiting cardio
  88. Pullups - How to really feel it in lats?
  89. Anyone Have Guidelines For A Rotator Cuff Program?
  90. too much cardio?
  91. what is the better way....
  92. shoulder exercises questions...
  93. Help W/ Routine
  94. wanna get stronger quicker...
  95. Advantages to Cardio?
  96. How often do you change your routine?
  97. Golf for fat loss.
  98. Schiek Wrist Support/straps Ever Injure Anyones Thumbs
  99. shoulder day question
  100. too much shoulders
  101. my split critique pl0x
  102. Critique my back routine:
  103. Basketball Training
  104. please critique my workout routine!!!
  105. please critique my workout routine!!!
  106. Cardio after eating??
  107. Change in the experience of workout pain
  108. PCT training to keep maximum gains?
  109. Lifting in the Morning
  110. My NEW routine, critique plz
  111. is this too much?
  112. Running and your shoes..........
  113. I Need Someones Help Here!!!
  114. Squats only
  115. Can I gain muscle without gaining weight?
  116. Tricep development - Back and bi's over shadow
  117. workout for my father...
  118. new workout split
  119. Back from injuries - need some help to start
  120. a few questions involving cardio
  121. form?
  122. Workout Critique
  123. enough for back and bi's?
  124. SwoleSquats
  125. Ab Exercises
  126. continuous rope climb
  127. calisthenics
  128. Need Help with Work Out Routine
  129. ANY runners here?
  130. Would Like Some Grading
  132. squat alternatives
  133. workout template
  134. At The Gym Today
  135. Inner Chest
  136. Two sessions?
  137. Msn
  138. muscle twitching????
  139. n00b here looking for some advice
  140. middle delt exercises?
  141. Wider Shoulders!!
  142. How to max
  143. Starting DC method next week
  144. Lifting on Gear
  145. I think there is something wrong with my routine.
  146. Good Mass Builder????
  147. Buddy made a weird statement about WO while on Cycle
  148. Atrophy, getting it back?
  149. Help with arm size?
  150. one more shoulder question..doing it today need quick advice!
  151. Overkill for Arms?
  152. Olympic Lifts
  153. strength/base advice
  154. Help With My Workout
  155. Early morning cardio when you have work at 9:00 a:m
  156. good sore, bad sore, getting sore
  157. need some help
  158. a fresh start
  159. Serratus Anterior and Pecrotalis Major?
  160. half rep bench for strength?
  161. ez bar curls
  162. trying to get a new 3 day workout schedule!!!
  163. Calling All Supporters of Compound Movements
  164. Help with my new workout:
  165. HULKBOYS training log
  166. interval cardio or low intensity while cutting?
  167. bulk exercises
  168. Muscle fibers...change or adapt?
  169. Help With My Workout
  170. do all pro's lift heavy
  171. Any good back mass exercises?
  172. Overtraining
  173. work out advice
  174. Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Squats?
  175. Personal Training: Good job or not? Your thoughts...
  176. lats
  177. effects of sex/ejaculation on workouts
  178. I**, any others on HIT?
  179. Cardio and Leg training?
  180. good workout for swimming
  181. Tri Fit Machine....
  182. Waist size while bulking
  183. New split
  184. Widowmaker's Log
  185. 5 days a week
  186. cardio and cutting Q's
  187. My New Split
  188. i think i messed myself up
  189. Instructional video for power cleans
  190. I**mfkr (please read)
  191. My new split. Wat do yu think?
  192. Bench
  193. Undecided's Offseason Bulking Split
  194. Hes not big he just has a little neck...
  195. off-season cardio for cardiovascular improvement
  196. Turning up the volume on legs.
  197. cheast
  198. arms
  199. Squats - Weekly?
  200. new split
  201. Increasing Weight
  202. Need Cutting workout basics! help pls
  203. Wide grip Pulls not doing it
  204. How did you cut the cost of your personal training cert?
  205. How many cardio sessions while bulking?
  206. need help with split
  207. Help on Workout/ Bench Press!!!
  208. Leg day/hammy question
  209. Possible to work arms 3 times a week?
  210. Is this normal?
  211. Weight Training at Varying Velocities!!
  212. varying weight training velocity!
  213. Working out Chest, Back and Corresponding or Alt?
  214. Delt width Training?
  215. Personal trainers In Orange County
  216. new 5 day split, last one was great...but still looking to improve
  217. I'm confused~!~ Bodybuilder physique vs. powerlifter physique
  218. Working on symmetry
  219. Your OFF Day(s)
  220. HIT Training - Chest/Shoulders/Tri's
  221. Chest Development
  222. Shoulders
  223. Read the board rules!
  224. Mass Deadlift schema?
  225. Hips
  226. pushups and crunches every day?
  227. need some helpful advice
  228. Neck Veins???
  229. new training partner new split thoughts please ?
  230. returning to squats kills
  231. spoke with trainer re: hitting mult. heads
  232. My New Sem-HIIT Routine for Sheer.......
  233. measurements???
  234. My workout for football..critques please
  235. excersises that isolate the horshoe tricep??
  236. workout time
  237. sore body increase my strength to workout!
  238. critique my 4 day sp[lit...
  239. I hurt my right pec benching today
  240. Woohoo, deadlifted 500/5 today, NO STRAPS!!
  241. Preventing long term damage
  242. Workout guide
  243. Cutting Workout
  244. HIT Training - Back/Traps/Bis
  245. Deadlift
  246. chest doesnt look right
  247. How impossible: Bulking after Cutting??
  248. Squat: flat foot or incline-foot?
  249. How good are sprints?
  250. Cardio help
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