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  1. NEW 3-day a workout... what do you think?
  2. will using effagine burn muscle? also thanks for helping me change my weight training
  3. lower stomach exercizes
  4. bulking but want to do cardio what intensity shall i train at
  5. what is a hanging leg raise?
  6. i cant see how training 1 body part aweek will make you grow
  7. morning or night?
  8. how to change my workout regimen when I start my cycle?
  9. what gives you the shakes when lifting? whats the cure?
  10. How to flex your traps
  11. P90x for cutting
  12. I think this question should go here...
  13. Thinking about starting this routine what do you think?
  14. What about this for deloading?
  15. Several workout questions?
  16. Cardio while cycling??
  17. everyday training can i recover?
  18. Workout Routine Critique/Questions
  19. Marathon Training & 5x5?
  20. Workout Question
  21. Training schedule-Do I need to tweak it??
  22. 1Rm and 10Rm pretty close :S
  23. Switching up cardio: running or low impact?
  24. Pullups....
  25. Having trouble getting lats pumped
  26. Didn't know where else to put this...
  27. Do you guys hold for a pause at the top when doing side/front/bent over raises?
  28. Do you guys hold for a pause at the top when doing side/front/bent over raises?
  29. Switching up routine
  30. water retention / aerobic/cardio sweat
  31. Legs Legs Legs! The do not want to grow no matter what!!
  32. Should i use hst training
  33. Bicep tips(?)
  34. The Chest V Or Line
  35. Powertech workbench multisystem
  36. Female question for the males!!
  37. Best forearm routine???
  38. Need to loose fat, gain muscle.. get in good shape.
  39. Posterior Deltoids
  40. so..ive been injured.. :(
  41. Cardio?
  42. Chest Press with Shoulder Injury!
  43. Need a routine for working out that is less than an hour a day....
  44. What do you guys think about this exercise
  45. my workout
  46. to lock out or not to lock out
  47. Lossing weight faster.
  48. workout help
  49. Help with Cardio thread
  50. circuit training
  51. Smokers???
  52. drawing board with eatrain
  53. AM Workout & AM Macros
  54. super-sets
  55. inner chest
  56. whats a good rep range?
  57. Opinions on different workout routines while on cycle?
  58. Getting bf% measured
  59. chest?
  60. Is my routine fine??
  61. Bring Back Hard Work and Volume Training
  62. Best time for cardio?
  63. Best workout for Endurance athlete.
  64. cutting up my arms.
  65. Wack Workout. Help.
  66. how can i cut up???
  67. rest days
  68. taking a week off
  69. Diet and cardio
  70. Could you guys suggest some routines?
  71. fat burn
  72. painful pump when i run?
  73. What if i can't sleep?will muscle grow?
  74. Cardio?? Heart Rate?
  75. Exercise sequence
  76. Building "round" muscle.
  77. shoulder pain
  78. My Triceps are a joke.
  79. need new ideas for shoulders
  80. Genetic limit
  81. Cardio
  82. Fast / Slow twitch muscle fibres
  83. Development of the CHEST muscles...
  84. my chest workout...too much?
  85. muscle wasting?
  86. I just need some help...
  87. I need MY Arm workout Critiqued..
  88. My work out, is this good or bad?
  89. How much Cardio is too much?
  90. HIIT and heart rate
  91. Technique or hitting muscle hard
  92. Lat pull downs
  93. A strange byceps
  94. Ab line
  95. Motivation!
  96. tummy and love handles????
  97. shoulder probs and bench
  98. Chest Workout critque please
  99. is almost everyday too much...?
  100. routine questions
  101. Training 4 days in a row
  102. Is training one bodypart per day enough
  103. Reps question for lean mass
  104. middle back wont grow?
  105. PAINFUL biceps pumps
  106. Heavy duty
  107. Cycle training - overtraining?
  108. Anyone know this workout equipment?!
  109. The most underated exercise has to be.....
  110. Estimating How long it would take to gain 10lbs of muscle while cutting
  111. Training Female Model
  112. Calves and ingrown toenails?....
  113. Arm training
  114. job in the way
  115. Formula for calculating calories burned during exercise
  116. wondering if i need to go more intense?
  117. Cradio & Weights timing
  118. basic workout technique question
  119. shoulder routine
  120. chest workout critique please
  121. Need help with w/o routine
  122. Is it better to deadlift from a board, extending rom and inc muscle mass?
  123. Seeing Stars??
  124. Over training
  125. Abs help!!
  126. critique please??
  127. back workout critique
  128. Show me the light!!!!!AR members
  129. How do i shrink my ass?
  130. Upper chest killers
  131. Negative Reps!
  132. Hit?
  133. Have you stopped growing??
  134. debunk my theory
  135. strength fluctuations??
  136. Leg workout critique
  137. Military Presses-Behind or in Front of Head?
  138. Upper Ab Exercise ?
  139. Front squats vs back squats
  140. The slingshot (diet during deload)
  141. Is This Method Just Daft
  142. HELP with a bulking routine
  143. Back Width Uneven lats
  144. How to drop bf%
  145. Is muscle cramping after workout bad/overtraining or normal?
  146. How do you break your plateaus?
  147. Where do you get sore when deadlifting?
  148. Is this normal?
  149. The Debate on rest days.
  150. shape'n girls problem areas
  151. lagging tri-cep, help
  152. Home gym.
  153. Back-Chest routine...take a look please.
  154. Length Of Ironman H.I.T.
  155. The Hamstrings...
  156. contracting abs...
  157. quick question about lighter weights, higher reps...
  158. Some quick newbie questions
  159. thoughts on 3 x aday cardio
  160. Quick Timeframe Question
  161. Why do big guys always lift half-ROM benchpress?
  162. gettin trim!
  163. chest/back workouts
  164. Im so confused about cardio...
  165. 3 Day Split Choice
  166. 5 day split structure?
  167. Lat Help
  168. cardio/weights
  169. Extreme Workout Regiment
  170. How many sets for chest and back?
  171. How many sets for biceps, triceps and deltoids?
  172. Toning up the legs
  173. is this a fair workout routine?
  174. Cycle Workout?
  175. cardio
  176. Am I hitting cardio to hard?
  177. 3 sets of 8 with minute break
  178. need new program please help.
  179. help on work out
  180. Critique my Workout
  181. i have huge triceps but lack chest development
  182. Just Curious
  183. routine questions..more gains
  184. arms and chest workout?
  185. How much Rest do I need
  186. Road Cycling
  187. Endourance abs?
  188. Workout motivation
  189. I was wondering IF...
  190. Leg lifts and Cardio
  191. Should I change my shoulder day?
  192. Online BF% test
  193. whats the best 2 day split? (need to cover all body parts)
  194. getting rid of belly fat ??
  195. post workout muscle cramps...
  196. How important is Decline bench?
  197. help with workout
  198. Calculating my caloric body needs
  199. How many times abs/torso per week?
  200. TRAPS...Back or shoulder days???
  201. losing 20lbs in a month? is this possible?
  202. "Start" to do cardio workouts...
  203. Too scared to cut... please help
  204. I hate deadlifts...
  205. best results
  206. NEED HELP (Pic Provided)
  207. dead lifts
  208. my split is wrong need help
  209. rear delts how to hit them
  210. JM Press help
  211. Training advice required to get through a plateau!!
  212. Age to start lifting??
  213. Early A.M. training/cardio/diet question
  214. Target Heart Rate
  215. Weighted Dips
  216. Abdominal Wall
  217. Chest workout
  218. change of routine
  219. Hardgainer Steroid Workout Question
  220. Workout idea.
  221. my training regime
  222. Behind the neck press vs military?
  223. upping bench weird
  224. working out 2x a day
  225. Bench press problem
  226. Gvt
  227. vascularity
  228. Chest development question
  229. Does this ever happen to you during bicept curls?
  230. how do i get that stretch look
  231. Maintain mass with hardcore running?
  232. One of those days..
  233. What do you do for triceps?
  234. Workout regime/ Diet
  235. stupid question
  236. DB Pullovers
  237. Stupid question
  238. Test e & mast e cycle workout.
  239. Training ON for SIZE
  240. Periodization training - Advise needed
  241. My Work-Out; Critique Needed!
  242. ForeArms ?!!?
  243. improving muscle quality while preventing further gains
  244. Workout Routine
  245. just wondering...
  246. Working out my heart without losing fat.
  247. Looking to overhaulmy routine
  248. Thoughts on rest/de-load weeks
  249. pain during barbell curls
  250. bench movement
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