- Time Between Cardio Before Lifting
- Twice a Day Routine advice
- fatigue question
- Chest workout help
- What should my heart beat range be for fat burning ?
- Workout rountine
- Can't deadlift or squat :(
- Muay Thai and Hardgaining work out question
- training legs myth but true or nonsense?
- calves/abs on cardio days
- please critique my workout
- Need to burn fat, gain muscle!
- cardio then lifting question
- Muscles sore + taking awhile to recover!
- Routine change, Pre-Cycle?
- Wanna lose chest and stomach fat fast!!!!
- terrible workouts during PCT? craving bad food? lol
- lifting help
- good chest pre exhaustion/ chest workout
- Newbie questions
- Is all weight pushed equal?
- First Cycle workout suggestions
- cutting workout questions
- Bicep
- Big weight = big Muscles?
- what time of the day do you train?
- Training routine alongside first cycle
- confused
- Hit training advocates
- Hiit vs inclined treadmill
- HIIT Training right after weights...
- each muscle 1 time a week or 2?
- Greg Valentino Expelling the Myths
- Hiit after workout...opinions
- How does this upper/lower split look?
- First cycle - Contemplating workout routine
- Does strength gains mean muscle mass gains?
- Biceps not growing
- Good split for keeping gains, staying lean
- Excessive Sweating
- good hamstring workout
- (PICS) Lost a lot of natural gains, lacking chest size and strength. Need a routine.
- Knee and Elbow wraps; recommend them?
- Working a body part once every 7 days (is 3 sets per exercise enough?)
- My split?
- please comment looking for help
- 20 rep squats
- What do you guys think of my routine
- inner upper chest workouts
- What order do you do P90x dvds?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- when could i do cardio???
- new workout routine! could use some input
- Weight lifting routine.
- Overhand grip rows to the chest
- Looking for a HIT routine
- Weighted Pull ups
- 6x a week, Upper Lower split routine
- Building big shoulders!
- Going sumo on the deadlift
- The adonis effect program
- Fat loss routine.
- what is the maximum training i can do
- what to expect from a years hard training ?
- Reverse Arnold Movements
- Natural Fundamentals (what seems to have worked for me)
- Help Required For Gaining
- Dropping BF...
- Can't squat for shit. need help.
- Cursed with poor abs. tips?
- What has been your most succesfull bulking routine on cycle and off?
- is 6 reps the best for building muscle mass
- Help save a life..
- How should I train on PCT?
- Where to go next?
- Help needed!!!!!
- Neck Training
- Cardio before breakfast to cut?
- Broken hand?
- left arm bigger then right arm!
- Ectomorphs and cutting
- Anyone trained using Mentzers HIT?
- Skinny Dude On a Mission
- Same workout for 3 weeks or switch weekly?
- Getting my wisdom teeth out the 9th...
- HELP!!! SSRI's (antidepressants) and MOTIVATION?!
- chest!!! arrrrg
- top five ex. for bigger biceps
- Any advice will help
- Squat Needs Help...
- Back Workouts
- Constant Arch in lower back.
- Feedback on routine rotation.
- AC separation need help about my bench
- Any advice would be awsome!
- **Am I limiting potential for growth **
- getting overboard on overtraining theories
- abdomen question
- whats the best way to burn bodyfat ?
- please comment on my split training programme
- When cutting BF, cut down on some lifts ?
- Leg Press form - lock out?
- Bent Over Barbell Rows - grossly underrated?
- intensity of cardio for fatloss?
- You are having a great time in the gym, high energy, and then..
- FireGuy1 - i need your cardio advice please
- 5x5 with higher frequency!
- Picking a new routine.........thoughts..EDT or AGVT
- Work out-routine
- stuck and confused
- Best training type for advance weight lifters
- natural training programme help !
- Tightening neck area?
- Thoughts on EDT or AGVT
- Diet/Workout question
- Powerlifting VS Bodybuilding
- 65% max heart rate for MAXAMIZING fatloss?
- what do you lot think ?
- heart rate calculation??
- Input on my split/routine (Slingshot based)
- Started using a sleeve and lifts went up
- Lifting Partner or Fly Solo
- unproportion issues
- Overtraining...I am confused, help please
- What do you think of this workout?
- How low?
- Best way to train for MMA
- Question about training 2 times in a day..
- When do you take De-load weeks? How do you incorporate them into cycle?
- Lee Priest Forearms - top 5 forearm exercises?
- beginner here
- Half reps to go beyond failure
- 2X a day cardio - protein shakes after both?
- fixing to start working out at 5am..need help
- Honey while working out....?
- How does this 2x week full body routine look?
- Lower Outer Pec area
- Good exercise to target 'front' of traps?
- too much or spot on ???
- Everything about Super Squats
- arnolds basic training programme look good ??
- fat burning
- Need to change it up, what u think
- change of program?
- 1st timer-Sustanon 250-Don't want to get huge
- the main muscle group split.
- biceps and triceps train same day better or not ?
- Push ups/Pull ups
- HIT question
- critique my 5 day split
- Beach Body Insanity
- New Training Split for more Mass in Legs
- Thoughts on my new 5 by 5 routine
- Deadlift; is this bad form
- My split
- Is P90X Right For Women?
- Ever gotten a compliment when working out?
- vertical leg presses
- Help designing new work-out split
- HIT programs on excel??
- conquer difficulty in Fitness
- calves?
- Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?
- Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?
- Stubborn small calf muscles
- Does anyone else chart their progress?
- Always squat, deadlift and bench?
- New workout
- steve reeves book
- Dead Lifts.........................
- Muscle on women
- cut the cables when trying to buil muscle ???
- Looking for advice and Help
- weight loss in 2months
- how many push-ups can YOU do?
- judge my 4 day split
- Help me with biceps
- 18 yr old training/diet help
- Please critique this 3 days a week push/pull/legs routine
- Behind the head shoulder press
- Only legs!
- please give me your opinion on yhis workout routine
- knee supports/wraps
- full body vs split
- Abs
- Losing weight (fat) that was gained quickly
- Changing up my workout
- post your 4 days splits
- Cardio workout.
- Wider Chest?, Bigger Legs?
- just finished first cycle...
- bodybuilding/powerlifting week combo. what you think ?
- I Hate my Genetics
- anybody else ditch bulking/cutting and just try to look good year round?
- anyone else think hammer curls are a waste of time?
- Advice Needed! Injury during cycle. Workout question
- Chronic Fatigue! Help?
- Critique my new 4day split - pix included
- My best ever workout!
- Critique my new 6 day split
- pecs question
- can my max bench go up 20-30kg in a year ?
- Newcomer, young man who really needs guiding please!
- Morning or evening?
- Legs unbearable...???
- those weird vibrating platforms..?
- Do you increase or decrease weight after each set?
- The infamous lat 'V' taper
- Working on the lower chest, any ideas?
- Home gym, yay or nay?
- Book - Huge In A Hurry by Chad Waterbury
- New to bodybuilding but experianced with weights
- How to get better sized calves
- Rookie looking for critique on 4 day split
- Archangel.'s OFFICIAL Q & A Thread
- Need critique for my workout plan.
- Anyone else running 5/3/1?
- My current work out plan, critique appreciated
- Old Timer finally Figures out Squats!
- Day is REALLY off!
- Big back
- Bench press and wearing gloves?
- help me with my workout and nutrition
- Training too much!
- Splitting legs?
- Anyone want a family and friends discount for LA finess?
- Some great techniques for Newbies
- Critique this routine?
- Routine for 2nd cycle. Critique please.
- Arms work out question
- How to get my bench up
- Over training???
- Dorian Yates Chest Techniques
- Best equipment for abs?
- Best Equipment for lower back?
- sleep
- Offseason shoulder routine (fast replies plz)
- good or not?
- Designing a nice weekly routine
- My workout, help appreciated please!?
- In Season Workout Help (On cycle)
- Slingshot training
- Outdoor Hardcore Training?
- deadlifts amd squats....
- New routine
- HIT/FST-7 Hybrid ?'s
- squats and deads the same day?
- Degree of Incline Debate
- New Routine
- Inbalance
- Help & Motivation!

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