- Leg development
- Abs
- I worked out really hard yesterday...
- bodyweight exercises everyday?
- Squats for BB
- Went from 200 lbs @ 5 ft 10" Tall to 215 lbs Huffin & Puffin alot @ Rest/Idle-help...
- I need a new shoulder routine
- Arms problem
- Form Check?
- Squats Deadlifts and the lower back
- Droppin BF....
- SERIOUS ? guys Anybody get success working out and taking....
- Trap imbalance!
- Slow Gains, Genetics, and the Truth
- Hello from Montana
- Different muscle group everyday vs 2 muscle groups a day
- any of you used EA sports active 2 for Xbox kinect?
- Helo me pick between these 2 splits!
- need help with workout that incorporates a plyometric/cardio day
- How to get bicep peaks??
- insanity workout
- Need advice on mass excersises
- De loading?
- Rep range for bulking?
- Chest lagging behind Shoulders and Tris. Question on this. (Pics attached)
- Macenko or smolov bencpress program??
- Critique my push/pull/legs split please(:
- dorian yates workout vids
- Kai Greene and Dorian Yates Back Training [Full Video]
- Dorian Yates and Chris Cormier: Directors cut - extra 10 minutes of unseen footage
- hiit
- Biceps are lagging
- shrink legs while on gear
- If you haven't tried 5x5 you should
- Is it ok training 5 days in row
- Abs
- running for cardio
- Need help with a solid PCT Workout
- Over Training???
- Thoughts about my schedule??
- So.... you want abs....
- Workout and cutting question
- Help with a new workout
- full body weights
- not sore
- Escalating density training (EDT)
- Thicker bi's
- BIG ISSUE with this whole bulking and cutting phases, Please Help (pics attached)
- reached 120 DB now what?
- Leg Press foot placement
- Routines
- Programming for strength
- Upper Back Exerecises
- Diving up Leg routine
- I need a better chest routine
- Am I injured or just hurt???
- Physically hard job holding you back?
- Todays workout
- Forearms
- Duration of workout
- Chains vs. Bands
- Bi workout
- Chest Routine
- How many cycles to add size to arms?
- Not Gaining Strength
- calories burnt??
- Chest day hows it look
- deadlift
- New split for PCT ????'s
- What do you think about this routine?
- "Muscle Memory" Any science to back it up?
- Ideas?
- What happens when you stop working out? Hmm?
- Working opposite muscles! Good or bad?
- What should be a good next workout routinr??
- My typical workout week
- advise on my training split.
- GBC Training
- Input on your workout style?
- Going to try to incorporate this plank routine in
- Thoughts on next training split
- Workout Log Apps?
- lower chest
- workout routine
- Newbie needs advise on growing. added berfore and after pic
- Left leg and calf are 2cm bigger than the right one...How should I train it?
- Back n bi workout hows it look
- What are the benefits of drop sets??
- eliptical or treadmill?
- mind muscle connection
- REPS AND SETS?? i am a noob
- HELP ME! My new workout wasn't as amazing for my chest.
- Advice on workouts, splits, etc for upcoming cycle.
- arm workout
- help
- Layne nortons PHAT
- Reps and Sets per body part
- Can I still reach goals with a Bowflex?
- Spot reduction
- Anyone's else noticed this and is there much you can do?
- Pls help with natty bodybuilding
- Workout Target diagrams
- Time to train LEGS!
- Shoulders and arms in the same workout?
- too much training even for when on cycle ?????
- Good vids on building mass...
- My training sessions - please review
- Work out help please
- 12 weeks to a better deadlift
- Morning Cardio
- Quick question
- am i doing too many sets
- Arms don't grows...
- Inmcorporating tris into chest routine
- Experiencing DOMS again?
- New idea to maybe help chest grow/look better?
- New Guy-Goal is Hypertrophy-looking for help
- How do my on Cycle Routine look?
- Bodyweight excercises
- Rugby Workout Advice?
- Straight bar vs ez curl
- AS and target training
- Should I stop do cardio altogether?
- Weighted vest
- 12 week balst cycle workout?
- 'upper' tricep development
- 5x5's
- Training Help
- Current workout routine!
- Semen Retention vs. Active Sex/Chronic Masterbation
- Tires
- Left arm vs Right arm
- what do you think.... pics soon
- Help
- Front or Back Squats
- Recovery period
- Changing my Workout, Looking for Opinions on my Routine
- shoulders
- Chest development
- Bulking routine
- Workout questios
- Cardio, what is the best?
- Opinions Needed Regarding Lifting Straps (Wrist)
- Can someone simplify 5x5 for me?
- Poll: Which do you prefer? Lifting Hooks or Straps?
- Should I pre-exhaust my chest? It's lacking.
- 5*5 or 10*5 for muscle gain?
- Adding more volume to gain weight
- possible routine
- Shoulders Strength Question
- My workout routine..
- Arm growth
- EXCLUDING deadlifts-bent over rows--Tbar-whats a good back move for a recovering back
- Good/bad to take time off
- HIIT or LIS post lifting?
- Please give me feedback on my workout plan?
- Vo2 max
- abs!!!!!!!!!
- Help with bench press please
- Split Training VS 1 muscle Group per Week
- Strictly for the ladies.....
- Swiss ball rollouts vs wheel vs cruches? Which is better?
- Workout routine advice!!!!!!
- New PR on deads
- Cant work tri's.. will they still grow?
- Ideas for a back workout with a bad knee
- Heart rate during cardio?
- Workout Assistance
- Cardio question for my wife
- Target Heart Rate
- another ab thread
- Calves routine
- AM workouts with PWO cardio. Eat before or do it fasted.
- Getting big arms
- critique my workout routine please
- Shoulders thread
- 2 weeks Bulk , 2 weeks cut
- Diff size parts
- bending lower back while squatting
- Pain in shoulder from dumbell flies
- Training routine while losing bodyfat
- Easier to build muscles when leaner or bulkier?
- Your Thoughts on Supper Accumulation Training (very interesting)
- My weekly routine. Overtraining?
- Back for more advice
- Dumbbell Pullovers - The Forgotten Exercise?
- painful knee joints from treadmill
- Bent over shrugs
- The best way to perform the reverse fly
- Workout question ????
- Doing negative/positive during lifts
- Recovery
- Sore eyes
- Step 2: Build a Workout Plan/Split (Please give advice)
- How much do you DB SHOULDER PRESS?
- cutting question
- Why can't I hit my shoulders??
- Undulation ropes ???advise
- How much do you lift? Big 3 !
- Traps on back day
- 5x5
- am i overtraining???
- Best muscle group to workout
- 5 Most Overrated Exercises
- Bis and Tris
- what's your opinion on all over body workouts?
- Sore hamstrings
- Biceps - having trouble with complete workout.
- bow flex pr1000 home gym
- Over training
- Thoughts on this training routene
- Pain in forearm
- No more Squats or Leg presses
- Hiit after leg day
- Best lifting routine for me?
- Deadlift plateau
- not fat but large belly ...
- Kronik's 5x5 training progress log
- resistance bands
- Need opinions with this routine,,, stressing out
- Help with workout routene please
- Focus on side delts or shoulders presses when doing shoulders?
- Training while on AAS
- 4 Day Split Critique
- Help with my new workout routine
- Workout routine while losing bodyfat
- Should I modify my workout on my first PH cycle?
- what is the reason???
- To much at once???
- First Cycle with workout routine
- lifiting/intensity question
- !overtraining explained!
- New PR
- what skinny guys workout routine should be
- Sore triceps!!
- What am I doing wrong?
- What do you think of this routine?
- Should a shoulder workout costing more of riases or presses?
- 3 day split going light ?
- Chest lagging, always has. willing to try anything!
- Wise to take a week off after 8 weeks when cutting?
- Just starting out / Plan of attack
- Do you always train hard when on cycle?
- What do you think of jim wendler's 531 routine?
- Calf question
- Ive got 5 days i can train please help
- Slow Motion Reps
- Comments on this Full Body Scan Results (screen shot posted)
- 1 min rest vs longer resting period.
- Wieght Machines vs Free Weights

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