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  1. My powerlifting/bodybuilding routine.
  2. Taking off during cycle
  3. Help with a new work out plan.
  4. neuromuscular coordination
  5. when do u know when to take a week break
  6. Squats/Deadlifts Form
  7. back workout critique
  8. (Reverse) hypers and shoulder movements
  9. german volume training...
  10. Each body part once or twice a week?
  11. doggcrap gains vs other protocols
  12. deadlifts on leg or back day?
  13. Does anyone here NOT work arms?
  14. need opinions
  15. holy ****ing RESULTS!!!!!
  16. Barbell curls etc Vs. Compound chins
  17. cardio at 160 BPM for 45 minutes?
  18. Workout Routine Updated...Please Review
  19. havent gained strength in a year need help
  20. Addicted to squat!!
  21. Upper Chest
  22. Seems that people overtrain on here.
  23. to grow the fastest...?
  24. please help! too much pain when running!
  25. what is your workout schedule?
  26. You can't be walking....
  27. quick question
  28. Keeping muscle
  29. Bulking help
  30. Trained legs hard today and a new variation!
  31. Back in the gym
  32. bulking help 2
  33. new stimulation...?
  34. Anybody ever had this problem?
  35. Workouts without weights
  36. back/bicep routine critique
  37. Dumbells or barbell for overall development?
  38. Crap! did something to my tricep today
  39. How's this routine for an all natural lifter?
  40. general rule of thumb for larger muscles versus smaller muscles
  41. Bigger traps...
  42. Zottman curls
  43. revised back/bicep routine
  44. Close grip bnech press
  45. This is a great exercise for bicep thickness
  46. trying to get bulky,workout plan tips needed.
  47. Mass Building HELP
  48. tricep routine
  49. Should I Increase The Sets?
  50. type of cardio....
  51. back and legs have a lot of growing to do....
  52. 6 Week Program
  53. Stupid Question..
  54. 5x5 Routine....Your opinons??
  55. Smell Like Ammonia After AM/Empty Stomach Cardio
  56. Different idea
  57. Splitting up Shoulders Question.
  58. YUP...another routine criique...
  59. trying to cut how does this sound.
  60. What part of the calves do squats hit?
  61. For newbies: gain an inch/inch and a half in muscle mass without steroids in 3 months
  62. help with serratus
  63. Speed & punching bag ???
  64. how long do you guys work out for?
  65. squats....
  66. how much cardio you guys do???
  67. what is the best rep range for cutting?
  68. Training Critique
  69. Progress
  70. Help with leg routine. Please.
  71. Dead Lifts: On Leg Day Or Back Day
  72. squat and dead lift routine
  73. critique on full body workout
  74. db shrugs behind
  75. one part per day
  76. abs on empty stomach?
  77. Seated cable rows question
  78. How to avoid "OVERTRAINING"!!!!!
  79. Traps and Lats
  80. chest and triceps or chest and biceps
  81. SC's Leg routine is no joke!
  82. I got stretch marks on my hams
  83. What is the deal man???
  84. workout intensity while cutting?
  85. max heart rate for fat burning??
  86. What are your thoughts on warm-up sets?
  87. Do you guys use a super wide grip when doing wide grip lat pulldowns?
  88. alternating low rep/high rep weeks?
  89. Polar HR monitor Review
  90. Plateau'd on wide grip chins - help
  91. what is the best machine for cardio
  92. Upper chest
  93. Heads of the Triceps and Biceps?
  94. Deadlifts?
  95. Cardio AFTER cycle??????
  96. Legs - no squats
  97. deads and squats
  98. Wings, pull ups
  99. 16 days, no rest,cutting
  100. how many take a week off from lifting?
  101. workin out same body part twice a week????
  102. Wide grip upright rows good for side delts?
  103. 1/4" on arms in 2 weeks, no weight gain?
  104. 2 days ?????
  105. trouble with a good taper..
  106. Heart Rate Question
  107. A.M Cardio Good or bad?
  108. Bent over one arm dumbell rows or close grip seated cable rows for back thickness?
  109. 5-6 hrs a nite enough??
  110. Should i do chest/shoulders or shoulders/back
  111. I'm doing good with this routine
  112. Take a look! NEED A work out routine...
  113. Chest Delt and Tri routine..
  114. Workout vs MMA workouts
  115. Please read and help!!!
  116. Why do I only have "localized" definition?
  117. ABS & love handles
  118. Problem with waistline :D
  119. goodmornings?
  120. Leg Workout
  121. Can you overtrain with cardio ?? Need BIG help :)
  122. impossible to lose stomach fat?
  123. 1 or 2 times a week????
  124. How to train muscles for endurance??
  125. working out and cutting grass?
  126. Will I waste my time lifting/dieting in the winter?
  127. wrist locks
  128. Cardio Workouts? Jumping Rope / Stationary Bike
  129. Internal Rotation of the Shoulders
  130. delts
  131. something new
  132. Shoulder Presses, Im done with them!!!
  133. Deadlifts ????
  134. smaller legs please
  135. needs some help for my girlfriend....
  136. Do wide grip upright rows hit your rear delts at all?
  137. How do you do Front shoulder raises?
  138. FINALLY I can do skulls without joint trouble
  139. Skull Crushers by yourself
  140. Not sore=Stalling
  141. DC calf training
  142. Calf training DC style
  143. quick illegal grip question
  144. pecs
  145. reverse pyramd
  146. Working Out But Malnourished
  147. Overall Arm thickness
  148. you gotta try these neat cable exercises!
  149. What do you guys recommend ? cardio ?.....
  150. new workout?
  151. %MHR for a big heart?
  152. Cardio after workout??
  153. Back Day
  154. If i cannot do bench ...............
  155. Are All Of Us Just Strong In Certain Planes?
  156. Back to the basics
  157. Bowflex Ultimate
  158. Exercises
  159. bench press
  160. am cardio, dont know why people preach it so much!!
  161. Just an idea. Off Days.
  162. Feed back on my workout routine..
  163. Best way to gain back muscle you lost?
  164. DC training..??
  165. lower back pain, tailbone area
  166. No Equipment Help !
  167. Wider shoulders
  168. Take a gander, what do ya'll think?
  169. Retabol-good or bad?
  170. Will i still grow if im training for endurance??
  171. How is this workout sched.
  172. legs today or not???
  173. Best Bulking Workout ever??????
  174. Bulking Question
  175. 15 second rest intervals??
  176. Training 1 week for endurance.. 2nd week for size and strength?
  177. Whats wrong with me??
  178. when to eat after cardio
  179. Any suggestions for one arm smaller than the other....
  180. How to gain weight fastest?
  181. workout split question.
  182. Quad and Hammy split?
  183. Overtraining a result of....?
  184. 3 questions concerning deadlifts
  185. tris vs bis
  186. decent workout.....
  187. Do you workout when sick??
  188. Shoulders
  189. biceps
  190. Did romanian deadlifts for the first time today
  191. total sets for large and small muscle groups
  192. Strength Regresses In Biceps..
  193. How many exercises for lats
  194. Aghhhh! My Calves are Killing Me!
  195. core strength
  196. Muscle Recovery Times
  197. Muscle Recovery Times
  198. Question about big kevs workout
  199. cardio...time of day??
  200. Hows this look?
  201. Ranting about dieting...sorry
  202. How many times a week to train.....
  203. after swole cats leg workout
  204. Everything you need
  205. Posterior delts???
  206. cardio before workout???
  207. Critique my workout
  208. what forum do I post workout questions in?
  209. swimming for AM empty stomach cardio??
  210. Jcs Workout
  211. my workout routine...any suggestions?
  212. Problems with T-bar rows
  213. Each Body part 3x per week?
  214. Some help would be awesome.
  215. Forearms
  216. 5 day plan, please critique
  217. Need Opinions...On Split
  218. Tell me how I'm doin!
  219. need any suggestions
  220. How many stes/reps for growth?
  221. Sets and reps for barbell shrugs
  222. What do you guys think of front barbell raises?
  223. My Triceps Disappeared
  224. Wich could be the best workout?
  225. Too much?
  226. Sets and reps for flat dumbell flys
  227. skipping the pwo shake
  228. Lil help please
  229. How many pullups??
  230. kinda lagging on chest lately
  231. making new workout
  232. HIIT after workout with weights?
  233. cardio/sprints
  234. Lagging body part twice a week???
  235. Swoles Leg Routine
  236. Which muscles on the same day?
  237. How to get that BIG BACK look
  238. Wider Chest
  239. Cardio on off days?
  240. correct t-bar row form
  241. Lats sore from DB Military?
  242. Military Press- In front or behind neck?
  243. How do I get the squat bar on right!
  244. Will HST give me the mass I want?
  245. fat loss while on cycle!!
  246. Do flat dumbell presses hit your upper chest at all?
  247. Help here!
  248. To build or not to build:please help
  249. my ass gets in the way...barbell shrugs
  250. How to best isolate my chest and basic workout
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