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  1. Workout critique
  2. routine for hitting each muscle once per week
  3. Johnny Jim's Training Log
  4. New workout plan?
  5. How long is your workout?!
  6. Fasted cardio on cycle
  7. How much cardio can I do without losing gains?
  8. Right foot turns out when I squat
  9. Squatting and foot placement.
  10. Training off cycle
  11. help: training frequency..
  12. Weighted Clothing
  13. Staying hydrated!
  14. Whats your favourite Workout Split and Rep/sets on compounds ? :)
  15. is strength relevant to muscle size?
  16. Love handles
  17. Plan or wing your workouts?
  18. Muscle soreness
  19. BPak
  20. Bad Genetics?
  21. posterior pelvic tilt when squatting
  22. ectomorph?
  23. I want to focus on my martial arts and not got any bigger or smaller, help
  24. The 1-2 pounds of lean muscle a year rule
  25. starting a log
  26. How to Grow hamstrings
  27. Strength loss when cutting up
  28. the Close grip bench press
  29. How often?
  30. Any thoughts and comments on yoga ?
  31. Making progress...
  32. Elbow injury
  33. How I hit biceps
  34. 5X5 Workout Off Days
  35. Straps
  36. road to a 450 squat
  37. interview with Kelkel now posted
  38. RETURNING TO GYM after a 1-1/2 year Hiatus..INPUT!?
  39. Smith machine to improve barbell workouts
  40. help
  41. Puking after every workout???
  42. When women say " I want to Tone up"
  43. Training and cycling
  44. Types of lifting
  45. Review: Animal Flex vitamin packs
  46. 30 Mins Of Jogging Everyday + Lifting Enough for Fat Loss?
  47. Who Here Takes "Roid-Vacations" in Thailand or Mexico? Give Me Some Pointers
  48. Improve in squats
  49. Back blaster
  50. deadlift grip
  51. Hypertrophy help
  52. I found a page claim to lose 20lbs fat in 12 weeks... Please review
  53. how busy is your gym now?
  54. Is there a difference?
  55. Anyone please help me with my Push Pull Leg or give me a little advance one (pics)
  56. Gluts exercises??
  57. Good habits to get into at the gym...
  58. Cardio equipment etiquette
  59. I thought a break helps you recover and come back stronger?
  60. This year
  61. workout plan
  62. Recommendations On A Belt
  63. servere muscle cramps..
  64. please
  65. Does The NASM exam have a lot of OPT model questions?
  66. Supplements for football players (Wr). PEDs?
  67. should i change my workout routine after cycle ? ( long post ahead i am still a noob)
  68. Training routine help
  69. Is this a good method for progressive overload
  70. Thoughts?
  71. My first push legs pull routine
  72. crazy leg workout
  73. 2xBW on deadlifts good?
  74. Would you say this is over stimulating legs?
  75. both elbows have sharp pain ? Don't think it is Hyper-Extented elbow and knots elbow?
  76. Keep pulling muscles in my back/neck
  77. cardio & leg options
  78. Who's Training their Mug ?
  79. over training
  80. New to bodybuilding, help!
  81. Favourite cardio routines??
  82. On cycle how hard to train?
  83. Chest: Dumbbell press or Barbell press?
  84. Rhomboid isolation
  85. help please
  86. Are Muscles Supposed to hurt?
  87. A good rule of thumb for rest between sets!
  88. bar placement for squats
  89. Off and On days in the gym
  90. squats 5 x 5
  91. Training advice!!
  92. Improving your Bench......at any level
  93. How much weight to gain per week for natty lean bulking?
  94. Aaaaaah WTF
  95. Training through pain and types of pain
  96. Forearms
  97. Training while sick
  98. Weak Bench
  99. Compound workout routine 3 day split -ectomorph
  100. best/effective exercises for lower abs?
  101. The effect of rest between sets
  102. Please review my workout schedule
  103. hypertrophy for calfs
  104. ounce a week or twice?????
  105. How to fix this muscle imbalance?
  106. Wrestling season is upon us
  107. Would like a little boost on my cut, what can I take? (Supplement wise)
  108. Uneven, asymmetrical body problems..
  109. Training Routine Critique
  110. hitting every muscle twice a week
  111. Frequency
  112. Leg Press changes and related pain
  113. GVT 101 My Way: A Simple Guide to Building Mass
  114. Pull ups
  115. One arm upright row
  116. How do bodybuilders improve isolated muscles?
  117. Gaining leg mass with bad genetics
  118. Whats your trianing style
  119. recereational drugs and bb
  120. Not clear on how Cortosiol & Prolactin build up causes earlier failiur. Plz advise
  121. Bar slipping?
  122. Periodization
  123. Back training
  124. The mental mind zone / are you trianing hard enough
  125. Opinions??
  126. 8-6-6-4-2- or 3x3 ot 5x3 to build strength/mass?
  127. Explosive lifting is better for hypertrophy
  128. Deadlift Variations
  129. Parts of my light chest day workout
  130. I skipped a week of gym and I feel ashamed (Advice Needed)
  131. Should I deadlift with a fake hip?
  132. German Volume Training Progress?
  133. Isolated Neck Exercises......................................... ......
  134. Strengthening your entire core is not only crucial for sculpting a flat stomach
  135. Crossfit
  136. Frequent Muscle Pulls
  137. My advice to beginner lifters.
  138. This routine look good?
  139. Do stomach vacuums work?
  140. Changed up my workout split. Sore as hell...
  141. leg routine?
  142. Squat shoes
  143. Is this routine good ?
  144. Bicep pain?
  145. My light shoulders workout video
  146. What amount of muscle should i expect to keep
  147. Working out 6 days a week...
  148. Bench Press
  149. Opinions on this routine
  150. triceps lagging..?
  151. is this a good routine
  152. Best trap exercise?
  153. Training for endurance event while on dbol + test e
  154. Steady state cardio is dead!
  155. I am tired guys please help me
  156. If today was your off day you suck!!!
  157. overtraining shoulders?
  158. workout plan for gaining ?
  159. Brutal honesty please
  160. How much rest ?
  161. Is my treadmill full of shit???
  162. Pulled wisdom tooth
  163. just finishing with my 1st cycle and pct
  164. 2 routines?
  165. free gym with smith machine or pay for a gym with a squat rack?
  166. Any risks/issues working out after bloodwork?
  167. Workout plan during cycle
  168. Unbearable DOMS
  169. Critique?
  170. Training and varying levels of soreness
  171. One or two muscles at a time during cycle?
  172. The Hercules WorkOut
  173. Cardio before or after weights?
  174. Critique routine for building strength
  175. Great deal on Bowflex adjustable dumbbels, best Ive found
  176. Is this a good routine ?
  177. First cycle (Test-p/Tren-A) + PICS ((HELP))
  178. 1/1/14 I was 180 lbs now I am 228 lbs. couple questions for anyone who has the time
  179. stay with program or start new with new cycle
  180. Handi-capable routine help?
  181. Ruckmarching/backpacking/hiking
  182. Split for 6 days a week?
  183. Lat exercise
  184. Working out for size gains
  185. weight gainer
  186. What is a good replacement for bar rows?
  187. Is there a certain program/routine for lifting for looking like fitness model ?
  188. Novice Chest/Biceps Question
  189. Triceps activation, overhead presses for long head?
  190. Why inmates are so jacked>>
  191. Sweating a lot in the gym...
  192. Bench Press Time Under Tension
  193. cutting my workouts too short ?
  194. Gym equipment
  195. Rountine Question
  196. bcaa's
  197. 3-2-1 method opinions please
  198. How many include at least 40 minutes of moderate cardio in their training?
  199. Am I overtrainning?
  200. can someone guess my bodyfat please..
  201. Do squats get you high?
  202. Breathing
  203. Caloric intake and exercise questions
  204. working out at night
  205. Chest Workout with Shoulder Pain
  206. Strict workout plan or change it up every workout?
  207. Should I be sore
  208. 3 days on 1 day off too much training ?
  209. Thoughts on having a training coach?
  210. 2 days on 1 day off split what you guys think ?
  211. New workout routines
  212. Y3T any feedback...
  213. Foam Roller
  214. Calves every day?
  215. How many sets do you guys recommend?
  216. Lifting
  217. Time under tension
  218. workout suggestion for travel and limited equipment
  219. I feel lost lately and lack a routine.
  220. Muscle imbalance in the lower back?
  221. Are biceps worth it??
  222. How to build legs with a Fake hip?
  223. to failure
  224. 1 week Shredding Routine
  225. Training intensity during cycle?
  226. Conditioning.........instead of cardio HIIT......Bad knees
  227. In your opinion what is an EFFECTIVE amount of sets and repetitions?
  228. anyone watch crossfit games?
  229. Novice need some help with my training routine
  230. Upper/Lower FB
  231. Advice needed on what to take for more strength for Rock climbing.
  232. Bowflex
  233. Rock climbing, want to compete, need some opinions.
  234. I am finished with Cardio
  235. Can you get big on rippetoes SS program alone?
  236. Just looking for yea(s) and neh(s)
  237. What to eat post workout, late night
  238. deadlifts essential when you want to build the best back you can ?
  239. On Cycle, I get very little/no soreness. Rest days?
  240. Gut while bulking
  241. Is this muscle split fine? Please read
  242. 10x10 bench challenge
  243. Critique This Please
  244. powertraining and hypertrophy all in one weeks traning okay to do ?
  245. Back pain after squatting
  246. Obstacle Course Protection for knees
  247. Thickening the torso
  248. Training for strength on cycle?
  249. Cardio. What is considered too much cardio when on a cut.
  250. cardio timing for cutting
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