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  1. what is microprogression?
  2. Arm Training
  3. Traps. Shoulder or back day?
  4. bicep?
  5. How much cardio is too much
  6. new to the fitness forum
  7. Over developed lower chest
  8. Looking for poiters. Pix included.
  9. Chest Shock
  10. 10 hours of cardio a week...too much?
  11. Most Efficient Tricep Exercises?
  12. whats the bigger muscle group?
  13. Weak ass arm
  14. seperation in arms???
  15. notorious_mem workout routine
  16. New personal best
  17. starting my new cycle, need advice
  18. Newbie asking for help....
  19. Breathing during abs how important is it?
  20. Do I need steroids to compete?
  21. my routine pls critize it
  22. arm growth tactic
  23. Cutting Advice
  24. My Workout (Constructive criticism welcome!!)
  25. **Please Critique my future Routine**
  26. Complete Noob Tips on a workout plan?
  27. Getting back into it need help
  28. My New bulking Split...
  29. big lats
  30. Getting more quad mass
  31. Leg workout! Please feel free to critique!
  32. question about umbilical hernia
  33. How do I figure out my MHR?
  34. Which of these would be more effective for burning fat?
  35. On DC training, how long do I
  36. Gold's Gym OWNS Their Personal Trainers
  37. please critique my workout plan
  38. How to get Massive Delts!
  39. Chest lagging
  40. Hows my routine -
  41. Leg training and partnering up
  42. stuck on deads
  43. lifting on aas
  44. help with chest
  45. eliptical machines for weight loss.
  46. All about abs and the famous 6 pack
  47. newbie question
  48. Back & Biceps Workout
  49. Best workouts for quadricep mass
  50. weight belt?
  51. Pushups help bench?
  52. Too stiff to lift
  53. Lower outer pecs
  54. My deadlift confusion.......
  55. Traps
  56. Trap Thrashing
  57. Twice a day
  58. Hardgainer for traps! Need serious help please!
  59. HIIT Workouts
  60. Please Critque my Quad routine....
  61. D.C. "doggcrapp" training
  62. D.C. "doggcrapp" training
  63. training when doing cycle
  64. Chest & Triceps - Help For Tonight
  65. hurt my forearm doing preacher curl
  66. bulk or cut
  67. Smith Machine
  68. queation about this idea
  69. New training program, while i heal..
  70. Adding size to legs with knee problems
  71. Shrugs - Head Positioning?
  72. Monitering Your Progress
  73. Lower Back Overkill?
  74. Need help on my program
  75. Getting massive lats
  76. Tricep routine
  77. Bowflex Revolution
  78. Workout routine.
  79. Biceps and curls
  80. Anybody do rep contests w/ their lifting buddy?
  81. chest/tricep day help
  82. Interesting - 7 day split......
  83. no-xplode
  84. chest twice a week?
  85. fat burning
  86. Back & Biceps
  87. pre workout legs??????
  88. periodization program
  89. high volume training
  90. Deads for BACK!
  91. 2 X a week
  92. doing back 2nd time this week..
  93. Wide Grip Pull Downs?
  94. Growing again after PCT?
  95. Football workout, please critique
  96. Adding Mass To Chest
  97. DVD's workout videos,, please suggestions
  98. new split???
  99. Anyone ever train back and tri's.....?
  100. favorite rear delt exercises?
  101. offshore workout help
  102. Whats your work out??????
  103. order of workout matter?
  104. Painfull Vascularity in my forearm, Im worried!
  105. Sleep
  106. whats a good 5 day split?
  107. seperating chest and shoulders
  108. newwwbiee
  109. IB.D!! Where are your...
  110. bench contest
  111. My split, please CRitique!
  112. How is this workout: Opinions & comments wanted!
  113. overtraining??
  114. ONE Muscle group a day during bulking cycle
  115. mon-fri split?
  116. Delt Rotuine for Critique
  117. Changes to workout. Feedback please.
  118. is this true you?
  119. Warming Up Properly
  120. Is there a special way to wrap your knees?
  121. middle back/rhomboid development
  122. 3 Day Split!!!
  123. Dc Training for newbies
  124. Bulk up legs with strong cut upperbody?
  125. Cardio Debate
  126. weird question
  127. Old School Arnold Workouts .. Good or Bad?
  128. Chest problems
  129. Squat Progress...
  130. Traditional bench vs. Free weight bench
  131. Chest Issues
  132. Belly fat
  133. Quick question..
  134. Starting Supersquat routine
  135. Whats the best persontal trainer certification?
  136. at-home leg workout any1???
  137. Best Mass builders for tri's
  138. Routine feedback
  139. Work out for Arms
  140. Please Critique This Workout.
  141. strength on barbell vs dumbbell
  142. here's my routine, help me out.
  143. Strength
  144. Abs and Legs
  145. muscular hypertrophy
  146. How much is too much (weight loss)?
  147. No Chest or Delt Rotuine....
  148. training people at the gym
  149. ?? about my training...
  150. question on my training...
  151. taking measurements
  152. please critique my workout..
  153. Wrist's Hurt/Close Grip Tri's
  154. Mass For Abs
  155. Rear delts on back day?
  156. Shoulder cramps?
  157. empty stomach?
  158. exam prep sites ?
  159. Chin Ups
  160. SWOLECAT's leg routine?
  161. Best Barbell exercise for huge cannonball delts
  162. help me lose weight!
  163. Very Little Muscular Endurance?
  164. Abs and Agility?
  165. upper middle chest
  166. smith machine weights?
  167. Muay Thai and Weights?
  168. Trainning Programme
  169. help on weight gain,diet exercise pls
  170. Cardio while Bulking POLL!
  171. Weights before Cardio
  172. please critique this plan..
  173. Just got back into the mix of things. need to vent
  174. hit muscle twice a week now?
  175. What the *u@k?
  176. Xanax
  177. Strength without size?
  178. NEVER<> EVer<> Smoke
  179. hip joint pain squating
  180. Putting together a new workout..
  181. ACSM and pillars of training
  182. Wrist straps
  183. Too Much For Chest?
  184. Looking to buy workout bike for cardio
  185. Inner chest woes
  186. sleep
  187. workout routines while juicing
  188. Please CRITIQUE my back........
  189. Deadlift grip
  190. Rest Pause Training
  191. Am I overtraining?
  192. Bench Press
  193. How can i motivate myself to do theses damn boring cardio machines
  194. Barbell rows
  195. Leg mass
  196. biceps are stuck
  197. Squats??
  198. shoulders after back
  199. workouts while on cycle
  200. Lower back and belts
  201. How much Cardio
  202. shoulder training theory
  203. cardio while trying to bulk
  204. Pilate and losin' weight
  205. Powerlifter...is this 2 much
  206. UberLifting Journal
  207. cardio after workout
  208. Chest, Triceps, and Bench Press
  209. getting rid of love handles
  210. Hack Squats
  211. What do u guys think about this routine???
  212. what split / days ?
  213. no increase in weight
  214. Happy Thanks Giving From Uber!
  215. OVT vs GVT
  216. HST and Cardio is 20 minutes enought UD2.0
  217. Uneven love handles! help
  218. Cardio two times a day?
  219. Wow my traps are thrashed
  220. anyone else experience this?
  221. bulking question?
  222. Pain in Forearms after armcurls??
  223. Tricep Mass
  224. What do you guys think about this workout
  225. Cutting Up
  226. opinions on best core exercises
  227. Glutes!
  228. working out hard enough????
  229. Jump Shoes/Plyometric Shoes
  230. problems with my bench
  231. Traps!!!
  232. Exercise for a girl
  233. cardio times
  234. Quads & Hams!
  235. A.M.-P.M. workouts
  236. Deadlift...
  237. mixing up cardio: OK?
  238. My arms are killing me......
  239. A.M. cardio ?
  240. Work out mind set? How do u get urs?
  241. 12 rep 6 set style?
  242. sumo deadlift VS conventionl deadlift information,good info for all
  243. strong chest
  244. 80-92% of max heart rate
  245. logic/science behind AM cardio...
  246. left bicep smaller than right?
  247. Drop Sets
  248. Average Delts
  249. Average delts
  250. left bi smaller than right bi
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