- Bicept Burning
- Should I Workout Every Injection?
- building forearms w/hand squeezer?
- help, anyone who has used the HIT program
- more workout ruotines
- anyone take a longer than average break from the gym??
- Lack of Bicep pump
- Please critique my split/workout routine
- superset question
- chest
- Weird Question
- Help plz
- I watch Mike Mentzer H.I.T DVD....
- Bicep workout
- Tommy Guns.. assorted questions
- difficulty getting bicep width
- Donkey Calf raises at any gym.
- sleeping after working out
- Delts/Traps workout
- Delts/Traps workout
- Chest Twice a Week
- Anybody with an Excel training log???
- Guys, Please Help my Biceps!!!
- Deadlifts And Stiffleg Deadlifts Is This Ok?
- Leg drive
- rear delts on fire
- Back sucks, how to enlarge dat ù$^ù??
- bulking but still wanna lose some!
- Cutting cycle
- Ouch, my legs!
- tricep pushdown form question need help
- shoulder routine
- Need some advice on routine
- Help With Tri's
- need some size for my shoulders
- This may be the most retarded question...
- Best time to run during a cutting workout...
- Who does cardio year round?
- Laggy Legs
- electrode muscle stimulators
- Inner thigh
- How often do you change your training routine?
- critique my workout
- 1 pec bigger than the other.........
- Traps
- chest routine help
- 1 big cardio session or 2 smaller ones?
- Gotta love the Dorian Yates style of training!!!
- IS this ok?
- Heart Rate Fluctuation
- is this fine?
- S.C's Bi Routine!!!
- soft six packs
- Bi's Are Still Sore
- my 4 day split plz critique!!!!!
- workout advice..
- what is the difference ?
- Bench Press Grip
- jumprope for cardio?
- Pushups And Dips On An Off Day To Help Chest?
- Upper body Good , Shitty legs
- Board presses, high bar squats, box squats
- Bike vs Eliptical
- Does working out your legs boost test levels?
- Bench Question
- muscle tone and strength.
- Abs
- V shaped
- Chinup Question
- what should i do
- lats
- Too much, too little or what? My liftin routine.
- Bf %
- quick cardio questions!!! please help!!!! how fast is 75%MHR?
- Dead lift?
- Summer sun workout journal
- Is this a good routine or a bad one?
- v shaped lower abs
- Obese, and wanna make a change
- Running vs. bike
- mornning cadio?
- My workout-
- Having trouble desiging a routine
- Overtraining the Abs?
- unbalanced biceps
- need to increse arm and abs
- Back Workout : When to Dealift
- Overtraining again. Anyone have a solution?
- cardio delima
- wndomorph training program
- HIT routine while on SD?
- bench
- Shoulder Presses
- Squat stance
- Question about some excersizes
- Barbell Curls Vs EZ Barbell Curls
- any1 get this from standing military press?
- Test E and Deadlifts don't mix
- Knees drift in on Leg Press
- this enough to shock muscles?
- Johans journal revived revived
- changed squat technique
- Is Taking 2 Days Off In A Row Bad?
- when deadlifting do u drag the bar along your shins?
- Weightlifting in the morning....
- Smith Squat vs. Free Weight Squat...
- Run Jump & Stamina
- Deadlift vs Stiff Legged Deadlift
- Body Pump
- Squats and Chicks
- bodybuilding vidoes
- Critique my shoulder day
- how to do...?
- weight plateau
- Need some advice.
- push pull
- Need workout advice!!!
- stretch marks
- Lifts
- Work Out Advice
- Best bulking exercises for side and rear delt heads?
- terrible muscle knots
- So, I took the last month off from real life..
- Tricep Lock Out
- Who has had success training each BP 2 or more X a week? Need more input for new rtn.
- Soreness...Good or Bad Sign?
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Damnit!
- 440 raw bench
- close grip bench press..
- Tri's I need some Tri's
- Do you get all excited?
- How often do you stretch your muscles?
- Which days and what!
- Maxing out on bench press question
- Arch
- ANNOYED AS HELL! why is it sometimes my muscles dont get hard post WO?
- what do you guys consider over training?
- newb asking questions
- Quick chest and shoulders question
- how many days off after first inj. to do legs?
- New routine
- Neck Injury...
- sire again
- Outter Biceps need work???
- training
- fat burning
- Time for a routine change
- Q on form...
- Squat and bench question
- Incline Bench Angle
- Favorite/Best Exercises for each Bodypart
- need new routine sorted out..plz advice
- Biceps???
- Retiring Deadlift...
- 1 Year Measurements...
- Any ideas for Bicep growth?
- So If.....
- Working different muscle groups in workout???
- Box Squats turn into back workout?
- Opinions on how many exercises/sets are needed to completely exhaustmuscles
- What to do when taking your week off for resting??????HELP
- Not trying to be stupid, but its late and I need help
- gains great, but problem gaining in arms!!
- stubborn calves
- Switching from HIIT cardio to slow cardio, need advice
- Working out when sick..?
- Houston Trainers
- Surgery
- Workout routine for my Girlfriend
- Manta ray!
- beef up around the wrist?
- Cardio while bulking
- A Must Read For All Athletes!
- cardio bros!
- plateau
- Absolutely the strongest back workout I've ever had!!!
- Rotator Cuff
- Abs and Me
- Did I overtrain guys?
- 4 days to train per week, hows this?
- bis with tris or bis with back and tris with chest
- have fun ripping your back apart with this...
- how much strength loss durring cutting
- Chest
- need new routine what you think?
- Abdominal Fat
- what do you think of this training method?
- basketball ankles hurt!!
- standing..
- Rollerblading for Cardio
- Mentzer's way "HIT"
- Doggcrap/HIT Hybrid
- helping recovery time drastically
- Need help on traps
- Workout on steroids
- static contractions for delts?
- Chest growing to the side instead of outward
- Squats
- High Intensity vs Low Intensity for cutting
- Running after a leg workout
- How?
- Has anybody else used the new Nautilus Explode machines?
- is this a good price?????????
- Strength but not size.
- lower back/kidney area pain when lifting
- cleans?
- Online Personal training courses UK
- Chest routine......too much?
- bicep curls
- Legs Day question
- thinking of becoming a personal trainer
- Abs lacking presence
- Shaping the muscles
- Muscle Endurance
- Bench press maching
- My Cardio Is Ridiculous!!!
- Do you guys change to a powerlifting rountine completly??!!
- pct
- any suggestions on a good work-out program?
- Looking to gain lean/cut fat, fast
- tricep question need help
- A few Cardio Questions..
- Online Vdeos Of Lifts
- Am I Over Doing It????
- need adivive on calf training
- Floor bench press
- wanted to thank you guys
- your thoughts on this workout for cutting up and getting in shape
- Good shape
- routine while on cycle ?
- Best way to gain endurance and stamina?
- Power/Rep Range/Shock routine
- Over training or under recovering?
- overtraining, yet still making gains?
- HIT and HST Routine Questions
- changing my workout up
- cardio ?
- Heart Rate Question
- proportion problem, HELP
- I'm goning to quit workout
- help me get bigger biceps..
- Quad pump doing calves?
- low reps/high reps?
- Help! Starting over after gyno surg. (help with new workout/diet)
- workout for a kid ?
- best colleges
- For beginners
- rear delts w/ no weight
- hand-grippers for forearm size?

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