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  1. Time Between Cardio Before Lifting
  2. Twice a Day Routine advice
  3. fatigue question
  4. Chest workout help
  5. What should my heart beat range be for fat burning ?
  6. Workout rountine
  7. Can't deadlift or squat :(
  8. Muay Thai and Hardgaining work out question
  9. training legs myth but true or nonsense?
  10. calves/abs on cardio days
  11. please critique my workout
  12. Need to burn fat, gain muscle!
  13. cardio then lifting question
  14. Muscles sore + taking awhile to recover!
  15. Routine change, Pre-Cycle?
  16. Wanna lose chest and stomach fat fast!!!!
  17. terrible workouts during PCT? craving bad food? lol
  18. lifting help
  19. good chest pre exhaustion/ chest workout
  20. Newbie questions
  21. Is all weight pushed equal?
  22. First Cycle workout suggestions
  23. cutting workout questions
  24. Bicep
  25. Big weight = big Muscles?
  26. what time of the day do you train?
  27. Training routine alongside first cycle
  28. confused
  29. Hit training advocates
  30. Hiit vs inclined treadmill
  31. HIIT Training right after weights...
  32. each muscle 1 time a week or 2?
  33. Greg Valentino Expelling the Myths
  34. Hiit after workout...opinions
  35. How does this upper/lower split look?
  36. First cycle - Contemplating workout routine
  37. Does strength gains mean muscle mass gains?
  38. Biceps not growing
  39. Good split for keeping gains, staying lean
  40. Excessive Sweating
  41. good hamstring workout
  42. (PICS) Lost a lot of natural gains, lacking chest size and strength. Need a routine.
  43. Knee and Elbow wraps; recommend them?
  44. Working a body part once every 7 days (is 3 sets per exercise enough?)
  45. My split?
  46. please comment looking for help
  47. 20 rep squats
  48. What do you guys think of my routine
  49. inner upper chest workouts
  50. What order do you do P90x dvds?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  51. when could i do cardio???
  52. new workout routine! could use some input
  53. Weight lifting routine.
  54. Overhand grip rows to the chest
  55. Looking for a HIT routine
  56. Weighted Pull ups
  57. 6x a week, Upper Lower split routine
  58. Building big shoulders!
  59. Going sumo on the deadlift
  60. The adonis effect program
  61. Fat loss routine.
  62. what is the maximum training i can do
  63. what to expect from a years hard training ?
  64. Reverse Arnold Movements
  65. Natural Fundamentals (what seems to have worked for me)
  66. Help Required For Gaining
  67. Dropping BF...
  68. Can't squat for shit. need help.
  69. Cursed with poor abs. tips?
  70. What has been your most succesfull bulking routine on cycle and off?
  71. is 6 reps the best for building muscle mass
  72. Help save a life..
  73. How should I train on PCT?
  74. Where to go next?
  75. Help needed!!!!!
  76. Neck Training
  77. Cardio before breakfast to cut?
  78. Broken hand?
  79. left arm bigger then right arm!
  80. Ectomorphs and cutting
  81. Anyone trained using Mentzers HIT?
  82. Skinny Dude On a Mission
  83. Same workout for 3 weeks or switch weekly?
  84. Getting my wisdom teeth out the 9th...
  85. HELP!!! SSRI's (antidepressants) and MOTIVATION?!
  86. chest!!! arrrrg
  87. top five ex. for bigger biceps
  88. Any advice will help
  89. Squat Needs Help...
  90. Back Workouts
  91. Constant Arch in lower back.
  92. Feedback on routine rotation.
  93. AC separation need help about my bench
  94. Any advice would be awsome!
  95. **Am I limiting potential for growth **
  96. getting overboard on overtraining theories
  97. abdomen question
  98. whats the best way to burn bodyfat ?
  99. please comment on my split training programme
  100. When cutting BF, cut down on some lifts ?
  101. Leg Press form - lock out?
  102. Bent Over Barbell Rows - grossly underrated?
  103. intensity of cardio for fatloss?
  104. You are having a great time in the gym, high energy, and then..
  105. FireGuy1 - i need your cardio advice please
  106. 5x5 with higher frequency!
  107. Picking a new routine.........thoughts..EDT or AGVT
  108. Work out-routine
  109. stuck and confused
  110. Best training type for advance weight lifters
  111. natural training programme help !
  112. Tightening neck area?
  113. Thoughts on EDT or AGVT
  114. Diet/Workout question
  115. Powerlifting VS Bodybuilding
  116. 65% max heart rate for MAXAMIZING fatloss?
  117. what do you lot think ?
  118. heart rate calculation??
  119. Input on my split/routine (Slingshot based)
  120. Started using a sleeve and lifts went up
  121. Lifting Partner or Fly Solo
  122. unproportion issues
  123. Overtraining...I am confused, help please
  124. What do you think of this workout?
  125. How low?
  126. Best way to train for MMA
  127. Question about training 2 times in a day..
  128. When do you take De-load weeks? How do you incorporate them into cycle?
  129. Lee Priest Forearms - top 5 forearm exercises?
  130. beginner here
  131. Half reps to go beyond failure
  132. 2X a day cardio - protein shakes after both?
  133. fixing to start working out at 5am..need help
  134. Honey while working out....?
  135. How does this 2x week full body routine look?
  136. Lower Outer Pec area
  137. Good exercise to target 'front' of traps?
  138. too much or spot on ???
  139. Everything about Super Squats
  140. arnolds basic training programme look good ??
  141. fat burning
  142. Need to change it up, what u think
  143. change of program?
  144. 1st timer-Sustanon 250-Don't want to get huge
  145. the main muscle group split.
  146. biceps and triceps train same day better or not ?
  147. Push ups/Pull ups
  148. HIT question
  149. critique my 5 day split
  150. Beach Body Insanity
  151. New Training Split for more Mass in Legs
  152. Thoughts on my new 5 by 5 routine
  153. Deadlift; is this bad form
  154. My split
  155. Is P90X Right For Women?
  156. Ever gotten a compliment when working out?
  157. vertical leg presses
  158. Help designing new work-out split
  159. HIT programs on excel??
  160. conquer difficulty in Fitness
  161. calves?
  162. Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?
  163. Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?
  164. Stubborn small calf muscles
  165. Does anyone else chart their progress?
  166. Always squat, deadlift and bench?
  167. New workout
  168. steve reeves book
  169. Dead Lifts.........................
  170. Muscle on women
  171. cut the cables when trying to buil muscle ???
  172. Looking for advice and Help
  173. weight loss in 2months
  174. how many push-ups can YOU do?
  175. judge my 4 day split
  176. Help me with biceps
  177. 18 yr old training/diet help
  178. Please critique this 3 days a week push/pull/legs routine
  179. Behind the head shoulder press
  180. Only legs!
  181. please give me your opinion on yhis workout routine
  182. knee supports/wraps
  183. full body vs split
  184. Abs
  185. Losing weight (fat) that was gained quickly
  186. Changing up my workout
  187. post your 4 days splits
  188. Cardio workout.
  189. Wider Chest?, Bigger Legs?
  190. just finished first cycle...
  191. bodybuilding/powerlifting week combo. what you think ?
  192. I Hate my Genetics
  193. anybody else ditch bulking/cutting and just try to look good year round?
  194. anyone else think hammer curls are a waste of time?
  195. Advice Needed! Injury during cycle. Workout question
  196. Chronic Fatigue! Help?
  197. Critique my new 4day split - pix included
  198. My best ever workout!
  199. Critique my new 6 day split
  200. pecs question
  201. can my max bench go up 20-30kg in a year ?
  202. Newcomer, young man who really needs guiding please!
  203. Morning or evening?
  204. Legs unbearable...???
  205. those weird vibrating platforms..?
  206. Do you increase or decrease weight after each set?
  207. The infamous lat 'V' taper
  208. Working on the lower chest, any ideas?
  209. Home gym, yay or nay?
  210. Book - Huge In A Hurry by Chad Waterbury
  211. New to bodybuilding but experianced with weights
  212. How to get better sized calves
  213. Rookie looking for critique on 4 day split
  214. Archangel.'s OFFICIAL Q & A Thread
  215. Need critique for my workout plan.
  216. Anyone else running 5/3/1?
  217. My current work out plan, critique appreciated
  218. Old Timer finally Figures out Squats!
  219. Day is REALLY off!
  220. Big back
  221. Bench press and wearing gloves?
  222. help me with my workout and nutrition
  223. Training too much!
  224. Splitting legs?
  225. Anyone want a family and friends discount for LA finess?
  226. Some great techniques for Newbies
  227. Critique this routine?
  228. Routine for 2nd cycle. Critique please.
  229. Arms work out question
  230. How to get my bench up
  231. Over training???
  232. Dorian Yates Chest Techniques
  233. Best equipment for abs?
  234. Best Equipment for lower back?
  235. sleep
  236. Offseason shoulder routine (fast replies plz)
  237. good or not?
  238. Designing a nice weekly routine
  239. My workout, help appreciated please!?
  240. In Season Workout Help (On cycle)
  241. Slingshot training
  242. Outdoor Hardcore Training?
  243. deadlifts amd squats....
  244. New routine
  245. HIT/FST-7 Hybrid ?'s
  246. squats and deads the same day?
  247. Degree of Incline Debate
  248. New Routine
  249. Inbalance
  250. Help & Motivation!
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