- The day after a workout.
- Bicep Routine Suggestions
- overtraining
- Isolating the glutes.
- Decline press...feelin it more in my shoulder
- How many sets for lats, traps
- Trap Debate: Once a week Vs. Three a Week
- How far to genetic limit?
- Bull's DFHT Journal
- Splitting Hams and Quads
- how much assistance does a smith machine give?
- Muscle rest question
- cardio
- workout split
- bulking routine help
- Chest problems
- Lower Pecs Question?????
- legs and nausea
- cardio while bulking
- Next problem - Help!
- Best way to increase number of pullups???
- Mixing up cardio exercises, durations, and intensity...Give me some suggestions
- My new workout plan
- Overtrained??????
- Building Team Speed???
- Back workout from squats???
- Lots of Pain in Hands
- Lifting straps
- Heaviest Press For Dumbell
- Hyperextended elbow, have workout question
- Total Muscle Group EMG
- Dumbbell Curls.. Max One Or Two Reps
- 1800 lbs for 4 reps
- Best Way To Work Inner-Pecs?
- 875 pound bench press?!?!
- Chest on limited equipment ......HELP!
- speed training and leg muscle development
- is this possiable
- Best Juice Workout
- How do i build bigger lats?
- Leg Shocking Workout
- In Season Workout
- I need somebody to explain me how to properly warm-up
- Chest workout
- Strained quads
- Need help with a workout program
- Some Cardio Question for my new Cutting plan...
- Bruised lats from benching
- Funniest Shit In The Gym
- torn tricep
- My Form on bent over barbell rows absolutely sucks..
- Outa Shape
- Workout then cardio then workout then cardio???
- My Routine...
- Dumbells and Growth?
- Pullups/ Chinups
- help
- german volume training...shrunk??
- Which is better?
- rock hard muscles
- abs workouts how often with weights
- High Reps Low Weight
- Bad Knee: Replacement for squats?
- What do you think about my workout split?
- need help setting up a workout on a limited schedule...
- shoulders
- Anyone else have clicking in the shoulder?
- anyone else utilize flexing between sets?
- cutting workout.. please advise..
- Bicep gain average or not....
- Isolation or compund lifts?
- Muscle Groups and Workouts
- Good Running Sneakers?
- Workout Music
- need advises&correction to my workout split
- Fitrex
- Exercise Programs
- Beginner - need help with forms
- health advice
- chest expansion tips
- workout when using gear
- How much is too much?
- Weighted Dips?
- Cutting/BigHip?
- When Should I start Juicing?
- lower back pain...need tips
- Arm workout
- Buying dumbell sets
- Check out this Foundation Building Workout
- How many people like Incline Flys?
- Whats a good chest workout?
- Undulating Loads
- Breathing Technique
- True or False...A question for the knowledgeable....
- Post your routine
- Lowe Body Troubles
- what you guys think?--sorry so long--
- Short Biceps?
- upper middle of chest
- What are the benefits?
- HELP!! - I can't walk after legs...
- Deadlifts build traps as good as shrugs?
- Boxing Lifting Workout
- Difference between Women and Men exercises
- Good workout belt?
- Some Advice
- need EXPERTS help!
- Its been awhile.. New Plan Needed!
- shoulder/back/neck routine help
- deadlifts
- One trap is bigger than other!!??
- Adreniline
- Bicep help
- Collapsible bench
- HIT or High Intensity training
- Questions from my wife
- ive got a probelm, need any help...
- Log book
- 2 Important questions:1. Bulk for fall an winter? 2. Get cut in spring an summer?
- Dumbbell Exercise Illustrations
- help needed with my workout
- Dumbbell Poll - Bench Press Weight w/ no spot
- trouble spot for chest
- Its Official... 2k on the Hip Sled
- How To Loose Fat On Face
- Once a week lifting routine
- How does this sound???
- Help!
- hernia... help
- weird question for a wrestler
- Very excited about tris
- what you guys think of the routine?
- hernia... what can i still do?
- Pinched Nerve
- A workout for those that want general fitness.
- squat jumps?
- Arm soreness, i cant get any?
- Question for boxers
- Cardio??
- Workout routine
- WRAPS Poll
- dumbells or bar bench for mass
- Please advise!!!
- the weapon
- rest time
- cant do any heavy leg work.. need help
- dips ?
- Trap bar deadlifts
- Little Help With My Workout
- What Else Can I Do????
- Holy sh*t.....dips are the SH*T!
- Current training split and routine: need advice..
- Work body parts 1 or 2 times a week?
- Workout log book...
- Legs rubbing together
- I need help with a workout routine..
- what do you think about decline benching?
- SL Deadlifts
- Dip machine
- Cant get my chest to grow or even feel sore
- Extreme Soreness
- HELP PLEASE! 1set Muscle Fatigue :S
- rubber suit
- Check out these bad boys I just picked up for the home gym
- Badguy's routine!
- How many reps do you lose on the next set ?
- More Stupid Human Tricks
- Surgery or Cycle?
- Shoulder D.B. Press
- Volume Training Vs H.i.t
- Help a long time member with his workout!
- Are "cheater" curls safe??
- Anyone selling leg press or back row
- Spotting on Chest Days
- push-ups
- Day after I workout...
- Split advice for starting a cycle
- Walking Lunges
- should i change my program
- workout website
- cutting workouts
- question with stiff legged deads
- never happened b4
- Whats some good MUSIC to listen to
- What do u think of this routine?
- my chest workout
- my workout routine
- training each muscle twice a week when on roids
- Chest problem's
- Work traps on back day or shoulder day
- Grip / Forearms
- Lets stir things up
- Anyone into Wrestling, Aikido, Hapkido, Grappling???
- Why are my arms so small......
- Cardio question plz check it out.
- Need Help With Chest!!! ???
- circuit training
- Abs Routine
- looking for some good (traps) workouts
- Best way to work outer pecs??
- lifting = addicting..........
- shoulder help needed.
- Stuck on........(Chest)
- Squatting with the Manta Ray?
- New Routine
- Triceps/Biceps?
- Smith Machine Equation
- chest "cleavage"
- Weighted Dips for triceps - What weight can you do?
- please critique chest routine
- am i over training?
- Injury: How long to take off?? Or do I just go at it with less intensity??
- Can't lift for what do I do about diet and workout???
- ..the strangest thing happened to me this morning...
- Big Back
- My chest won't grow!
- shoulder pain
- Hit A Plateau
- my achilles hurts...
- exercise and set question ?
- calling out on bdtr !!!
- 2 questions...
- Bench ??
- workout suggestions on the juice?...
- Swimming as a source of cardio?!?!?
- gaining weight, and keeping abs
- Question about Doggcrap training?
- Beginning questions....
- Do lifing straps help a lot?
- Workout breaks......
- cardio: running compared to walking
- Need AB advice
- what system do you train?
- neck workout
- Pain when making a fist... ??
- Need some help w/lateral head of tricep
- Leg Soreness issue plz help
- no soreness after workout=no gain??
- Hack Squat problems
- I Need A New Workout Plan
- my left tricep is alot weaker than my right. How can i get my left tricep caught up?
- starting back
- sick...
- wanna lose fat doing cardio but not muscle. what should i do?
- another stupid cardio question
- Shins full of Sh!t
- Deadlifts
- si there such a thing as too much cardio???
- Grip Training??
- Anyone have a herniated disk?

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