- Tried a new exercise the other night......
- The New High Intensity Workout ...By ellington Darden
- Please critique my split you guys
- HIT help....Please.
- Most Effective Shoulder Workouts
- 60%-70% Mhr?????????
- Strength gains while cutting?
- squats
- muscle loss
- heavy curls/ light concentration curls ???
- How much cardio?
- kickass calve exercise
- Doggcrapp
- Massive Lower Body w/o Weight Lifting.
- lat workouts
- MOtivation
- cardio: how many times??
- --help with running-- my fatass needs to get in shape!!!
- Help With New Split, Need To Add Legs And Incline Bench
- Loosing weight, help please
- Sore muscles.
- Getting stronger, but no size
- please comment on new routine
- 5 to 6 daya week workouts
- Critique My workout
- 2 months...can i do it?
- Need a good routine for arm day
- i think that I have discovered my flaw.
- My "strength loss, need it back" log
- Bicep Curl Question
- Trying to gain width on Biceps
- Squat help!
- How do you fel after cardio?
- Lagging shoulders, bad.
- Where Can I Get A York Power Station 3000 ?
- Any of you bros go twice a day?
- Overtraining
- Help with Abs?
- deads
- What do you think?
- Chest split
- Lower Back Pain???
- help with deltoids
- Specific Trap Development Question
- Form on Inlcline BARBELL press
- >> MEDIAL DELTOID << struggled for years with it, can you help?
- Hammer curls
- Cardio question
- Bench Press versus bodyweigh
- If You Bench 350 + pounds....
- Back Workout: Which is Better
- New Workout, any help would be much appr.
- Anyone ever do grip work during cardio?
- Front Delts sore after Chest workout
- Trying unusual routine, what do you think?
- Chest twice a week?
- back mass
- improving weaknesses
- need some quick help
- Need a simple answer. Can I lose fat and still gain strength?
- diet + routine needs some help
- Training routine while on Phera plex
- much needed training info
- Morning cardio...Hit it immediately or wait 1 hour
- POLL: Leg workout, Bike Ride, or both?
- AM cardio heart-rate question.
- HIT Workout Routine?
- getting to 70% MHR
- Bicep, wrong pump?
- Bench Press Advice
- awful feeling during workout
- Bad back
- Workout Logs
- Please Critique my Post Cycle Power Workout
- old style hack-squats w/ barbell
- Cardio and Basketball
- Squat Variation Question
- Workout opinions requested:
- Anyone do Squat-Lifts?
- Need Help with definition and bigger arms/abs
- Gained 40 lbs.... time to cut.... workout routine still okay?
- when im on steroids???
- Workout/Cardio
- A Good Bicep Burn
- Personal Trainers forum??
- freeweights vs. bowflex(machines)??
- Why is Cardio so Important while bulking?
- Time to cut. Should I do CaRDiO???
- Non weight training
- Non weight training
- Best Time to Stretch?
- My new cardio workout.
- Need insights on Circuit Program
- lean mass routine
- At a plateau...
- is this an imbalance??
- Negative Pullups?
- i am good to g
- need some feedback on my training?!!!
- Squats:parallel or ass to grass?
- Need Major Help With My Chest
- Who says high rep bicep training wont put some solid size on your guns?
- anyone here heard of Crossfit
- lifting routine while on GEAR
- A quality Stayinstacked workout tip
- y?
- Need help
- Overtraining?! (routine posted inside)
- What causes excessive gas from working out?
- Holy crap what happened here! 30 rep hack squats...
- Ouch!, Butterflys!
- my workout. plz critque.
- workout critique plz
- shoulders hurt when doing incline dbs??
- Mental block on bench press
- Plateau..Can My Body Just Not Do Anymore?
- building stamina quick and easy
- Hey Bro's Please Critique My Work Out
- Should you take a week OFF from training once in a while??
- Help Me Please!!!
- Sloping pec 'syndrome' - Help with the upper pec
- Once A Week v. Twice a Week
- Question about Traing Methods?
- self spot
- wrist locks or wraps?
- Lets get it going! (Help needed)
- Cardio And Abs??
- Benching on the Floor
- Belt for deads?
- i have no chest or bi's!!!!!
- Overtraining or just increase in test levels?
- Where can I find a PT that will put me through my paces
- Dumbell Press only! why no Bench?
- BACK DAY...too many sets??
- Need help! need some imput
- training five days verses 3 on and 2
- target heart rate?
- Extreme Weight Loss - PLEASE Help
- Iron mans HIT program, whos all tried it?
- tips for width
- How Hard Is It To 70% MHR?
- Critique my new Workout
- dumbell presses vs millitary press
- Leg Focus - Vastus Lateralis
- Getting rid of the gut
- Taking all sets to failure
- WARNING...Don't do what I Did..
- Does anyone know anything about the 5x5 program?
- No biceps? :-(
- bulk b4 dieting or not?
- Knee problems from Squats
- cardio day after leg training...
- question about deadlifts and squats
- Wrist problem
- good company for cardio equipment
- working five days verses 3 days
- Breathing and Squatting: Never got it down!
- Calling out DFHT users!
- Shoulder Pain While Working Chest
- Helium3's workout routine!
- Thin Wrists
- Chest6's Workout Log
- Need help with chest development
- Chest Help
- Cardio on Test?
- My new Ironman HIT routine
- Shoulder joints get sore before Im finished with chest WO
- Proper bench press form
- New PR
- Should leg day really be this bad?
- Cardio after Weight Training?
- My chest is out of proportion
- West side training?
- Cardio First thing in the morning
- Work abs harder, bigger gut?
- Morning cardio at 140 BPM useless?
- chest w/o. too much?
- Is there any lift
- injury workout help
- Free benches vs smith machine
- Push-ups/pull Ups
- AB Lounge ?
- Lifting At Night
- 5x5
- Calf Building Question
- going from 5 to 3day routine
- 2 Problem areas
- May's Muscle & Fitness: Burn Fat - Gain Muscle Program.....
- flat bench or not
- Morning after leg day question
- my leftarm is way smaller than my right
- Good mornings
- Exercise demonstation and database
- Critique my split please...
- Every body part I train its sore for least 4 days??
- Rear Delt question
- Cardio in PM?
- Pump is gone????? HELP QUICK
- what does everyone do for abs
- Top 10 deadlifting mistakes...
- situps
- Shin splints are killing me
- Do you agree with this guy?? He says he's an expert.
- Need a new schedule for workouts
- Straps and who wears them?
- best way to get fit.
- Yes, it is correct...230 BPM for 35 minutes! What now?
- What exactly is a bench press shirt?
- Cardio Question
- Forearms/calves
- jogging in place for cardio?
- Becoming Serious
- Mystical Secrets
- need Insperation!!
- pushup for military test
- What do you think of my routine
- dizziness
- I need help designing an HST type routine.
- how do you do your lat pulldowns
- Complete free weights
- Calipers
- New Routine First Cycle Plz Help!!
- Hi guys, I am thinking to do my first cycle...any critique appreciated. thanks!
- lat symetry issues
- Changing Split Back to 2x a Week
- Workout Revised
- Cardio in the morning rule...
- Put together this routine and wanted some critiques. Nark! SC! HELP!
- Help
- have no legs and arms
- ankle training
- Heart rate monitors
- X-Reps?? anyone tried this?
- Instant gratification
- Back
- Transition, need advice for schedule
- squating for guys 6'2 and taller
- What constitutes OVERTRAINING?
- When does a lot become too much?
- Squatting w/ a hard-on increases muscle mass and test count
- Good weight training book.
- Deadlift...every week?
- AB Question
- my progress!
- What's your best Bulking workout?
- winny workout???
- Training when sick... yay or nay?
- Crazy Pushups

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