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  1. Tried a new exercise the other night......
  2. The New High Intensity Workout ...By ellington Darden
  3. Please critique my split you guys
  4. HIT help....Please.
  5. Most Effective Shoulder Workouts
  6. 60%-70% Mhr?????????
  7. Strength gains while cutting?
  8. squats
  9. muscle loss
  10. heavy curls/ light concentration curls ???
  11. How much cardio?
  12. kickass calve exercise
  13. Doggcrapp
  14. Massive Lower Body w/o Weight Lifting.
  15. lat workouts
  16. MOtivation
  17. cardio: how many times??
  18. --help with running-- my fatass needs to get in shape!!!
  19. Help With New Split, Need To Add Legs And Incline Bench
  20. Loosing weight, help please
  21. Sore muscles.
  22. Getting stronger, but no size
  23. please comment on new routine
  24. 5 to 6 daya week workouts
  25. Critique My workout
  26. 2 months...can i do it?
  27. Need a good routine for arm day
  28. i think that I have discovered my flaw.
  29. My "strength loss, need it back" log
  30. Bicep Curl Question
  31. Trying to gain width on Biceps
  32. Squat help!
  33. How do you fel after cardio?
  34. Lagging shoulders, bad.
  35. Where Can I Get A York Power Station 3000 ?
  36. Any of you bros go twice a day?
  37. Overtraining
  38. Help with Abs?
  39. deads
  40. What do you think?
  41. Chest split
  42. Lower Back Pain???
  43. help with deltoids
  44. Specific Trap Development Question
  45. Form on Inlcline BARBELL press
  46. >> MEDIAL DELTOID << struggled for years with it, can you help?
  47. Hammer curls
  48. Cardio question
  49. Bench Press versus bodyweigh
  50. If You Bench 350 + pounds....
  51. Back Workout: Which is Better
  52. New Workout, any help would be much appr.
  53. Anyone ever do grip work during cardio?
  54. Front Delts sore after Chest workout
  55. Trying unusual routine, what do you think?
  56. Chest twice a week?
  57. back mass
  58. improving weaknesses
  59. need some quick help
  60. Need a simple answer. Can I lose fat and still gain strength?
  61. diet + routine needs some help
  62. Training routine while on Phera plex
  63. much needed training info
  64. Morning cardio...Hit it immediately or wait 1 hour
  65. POLL: Leg workout, Bike Ride, or both?
  66. AM cardio heart-rate question.
  67. HIT Workout Routine?
  68. getting to 70% MHR
  69. Bicep, wrong pump?
  70. Bench Press Advice
  71. awful feeling during workout
  72. Bad back
  73. Workout Logs
  74. Please Critique my Post Cycle Power Workout
  75. old style hack-squats w/ barbell
  76. Cardio and Basketball
  77. Squat Variation Question
  78. Workout opinions requested:
  79. Anyone do Squat-Lifts?
  80. Need Help with definition and bigger arms/abs
  81. Gained 40 lbs.... time to cut.... workout routine still okay?
  82. when im on steroids???
  83. Workout/Cardio
  84. A Good Bicep Burn
  85. Personal Trainers forum??
  86. freeweights vs. bowflex(machines)??
  87. Why is Cardio so Important while bulking?
  88. Time to cut. Should I do CaRDiO???
  89. Non weight training
  90. Non weight training
  91. Best Time to Stretch?
  92. My new cardio workout.
  93. Need insights on Circuit Program
  94. abs....wtf!?
  95. lean mass routine
  96. At a plateau...
  97. is this an imbalance??
  98. Negative Pullups?
  99. i am good to g
  100. need some feedback on my training?!!!
  101. Squats:parallel or ass to grass?
  102. Need Major Help With My Chest
  103. Who says high rep bicep training wont put some solid size on your guns?
  104. anyone here heard of Crossfit
  105. lifting routine while on GEAR
  106. A quality Stayinstacked workout tip
  107. y?
  108. Need help
  109. Overtraining?! (routine posted inside)
  110. What causes excessive gas from working out?
  111. Holy crap what happened here! 30 rep hack squats...
  112. Ouch!, Butterflys!
  113. my workout. plz critque.
  114. workout critique plz
  115. shoulders hurt when doing incline dbs??
  116. Mental block on bench press
  117. Plateau..Can My Body Just Not Do Anymore?
  118. building stamina quick and easy
  119. Hey Bro's Please Critique My Work Out
  120. Should you take a week OFF from training once in a while??
  121. Help Me Please!!!
  122. Sloping pec 'syndrome' - Help with the upper pec
  123. Once A Week v. Twice a Week
  124. Question about Traing Methods?
  125. self spot
  126. wrist locks or wraps?
  127. Lets get it going! (Help needed)
  128. Cardio And Abs??
  129. Benching on the Floor
  130. Belt for deads?
  131. i have no chest or bi's!!!!!
  132. Overtraining or just increase in test levels?
  133. Where can I find a PT that will put me through my paces
  134. Dumbell Press only! why no Bench?
  135. BACK DAY...too many sets??
  136. Need help! need some imput
  137. training five days verses 3 on and 2
  138. target heart rate?
  139. Extreme Weight Loss - PLEASE Help
  140. Iron mans HIT program, whos all tried it?
  141. tips for width
  142. How Hard Is It To 70% MHR?
  143. Critique my new Workout
  144. dumbell presses vs millitary press
  145. Leg Focus - Vastus Lateralis
  146. Getting rid of the gut
  147. Taking all sets to failure
  148. WARNING...Don't do what I Did..
  149. Does anyone know anything about the 5x5 program?
  150. No biceps? :-(
  151. bulk b4 dieting or not?
  152. Knee problems from Squats
  153. cardio day after leg training...
  154. question about deadlifts and squats
  155. Wrist problem
  156. good company for cardio equipment
  157. working five days verses 3 days
  158. Breathing and Squatting: Never got it down!
  159. Calling out DFHT users!
  160. Shoulder Pain While Working Chest
  161. EXTREME WEIGHT LOSS - Progress Log
  162. Helium3's workout routine!
  163. Thin Wrists
  164. Chest6's Workout Log
  165. Need help with chest development
  166. Chest Help
  167. Cardio on Test?
  168. My new Ironman HIT routine
  169. Shoulder joints get sore before Im finished with chest WO
  170. Proper bench press form
  171. New PR
  172. Should leg day really be this bad?
  173. Cardio after Weight Training?
  174. My chest is out of proportion
  175. West side training?
  176. Cardio First thing in the morning
  177. Work abs harder, bigger gut?
  178. Morning cardio at 140 BPM useless?
  179. chest w/o. too much?
  180. Is there any lift
  181. injury workout help
  182. Free benches vs smith machine
  183. Push-ups/pull Ups
  184. AB Lounge ?
  185. Lifting At Night
  186. 5x5
  187. Calf Building Question
  188. going from 5 to 3day routine
  189. 2 Problem areas
  190. May's Muscle & Fitness: Burn Fat - Gain Muscle Program.....
  191. flat bench or not
  192. Morning after leg day question
  193. my leftarm is way smaller than my right
  194. Good mornings
  195. Exercise demonstation and database
  196. Critique my split please...
  197. Every body part I train its sore for least 4 days??
  198. Rear Delt question
  199. Cardio in PM?
  200. Pump is gone????? HELP QUICK
  201. what does everyone do for abs
  202. Top 10 deadlifting mistakes...
  203. situps
  204. Shin splints are killing me
  205. Do you agree with this guy?? He says he's an expert.
  206. Need a new schedule for workouts
  207. Straps and who wears them?
  208. best way to get fit.
  209. Yes, it is correct...230 BPM for 35 minutes! What now?
  210. What exactly is a bench press shirt?
  211. Cardio Question
  212. Forearms/calves
  213. jogging in place for cardio?
  214. Becoming Serious
  215. Mystical Secrets
  216. need Insperation!!
  217. pushup for military test
  218. What do you think of my routine
  219. dizziness
  220. I need help designing an HST type routine.
  221. how do you do your lat pulldowns
  222. Complete free weights
  223. Calipers
  224. New Routine First Cycle Plz Help!!
  225. Hi guys, I am thinking to do my first cycle...any critique appreciated. thanks!
  226. lat symetry issues
  227. Changing Split Back to 2x a Week
  228. Workout Revised
  229. Cardio in the morning rule...
  230. Put together this routine and wanted some critiques. Nark! SC! HELP!
  231. Help
  232. have no legs and arms
  233. ankle training
  234. Heart rate monitors
  235. X-Reps?? anyone tried this?
  236. Instant gratification
  237. Back
  238. Transition, need advice for schedule
  239. squating for guys 6'2 and taller
  240. What constitutes OVERTRAINING?
  241. When does a lot become too much?
  242. Squatting w/ a hard-on increases muscle mass and test count
  243. Good weight training book.
  244. Deadlift...every week?
  245. AB Question
  246. my progress!
  247. What's your best Bulking workout?
  248. winny workout???
  249. Training when sick... yay or nay?
  250. Crazy Pushups
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