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  1. Bicept Burning
  2. Should I Workout Every Injection?
  3. building forearms w/hand squeezer?
  4. help, anyone who has used the HIT program
  5. more workout ruotines
  6. anyone take a longer than average break from the gym??
  7. Lack of Bicep pump
  8. Please critique my split/workout routine
  9. superset question
  10. chest
  11. Weird Question
  12. Help plz
  13. I watch Mike Mentzer H.I.T DVD....
  14. Bicep workout
  15. Tommy Guns.. assorted questions
  16. difficulty getting bicep width
  17. Donkey Calf raises at any gym.
  18. sleeping after working out
  19. Delts/Traps workout
  20. Delts/Traps workout
  21. Chest Twice a Week
  22. Anybody with an Excel training log???
  23. Guys, Please Help my Biceps!!!
  24. Deadlifts And Stiffleg Deadlifts Is This Ok?
  25. Leg drive
  26. rear delts on fire
  27. Back sucks, how to enlarge dat ù$^ù??
  28. bulking but still wanna lose some!
  29. Cutting cycle
  30. Ouch, my legs!
  31. tricep pushdown form question need help
  32. shoulder routine
  33. Need some advice on routine
  34. Help With Tri's
  35. need some size for my shoulders
  36. This may be the most retarded question...
  37. Best time to run during a cutting workout...
  38. Who does cardio year round?
  39. Laggy Legs
  40. electrode muscle stimulators
  41. Inner thigh
  42. How often do you change your training routine?
  43. critique my workout
  44. 1 pec bigger than the other.........
  45. Traps
  46. chest routine help
  47. 1 big cardio session or 2 smaller ones?
  48. Gotta love the Dorian Yates style of training!!!
  49. IS this ok?
  50. Heart Rate Fluctuation
  51. is this fine?
  52. S.C's Bi Routine!!!
  53. soft six packs
  54. Bi's Are Still Sore
  55. my 4 day split plz critique!!!!!
  56. workout advice..
  57. what is the difference ?
  58. Bench Press Grip
  59. jumprope for cardio?
  60. Pushups And Dips On An Off Day To Help Chest?
  61. Upper body Good , Shitty legs
  62. Board presses, high bar squats, box squats
  63. Bike vs Eliptical
  64. Does working out your legs boost test levels?
  65. Bench Question
  66. muscle tone and strength.
  67. Abs
  68. V shaped back.....how?
  69. Chinup Question
  70. what should i do
  71. lats
  72. Too much, too little or what? My liftin routine.
  73. Bf %
  74. quick cardio questions!!! please help!!!! how fast is 75%MHR?
  75. Dead lift?
  76. Summer sun workout journal
  77. Is this a good routine or a bad one?
  78. v shaped lower abs
  79. Obese, and wanna make a change
  80. Running vs. bike
  81. mornning cadio?
  82. My workout-
  83. Having trouble desiging a routine
  84. Overtraining the Abs?
  85. unbalanced biceps
  86. need to increse arm and abs
  87. Back Workout : When to Dealift
  88. Overtraining again. Anyone have a solution?
  89. cardio delima
  90. wndomorph training program
  91. HIT routine while on SD?
  92. bench
  93. Shoulder Presses
  94. Squat stance
  95. Question about some excersizes
  96. Barbell Curls Vs EZ Barbell Curls
  97. any1 get this from standing military press?
  98. Test E and Deadlifts don't mix
  99. Knees drift in on Leg Press
  100. this enough to shock muscles?
  101. Johans journal revived revived
  102. changed squat technique
  103. Is Taking 2 Days Off In A Row Bad?
  104. when deadlifting do u drag the bar along your shins?
  105. Weightlifting in the morning....
  106. Smith Squat vs. Free Weight Squat...
  107. Run Jump & Stamina
  108. Deadlift vs Stiff Legged Deadlift
  109. Body Pump
  110. Squats and Chicks
  111. bodybuilding vidoes
  112. Critique my shoulder day
  113. how to do...?
  114. weight plateau
  115. Need some advice.
  116. push pull
  117. Need workout advice!!!
  118. stretch marks
  119. Lifts
  120. Work Out Advice
  121. Best bulking exercises for side and rear delt heads?
  122. terrible muscle knots
  123. So, I took the last month off from real life..
  124. Tricep Lock Out
  125. Who has had success training each BP 2 or more X a week? Need more input for new rtn.
  126. Soreness...Good or Bad Sign?
  127. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  128. Damnit!
  129. 440 raw bench
  130. close grip bench press..
  131. Tri's I need some Tri's
  132. Do you get all excited?
  133. How often do you stretch your muscles?
  134. Which days and what!
  135. Maxing out on bench press question
  136. Arch
  137. ANNOYED AS HELL! why is it sometimes my muscles dont get hard post WO?
  138. what do you guys consider over training?
  139. newb asking questions
  140. Quick chest and shoulders question
  141. how many days off after first inj. to do legs?
  142. New routine
  143. Neck Injury...
  144. sire again
  145. Outter Biceps need work???
  146. training
  147. fat burning
  148. Time for a routine change
  149. Q on form...
  150. Squat and bench question
  151. Incline Bench Angle
  152. Favorite/Best Exercises for each Bodypart
  153. need new routine sorted out..plz advice
  154. Biceps???
  155. Retiring Deadlift...
  156. 1 Year Measurements...
  157. Any ideas for Bicep growth?
  158. So If.....
  159. Working different muscle groups in workout???
  160. Box Squats turn into back workout?
  161. Opinions on how many exercises/sets are needed to completely exhaustmuscles
  162. What to do when taking your week off for resting??????HELP
  163. Not trying to be stupid, but its late and I need help
  164. gains great, but problem gaining in arms!!
  165. stubborn calves
  166. Switching from HIIT cardio to slow cardio, need advice
  167. Working out when sick..?
  168. Houston Trainers
  169. Surgery
  170. Workout routine for my Girlfriend
  171. Manta ray!
  172. beef up around the wrist?
  173. Cardio while bulking
  174. A Must Read For All Athletes!
  175. cardio bros!
  176. plateau
  177. Absolutely the strongest back workout I've ever had!!!
  178. Rotator Cuff
  179. Abs and Me
  180. Did I overtrain guys?
  181. 4 days to train per week, hows this?
  182. bis with tris or bis with back and tris with chest
  183. have fun ripping your back apart with this...
  184. how much strength loss durring cutting
  185. Chest
  186. need new routine what you think?
  187. Abdominal Fat
  188. what do you think of this training method?
  189. basketball ankles hurt!!
  190. standing..
  191. Rollerblading for Cardio
  192. Mentzer's way "HIT"
  193. Doggcrap/HIT Hybrid
  194. helping recovery time drastically
  195. Need help on traps
  196. Workout on steroids
  197. static contractions for delts?
  198. Chest growing to the side instead of outward
  199. Squats
  200. High Intensity vs Low Intensity for cutting
  201. Running after a leg workout
  202. How?
  203. Has anybody else used the new Nautilus Explode machines?
  204. is this a good price?????????
  205. Strength but not size.
  206. lower back/kidney area pain when lifting
  207. cleans?
  208. Online Personal training courses UK
  209. Chest routine......too much?
  210. bicep curls
  211. Legs Day question
  212. thinking of becoming a personal trainer
  213. Abs lacking presence
  214. Shaping the muscles
  215. Muscle Endurance
  216. Bench press maching
  217. My Cardio Is Ridiculous!!!
  218. Do you guys change to a powerlifting rountine completly??!!
  219. pct
  220. any suggestions on a good work-out program?
  221. Looking to gain lean/cut fat, fast
  222. tricep question need help
  223. A few Cardio Questions..
  224. Online Vdeos Of Lifts
  225. Am I Over Doing It????
  226. need adivive on calf training
  227. Floor bench press
  228. wanted to thank you guys
  229. your thoughts on this workout for cutting up and getting in shape
  230. Good shape
  231. routine while on cycle ?
  232. Best way to gain endurance and stamina?
  233. Power/Rep Range/Shock routine
  234. Over training or under recovering?
  235. overtraining, yet still making gains?
  236. HIT and HST Routine Questions
  237. changing my workout up
  238. cardio ?
  239. Heart Rate Question
  240. proportion problem, HELP
  241. I'm goning to quit workout
  242. help me get bigger biceps..
  243. Quad pump doing calves?
  244. low reps/high reps?
  245. Help! Starting over after gyno surg. (help with new workout/diet)
  246. workout for a kid ?
  247. best colleges
  248. For beginners
  249. rear delts w/ no weight
  250. hand-grippers for forearm size?
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