- Is this a good routine ?
- Great deal on Bowflex adjustable dumbbels, best Ive found
- Critique routine for building strength
- Cardio before or after weights?
- The Hercules WorkOut
- One or two muscles at a time during cycle?
- Training and varying levels of soreness
- Critique?
- Unbearable DOMS
- Workout plan during cycle
- Any risks/issues working out after bloodwork?
- free gym with smith machine or pay for a gym with a squat rack?
- 2 routines?
- just finishing with my 1st cycle and pct
- Pulled wisdom tooth
- Is my treadmill full of shit???
- How much rest ?
- Brutal honesty please
- workout plan for gaining ?
- overtraining shoulders?
- If today was your off day you suck!!!
- I am tired guys please help me
- Steady state cardio is dead!
- Training for endurance event while on dbol + test e
- Best trap exercise?
- is this a good routine
- triceps lagging..?
- Opinions on this routine
- Bench Press
- Working out 6 days a week...
- What amount of muscle should i expect to keep
- My light shoulders workout video
- Bicep pain?
- Is this routine good ?
- Squat shoes
- leg routine?
- Changed up my workout split. Sore as hell...
- Do stomach vacuums work?
- This routine look good?
- My advice to beginner lifters.
- Frequent Muscle Pulls
- Crossfit
- Strengthening your entire core is not only crucial for sculpting a flat stomach
- Isolated Neck Exercises......................................... ......
- German Volume Training Progress?
- Should I deadlift with a fake hip?
- I skipped a week of gym and I feel ashamed (Advice Needed)
- Parts of my light chest day workout
- Deadlift Variations
- Explosive lifting is better for hypertrophy
- 8-6-6-4-2- or 3x3 ot 5x3 to build strength/mass?
- Opinions??
- The mental mind zone / are you trianing hard enough
- Back training
- Periodization
- Bar slipping?
- Not clear on how Cortosiol & Prolactin build up causes earlier failiur. Plz advise
- recereational drugs and bb
- Whats your trianing style
- Gaining leg mass with bad genetics
- How do bodybuilders improve isolated muscles?
- One arm upright row
- Pull ups
- GVT 101 My Way: A Simple Guide to Building Mass
- Leg Press changes and related pain
- Frequency
- hitting every muscle twice a week
- Training Routine Critique
- Uneven, asymmetrical body problems..
- Would like a little boost on my cut, what can I take? (Supplement wise)
- Wrestling season is upon us
- How to fix this muscle imbalance?
- ounce a week or twice?????
- hypertrophy for calfs
- Please review my workout schedule
- The effect of rest between sets
- best/effective exercises for lower abs?
- Compound workout routine 3 day split -ectomorph
- Weak Bench
- Training while sick
- Forearms
- Training through pain and types of pain
- Aaaaaah WTF
- How much weight to gain per week for natty lean bulking?
- Improving your Bench......at any level
- Training advice!!
- squats 5 x 5
- Off and On days in the gym
- bar placement for squats
- A good rule of thumb for rest between sets!
- Are Muscles Supposed to hurt?
- help please
- Rhomboid isolation
- Chest: Dumbbell press or Barbell press?
- On cycle how hard to train?
- Favourite cardio routines??
- New to bodybuilding, help!
- over training
- Who's Training their Mug ?
- cardio & leg options
- Keep pulling muscles in my back/neck
- both elbows have sharp pain ? Don't think it is Hyper-Extented elbow and knots elbow?
- Would you say this is over stimulating legs?
- 2xBW on deadlifts good?
- crazy leg workout
- My first push legs pull routine
- Thoughts?
- Is this a good method for progressive overload
- Training routine help
- should i change my workout routine after cycle ? ( long post ahead i am still a noob)
- Supplements for football players (Wr). PEDs?
- Does The NASM exam have a lot of OPT model questions?
- please
- servere muscle cramps..
- Recommendations On A Belt
- workout plan
- This year
- I thought a break helps you recover and come back stronger?
- Cardio equipment etiquette
- Good habits to get into at the gym...
- Gluts exercises??
- Anyone please help me with my Push Pull Leg or give me a little advance one (pics)
- Is there a difference?
- how busy is your gym now?
- I found a page claim to lose 20lbs fat in 12 weeks... Please review
- Hypertrophy help
- deadlift grip
- Back blaster
- Improve in squats
- Who Here Takes "Roid-Vacations" in Thailand or Mexico? Give Me Some Pointers
- 30 Mins Of Jogging Everyday + Lifting Enough for Fat Loss?
- Review: Animal Flex vitamin packs
- Types of lifting
- Training and cycling
- When women say " I want to Tone up"
- Puking after every workout???
- help
- Smith machine to improve barbell workouts
- RETURNING TO GYM after a 1-1/2 year Hiatus..INPUT!?
- interview with Kelkel now posted
- road to a 450 squat
- Straps
- 5X5 Workout Off Days
- How I hit biceps
- Elbow injury
- Making progress...
- Any thoughts and comments on yoga ?
- How often?
- the Close grip bench press
- Strength loss when cutting up
- How to Grow hamstrings
- starting a log
- The 1-2 pounds of lean muscle a year rule
- I want to focus on my martial arts and not got any bigger or smaller, help
- ectomorph?
- posterior pelvic tilt when squatting
- Bad Genetics?
- BPak
- Muscle soreness
- Plan or wing your workouts?
- Love handles
- is strength relevant to muscle size?
- Whats your favourite Workout Split and Rep/sets on compounds ? :)
- Staying hydrated!
- Weighted Clothing
- help: training frequency..
- Training off cycle
- Squatting and foot placement.
- Right foot turns out when I squat
- How much cardio can I do without losing gains?
- Fasted cardio on cycle
- How long is your workout?!
- New workout plan?
- Johnny Jim's Training Log
- routine for hitting each muscle once per week
- Workout critique
- help
- What to eat?
- Lacking Glutes/Hamstrings
- spin class....
- People with lagging traps, Try This
- Dorian Yates high intensity training
- HIIT Question and Workout Schedule
- spot reduction or spot Increasing
- Calves
- Pullovers
- Why am I making faster gains in seated calf raise over standing calf raise?
- Elbow and shoulder pain preventing use of heavy weight ? Advise , please
- 5x5 stronglifts tweak
- Possible Bicep Tendonitis?
- PHAT routine for a test e bulk
- Cardio on Cycle
- Solely arm day. Bis and Tris
- Deadlifting...sumo or conventional?
- rep range for hypertrophy
- which type of cardio
- Isolated Forearm Training, The recent trend for some reason?
- Bad Gym days frequently
- Short Achilles tendon
- how it change my training if I run some substance?
- Ectomorph workout
- Taking time off before cycle
- Fast vs Slow Cardio
- AM Cardio Routine
- Barbell Shrug - back ache .. Tips ?
- Fishing for Likes
- So this Crossfit thing...
- Too beat up to lift?!
- Leg day - Calves First or last
- Should a sore muscle be trained?
- One leg bigger than other
- Routines
- Training for Crossfit on steroids
- anyone have tried Arnold's Blueprint?
- Can I gain muscle this way?
- Can I gain muscle this way?
- Training efficacy vs. frequency during busy schedule
- new personal best!
- Arm training
- Best way to strengthen less dominant side? Help!
- Training upper middle back.
- Skullcrasher Replacement
- Corporate Gym Takeover
- Strength preservation
- Leg Press angle
- Question about strength
- Any Advice or Help would be appreciated!
- New study: reps doesnt matter. 10 vs 30 rep builds the same.
- Growing, soreness & lifting
- Deadlifts with trap bar?
- Shoulder Pain
- Please Help with my new workout routine!
- My Routine..Yay or Nay?
- 1 day a week of cardio effective?
- Does HIT really work?
- Cardio
- calfs and for arms
- No Bicep Pump
- Personal trainer to recommend in bkk
- Powerlifting and mass
- Can i train with broken foot?
- CoC for grip improvement?
- squat - lower back pump pain.
- My Exercise List!?!?
- What's the deal with people with weird issues???
- Are bodypart specialization programs pointless?
- Preacher curl vs Ez bar curl
- Why do people ramp up there weight?
- Do all pro bodybuilders really deload every 4th week? Is deloading necessary
- Best rep range for building mass?