- My powerlifting/bodybuilding routine.
- Taking off during cycle
- Help with a new work out plan.
- neuromuscular coordination
- when do u know when to take a week break
- Squats/Deadlifts Form
- back workout critique
- (Reverse) hypers and shoulder movements
- german volume training...
- Each body part once or twice a week?
- doggcrap gains vs other protocols
- deadlifts on leg or back day?
- Does anyone here NOT work arms?
- need opinions
- holy ****ing RESULTS!!!!!
- Barbell curls etc Vs. Compound chins
- cardio at 160 BPM for 45 minutes?
- Workout Routine Updated...Please Review
- havent gained strength in a year need help
- Addicted to squat!!
- Upper Chest
- Seems that people overtrain on here.
- to grow the fastest...?
- please help! too much pain when running!
- what is your workout schedule?
- You can't be walking....
- quick question
- Keeping muscle
- Bulking help
- Trained legs hard today and a new variation!
- Back in the gym
- bulking help 2
- new stimulation...?
- Anybody ever had this problem?
- Workouts without weights
- back/bicep routine critique
- Dumbells or barbell for overall development?
- Crap! did something to my tricep today
- How's this routine for an all natural lifter?
- general rule of thumb for larger muscles versus smaller muscles
- Bigger traps...
- Zottman curls
- revised back/bicep routine
- Close grip bnech press
- This is a great exercise for bicep thickness
- trying to get bulky,workout plan tips needed.
- Mass Building HELP
- tricep routine
- Should I Increase The Sets?
- type of cardio....
- back and legs have a lot of growing to do....
- 6 Week Program
- Stupid Question..
- 5x5 Routine....Your opinons??
- Smell Like Ammonia After AM/Empty Stomach Cardio
- Different idea
- Splitting up Shoulders Question.
- YUP...another routine criique...
- trying to cut how does this sound.
- What part of the calves do squats hit?
- For newbies: gain an inch/inch and a half in muscle mass without steroids in 3 months
- help with serratus
- Speed & punching bag ???
- how long do you guys work out for?
- squats....
- how much cardio you guys do???
- what is the best rep range for cutting?
- Training Critique
- Progress
- Help with leg routine. Please.
- Dead Lifts: On Leg Day Or Back Day
- squat and dead lift routine
- critique on full body workout
- db shrugs behind
- one part per day
- abs on empty stomach?
- Seated cable rows question
- How to avoid "OVERTRAINING"!!!!!
- Traps and Lats
- chest and triceps or chest and biceps
- SC's Leg routine is no joke!
- I got stretch marks on my hams
- What is the deal man???
- workout intensity while cutting?
- max heart rate for fat burning??
- What are your thoughts on warm-up sets?
- Do you guys use a super wide grip when doing wide grip lat pulldowns?
- alternating low rep/high rep weeks?
- Polar HR monitor Review
- Plateau'd on wide grip chins - help
- what is the best machine for cardio
- Upper chest
- Heads of the Triceps and Biceps?
- Deadlifts?
- Cardio AFTER cycle??????
- Legs - no squats
- deads and squats
- Wings, pull ups
- 16 days, no rest,cutting
- how many take a week off from lifting?
- workin out same body part twice a week????
- Wide grip upright rows good for side delts?
- 1/4" on arms in 2 weeks, no weight gain?
- 2 days ?????
- trouble with a good taper..
- Heart Rate Question
- A.M Cardio Good or bad?
- Bent over one arm dumbell rows or close grip seated cable rows for back thickness?
- 5-6 hrs a nite enough??
- Should i do chest/shoulders or shoulders/back
- I'm doing good with this routine
- Take a look! NEED A work out routine...
- Chest Delt and Tri routine..
- Workout vs MMA workouts
- Please read and help!!!
- Why do I only have "localized" definition?
- ABS & love handles
- Problem with waistline :D
- goodmornings?
- Leg Workout
- Can you overtrain with cardio ?? Need BIG help :)
- impossible to lose stomach fat?
- 1 or 2 times a week????
- How to train muscles for endurance??
- working out and cutting grass?
- Will I waste my time lifting/dieting in the winter?
- wrist locks
- Cardio Workouts? Jumping Rope / Stationary Bike
- Internal Rotation of the Shoulders
- delts
- something new
- Shoulder Presses, Im done with them!!!
- Deadlifts ????
- smaller legs please
- needs some help for my girlfriend....
- Do wide grip upright rows hit your rear delts at all?
- How do you do Front shoulder raises?
- FINALLY I can do skulls without joint trouble
- Skull Crushers by yourself
- Not sore=Stalling
- DC calf training
- Calf training DC style
- quick illegal grip question
- pecs
- reverse pyramd
- Working Out But Malnourished
- Overall Arm thickness
- you gotta try these neat cable exercises!
- What do you guys recommend ? cardio ?.....
- new workout?
- %MHR for a big heart?
- Cardio after workout??
- Back Day
- If i cannot do bench ...............
- Are All Of Us Just Strong In Certain Planes?
- Back to the basics
- Bowflex Ultimate
- Exercises
- bench press
- am cardio, dont know why people preach it so much!!
- Just an idea. Off Days.
- Feed back on my workout routine..
- Best way to gain back muscle you lost?
- DC training..??
- lower back pain, tailbone area
- No Equipment Help !
- Wider shoulders
- Take a gander, what do ya'll think?
- Retabol-good or bad?
- Will i still grow if im training for endurance??
- How is this workout sched.
- legs today or not???
- Best Bulking Workout ever??????
- Bulking Question
- 15 second rest intervals??
- Training 1 week for endurance.. 2nd week for size and strength?
- Whats wrong with me??
- when to eat after cardio
- Any suggestions for one arm smaller than the other....
- How to gain weight fastest?
- workout split question.
- Quad and Hammy split?
- Overtraining a result of....?
- 3 questions concerning deadlifts
- tris vs bis
- decent workout.....
- Do you workout when sick??
- Shoulders
- biceps
- Did romanian deadlifts for the first time today
- total sets for large and small muscle groups
- Strength Regresses In Biceps..
- How many exercises for lats
- Aghhhh! My Calves are Killing Me!
- core strength
- Muscle Recovery Times
- Muscle Recovery Times
- Question about big kevs workout
- cardio...time of day??
- Hows this look?
- Ranting about dieting...sorry
- How many times a week to train.....
- after swole cats leg workout
- Everything you need
- Posterior delts???
- cardio before workout???
- Critique my workout
- what forum do I post workout questions in?
- swimming for AM empty stomach cardio??
- Jcs Workout
- my workout routine...any suggestions?
- Problems with T-bar rows
- Each Body part 3x per week?
- Some help would be awesome.
- Forearms
- 5 day plan, please critique
- Need Opinions...On Split
- Tell me how I'm doin!
- need any suggestions
- How many stes/reps for growth?
- Sets and reps for barbell shrugs
- What do you guys think of front barbell raises?
- My Triceps Disappeared
- Wich could be the best workout?
- Too much?
- Sets and reps for flat dumbell flys
- skipping the pwo shake
- Lil help please
- How many pullups??
- kinda lagging on chest lately
- making new workout
- HIIT after workout with weights?
- cardio/sprints
- Lagging body part twice a week???
- Swoles Leg Routine
- Which muscles on the same day?
- How to get that BIG BACK look
- Wider Chest
- Cardio on off days?
- correct t-bar row form
- Lats sore from DB Military?
- Military Press- In front or behind neck?
- How do I get the squat bar on right!
- Will HST give me the mass I want?
- fat loss while on cycle!!
- Do flat dumbell presses hit your upper chest at all?
- Help here!
- To build or not to build:please help
- my ass gets in the way...barbell shrugs
- How to best isolate my chest and basic workout

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