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  1. Question about Heart Rate and calories
  2. Best/fav cardio equip?
  3. Trap Help
  4. triceps!! please respond!!
  5. need new chest workout
  6. Out of proportion legs..
  7. Lats And Shoulders Help Please!!
  8. mass for chest
  9. over training???
  10. Tingling throughout the arms?
  11. military press
  12. Bruises from standing calf machine
  13. Beginner Tips (Basic Leg workouts)
  14. splitting your workout
  15. Do you have this problem?
  16. HARD GAINER who needs to GAIN
  17. question about cardio
  18. chest help please
  19. I need Help!! Pain!!!
  20. workout question?
  21. 5 Keys To Building Serious Muscle
  22. Cable Crossovers
  23. 2 shoulder presses necessary
  24. workout question
  25. Burning muscles at my age?
  26. Am I a total idiot?
  27. high or low reps
  28. I hate my calves
  29. shoulders help
  30. My training regime...
  31. please help me. i think im dying
  32. I've switched my routine up - and I'm feeling the results :)
  33. Any ideas on pre-workout energizer?
  34. how often shoul i workout abs?
  35. chewing tabacco
  36. Wrist/forearm pain
  37. whats wrong with me? im always sweating?
  38. what to do for traps
  39. Anabolic review`s own guide to training. Good enough?
  40. Need Help!
  41. How to measure biceps?
  42. ? thinking about a new work out
  43. question
  44. Beginner, is this too much?
  45. what is a good pre juice work out???
  46. spare tire a problem?
  47. Ok so I got through the 1st step....
  48. cardio question
  49. How Do You Workout The Middle Back???
  50. Beginner Tip (Forearm Growth!)
  51. Traps with back or shoulder workout?
  52. what should I change
  53. How do I get rid of the fat behind my nipples?
  54. Invincible??
  55. Need a new routine
  56. Good Alternative to Weighted Dips?
  57. How do you change your workout for cutting cycle?
  58. Squats To Natural Growth Hormone Production
  59. Need help with chest
  60. building bulk?
  61. shoulder workout
  62. bulked with chest problem
  63. A begginers guide to bulking
  64. How to do the Top Abdominal Exercises Correctly
  65. trap pain
  66. measurements for tall guys
  67. Swiss Ball Presses
  68. bad back but must do heavy squats
  69. Training log software !!
  70. Fighter needs help
  71. swimming for cardio?
  72. Quick question
  73. Arnold Splits
  74. Shoulder Front raises
  75. Squats or front squats?
  76. OK everyone give me their .02
  77. Tendinitis
  78. I ran a mile!
  79. Target heart vrs. resting heart rate
  80. Training Partner in Brooklyn, NY
  81. over training my back
  82. Help with traps?
  83. Problems with my current split, need advice and critique...
  84. squatting speed
  85. wanna bet?
  86. Collarbone trouble?
  87. Need Advice About Roid Workout
  88. exercises for glutes
  89. overtraining????
  90. Incline Bench
  91. confused?
  92. A comprehensive guide to cutting
  93. What do you feel like after you have trained you legs?
  94. Lacking workout intensity?
  95. seated cable rows?
  96. Critique my routine please
  97. Not getting sore after a workout
  98. Adding mass to shoulders w/out bb or db press???
  99. why i train 3 days per week heavy and intense
  100. How Far?
  101. Needing push-ups,sit-ups routine advice
  102. need advice please read
  103. Need Better Lats
  104. Interval cardio - does it work for you?
  105. abs working in a cutting cycle
  106. your cardio best results?
  107. your help on 4 final weeks of cutting cycle please
  108. Trying to BULK- But stomach's feeling a bit SOFT!! HELP!!!
  109. first meal after cardio
  110. myostatin question
  111. Do you think my size is pretty normal?
  112. How Much Do u Think the Wreslers Bench n Squat??
  113. Ideas
  114. Overtraining
  115. Howz this routine looking ???
  116. Had the Best Leg Workout EVER!!!!!!!
  117. tricep development
  118. First workout at regular gym and boy am A hurtin
  119. Fact or Fiction.... please help!!!
  120. Arms are cramped help! WTF is goin on?
  121. Building Quads without leg extensions...help!!!
  122. Craziest thing happened....
  123. Endomorph help
  124. Whats a good shoulder routine
  125. Straight barbell curls vs ez-barbell curls
  126. question about bigkevs workout.
  127. lower lats !!!!!
  128. Legs lagging HEEUUUGGGE!
  129. Workout stamina
  130. bulking up on chest
  131. cardio problem while on a cutting cycle,info bros
  132. The Best Songs To Workout Too?
  133. extra workouts on juice????
  134. Best Kind of Music To Work Out To Poll
  135. weight lifting and your heart beat
  136. help me with cardio
  137. Weightless Work Outs
  138. Bicepts slow to grow
  139. toe IN vs toe OUT?
  140. Sore Legs
  141. individual muscle mass exercises
  142. 6 best ab exercises
  143. name of that curl belt/bar?
  144. Redbull before a workout, Who drinks them???
  145. is this work out routine any good? help
  146. My 1-AD/NO2 experiences thus far
  147. Donkey raises
  148. Anyone ever notice...
  149. bulking question
  150. Building calves with no weight?!
  151. Traps!
  152. Fux-In the newest Flex
  153. my workout (plz comment/help)
  154. Need some real good arm workouts
  155. New guy, needin' help.
  156. Coffee while during a workout?????
  157. Craziest workout you have ever done
  158. regimens
  159. 40 mg var
  160. Aww shyt do i have gyno??
  161. love handles
  162. shoulder injury...HELP!
  163. Attn:powerlifters
  164. Best calf workouts
  165. end of my cutting cycle:your help please
  166. Need Some Help With My Chest
  167. Got the abs but i got the waist too help!!!!!!!!
  168. Important question here!
  169. New memeber
  170. New memeber
  171. back/biceps advice
  172. Mass workout
  173. skull crushers
  174. Beginner Tip (Proper form chest, back)
  175. Bicep Cut
  176. can anyone do big kevs w/out?
  177. Need Help Creating a Routine
  178. Who is right here?
  179. I need help with legs...
  180. dumbells or barbell?
  181. Smaller Hips
  182. shocking development-- new routine
  183. Knee Supports while squatting?
  184. Power lifting VS Normal lifting
  185. is it possible to move up on bench without going til failure?
  186. forearms
  187. pullovers
  188. Help with Squats for tall guys
  189. bench press....
  190. tricep help
  191. inner pec
  192. Does AS make you work out harder?
  193. forearm pains
  194. Advice needed, please reply
  195. advice needed please reply
  196. how much cardio?
  197. abs question
  198. Lower Abs Question
  199. Taking a week off?
  200. perfect diet for a cutting cycle
  201. How many reps is enough?
  202. Bruising on the wrist after workout?
  203. Efficient Creation of A Six Pack
  204. Thanks to everyone
  205. All u guys having forearm pain, check this out
  206. How accurate are these?
  207. Asians.......is it true???
  208. How big are your ankles and wrists?
  209. All followers of big kevs routine
  210. UGH... Injured, need help.
  211. when i curl my dumbell of 30lbs in one hand my wrist area hurts. whats wrong?
  212. Machine help urgent
  213. Cigerettes and The Steriod Bible
  214. what cuts best?
  215. Warming Up!!!
  216. Warming Up!!!
  217. cardio ?'s
  218. neck
  219. shoulders workout help
  220. Working Out Twice A Day?
  221. Routine for Female
  222. dominant side bigger
  223. hammer strength machines are they good for starting up?
  224. how to cut without lossing weight
  225. bodyfat formula does it exist?
  226. Is this true?
  227. Ace
  228. Competition training program
  229. Workout routine counterproductive?
  230. need a new routine
  231. New routine, help me out
  232. Squat Problem
  233. Rotator Cuff Exercises (Jobes)
  234. is it o.k. to do cardio in the morning and workout in the afternoon?
  235. Giant Set Your Way to Great Legs
  236. DB rows
  237. Slow reps are Fast reps?
  239. Beginner Tip (Emphasize the Negative)
  240. Why Are My Workouts Suffering?
  241. Increased workouts on AAS?!? Please help!?!
  242. bodyparts-once or twice per week
  243. has enyone read this?????????
  244. cardo is this ok
  245. ab routine
  246. what should i do?
  247. Is AR's workout program any good?
  248. Hey Guys Wanna Get Stronger??
  249. sore for too long?
  250. Morning workouts raising infection risk
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