- what is microprogression?
- Arm Training
- Traps. Shoulder or back day?
- bicep?
- How much cardio is too much
- new to the fitness forum
- Over developed lower chest
- Looking for poiters. Pix included.
- Chest Shock
- 10 hours of cardio a week...too much?
- Most Efficient Tricep Exercises?
- whats the bigger muscle group?
- Weak ass arm
- seperation in arms???
- notorious_mem workout routine
- New personal best
- starting my new cycle, need advice
- Newbie asking for help....
- Breathing during abs how important is it?
- Do I need steroids to compete?
- my routine pls critize it
- arm growth tactic
- Cutting Advice
- My Workout (Constructive criticism welcome!!)
- **Please Critique my future Routine**
- Complete Noob Tips on a workout plan?
- Getting back into it need help
- My New bulking Split...
- big lats
- Getting more quad mass
- Leg workout! Please feel free to critique!
- question about umbilical hernia
- How do I figure out my MHR?
- Which of these would be more effective for burning fat?
- On DC training, how long do I
- Gold's Gym OWNS Their Personal Trainers
- please critique my workout plan
- How to get Massive Delts!
- Chest lagging
- Hows my routine -
- Leg training and partnering up
- stuck on deads
- lifting on aas
- help with chest
- eliptical machines for weight loss.
- All about abs and the famous 6 pack
- newbie question
- Back & Biceps Workout
- Best workouts for quadricep mass
- weight belt?
- Pushups help bench?
- Too stiff to lift
- Lower outer pecs
- My deadlift confusion.......
- Traps
- Trap Thrashing
- Twice a day
- Hardgainer for traps! Need serious help please!
- HIIT Workouts
- Please Critque my Quad routine....
- D.C. "doggcrapp" training
- D.C. "doggcrapp" training
- training when doing cycle
- Chest & Triceps - Help For Tonight
- hurt my forearm doing preacher curl
- bulk or cut
- Smith Machine
- queation about this idea
- New training program, while i heal..
- Adding size to legs with knee problems
- Shrugs - Head Positioning?
- Monitering Your Progress
- Lower Back Overkill?
- Need help on my program
- Getting massive lats
- Tricep routine
- Bowflex Revolution
- Workout routine.
- Biceps and curls
- Anybody do rep contests w/ their lifting buddy?
- chest/tricep day help
- Interesting - 7 day split......
- no-xplode
- chest twice a week?
- fat burning
- Back & Biceps
- pre workout legs??????
- periodization program
- high volume training
- Deads for BACK!
- 2 X a week
- doing back 2nd time this week..
- Wide Grip Pull Downs?
- Growing again after PCT?
- Football workout, please critique
- Adding Mass To Chest
- DVD's workout videos,, please suggestions
- new split???
- Anyone ever train back and tri's.....?
- favorite rear delt exercises?
- offshore workout help
- Whats your work out??????
- order of workout matter?
- Painfull Vascularity in my forearm, Im worried!
- Sleep
- whats a good 5 day split?
- seperating chest and shoulders
- newwwbiee
- IB.D!! Where are your...
- bench contest
- My split, please CRitique!
- How is this workout: Opinions & comments wanted!
- overtraining??
- ONE Muscle group a day during bulking cycle
- mon-fri split?
- Delt Rotuine for Critique
- Changes to workout. Feedback please.
- is this true you?
- Warming Up Properly
- Is there a special way to wrap your knees?
- middle back/rhomboid development
- 3 Day Split!!!
- Dc Training for newbies
- Bulk up legs with strong cut upperbody?
- Cardio Debate
- weird question
- Old School Arnold Workouts .. Good or Bad?
- Chest problems
- Squat Progress...
- Traditional bench vs. Free weight bench
- Chest Issues
- Belly fat
- Quick question..
- Starting Supersquat routine
- Whats the best persontal trainer certification?
- at-home leg workout any1???
- Best Mass builders for tri's
- Routine feedback
- Work out for Arms
- Please Critique This Workout.
- strength on barbell vs dumbbell
- here's my routine, help me out.
- Strength
- Abs and Legs
- muscular hypertrophy
- How much is too much (weight loss)?
- No Chest or Delt Rotuine....
- training people at the gym
- ?? about my training...
- question on my training...
- taking measurements
- please critique my workout..
- Wrist's Hurt/Close Grip Tri's
- Mass For Abs
- Rear delts on back day?
- Shoulder cramps?
- empty stomach?
- exam prep sites ?
- Chin Ups
- SWOLECAT's leg routine?
- Best Barbell exercise for huge cannonball delts
- help me lose weight!
- Very Little Muscular Endurance?
- Abs and Agility?
- upper middle chest
- smith machine weights?
- Muay Thai and Weights?
- Trainning Programme
- help on weight gain,diet exercise pls
- Cardio while Bulking POLL!
- Weights before Cardio
- please critique this plan..
- Just got back into the mix of things. need to vent
- hit muscle twice a week now?
- What the *u@k?
- Xanax
- Strength without size?
- NEVER<> EVer<> Smoke
- hip joint pain squating
- Putting together a new workout..
- ACSM and pillars of training
- Wrist straps
- Too Much For Chest?
- Looking to buy workout bike for cardio
- Inner chest woes
- sleep
- workout routines while juicing
- Please CRITIQUE my back........
- Deadlift grip
- Rest Pause Training
- Am I overtraining?
- Bench Press
- How can i motivate myself to do theses damn boring cardio machines
- Barbell rows
- Leg mass
- biceps are stuck
- Squats??
- shoulders after back
- workouts while on cycle
- Lower back and belts
- How much Cardio
- shoulder training theory
- cardio while trying to bulk
- Pilate and losin' weight
- this 2 much
- UberLifting Journal
- cardio after workout
- Chest, Triceps, and Bench Press
- getting rid of love handles
- Hack Squats
- What do u guys think about this routine???
- what split / days ?
- no increase in weight
- Happy Thanks Giving From Uber!
- OVT vs GVT
- HST and Cardio is 20 minutes enought UD2.0
- Uneven love handles! help
- Cardio two times a day?
- Wow my traps are thrashed
- anyone else experience this?
- bulking question?
- Pain in Forearms after armcurls??
- Tricep Mass
- What do you guys think about this workout
- Cutting Up
- opinions on best core exercises
- Glutes!
- working out hard enough????
- Jump Shoes/Plyometric Shoes
- problems with my bench
- Traps!!!
- Exercise for a girl
- cardio times
- Quads & Hams!
- A.M.-P.M. workouts
- Deadlift...
- mixing up cardio: OK?
- My arms are killing me......
- A.M. cardio ?
- Work out mind set? How do u get urs?
- 12 rep 6 set style?
- sumo deadlift VS conventionl deadlift information,good info for all
- strong chest
- 80-92% of max heart rate
- logic/science behind AM cardio...
- left bicep smaller than right?
- Drop Sets
- Average Delts
- Average delts
- left bi smaller than right bi

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